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Date: 7th December 2016

Title: Globalstar Helped Natural History Unit Film Wildlife Migrations Across Arctic and Africa


Globalstar satellite technology supported filming of documentary TV series about long-distance animal
Film crews from BBC Natural History Unit and co-production partner PBS used Globalstar satphones and
SPOT devices to co-ordinate logistics and ensure safety of personnel
Production on Natures Epic Journeys was completed in Spring 2016, and the series has since been
watched by millions of PBS and BBC viewers

Dublin, Ireland, December 7, 2016 Globalstar Europe Satellite Services Ltd., a

wholly owned subsidiary of Globalstar Inc. (NYSE MKT: GSAT) and the leader in
satellite messaging and emergency notification technologies, announced today that
its SPOT Gen3 safety devices and GSP-1700 satellite phones were used by BBC and
PBS film crews as they tracked wildlife mass migrations in Africa, USA and Canada for
major documentary series Natures Epic Journeys.

The Bristol-based BBC Natural History Unit and US public broadcaster PBS co-
produced the landmark series of documentary films in 2015 and 2016. To make the
programmes, film crews and scientists undertook multiple journeys to track and record
caribou migrating across the remote Arctic of Canada and Alaska; herds of elephants
traversing the expanses of East Africa; and herds of zebra as they travelled across

Natures Epic Journeys features high quality footage of the animals undertaking the
mass migration, but a large part of the story the filmmakers wanted to tell is how
camera crews followed and filmed them, regardless of the hardships involved.

Highlighting how technology plays a pivotal role in wildlife television production, the
team used a suite of solutions including satellite tracking, bespoke mapping, and
migration pattern analysis software developed by the scientists travelling with the film
As the film crews tracked the wildlife many of which are already GPS tagged on
foot, from helicopters and 44 vehicles, they carried SPOT Gen3 safety devices and
Globalstar GSP-1700 satellite phones. This allowed the team at base camp to be in
constant communication and able to track their colleagues in the field and, if needed, to
provide emergency help.

A dedicated SPOT web page with Google Maps showed the movements of the SPOT
satellite devices as the crew tracked the animals. This allowed the production team at
base to keep up with the locations of the crews at all times, wherever the herds led

An important requirement was the need to ensure crew safety as the teams followed
wild animals across thousands of miles in some of the most remote and inhospitable
environments imaginable. The crew used SPOTs check-in feature to send periodic
messages to colleagues, keeping them apprised of the teams movements, as well as
sending regular email notifications confirming that all was OK.

The crew used their GSP-1700 satellite phones to co-ordinate re-supplies as well as
talk to editorial and production teams back at the BBC and PBS. Also, they used the
satphones to check in with friends and family back home.

In the event of an emergency, SPOTs SOS button instantly sends the users GPS co-
ordinates to alert first responders. Fortunately, there was never a need for the crew to
activate this service but everyone valued the peace of mind.

About Globalstar

Globalstar is a leading provider of mobile satellite voice and data services, leveraging
the worlds most modern mobile satellite communications network. Customers around
the world in industries like government, emergency management, marine, logging, oil &
gas and outdoor recreation rely on Globalstar to conduct business smarter and faster,
maintain peace of mind and access emergency personnel. Globalstar data solutions are
ideal for various asset and personal tracking, data monitoring and SCADA applications.
The Companys products include mobile and fixed satellite telephones, the innovative
Sat-Fi satellite hotspot, Simplex and Duplex satellite data modems, tracking devices
and flexible service packages.
Note that all SPOT products described in this press release are the products of SPOT
LLC, which is not affiliated in any manner with Spot Image of Toulouse, France or Spot
Image Corporation of Chantilly, Virginia. SPOT Connect is a trademark of SPOT LLC.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

For media information, please contact:

Cynthia Ritchie
White Tiger Communications
+44 7799 768464

This press release was distributed by the International Trade Council.

International Trade Council Member news does not necessarily represent the views of
the Trade Council nor the Council's employees. For more information on the
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