D&D 3.0 - Fall of Frostsilver (Stufe 4 x5)

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_ _ _ _ _I.MIRODUCTlQN the players do rest, th e goblin archers from area 8 replace

Frostsilver was abandoned centuries ago by th e Frostsilver the goblin arc hers in area 1. Whether th ey encounter the
clan of dwarves and lost to h istory, but with an ancient map PCs or not, they flee back to the ch apel to warn the drow
- 1>
discovered in their last adventure the PCs migh t be able to find and duergar. If warned of an attack, the d row, duergar, and
it and restore the dwarven clan-ho me to its form er glory. It has goblins fro m area 8, an d the bu gb ears from area 7, hide
bee n gene ratio ns since any dwarf has laid eyes on th e place. be hi nd cover in t he chape l. There th ey patiently wait for
W hat m igh t now live there , and how far has it fallen? the PCs, attacking as soon as t hey open the doors into the
The Fa ll of Frostsilver is a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS' chapel (and likely gaining a surprise round).
adventure designed for five 4th-level ch aracters .

The m ap shows t he parts of Frostsi lver open to the PCs'

As Dungeon Mas te r of th is adventure, you need the contents explora tio n. Area I represents a hall t hat leads to the
of the adve nture ki t and two book s: th e Player's Handbook en tra nce cha mber. Directly beh in d where t he PCs start
(PH) and the Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG). The Monster (off the m ap) is a mou ntain pat h and th e howling winds
Manual and the FORGOTrENREALMS' CampaignSetting are n ot of t he Sp ine of the World.
necessary, bu t th ey co uld be useful , especially if you want
to continue the adve nture beyo nd its norm al end. CEILINGS
The encou nte rs in th is adven t ure are des igne d for use Indoor ceilings are 10 feet high, except area I and area 8.
wi th DUNGEONS & DRAGONS m iniatures. The kit provided
wi th this adve nture gives you all the m iniatur es you need. WALLS
Alt ho ug h cards acco mpany th e miniatures, you do not need The walls of Fros tsilver are made of mortared stone adorned
the cards whi le run ni ng th e adventure. here an d th ere wit h bas-reliefs of dwarven abstract patterns
The poster m ap reveals th e en tire dun geon to the players. as well as sce nes of dwarven life.
Th at's okay, but if you'd like to revea l th e m ap as th e PCs Masonry Walls: 5 ft . thick (or more); hardness 8; hp
explore it, use some shee ts of paper or books to cover areas 450 ; break DC 55; Cli mb DC 20.
of the ma p tha t th e PCs can't yet see.
Frosrsilver contains many sets of double doors.The se are kept
ADVENTURE close d against the cold wind of th e mountains. Th e doors
BACKGROUND A~D SYNQESlS. are all si mp le wooden doors without working lock s. Th ey
During th eir last adven ture in Icewind Dale, th e PCs were once of mu ch higher qua lit y with amazing locks, but
di scovered a trail map th at showed a forgotten pass t hroug h time has rendered them weak.
th e mountain s of th e Spine ofthe World. M arked cle arly on Simple Wooden Door: 2 in . thick; AC 3; hardness 5;
th e ancient parchment is the n ame "Frostsilver" in Dwarven. hp 10; break DC 13 (if stuck).
Durven and M orn , brother dwarves, ins ta ntly recognized
it as th e lon g lost ho me of their forb earers. It s red iscovery ILLUMINATION
might be as grea t an event in Icewind Dale as th e resurgence The current in habitants ofFrostsilver don't req uire light and
of the famed Mi th ral H all. keep th e complex dark. The only exception is area 8 where
Eager to see th e source ofth e dwarves' namesake and what th e d row have th e goblins keep a fire going to warm the large
wealth it migh t still hold, th e PCs set out into th e mountain s, roo m . Th is area is br igh tly lit .
follow ing their map.They find Frostsi lver, but the once-gr and
place is in rui ns and shows signs of habitation by goblins. CAVE-INS
The goblinoids have used Frostsilver as th eir home for some Six rubble tiles on the map in dicate cave-ins. Th ese app ear
tim e, but now a more insidious th reat resides am id the ru ins in areas I , 2, 5, 7, and 8. A PC can stand in an area of rubble,
of th e dwarven hold. A drow and duergar, agents of a gro up of but to progress any fur ther wou ld mean moving tons ofrock.
Underdark slavers,live in th e complex, using th e goblins as their The re's no im me dia te danger of furt her collapse, but if the
serva nts and spies.They seek to learn more ofth e surrou nding players becom e too interested in digging out a cave-in during
region, capture large numbers of surface dwellers,and sell them. the course of th e advent ure, feel free to de scribe om inous
The PCs must defeat th ese foes to reclaim Frostsilver. ru mbling an d falli ng stones to keep them on track. Rubble
tiles are treated as heavy deb ris.
RESTING DURING THEADVENTURE Heavy Debris: It cos ts 2 squares of movement to ente r
Th e PCs sho u ld n't need to rest durin g the adventure unless a squa re wit h heavy debris. Heavy debris adds 5 to th e DC of
thin gs go very poorly. Should th e need arise, remi nd the Balance and Tu mble checks, and it imposes a -5 penalty on
players th at resting outside in the bli zzard is impossible and M ove Silently checks. Running or charging through heavy
th ey mu st th er efore res t within easy reac h of th eir foes. If deb ris is impossible.

succeed at spotting the krensh ars are not surprised when the
Aft er a lon g h ike up a freezing peak in th e Spine of th e krenshars attack (see the associated tactical encounter).
w orld , th e heroes arrive at an en tra nce into th e mountain .
As th ey ge t th er e, th e winds beg in to howl th rough th e As yo u step into the gloomy interior and peer about, you can't
mountain s and sno w, blessedly abse nt for th e last day, help but notice the fallm columns that litter the shattered floor.
beg ins to cut th rou gh th e co ld ai r. Frostsilver lies in ruins, and worse still,fro m the graffiti on the
walls it lookslikegoblinshave taken up residence. It also smellsas
1. COLONNADED HALL if they might have some wolvesorworgs with them.
Start the PCs on th e edge of th e map in area 1. Ju st as you have that thought, two gray-furred ca ninefo rms
leap up fro m behind thefall en columns!
You reach the top of thetrail yo u've bemfo llowing up the mountain
for the pastthreedays. A freezing wind begins to howl, snow begins The krenshars attack immediately. Tu rn to the tactical
to fall , and yo u feel a blizzard on the way. The trail ends before a encoun ter to reso lve what happens next.
wide al1i tall tunnel into tile mountain that isclearly ofdwarven Tactical Encounter: Encou nt er 1: Co lonnaded Hall
co nstruction. You'vefound Frostsilver! on page 6.
Statues : Two cracked and chipped statues of dwarves
This entrance was once a grand colon naded hall, but it suffers stand outside th e main entrance to Frostsilver. Both Morn and
now fro m decades of negl ect . The ceiling in the hall is 30 Durven recogni ze one as a represent ation of their favored deity
feet high . Light from outside renders th e hall of colu m ns Mor adin , but the other is more of a mystery due to th e damage
shadowy, while the entran ce cha mber where th e goblins it has sustained. Morn can make a DC 15 Knowledge (religion)
stand is completely dark. Two kr en shars hide amid th e fallen check to recogni ze it as an ancient depiction of Dumathoin, the
colu mns in th is area, while four goblin archers stand out of dwarven deity of buried wealth and guardian of the dead.These
Sight in th e en trance ch amb er proper. same statu es appear in pairs elsewhere in Frostsilver.
Have the playersmakeSpotchecks opposed by the krenshars' Double Doors: Three sets of doubl e doors lead out of
Hid e checks (H ide +4) and then read the following read-aloud th e entry chamber. One leads to area 2 and an other to area
text. Remember to penalize the characters -1 for every 10 feet 3, as indicated by the map. The third set of doors opens into
of distance between them and the hiding krenshars. PCs who a collapsed hallway filled with rubbl e.

2. W ELCOM E H ALL bodies- nothing remains but afew shards ofbone andscraps ofdusty
The wall bears acarvingofa dwarf woman upending agoblet,and cloth strewn about thefloor. Allhasbeendesecrated, allbut for a large
..... clear waterflows out ofthegoblet and intoa widefou ntain itl this
roo m. Two halls exit the chamber, but one is collapsed. Before the
sarcophagus set in anicheon thefar wall. The sarcophagus has writing
inscribed on it and bears theimage ofa dwarfwarrior on its lid.
collapsed hall lies a gaping hole in thefloor.
This chamber appears to be a welcome hall, a place where The goblinoids took all the bon es from the crypt and moved
travelers couldrefresh themselves withcool mountain water andwash th em to th e area 5. What ar tifac ts th ey didn't use, they hurled
so meoftheroad dirt offtheir faces. Fro m the watersplashed about, into th e hole in area 2 (wh ich is how the drow found the
it looks like thegoblins have been using it for justsuch a purpose. chi mney up to Frostsilver). The treasure from th e crypt
was offered to th e d row after th eir invasion and do mi nation
The welcome h all is just as it appears, and the foun tain 's cold of the goblinoi ds. There is no thing of interest in the crypt
waters are safe to dr in k. If th e PCs searc h the room, th ey have now besides the sarcophag us, which th e goblins were too
a cha nce of fi nding two more clues abo ut th eir foes. superstitious to tamper wit h .
A Search check res ult of I I or mor e reveals some Sarcophagus: PCs inves tigating the sarcophagus find
relative ly rece n t footpr in ts du e to th e puddles on th e floor. an inscription in Dwarven on its top, whic h reads , "Garru n
Some are obv iously those of goblins and th e kr en sh ars, but Fros ts ilver, once beloved of M oradin and hero of the guard .
one set is like th e goblins but larger. Forever at war with our foes and ti reless in his duty, he could
A Search check res ult of IS or more revea ls some not stop figh ting even whe n all foes had falle n. May he find
cli mbing equ ipment delibe rately h idden in th e rubble besi de peace and rest at last." Another Dwarven inscription along
the ho le in the floor. As a PC picks it up, a harmless bu t big th e ri m of th e sarcophag us lid reads, "Dist ur b my rest and
spider cra wls out of it and d rop s into th e hole. The cli mbi ng the shadow of dea th sha ll enshroud you."
gear incl udes two cli mbe r's ki ts (PH 130) an d two 50-foot An old and powerful shadow-all that remains of the
coi ls of silk rope. O ne cli mber's k it looks to be of dwarven res tless spirit of Garru n-resides wit hin the sarcophagus
m ake, and th e other bears spider and web mot ifs. but it does not leave it unless the sarcophagus is disturbed .
Hole: This is th e hole th e d row an d du ergar cli mbed If any PC opens or damages the sarcophagus, the encounter
up to reach Fros tsi lver. It d rop s hund red s of feet in to th e starts. Read the following text aloud should that occur:
mo untai n. If a player th rows in a su nrod or rock, th e thrown
object see ms to fall for ages before vanis h ing Silently into th e The room seems to darken and you get a chill as a wisp of what
dark ness. The hole leads to an anc ient m agma chi m ney in lookslikeblack smokerises fro m thesarcophagus.The wisp becomes
the mountain , and fro m th ere in to caverns that even tually a vaguely humanoid shadow as it rises above the sarcophagus,
spiral into th e Underdark. Climbi ng th e shaft below th e moaning in rage and reaching out with a thin, shadowy arm!
hole requires a DC IS Cli mb check. There sho u ld n't be any
reaso n for a PC to fall in to th e hole, but sho uld th at h app en , Treasure: Inside the sarcophagus isasuit of masterwork full
allow the character a DC IS Refl ex save to catch th e edge . plate, a +1 returtlingthrowing axe, and boots ofthe winterlands. See
th e Dungeon Master's Guide for detai ls about the magic items.
3. GOBLIN SYMBOL Tactical Encounter: E ncounter 2: Frostsilver Crypt
The floor of this square chamber bears a huge symbol drawn in on page 7.
some creature's blood. Three other sets ofdoors exit the room. One
ofthem is adorned with the same symbol draw n in blood.Around 5. WINDY HALL
this door, the ancient Frostsilverdwarves carved images of great Yo u ope n to door intoa hall and feel a cold wind blOWing. Ahead
dwarf heroes and these words, "Their work in this world is do ne. youcan see thehallbranch to theleftand right. At this intersection
Now they serve at Moradin'sside." thefloor hasbroken andfallen away.

After defiling the Frostsilver crypt, the goblins supers titio usly Bot h Durven and Morn can make a free DC 10 Search
drew a warding symbol on th e floor in th e h all and on th e c heck withi n 10 feet of t he nearest squares adjacent to
door to th e crypt usin g the blood of a yeti they m an aged the crevasse in the floor. If successful, t h ey immediately
to kill. The sym bol is harmless, but a DC 20 Kno wledge recog nize those squares as unstable . They seem safe
(religion) check reveals to th e player that it is a sy mbo l used eno ugh to cross if one b alan ces carefully.
by goblins to su m mon th e protection of th eir god Maglubi yet, When t he PCs n ear th e crevasse , read or paraphrase
th e patron deity of goblinoi ds. the following:

4. FROSTSILVER CRYPT The chilly wind that moans through this hall is blOWing up
This strangely shaped chamber iswithout do ubt one ofthe Frostsilver fro m a long crevasse that extendsdown a hall that hascollapsed.
crypts, but something is terribly wrong! None of the niches in the The crevasse nearest you appears to be about 20 feet deep, but it
walls bear any remains. Their arms and armor, their hallowed grows much deeper down the hall.

Given the unstable flooring, the PCs might attempt to jump 7. H ALL OF ALCOV ES
over the span or use rope s to climb down into the crevasse. This hall of shadowy alcoves holdsa setof doubledoors to the left, and
Allow them to deal with it as rhe y may. acrossfro m you is anothercollapsed hallway.
Two ice meph its have just arrived in Frostsilver after
exploring a small tunnel into the mountain. They are Two bugbears stand guard in this chamber. If the y heard
hiding out of sight behind the edge of the deeper part of the PCs in area 6, they are hiding in the alcoves . If not, they
the crevasse, and they attack when th e PCs are in the mi ds t stand in th e area ope n ly. Turn to Encounter 4 to resolve the
of cros sing th e crevasse (preferably when some PCs are on rest of the action in this area. Sounds of combat in this area
one side and so me are on the other or in the pit ). When are loud enough to alert th e denizens in area 8.
this happens, read or paraphrase th e following text: Tact ic al En cou n t er : Encounter 4 : Hall of Alc oves
on page 9.
Youhearshrieking laughter andseetwowinged creatures fly upout
of the deeper reaches of the crevasse. The humanoids are halfling- 8. CHAPEL
sized, but each appears to be madeof ice. You open thedoor intoa chapel lit byafire on a lO-foot-tall wooden
stage. On that high stage stand fourgoblillS, and peeking around a
Unst able Floor Squares: The squares adjacent to comer behind them you see a balding male dwarf with white hair
the crevasse ne arest the PCs' point of entry are unstable. A andgrayskin. Supematural gloom shrouds partofthechamber,and
creature can move through them without danger by moving standing within the gloom ,blocking your patl1 betweenthepews, is an
at half speed and making a successful DC 8 Balance check. elfwith white hair andskin thecolor of night. He wields alongsword
If a creature does not move th rou gh the m at half spee d or and shield,and he arrogantly waves you in to fight him.
fails the Balance check, it must succeed at a DC IS Reflex
save or fall into the crevasse , hi tting bottom 20 feet below The gray-skinned dwarf is actually a duergar named
and taking 2d6 points of damage. Varnok ; the black-skinned elf is a draw named Killian .
Crevasse: The nearest four squares of the crevasse are Until the y heard the combat in area 7, Varnok was standing
just 20 feet below the floor of the hall, but the other squares on the stage and saying a prayer to hi s god while Killian
dip to a depth of 60 feet. At the base of th is deeper area is a lou nged in a pew. H avin g heard the PCs ' battl e with the
z-foot diame ter hole th rou gh whic h th e cold mountain air bugbears, th ey are ins tead prep ared to fig h t as de scribed
blows . Beyond the hole is a long tu nnel th at even tually exits in tact ical encounter 5.
on the sheer face of the mountain. Climbing the side of the Tactical Encounter: Encounter 5:Chapel on page 10.
creva sse requires a DC IS Climb check. Treasure: Varnok and Killian collected the magical
Tactical Encounter: Encounter 3: Windy Hall on equipment the goblins found in the Frostsilver crypt and
pag e 8. stashed it in a ches t. They placed th is chest down the stairs
from the rear of the stage. They did not use th is equipment
6. CHAMBER OF BONES as th ey h ave yet to identify it. The ches t is not locked and
Beyond thedoor you see agrisly horror.The bones ofdozens ofdwarves contains th e followi ng items : scroll ofrestoration, elixirofhiding,
havebeen heaped into a pile andsculpted into a pyramid. Apparently cloak ofresistancc +1, wand ofcure light wounds (22 charges).
thegoblillS took the bones to build some sort oftribute to their deity.

Durven and Morn know that the bones of the dwarves

shou ld no t remain like this , bu t moving th e bon es back to Having defeated the goblinoids and slavers, the PCs can take
the cry pts could take hours. possession of Frostsilver. Morn and Durven can return their
If the PCs talk in th is room, knock dow n the pyramid of ancestors to solemn state in the crypt, as befits the beloved
bones, or otherwise make much noise, the bugbears in area 7 children of Moradin. Ofcourse, Frostsilver can still be a placeof
are alert ed to the PCs' presence and thus cannot be surprised. adventure.Who knows what lies behind the caved-in hallsor what
If th e PCs stop to listen at the doors leading to the rooms migh t still come up from the caverns in the mountain?
beyond , the y must succeed at a DC 19 Listen check to hear If you wan t to conti n ue th e adven ture immediately,
distant cha n ting. It's impossi ble to make out what is being consider having some goblino ids and kre nsh ars return after
said, but it sounds like a ma le dwarve n voice. The PCs can't a patro l. A goo d way to handle this is to have a PC outside
hear the bugbears because they don't move. spo t the returning par ty as it moves up th e trail to Frostsilver.
Bone Pyramid: The pyramid of dwarf bones hold s This gives the PCs the chance to set up an ambush of their
nothing of value , but even casual examination reveals that choosing inside Fros tsilver, If the PCs are fresh and rested
it could easily come tumbling down ifbones are removed. A when you run this encounter, consider making it an EL 6
PC can see nothing of value or interest by looking at it, an d or 7 enco unter as th e gobli ns tend to go down quickly, and
if a player insis ts on searc hi ng it, it comes clatt ering down th e PCs have th e advan tage of choos ing th e battleground.
despite the PC's best in tentions.

Fallen Column: It takes 2 squares ofmovement to enter
.; ENCOUNTER I: a square with a fallen column. A fallen column can provide
COLONNADED HAll eEL 3) cover. A creature standing on a fallen column gains a +1 bonus
Se t u p: Two krenshars (K) attack the PCs from hiding, alerting on attack roll s for standing on higher ground when making
four goblin archers (A). PCs who succeeded at the Spot check to a melee attack against a foe standing on the ground. Squares
see the hiding krenshars can roll initiative and participate in the with broken chucks ofa column (as opposed to a square largel y
krenshars' surprise round. Other PCs and the goblin archers roll occupied by whole fallen column) count as heavy debris.
initiative and join combat after the surprise round ends. Heavy D ebris : It costs 2 squares of movement to en ter
a sq uare with heavy debris. Heavy debris adds 5 to the DC of
Tactics : On the surprise round, the krenshars pop up from Balance and Tumble checks, and it imposes a - 5 penalty on
hiding to use their scare abi lity on two ra ndom PCs. On th e Move Silently checks. Running or charging through heavy
following round, th e goblins m ove behind cover in the main debris is impossible.
entry, remain ing up the stai rs, an d fi re arrows at th e PCs. T he High Ceilings: T he ceilings in the colonnaded hall
krenshars engage the PCs in m elee in the first full ro und , are 30 fee t h ig h , bu t in the entry chamber where the goblin
and on the second round try their scare attack on those they archers stand they are just 10 feet tall.
didn't target before. T hereafter the krenshars and goblins
attack until killed ; they know what fate awai ts them at the KRENSHAR (2) CR ,
N Medium Magical Beast
hands of Killian if they fail in their duties.
Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +1; darkvision 60 ft., low-
Remember that Gavin gains a racial bonus against light vision, scent
fear, Durven is immune to fear, and Durven grants a +4 Languages -
morale bonus on saves against fear to allies within 10 feet.
A frightened character flees as best it can, but note that AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
hp 11 (2 H D)
running is impossible. When a character flees off the map Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
due to being frightened , simply count squares of movement
from the edge of the map to determine how far the character Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
must move to return to the fight. Melee bite +2 (l d6) and
claws +0/+0 (l d4)
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
If PCs o vercome the conflict here, refer back to page 4 to Special Actions scare
continue the adventure.
Abilities St r 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13
Feats Multiattack, Track
Skills Hide +4, Jum p +9, Listen +3, Move Silently +6

Scare (Su): As a stan dard action, a krenshar can pull the

s kin from its face an d scream at a creature within 130
feet. The targeted creature is frightened (OMG 301)
for 1 roun d and must succeed at a DC 13 Will save or
instead be frightened for 1d4 rounds. A creature that
saves cannot be affected by the same krenshar's scare
ability for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.


NE Small Humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +1; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2; darkvis ion 60 ft.
Languages Gobl in

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15

hp 5 (1 HD)
Fort +3, Ref+ 1, WiII - l

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee morningstar +2 (1d6)
Ranged mwk longbow +4 (l d6)
Base Atk +1; Grp - 3

Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Co n 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6
Feats Ale rtn ess
Skills Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Ride +4, Spot +2
Possessions morn ingstar, maste rwor k lon gbow, cha in shirt,
20 ar rows , 5 s p, 3 cp

Set u p : The sha dow's arr ival was slow
enoug h th at it doesn 't su r p rise the
PC s. H ave b oth the PC s an d th e
shadow (S) ro ll i n itia tive n ormally.
N ot e th at Durven can't turn th e
sh ado w. It ha s too many Hit Dice. Morn
h as a c ha nce of turning it only if h e rolls
a 19 o r 20 o n hi s tu rn ing c heck. Ifhe t h en rolls
7 or m ore for his tu rni ng d am age, th e sha dow
ret urn s to its sarco ph ag us and sinks throu gh it ,
fl eei ng b e n eath the ea rt h .
Gavi n lack s a m ag ic weap on , whic h m eans he can't
hurt t h e sh adow unless M orn casts magic weapon on one
of hi s axes . Gavi n ca n still contribute to t he fig h t by usin g
the aid an other act ion to p rovide th e targe t of th e sha dow's
atta cks with a bon us to AC. After a round of Gavi n m issin g
the sha do w, remi nd t h e pl aye rs of these op tio ns .

Tactics: Th e sha dow attacks t he PCs rel entlessly,

focu sing o n the dwarves, seeing them as t he wors t
d efiler s of its tomb. No amount of talking ca n
co nvince th e shado w to sto p attacking because it ca n
see th at th e whole cr yp t h as been defiled and refuses
to t r u st th ose wh o tried to ope n its sa rco ph ag us .

Ifpcs overcome the conflict here, refer back to page

4 to co n t in ue th e adve n t ure.


CE Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Init +2; Sens es listen +9, Spot +9; darkvision 60 ft.
Languages -

AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11; Dodge

Miss Chance 50% for magic attac ks
hp 45 (7 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6
Immune mind-affecting , poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning,
diseas e, death effects, critical hits, nonlethal , damage,
ability drain, energy drain, non magical attacks

Speed fly 40 ft. (goo d) (8 squa res)

Melee incorpo real touch +5 (l d6 Str)
Base Atk +3; Grp -

Abilities Str - , Dex 15, Con - , Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13

SA create spa wn, stre ngth damage
Feats Alertness, Dodge
Skills Hide +10 (+14 in shado ws, +6 in light), li ste n +9,
Search +4, Spot +9

Strength Damage [Su]: A shado w deals 1d6 points of

Strength dam age to a living foe. A creature reduced to
Strength 0 dies.
Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid creature reduced to
Strength 0 by a sha dow becomes a shadow under the
co ntro l of its killer in 1d4 rou nds.

Setup: The ice mephits (I) attack when th e PCs
. )'
are in the m idst of crossing th e unstable fl oor .
and crevasse. Th ey sh riek gleefu lly before
flying up to att ack , inadvertently giving the
PCs warnin g. Allo w th e ice mephits and PCs
to ro ll ini tiative and start combat n orm ally.

TactICS: On t he f irst rou n d, one 0 f t he ~\~'I" ,I ov. ~
m eph its m oves close to u se its breath "':~'
weapon, an d th e othe r uses its chill metal '
ability. In th e round after, th ey both us e th eir
magic missiles. If th ey still live on th e th ird . . v.1l!
rou nd, they m ove close to th e most inju red" ' .~ ,
PCs to m ake full attacks. When one mephit -I
is kill ed , th e rem ain in g ice m ephit attempts to
su m m on anot he r of its kind.
:' .', .:f4
t : >'.
IfpCs overcome t h e conflict h ere, refer back to page .
5 to co nti nue th e adventure.

Unstab le Fl oor Squares: The squares adjacent to th e
crevasse nearest th e ent rance that the PCs use are unstable.
A cr eature can m ove through them without dang er by
m oving at half spee d and making a DC 8 Balan ce chec k. If
a crea ture does not move throu gh th em at halfspee d or fails lcs MEPH IT (2) CR 3
th e Balan ce chec k, it mu st succeed at a DC IS Reflex save N Small Outsider (air, cold, ext raplanar)
or fall int o th e crevasse, h itt in g bot tom 20 feet below an d Init +7; Senses Listen +6, Spot +6; dar kvis ion 60 ft.
Languages Auran, Common
tak in g 2d6 points of dama ge.
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15; Dodge
Crevasse: The nearest four squares of the creva sse are ju st hp 13 (3 HD); DR 5/magic; fast healing 2
20 feet below th e floor of th e h all , but the other squares Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3
dip to a depth of 60 feet. At th e base of this de eper area is a Immune cold
Vulnerable fire
z-foor diam eter hole through which blows cold mountain
air. Beyond th e hole is a lon g tunnel that eventually ex its Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) , fly 50 ft. (10 squares)
on a th e shee r face of the mountain. Cli mbing th e sides of Melee claws +4/+ 4 (1 d3 plus 1d4 cold)
the crevasse requires a DC IS Cl imb ch eck. Base Atk +3; Grp - l
Special Actions breath weapon , spell-like abilities, summon
Spell-Like Abilities:
1 /hour-magic m issile (Cl 3rd)
1/ day-chill metal (Cl 6th)

Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Can 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
Skills Bl uff +8, Escape Artist +9, Hide +13, Listen +6,
Diplo macy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 acting) , Move Silently
+9, Spot +6, Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings)

Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cone of ice shards , 1d4 cold,

Reflex DC 12 half. Creatures tha t fail their saves are
tormented . This imposes a --4 pena lty to AC and a -2
penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.
Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, an ice mephit can summ on
another ice mephitas though casting a summon monster spell,
but the summon ing has only a 25% chance of success. A
summoned mephit cannot summon another one for 1 hour.

Setup: I f th e bu gb ear s (B) did not h ide, simply
h ave th em and th e PCs roll ini tia tive to sta rt
co m bat. I f th e bu gb ear s hid , h ave th e PCs
make Spo t checks oppose d by th e bu gb ears'
H ide chec ks (H ide +5). Th e bu gb ears charge
th e firs t PC wh o enters th e h all. PCs th at fail
th ei r Spo t checks do not get to ac t in th e
sur prise ro un d.

Special No te: Count th e round s th at

th is co mbat take s and an y rou nds
the PCs spe nd before en teri ng
th e c ha pe l. Thi s det ermines how
mu ch tim e th e cre at u res in area
8 h ave to pre pa re .

Tactics: The bugbears charge into

melee and atte mpt to mak e
full attacks eac h rou nd after
th eir ini tia l cha rge .

If PCs overco me
the conflict h er e,
refer back to page
5 to co nti n ue the
adve n t ure. Co mba t
in th is room alerts
th e d row, du ergar, and
goblins in th e adjacent
chape l. So wh en th e
PCs fini sh fighting bugbear s, th e chanting they he ard
ea rl ier has stoppe d, and Fro st silver is eerily si lent.
Male and Femal e Bugbea r Fighter 1
NE Small Humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +1; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4 ; darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common , Go blin

AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 18

hp 30 (4 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee mwk warhammer +9 (1d8 +4) or
mwk warhammer + 7 (1 d8 +4) and
light mace +6 (1 d6 +2)
Base Atk + 3; Grp + 7

Abilities Str 19, Dex 15, Con 15 , Int 10 , Wis 10 , Cha 9

Feats Ale rt nes s , Weapon Focus (warhammer) ,
Two-Wea pon Fighting
Skills Climb +7, Hide +5, Listen +4, Move Sile ntly +7, Spot +4
Possessions ma sterwo rk warhammer, masterwork light
mace, masterwork studd ed leather


Setup: The PCs' foes heard th e co mbat with th e bu gb ears Darkness: Creat ures in thi s area have conceal ment
as soo n as it began . Th us , th ey're re ady whe n the PCs (20% miss cha nce ).
ope n th e doors to th e cha pel. Varnok (V), the du er gar Heavy Debris: It costs 2 squares of movement to enter
wiza rd, beg in s cas ti ng defen sive spe lls an d drink in g a squa re with heavy debris. Heavy debris adds 5 to th e DC of
h is pot ions as soon as that fig h t beg in s. The number of Balan ce and Tu mble checks, and it imposes a -5 penalty on
defen sive act io ns he ca n take depends on the number of Move Silently chec ks. Running or charging th rough heavy
rou nds the PCs took to ope n th e door to th is area . Varnok debris is imp ossible.
cas ts hi s spe lls and drinks pot ion s in th e following order: Crevasse:The crevasse is 20feet deep. Climbing th e sides
shield, mage armor, mirror image, potion of shield of faith +3, of th e crevasse requires a DC IS Climb check.
blur, potion of resist fire 10 . High Ceilings:The ceilings in the chapel are 20feet high,
Killia n (K), th e drow fig h te r, uses h is tim e to cas t but above the wooden stage th ey are just 10 feet tall.
darkn ess on a sto ne in the rubble next to the crevas se. Steep Stairs: These stairs rise 5feet per square,placing th e
This crea tes an area of darkness as not ed on th e enco u n te r top of the stairs and the wooden stage 10 feet above the floor of
m ap. H e th en sim ply waits for the PCs to com e to him , the chapeLA creature moving up the stairs must spend 2squares
sta ndi ng on the edge of the darkness so that h e ga ins of movement to enter each square.Tumble checks on th e stairs
co ncealme n t but th e PCs wh o would fi ght him do n ot . take a- 5penalty.Acreature running or charging down the stairs
T he go bli n arc hers (A) take position on the stag e must succeed at a DC 10 Balance check upon enteri ng th e first
to shoo t at the PCs. T he elite gobl in war ri ors (E) hide square. On a failed check, th e creature stumbles and must stop
amo ng the pews and at tack wh en th e PCs ge t clo se. Id 2[ts]5 feet later. If th e creature fails by 5 or more, it takes Id6
Ha ve the PCs m ake Sp ot ch ec ks wh en th ey ope n point s of damage and falls prone at the end of the movement.
a door to the ch apel to see if they spo t th e hid in g eli te A creature making a melee attack against a creature below it
goblin warriors (H ide +3). Rem ember to pen ali ze the gains a +I bonu s to attacks for standing on higher ground.
PCs for di st an ce. Woo den Stage: The wooden stage is 10 feet above the
Since eve ry o ne is re ady to fight, roll initiative an d floor of th e ch apel. Climbing th e side of th e stage requires
begin co mba t norm all y. a DC 20 Climb chec k.
Fi re: A creature moving into a square of fire takes 2d6
Tact ics: Varn ok cas t enlarge ea rl ie r in th e da y to points of fir e damage and mu st succee d on a DC IS Reflex
intimid ate th e bu gb ears, so he lacks the abilit y to cast save or catch fir e.
it in this fight. H e uses h is wand from beh ind co ver Pew: 1/ 2 in . th ick : AC 5i hardness 5i hp 10i br eak DC
on th e wooden stage. Wh en PCs ge t close, he us es co lor 17. Th e wooden pews provide cover. A creatu re stan di ng on
spray and daze to inca pa ci ta te foes and then atte m pts a pew gain s cover from foes att acking over th e back of th e
to fle e und er cover of invisibility. Kill ian attempts to pew. Standing on a pew gra nts a +1 bonu s on mel ee att acks
fl ank PCs or to stand on a pew to gain an at tack bonus against foes on th e ground. A success ful DC IS Streng th
for high er gr ound. The goblin arch ers rem ain on th e ch eck tip s over a pew. Any occupant of a tipped pew mu st
stage and sh oo t at th e PCs, acting as a b uffer for Varnok. succeed at a DC IS Refl ex save or fall p ron e.
The elite goblin warriors attempt to flank
PCs and ge t h igher g rou nd bonuses when
th ey at tac k.

If pcs ove rcome the conflict h ere, th ey've

won ! Fro st silver is clear of foe s.


NE Small Humanoid (goblinoid) NE Small Humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +1; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2; darkvision 60 ft. Init +3; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3; darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Goblin Languages Goblin

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15 AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 17

hp 5 (1 HD) hp l0 (l HD)
Fort +3, Ref +1, WiII - l Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
[rule] [rule]
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee morningstar +2 (l d6) Melee mwk batt leaxe +5 (l d6+2)
Ranged mwk longbow +4 (1d6) Base Atk +1; Grp -3
Base Atk +1; Grp -3
Abilities Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 4
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 6 Feats Alertness
Feats Ale rtness Skills Hide +3, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Ride +4, Spot +3
Skills Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +3, Ride +4, Spot +2 Possessions maste rwork battle axe, chain shirt, heavy stee l
Possessions mo rningstar, masterwork longbow, cha in sh irt, s hield, 5 sp , 3 cp
20 arrows , 5 sp , 3 cp

VARNOK CR 4 Male d row fighter 2
Male duergar wizard 3 NE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
LE Med ium Human oid (Dwarf) Init +3; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1; dar kvision 120 ft., low-
Init +3; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1; darkvision 120 ft. light vision
Languages Common , Dracon ic, Dwarven, Goblin, Languages Elven, Undercommon
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 22; Dodge
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10; AC with Spells and Potions hp 20 (2 HD)
24, touch 16, flat-footed 20 (mage armor, shield, and Fort +4, Ref +3, WiII - l (+1 enchantment)
shield offa ith) SR 13
hp 18 (3 HD) Immune sleep
Fort +4 (+8 spells) , Ref +4 (+8 spells), Will +3 (+7 spells)
Immune paralysis , phantasms, poison Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee mwk lo ngswo rd +8 (l d8+4/19-20)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Base Atk +2; Grp +6
Melee dagger +0 (l d6-1 /18-20) Spell-LikeAbilities (CL 2nd):
Ranged wand ofMelfs acidarrows +4 ranged touch (special) 1 /d ay- dancing lights, darkness (cast) , faerie fire
Base Atk +1; Grp +0
Combat Gear wand of MeIf's acid arrow (CL3rd; 17 cha rges; Abilities Str 18, Dex 16, Con 12, I nt 10, Wis 8, Cha 10
ranged touc h +4; 2d4 acid plus 2d4 acid on next round), SQ light blindness (blinded for 1 round in bright s unlight o r
potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of resist energy daylight s pell, the n dazzled)
(fire), potion ofshield offaith +3 Feats Dodge, Toughness , Weapon Focus (Iongsword)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 3rd): Skills Climb +5, Jump - 1, Listen +1, Search +2, Spot +1
2nd-blur, mirror image Possessions + 7 breastplate, masterwork longswor d,
1st-color spray (DC 15), mage armor, shield masterwork heavy steel shield, 30 gp
o-daze x3 (DC 14), detect magic
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th):
l /day- enlarge (cast) , invisibility

Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Co n 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
SA summon fam iliar (not used)
SQ stability (+4 vs. bull rush or trip), light sensitivity
(dazzled in bright sunlight o r daylight spell)
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
SkillsConcentration +10, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge
(dungeoneering) +5, Listen +1, Move Silently +6, Search
+, Spellcraft +8, Spot +1
Possessions com bat gear plus dagger, spel lbook, 70 gp
Spellbook spells prepared plus 2nd-Melfs acid arrow,
spiderclimb; 1 st-burning hands, magicmissile; O-all.
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