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Light Offenses Sanctions

1. Disobeying school regulations such as:

a. Loitering in corridors during class sessions 1 2 3

2. Unauthorized use of chalk 1 2 3

3. Non- sense or unnecessary talking in class 1 2 3

4. Eating and drinking inside the classroom, library and other places in campus 1 2 3

5. Lending/borrowing school ID 1 2 3

6. Pasting bubble gums on the chairs, tables, walls and the like 1 2 3

7. Disregard or repeated violation of school dress code such as:

a. Failure/refusal to pin ID
1 2 3
b. Failure to wear the prescribed uniform
1 2 3

8. Wearing of caps inside the classrooms 1 2 3

9. Wearing of earrings for males 1 2 3

10. Wearing of tattered pants and shorts 1 2 3

11. Wearing of slippers and sandals 1 2 3

12. Wearing of seductive dresses during free days (Wednesday) such as:

1. spaghetti dresses

2. heaven style

3. micro- mini skirts 1 2 3

4. skirt with excessive slits

5. see- through

6. dress/shirt with very low cleavage

13. Males sporting long hair 1 2 3

14. Disturbing classes 1 2 3

15. Entering a class or breaking into a school function without the permission of the concerned 1 2 3

16. Littering 1 2 3

17. Speaking profane and vulgar words 1 2 3

18. Smoking inside the campus and in front of the gate 1 2 3

19. Spitting on the floor, in the classroom or anywhere inside the campus or its premises 1 2 3

20. Unauthorized selling or solicitation of funds for any purpose 1 2 3

A. Light Offenses Sanctions

21. Unauthorized use of the school properties and facilities 1 2 3

22. Acts of lewdness, commission of any act of immorality, or the display or distribution of 1 2 3
pornographic materials within the campus and its premises

23. Wearing the school uniform inside the movie/disco houses, drinking spots, night clubs
1 2 3
and other night spots

24. Public Display of Affection (PDA) (torrid kissing (not beso-beso), embracing, holding
1 2 3

25. Entering a comfort room not of the persons gender 1 2 3

26. Unauthorized bringing out of chairs and/or tables from the classroom or office 1 2 3

27. Unauthorized posting or display of announcement or publication 1 2 3

28. Misconduct 1 2 3

29. Going out during examinations 1 2 3

B. Less Grave Offenses Sanctions

1. Gross acts of disrespect in words or in deeds which tend to put any member of the faculty,
2 3
administration, or non- teaching staff in ridicule or contempt.

2. Discourtesy to any official/employee of the school 2 3

3. Dishonesty such as cheating during short and long examinations. The following shall
2 3
constitute cheating:

a. Unauthorized possession of notes or any material related to examination.

2 3
b. Deliberately looking at a neighbors examination papers.

c. Copying or allowing another to copy from ones examination paper.

2 3
d. Having somebody else take the examination for himself

e. Talking with someone without permission during examination

2 3
f. Electronic cheating (use of cellphone and similar device)

1 2
2 3

4. Dishonesty uttering falsehood, bearing false witness or statement 2 3

5. Carrying deadly weapons within the campus and its premises. 2 3

B. Less Grave Offenses Sanctions

6. Refusal to appear before faculty members and school authorities when summoned for
2 3
investigation or inquiry

7. Vandalism or any act causing damage to school properties, such as writing on walls or
blackboards, engraving on walls or chairs, breaking wooden or glass windows, destroying
school properties or tampering/destroying official bulletin boards or notices, writing and
destroying comfort room

8. Commission of a minor offense for the third time 3

9. Gambling in any form within the campus and its premises 3

10. Hooliganism or juvenile delinquency 3

C. Grave Offenses Sanctions

1. Forging or falsifying and/ or tampering with academic or official documents of any kind or
intentionally making false statements of any material fact or practicing/ attempting to
3 4
practice any deception or fraud in connection with his admission to or graduation from the

2. Unauthorized possession and/ or drinking of alcoholic beverages within the school

premises or being in a state of intoxication while inside SJIT Campuses (Main Campus, 3 4
Annex Campus and Cubi-Cubi Campus including SJIT Dormitel).

3. Unauthorized press releases 3 4

4. Unauthorized representation of SJIT or the SSG 3 4

5. Going on unauthorized field trip or outing 3 4

6. Acts of bringing the name of the institute into disrepute such as public malicious
imputation of a crime or vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act or condition bringing 4
dishonor, discredit or contempt to the name of the institute

7. Negligence of duties and responsibilities as an officer of a recognized organization.

Accountability of officers of recognized organization in terms of finances and authority

8. Recruitment and membership to any organization outlawed by the government 4

9. Acts of terrorism 4

10. Assaulting or challenging an instructor or any other school official in authority or a student 4

11. Conviction of a criminal offense before any court involving persons or property 4

12. Hazing 4

13. Instigating or leading illegal strikes or similar concerted activities resulting to the stoppage
of classes

14. Stealing or an attempt thereof 4

C. Grave Offenses Sanctions

15. Taking/using and or possession of prohibited drugs or chemical such as marijuana, shabu,
LSD, heroin, rugby, or opiates and hallucinogenic drugs or substances while inside SJIT
Campuses (Main Campus, Annex Campus and Cubi-Cubi Campus including SJIT

16. Threatening any student or school personnel and/ or preventing them from entering the
school premises or attending classes and/ or other duties

17. Serious Misconduct 4

Section 88 Lost and Found

The procedures for lost and found are as follows:

Student, faculty and staff who lost any of their properties, materials, and the likes within the SJIT vicinity shall follow the
following procedures:

1. Report immediately at the office of the coordinator of student discipline or SPS Office.
2. Shall describe the items lost, specific place and approximate time it is lost.
3. The coordinator of student discipline shall report the given information to the Head of SPS.
4. The coordinator of student discipline shall post the items lost at the lost and found board.

Student, faculty and staff who found any properties, materials, and the likes of another, within SJIT vicinity shall follow the
following procedures:

1. Submit immediately the found item/s at the office of the coordinator of student discipline or SPS Office.
2. The Coordinator of coordinator of student discipline shall record the items found and let the person found the items sign the
3. The Coordinator of student discipline shall report the found items to the Head of SPS.
4. The coordinator of student discipline shall post the items found at the lost and found board.

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