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Installing and operating the


PLC with Valueline industrial PCs

User manual
User manual
Installing and operating the PC WORX RT BASIC software PLC with
Valueline industrial PCs and PROFINET



Revision: 03

Order No.:

This user manual is valid for:

Designation Revision Order No.

PC WORX RT BASIC 1.3 2700291


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The use of products described in this manual is oriented exclusively to:
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indicated as such.

Table of contents
1 Foreword ...................................................................................................................................9
1.1 General information about this user manual .......................................................... 9
1.2 Industrial PCs for use with the Software PLC......................................................... 9
1.3 Scope of supply of the Software PLC .................................................................... 9
1.4 System requirements........................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 Supported operating systems .............................................................. 10
1.4.2 Hardware requirements ...................................................................... 10
1.4.3 Programming software .................................................................... 10

2 Description of the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC ...........................................................11

2.1 General description ............................................................................................. 11
2.2 Interfaces, indication elements, and operating elements ..................................... 13
2.3 Assembly and electrical installation ..................................................................... 14
2.4 Switching on the industrial PC's supply voltage ................................................... 14

3 Installing the Software PLC ......................................................................................................15

3.1 Prior to installation ............................................................................................... 15
3.2 Starting the installation program .......................................................................... 15
3.2.1 New installation of the Software PLC ................................................... 15
3.2.2 Updating the Software PLC .................................................................. 22
3.3 Initial steps following successful installation ........................................................ 28
3.3.1 Windows start menu Software PLC menu items ................................ 29 Hardware Key Information ..................................................... 29 INtime network configuration ................................................. 29 PC WORX RT BASIC Configuration ...................................... 30 PC WORX RT BASIC Status Monitor .................................... 31 PC WORX RT BASIC System Monitor .................................. 31 Set PC WORX RT BASIC Switch Position ............................ 31
3.3.2 Starting the Software PLC with automatic start disabled ...................... 32
3.4 Status monitor of the Software PLC..................................................................... 33
3.4.1 Operating states of the Software PLC
(displayed in the status monitor) .......................................................... 34
3.4.2 Context menu of the status monitor ..................................................... 34
3.4.3 Mode selector switch (switch position) ................................................. 36
3.4.4 Resetting the Software PLC ................................................................. 36
3.4.5 Project information about the Software PLC ........................................ 37
3.4.6 System monitor .................................................................................... 38
3.5 Helpful information about the Software PLC ........................................................ 39
3.6 Demo version of the Software PLC...................................................................... 39
3.7 Uninstalling the Software PLC ............................................................................. 40
3.8 INtime real-time operating system setting the network adapter......................... 41
3.9 Errors and troubleshooting .................................................................................. 41

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4 Software PLC and PC Worx program creation ......................................................................43

4.1 Example project structure.................................................................................... 43
4.2 Creating and saving a new project....................................................................... 44
4.3 Checking/specifying project information .............................................................. 46
4.4 Assigning/checking the IP address for the Software PLC .................................... 48
4.5 Testing the communication path.......................................................................... 49
4.6 Reading the PROFINET network......................................................................... 50
4.7 Compiling and sending a PC Worx project to the Software PLC.......................... 53
4.8 Reading the real-time clock ................................................................................. 54
4.9 Download changes.............................................................................................. 54
4.10 Parameterization memory and Internet Explorer.................................................. 55
4.10.1 Internet Explorer FTP functionality ....................................................... 56
4.10.2 Activating/deactivating the FTP server ................................................. 57
4.10.3 Activating/deactivating the HTTP server .............................................. 57
4.11 Function blocks for handling files on the parameterization memory..................... 58
4.12 Function blocks for Ethernet communication ....................................................... 59
4.13 Function blocks for PCP communication ............................................................. 60
4.14 Function block for Modbus communication ......................................................... 60

5 System variables ......................................................................................................................61

5.1 Diagnostic status register (INTERBUS) ............................................................... 61
5.2 Diagnostic parameter register (INTERBUS) ........................................................ 62
5.3 IEC 61131 runtime system................................................................................... 63
5.4 Control processor (CPU) ..................................................................................... 64
5.5 Variables of the Software PLC for the status of
the connected Ethernet network .......................................................................... 64
5.6 PROFINET system variables ............................................................................... 64
5.7 Special variables of the Software PLC................................................................. 67
5.8 System time......................................................................................................... 67

6 Technical data and ordering data .............................................................................................69

6.1 Technical data ..................................................................................................... 69
6.2 Ordering data ...................................................................................................... 70
6.2.1 Modules ............................................................................................... 70
6.2.2 Accessories ......................................................................................... 70
6.2.3 Software ............................................................................................... 71
6.2.4 Documentation ..................................................................................... 71

6 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Table of contents

A Appendix: interfaces of the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC .............................................73

A1 Installing the INTERBUS controller board............................................................ 73
A2 INTERBUS remote bus connection ..................................................................... 73
A3 Connecting the INTERBUS system ..................................................................... 76
A4 Connecting an Ethernet/PROFINET network....................................................... 76

B Appendix for document lists......................................................................................................77

B1 List of figures ....................................................................................................... 77
B2 List of tables ........................................................................................................ 81
B3 Index.................................................................................................................... 83

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8 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03


1 Foreword

1.1 General information about this user manual

Aim The information provided in this manual will assist you in installing, setting, operating, and
programming the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC. This information will enable you to
install the Software PLC on an industrial PC from Phoenix Contact according to your re-
quirements and to use it in your application for appropriate control tasks.

Validity This user manual is only valid for the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC in the version in-
dicated on the inner cover page.

Further information This document will guide you through the initial steps of installing the Software PLC on an
industrial PC and adapting any basic settings required in your application.
It is assumed that you know how to operate PCs, especially the industrial PC in the applica-
tion on which you want to install the Software PLC. Experience with Windows operating
systems and knowledge of IEC 61131 are also assumed.
In order to start up the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC as described in this user man-
ual, an active connection to a lower-level PROFINET system is required. You will require ap-
propriate PROFINET devices in order to follow the example startup shown in this user man-

1.2 Industrial PCs for use with the Software PLC

We recommend installing and running the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC on an indus-
trial PC from Phoenix Contact. The descriptions in this user manual refer to the use of such
an industrial PC. For more detailed information on industrial PCs from Phoenix Contact,
please refer to the device-specific user documentation (see Section Documentation on
page 71). For the ordering data for industrial PCs from Phoenix Contact, please refer to
Section Ordering data on page 70.

1.3 Scope of supply of the Software PLC

The scope of supply of the Software PLC includes the following components:
DVD with the following contents:
Installation file for the Software PLC including all additional programs required for
installation (e.g., the INtime real-time operating system and USB dongle drivers)
USB dongle (in the form of a USB stick)

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1.4 System requirements

1.4.1 Supported operating systems

Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)

Windows 8.1 (32 and 64-bit)
Windows Embedded 2009
Windows Embedded Standard 7

1.4.2 Hardware requirements

The following minimum system requirements must be met in order to install and run the
Software PLC approved PC hardware. The installation program checks that the system
requirements are met at the start of installation.

PC system Industrial PC from Phoenix Contact (see Section Order-

ing data on page 70)
CPU Multi-core processor
RAM 2 Gbytes
Hard disk space 1 Gbyte free memory space
Interfaces 1 x Ethernet (100 Mbps, RJ45), 1 x USB
Monitor XGA, resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels
Operating devices Keyboard, mouse (recommended)
Web browser Internet Explorer 9 or later

If Intel Turbo Boost technology and/or Intel SpeedStep technology are activated on the
industrial PC used, deactivate them in the BIOS of the industrial PC in order to ensure cor-
rect operation of the Software PLC.

1.4.3 Programming software

PC Worx Version 6.3x or later, part of the AUTOMATIONWORX

Software Suite 2015 1.82 AddOn V1

For the ordering data for hardware, software, and additional documentation, please refer
to Section Ordering data on page 70.

10 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Description of the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC

2 Description of the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC

2.1 General description

The PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC is a PC hardware-based PLC with integrated

PROFINET, Modbus, and INTERBUS support.

Supported hardware In its current version, the Software PLC is approved for certain industrial PCs from
Phoenix Contact (see Section Ordering data on page 70). An industrial PC with multi-core
processor provides the optimum requirements for operating the Software PLC. In this case,
one processor core can be used for the INtime real-time operating system of the Software
PLC and another core can be used for the standard operating system (e.g., Windows 8.1).
If the industrial PC has two network adapters, one network adapter is permanently assigned
to the Software PLC for the INtime real-time operating system and the other to the Windows
operating system. This ensures reliable and high-performance operation of the Software
PLC (see Figure 2-1 on page 12 (R)).

IEC 61131 control perfor- The PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC is consistently configured and programmed in ac-
mance cordance with IEC 61131 using the PC Worx automation software. PC Worx can be in-
stalled locally on the same PC as the Software PLC or on a separate PC. Programming in
all five IEC 61131 languages is supported.
The Software PLC can be used independently of the PC Worx software. For example, the
Software PLC and PC Worx can be installed on separate industrial PCs. In this case, pro-
gramming is via the network adapter which is permanently assigned to the Software PLC. If
the Software PLC and PC Worx are installed on the same PC hardware, programming is via
an internal virtual Ethernet interface. Communication between Windows and the Software
PLC runtime environment generally takes place via this interface too (see Figure 2-1 on
page 12 (R)).

For information on installing the PC Worx software, please refer to the quick start guide
for the software (see Section Documentation on page 71).

Integrated Ethernet func- The network adapter reserved on the industrial PC serves as an external Ethernet interface
tionality/PROFINET for the Software PLC. The Software PLC can be programmed via Ethernet using this inter-
face. The Software PLC can also be used as a PROFINET controller/PROFINET device.
When using the AX OPC server provided in the AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite Ver-
sion 1.60 or later, the Software PLC data is available in the Ethernet network in a standard-
ized format and can be used for the different visualization packages.

Modbus functionality The Modbus/TCP and Modbus/UDP communication protocols can be used via the network
adapter reserved on the industrial PC. In this case, the Software PLC can be used as a
Modbus client. The Software PLC can be used as a Modbus server with the aid of function

For more detailed information on Modbus, please refer to the AH EN MODBUS/TCP ap-
plication note.

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INTERBUS Function as an INTERBUS master is possible after adapting the hardware. The PCI slot of
the industrial PC from Phoenix Contact can be used for this by installing an INTERBUS con-
troller board in PCI format here.

For information on installing a controller board in PCI format in an industrial PC from

Phoenix Contact, please refer to the device-specific user documentation.

USB dongle In order to run, the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC requires a (plug-in) dongle in the
form of a USB stick. The USB dongle serves as the software license key; it must always be
plugged in following installation of the Software PLC in order to run the Software PLC. The
USB dongle is supplied as standard with the Software PLC. If the USB dongle is not plugged
in, the demo version of the Software PLC will run.

Status monitor of the The status monitor of the Software PLC is displayed as an icon in the information area of the
Software PLC Windows task bar. The status monitor displays the operating states of the Software PLC
(see Section Status monitor of the Software PLC on page 33).

Ethernet interfaces of the One of the network adapters of the industrial PC is permanently assigned to the Software
Software PLC PLC and serves as an interface for external communication via Ethernet. Following installa-
tion and assignment, this interface is only available to the Software PLC. During installation,
a virtual Ethernet interface is also set up and is used for communication between the INtime
operating system and Windows.

L: IPC with installed Windows operating system R: IPC with installed Software PLC and Windows

Industrial PC Industrial PC
Windows Windows INtime

Software PLC

B1: B2:





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Figure 2-1 Before (L) and after (R) installing the Software PLC

A Ethernet interfaces of the industrial PC/Ethernet communication
(A1: physical network card/runtime)
B Virtual Ethernet interface
(B1: virtual network card/Windows; B2: virtual network card/runtime)

Figure 2-1 (L) shows that prior to installing the Software PLC, both of the industrial PC's
Ethernet interfaces are available in Windows for communication.

12 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Description of the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC

Figure 2-1 on page 12 (R) shows that after successfully installing the Software PLC:
The INtime operating system runs parallel to the Windows operating system on the in-
dustrial PC.
The Software PLC runs within the INtime operating system.
A virtual Ethernet interface has been created between the Software PLC and the Win-
dows operating system.
This interface is only available for internal communication between the Software
PLC and Windows.
This interface (B2 in Figure 2-1 on page 12) is assigned the IP address by the installation wizard, for example.

We recommend that you leave the address suggested by the installation wizard.
If required by your application, you can adapt this address using the ... Configuration di-
alog (see Section PC WORX RT BASIC Configuration on page 30).

The PC Worx software uses this interface, for example, to communicate with the
Software PLC, if PC Worx has been installed on the industrial PC.
One of the industrial PC's Ethernet interfaces is assigned to the Software PLC. The in-
terface is only available to the Software PLC and cannot be addressed from Windows.
During installation, the IP address (A1 in Figure 2-1 on page 12) is as-
signed by the installation wizard, for example.

If required by your application, you can adapt the address when installing the Software
PLC using the dialog for selecting the network adapter and setting the IP address (see
Figure 3-8 on page 19) or change it later in the ... Configuration dialog (see Section
PC WORX RT BASIC Configuration on page 30).

Parameterization memory The Software PLC uses some of the industrial PC's memory as a parameterization memory
(program memory, mass storage, and memory for retentive data). This memory can be
used to save programs and configurations which belong to your project. Please refer to the
technical data for the available size of the parameterization memory (see Section Techni-
cal data on page 69).

For additional information on the parameterization memory, please refer to Section Pa-
rameterization memory and Internet Explorer on page 55.

Memory for project files

Depending on the industrial PC used, during installation you can specify whether you want
to store project-specific files for the PLC project on the device's internal hard disk (HDD or
SSD) or on a plug-in memory (CFast card). At present, only one directory under C:\\ can
be selected in the selection window.

2.2 Interfaces, indication elements, and operating ele-


For information on interfaces and indication and operating elements, please refer to the
device-specific user documentation of the industrial PC (see Section Documentation on
page 71).

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2.3 Assembly and electrical installation

We recommend installing and running the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC on an in-
dustrial PC from Phoenix Contact.
For more detailed information on the relevant industrial PC, especially assembly and elec-
trical installation, please refer to the device-specific user documentation (see Section
Documentation on page 71).

2.4 Switching on the industrial PC's supply voltage

Once you have installed the industrial PC according to the instructions in the device-
specific user documentation and connected it to the power supply, switch on the supply

Avoid supply voltage failure data loss possible

Protect the supply voltage against failure in order to reduce the risk of possible data loss
in the event of unforeseen failure of the supply voltage.

14 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

3 Installing the Software PLC

3.1 Prior to installation

Prior to installation, close all open Windows applications.

3.2 Starting the installation program

3.2.1 New installation of the Software PLC

The following steps must be performed when installing the Software PLC on your PC for the
first time.
Insert the DVD-ROM containing the Software PLC software in the DVD-ROM drive of
your industrial PC.
The installation program starts automatically and guides you through the entire installation.
The installation program performs all the installations and settings required to operate the
Software PLC. If the installation program does not start automatically, execute the
start.exe file.
Follow the installation instructions displayed on screen.
Once you have selected the language, the following dialog appears. This shows the start
screen for installing the Software PLC.

Figure 3-1 DVD start screen

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Click on Install.
If the dialog now prompts you to execute or save the installation file, perform the necessary
actions to execute the installation file.

If the Found New Hardware wizard is displayed by the Windows operating system
during installation, click on the Cancel button to acknowledge it. This dialog box is dis-
played due to the PCI card installed in the industrial PC (see Section Installing the
INTERBUS controller board on page 73). It can be ignored at this point in the installation.

Select the setup language in the following dialog.

Figure 3-2 Selecting the language

In the Welcome dialog that opens, click on the Next button.

Figure 3-3 PC WORX RT BASIC installer

The installation status of the programs that are needed to operate the Software PLC is dis-
played (see Figure 3-4). The installation program checks the software already installed. All
missing programs are installed automatically.

Please note that the complete installation process may take a few minutes.
The installation time varies depending on whether the components required are already
installed on the industrial PC or still need installing.

16 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

Figure 3-4 Installation status of the programs to be installed

The contents of Figure 3-4 (installation status) are updated once another of the programs
displayed in Figure 3-4 has been installed.
Click on the Install button to install the missing programs.
Various messages are displayed during installation.
Follow the instructions in the messages displayed during the installation process.

An active Internet connection is required in order to install some components (e.g., .NET
Framework 3.5). If required by the installation program, make sure an active Internet con-
nection is present.

If the following message appears, click on the Install button to acknowledge it.

Figure 3-5 Windows Security Install device software dialog

In the following dialog, enter the destination directory where you want to install the
Software PLC.

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Click on the Next button.

Figure 3-6 PC WORX RT BASIC Setup dialog Destination Folder

In the following dialog, enter the destination directory where you want to save project-
specific files for the PLC project.
Click on the Next button.

Figure 3-7 PC WORX RT BASIC Setup dialog Additional Settings

18 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

Selecting the network In the following dialog (see Figure 3-8 on page 19), select the network adapter on the
adapter industrial PC which is to be reserved for the Software PLC.

Figure 3-8 Software PLC: selecting the network adapter and IP settings

The network adapter reserved on the industrial PC serves as an external Ethernet interface
for the Software PLC. Following successful installation, this interface is only used by the
Software PLC. The interface is managed by the INtime real-time operating system and is not
available in Windows. All settings previously implemented in Windows for this interface are
overwritten during installation of the Software PLC.

You have the option of installing the PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC without select-
ing a network adapter. To do so, enter the command /AllowNoRTNic in the command
line. The option none can then be selected in the Network Adapter and IP Settings di-

In the IP Settings area, you can assign a specific IP address, including the subnet mask
and address for a default gateway, to the network adapter reserved for the Software PLC.
Click on the Next button to apply your settings.

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The selected installation options are displayed.

Figure 3-9 Start of installation

Click on the Install button to start installation.

The following dialog shows the installation status of the Software PLC.

Figure 3-10 Installation status of the Software PLC

20 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

Successful installation of the Software PLC is indicated by the following dialog.

Figure 3-11 Installation successful

Software PLC startup restart required

Please note that the industrial PC must be restarted once the Software PLC has been suc-
cessfully installed. We recommend leaving the Reboot on Finish option selected (see
Figure 3-11).

Click on the Finish button to complete the installation.

If the Show README.txt option is selected, a text file containing current change notes is
If the Reboot on Finish option is selected, the industrial PC will be restarted when the RE-
ADME.txt file is closed.

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3.2.2 Updating the Software PLC

The following steps must be performed if you want to update the Software PLC.

When updating the Software PLC, certain settings are transferred from the initial installa-
tion. Therefore, following a successful update, the program that was loaded in the
Software PLC prior to the update, including all the settings present (e.g., IP addresses,
etc.), is still available.

The Software PLC update can be started in two ways:

1 Update via DVD-ROM
2 Update via update file, which can be downloaded at

Update via DVD-ROM Insert the DVD-ROM containing the Software PLC software in the DVD-ROM drive of
your industrial PC.
The installation program starts automatically and guides you through the entire update. The
installation program performs all the installations and settings required to operate the
Software PLC.
Follow the installation instructions displayed on screen.
Once you have selected the language, the following dialog appears. This shows the start
screen for updating the Software PLC.

Figure 3-12 DVD start screen

Click on Install.
If the dialog now prompts you to execute or save the installation file, perform the necessary
actions to execute the installation file.

22 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

If the Found New Hardware wizard is displayed by the Windows operating system
during installation, click on the Cancel button to acknowledge it. This dialog box is dis-
played due to the PCI card installed in the industrial PC (see Section Installing the
INTERBUS controller board on page 73). It can be ignored at this point in the installation.

Update via update file In the download area, download the update file to your industrial PC.
Double-click on the file to start the update.
If the Wrong INtime found dialog is displayed, proceed as follows. The dialog states
that the installation process cannot be performed with the INtime version that is already
Switch to the Windows Control Panel and uninstall the PC WORX RT BASIC software
Then restart the installation process by double-clicking on the update file.
Select the setup language.
In the Welcome dialog that opens, click on the Next button.

Figure 3-13 PC WORX RT BASIC Installer

The installation program now searches for an existing installation of the Software PLC.

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An existing Software PLC installation is indicated by the following dialog.

Figure 3-14 Software PLC version already installed

Click on the Remove button.

The update process is continued.
Completion of the above process is indicated by the following dialog:

Figure 3-15 Update reboot required

Once the industrial PC has been restarted, the Welcome dialog shown in Figure 3-13 on
page 23 is displayed again.
Click on the Next button in this dialog.
The installation status of the programs that are needed to operate the Software PLC is dis-
played (see Figure 3-16). The installation program checks the software already installed. All
missing programs are installed automatically.

24 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

Please note that the complete installation process may take a few minutes.
The installation time varies depending on whether the components required are already
installed on the industrial PC or still need installing.

Figure 3-16 Installation status of the programs to be installed

The contents of Figure 3-16 (installation status) are updated once another of the programs
displayed in Figure 3-16 has been installed.
Click on the Install button to install the missing programs.
Various messages are displayed during installation.
Follow the instructions in the messages displayed during the installation process.
If the following message appears, click on the Install button to acknowledge it.

Figure 3-17 Windows Security Install device software dialog

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The Installation Directory, User Project Directory, and Network Adapter settings trans-
ferred from the previously installed version of the Software PLC are displayed in the follow-
ing dialog.

Figure 3-18 PC WORX RT BASIC Setup dialog box transferred settings (Ready to

Click on the Install button to continue the update.

The following dialog shows the update status of the Software PLC.

Figure 3-19 Update status of the Software PLC

26 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

Successful update of the Software PLC is indicated by the following dialog.

Figure 3-20 Installation successful

Software PLC startup restart required

Please note that the industrial PC must be restarted once the Software PLC has been suc-
cessfully updated. We recommend leaving the Reboot on Finish option selected (see
Figure 3-20).

Click on the Finish button to complete the update.

If the Show README.txt option is selected, a text file containing current change notes is
If the Reboot on Finish option is selected, the industrial PC will be restarted when the RE-
ADME.txt file is closed.

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3.3 Initial steps following successful installation

Once the Software PLC has been successfully installed and the industrial PC restarted, the
menu items shown in Figure 3-21 on page 28 are available to the Software PLC in the Win-
dows start menu. The status monitor of the Software PLC is also displayed as an icon in the
task bar.

Figure 3-21 Menu items of the Software PLC and status monitor

For information on the status monitor, especially its display and setting options, please
refer to Section Status monitor of the Software PLC on page 33.

28 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

3.3.1 Windows start menu Software PLC menu items

The Software PLC menu items in the Windows start menu shown in Figure 3-21 on page 28
include the following functions: Hardware Key Information

Reads the hardware key serial number and version.

Figure 3-22 Reading the hardware key

Figure 3-23 Hardware key version INtime network configuration

The INtime network configuration window displays the network settings of the industrial PC,
in particular the settings of the network adapters.


ETH2 (A1)

Figure 3-24 INtime network configuration window

(interfaces ETH2 (A1) and B2, see Figure 2-1 on page 12)

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IP settings If required by your application, you can specify the IP settings of the Software PLC here. In
standard view, you can adapt Ethernet interface ETH2 (A1) of the industrial PC to your ap-
plication; in extended view, you can also change the virtual Ethernet interfaces (B1/B2)
(ETH2 (A1) / B1/B2: see Figure 2-1 on page 12).
Interface ETH2 (A1) This interface of the industrial PC is only available to the
Software PLC for communication. The Software PLC can
be included as a device in an Ethernet network using the
set IP address.
Interfaces B1/B2 The Software PLC and Windows operating system use
these virtual interfaces to communicate with one another.
These interfaces cannot be accessed externally.

For additional information on the interfaces, refer to Ethernet interfaces of the Software
PLC on page 12.

Directory for user project In the dialog, you can also specify a destination directory for project-specific files for the PLC
data project.
Standard view: Extended view:

Figure 3-25 IP settings (standard and extended)

30 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC PC WORX RT BASIC Status Monitor

The status monitor displays the operating states of the Software PLC. You can use the sta-
tus monitor context menu to:
Change the operating state of the Software PLC
Display project information
Activate a boot project
Specify whether the Software PLC is to be started automatically when booting the in-
dustrial PC PC WORX RT BASIC System Monitor

For information on the Software PLC system monitor, refer to Section System monitor on
page 38. Set PC WORX RT BASIC Switch Position

Displays a representation of the mode selector switch that differs from that of the status

Figure 3-26 Mode selector switch

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3.3.2 Starting the Software PLC with automatic start disabled

If the Autostart PC WORX RT BASIC option is disabled in the status monitor when switch-
ing off or before restarting the industrial PC, the status monitor indicates a communication
error after booting the industrial PC (see Figure 3-27).

Figure 3-27 Status monitor: Software PLC communication error

Select the Autostart PC WORX RT BASIC option in the context menu to start the
Software PLC.
In the Start PC WORX RT BASIC? dialog that opens, click on the Yes button.

Figure 3-28 Starting the Software PLC

The subsequent process of starting the Software PLC may take a few minutes.
If a boot project has not yet been loaded on the Software PLC, the Software PLC enters the
ON operating state following successful start.

Figure 3-29 Status monitor: Software PLC in the ON operating state

If a boot project has been loaded, the Software PLC enters the RUN operating state follow-
ing successful start.

Figure 3-30 Status monitor: Software PLC in the RUN operating state

32 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

3.4 Status monitor of the Software PLC

The status monitor (status indicator) of the Software PLC starts automatically once the
Software PLC has been installed and Windows has been started. The indicator appears as
an icon in the task bar.

Figure 3-31 Status monitor of the Software PLC

If the status monitor is not displayed after switching on the industrial PC, you can start it via
the following path:
Start, All Programs, Phoenix Contact, PC WORX RT BASIC,
PC WORX RT BASIC Status Monitor.

Figure 3-32 Starting the status monitor

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3.4.1 Operating states of the Software PLC (displayed in the sta-

tus monitor)

The operating states of the Software PLC are indicated in the status monitor using different

Table 3-1 Operating states of the Software PLC

Display State Color Description
E.g., no boot project and no appli-
ON Gray
cation project loaded.

STOP Yellow E.g., project loaded but not running.

RUN Green Project running.

The Software PLC is in the debug

state and has stopped on reaching
the next breakpoint in the program
Communication error after booting
Gray with white the industrial PC (see Section Er-
cross in red circle rors and troubleshooting on
page 41).
The demo version of the Software
STOP / Yellow and red PLC has expired.
end of demo circle with white
mode cross The Software PLC is in the STOP

3.4.2 Context menu of the status monitor

Right-click on the icon in the task bar to open the context menu of the status monitor.

Figure 3-33 Context menu of the status monitor

34 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

Depending on the operating state of the Software PLC, the following options are available
in the context menu of the status monitor:

Table 3-2 Options in the context menu of the status monitor

Options Description
Start The Software PLC is in the RUN state after execution.
Stop The Software PLC is in the STOP state after execution.
Reset The Software PLC switches to the ON state once it has been reset. Re-
tain data and the application program are deleted.
This option is only available if the Software PLC is in the STOP state
(see Resetting the Software PLC on page 36).
Activate Boot- Activate the boot project.
The boot project is loaded in the memory.
This option is available if there is a boot project in the PLC memory and
if the Software PLC is in the ON state or the STOP state. After execu-
tion, the Software PLC switches to the STOP state (ON STOP) or re-
tains its current state (STOP STOP).
Switch Position Mode selector switch (see Section Mode selector switch (switch po-
sition) on page 36).
Show Informa- A popup window displays information about the Software PLC (see
tion Section Project information about the Software PLC on page 37).
Show System A popup dialog shows both the Windows and real-time/runtime CPU
Monitor utilization (see Section System monitor on page 38).
Delete Bootproj- Remove boot project.
The boot project is deleted from the Software PLC memory.
This option is available if there is a boot project in the Software PLC
memory and if the Software PLC is in the ON, STOP, RUN or HALT

Only execute the Delete Bootproject option when the

Software PLC is in the STOP state.

Autostart PC Activates the Software PLC autostart function.

If autostart is activated while the real-time operating system is
stopped, a prompt appears asking whether the real-time operating
system should be started.
Exit Closes the status monitor.

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3.4.3 Mode selector switch (switch position)

The mode selector switch is emulated in the software. It is used to specify the operating
state of the Software PLC and control the processing of the application program.

Figure 3-34 Switch positions of the mode selector switch

Table 3-3 Switch positions of the mode selector switch

Switch position Description

RUN/PROG The application program is in the RUN state.
The PC Worx software can be used for program and configuration
The monitoring and online functions can be used.
The application program is in the STOP state.

The mode selector switch does not have a reset function.

3.4.4 Resetting the Software PLC

The Software PLC must be in the STOP state in order to be reset. Then perform the reset
using the Reset item in the status monitor context menu (see Figure 3-35).

Figure 3-35 Status monitor resetting the Software PLC

36 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

3.4.5 Project information about the Software PLC

Figure 3-36 Status monitor Software PLC: Show Information

Figure 3-37 Information about the current project

The following information about the project currently loaded in the parameterization memory
of the Software PLC is displayed:
DNS/PROFINET device name of the Software PLC in the PC Worx project
Project Name name of the PC Worx project
State operating state of the Software PLC
Switch Position position of the mode selector switch
Has Bootproject Yes/No
Bootproject Name name of the boot project created with PC Worx
Variable(s) Forced are variables currently forced? Yes/No
IP address of the network adapter assigned to the Software PLC (ETH2 (A1) in
Figure 2-1 on page 12)
MAC address of the network adapter assigned to the Software PLC
System Up Time Software PLC runtime since the industrial PC was switched on
Firmware version of the Software PLC
Runtime Version version of the runtime environment
Status monitor version

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 37


Serial number of the Software PLC license

You can update the project information displayed by again clicking on Show Information
in the context menu of the status monitor.

3.4.6 System monitor

Figure 3-38 Status monitor Software PLC: Show System Monitor

Figure 3-39 System monitor

The system monitor shows both the Windows and real-time/runtime CPU utilization. If you
use systems/industrial PCs with dual-core CPUs, one characteristic curve shows the utili-
zation of one core and the other curve shows the utilization of the other core.

38 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

3.5 Helpful information about the Software PLC

The real-time operating system of the Software PLC runs regardless of a user login.
Login/logoff functions of the Windows operating system do not generally influence the run-
time environment of the Software PLC.

Behavior in the event of If a blue screen system error message indicates that the Windows operating system is no
Windows blue screen longer functioning correctly while the Software PLC is running, the Software PLC remains
system error message fully functional. The Windows system error message does not affect the INtime real-time op-
erating system. All system variables remain available. PC Worx can access system vari-
ables using an external PC (e.g., PLCMODE_RUN = TRUE, WINDOWS_BSOD = TRUE,
FLASHCARD_PRESENT = FALSE). These system variables can also be used to detect a
Windows blue screen system error message.
All devices connected via PROFINET, Modbus, and INTERBUS continue to function cor-
rectly. The Software PLC can undergo a hot restart during a Windows blue screen system
error message. A cold restart or warm start and project or boot project downloads are not

Remote access in the Diag+ can also be used to establish a connection to the Software PLC during a Windows
event of Windows blue blue screen system error message. All SNMP data remains available. Access via FTP,
screen system error mes- HTTP, and WebVisit is not possible.

Support for WebVisit and The Software PLC supports FTP access by means of WebVisit. A project created with
FTP access WebVisit can be loaded in the Software PLC parameterization memory via FTP access. For
additional information on creating a WebVisit project, please refer to the quick start guide
for the PC Worx software.

3.6 Demo version of the Software PLC

The demo version of the Software PLC provides the option of testing Software PLC func-
tions without the USB dongle (which contains the license key) being plugged in. Full func-
tionality of the Software PLC is therefore available.

NOTE: The demo version stops operating after 120 minutes

Do not use the demo version of the Software PLC for normal operation.
Only use the demo version of the Software PLC for testing in order to familiarize yourself
with the Software PLC.

Operation in the demo version is indicated by the hourglass icon and the following tool tip,
which pops up:

Figure 3-40 PC WORX RT BASIC: indication of demo version

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The runtime so far of the demo version is displayed when you move the mouse pointer over
the hourglass:

Figure 3-41 PC WORX RT BASIC: display of demo version runtime

After 120 minutes have elapsed, the Software PLC switches to the STOP state and exits
program processing. The states of the I/O bits and system variables used during test mode
are set to zero.
15 minutes before the end of the 120 minutes, a tool tip is displayed informing you that the
demo version will expire after the specified time has elapsed. The display is updated minute
by minute.

Figure 3-42 PC WORX RT BASIC: demo version will expire in x minutes

The following indicates that the demo version has expired:

Figure 3-43 PC WORX RT BASIC: demo version has expired


Demo version has expired

Software PLC in the STOP state

To switch the Software PLC from the demo version to fully functional operation, insert the
USB dongle.

If the demo version cannot be exited after inserting the USB dongle, please switch the
supply voltage to the industrial PC off and back on again while the USB dongle is plugged

3.7 Uninstalling the Software PLC

You can uninstall the Software PLC in the Programs and Features part of the Windows
Control Panel. This only results in the Software PLC being uninstalled. Other software com-
ponents which were installed when installing the Software PLC must be uninstalled individ-

When uninstalling other software components which were installed when installing the
Software PLC, make sure that you do not uninstall any software that will affect the stability
of your Windows operating system.

40 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Installing the Software PLC

3.8 INtime real-time operating system setting the net-

work adapter

The INtime real-time operating system is the runtime environment for the Software PLC.
This runtime environment is automatically set up on the industrial PC when installing the
Software PLC.

Do not make any settings in the INtime real-time operating system. The INtime real-time
operating system is configured accordingly for correct operation of the Software PLC
during installation.

3.9 Errors and troubleshooting

Communication errors If the status monitor indicates a communication error after the Software PLC has been
started (see Figure 3-44), this may be due to one of the causes listed in the table below.

Figure 3-44 Status monitor: Software PLC communication errors

Table 3-4 Communication errors causes

Cause Remedy
The Autostart Activate the Autostart PC WORX RT BASIC op-
PC WORX RT BASIC option is not tion in the context menu of the status monitor. Refer
activated or has been deactivated to the information in Section Starting the Software
since the last instance of correct op- PLC with automatic start disabled on page 32.
The network settings are not correct Check the IP address settings of the network
or have been changed since the last adapter which was reserved for internal communi-
instance of correct operation. cation between the Software PLC and Windows
Communication error between the when the Software PLC was installed. For exam-
INtime operating system and Win- ple, set the IP address and subnet
dows. mask or adapt the IP address set-
tings accordingly to your application (see Ethernet
interfaces of the Software PLC on page 12).

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42 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

4 Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

The descriptions in this section apply to cases where the Software PLC and PC Worx are
running on two separate PC systems.
If the Software PLC and PC Worx software are both being run on a single industrial PC,
the differences are indicated at relevant points in the user manual.

When using the Software PLC, make sure you are using the version of PC Worx specified
in Section Programming software on page 10 at the very least.

For information on installing and using PC Worx, please refer to the online help for the
software and the corresponding quick start guide. It can be downloaded at phoenixcon- and is supplied in electronic form with the software.

4.1 Example project structure




Figure 4-1 Example project structure

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4.2 Creating and saving a new project

Creating a new project in Start PC Worx.

PC Worx Select the New Project... command from the File menu to create a new project using
a template.

Figure 4-2 Creating a new project File, New Project... menu

In the New Project dialog, select the PC WORX RT BASIC PN V1.3 Rev. > 00/5.50
Software PLC.

If you have installed an IBS PCI SC/I-T INTERBUS controller board in the industrial PC
in order to operate INTERBUS devices on the Software PLC, select the
PC WORX RT BASIC PN/IB V1.3 Rev. > 00/5.50 template.

Figure 4-3 New Project dialog: project templates

Confirm your selection with OK.

Saving the project Select the File, Save Project As / Zip Project As... command in the File menu.

Figure 4-4 File, Save Project As / Zip Project As... menu

Enter a name for your project in the Save/Zip project as dialog (here: PCWORXRT-

44 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

Click on the Save button to save the project.

Figure 4-5 Save/Zip project as dialog

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4.3 Checking/specifying project information

Switch to the bus configuration workspace.

Figure 4-6 Bus configuration workspace button

After creating a new project, the project information is displayed in the bus configuration
Adapt the project information to your project.

Figure 4-7 Project information after creating a new project

First and last IP address, During project creation, PC Worx automatically assigns an IP address area for a local net-
subnet mask work (area from to If you would like to use another address
area (e.g., a global network), adapt the start and end address on the project node (here:
PCWORXRTBASIC_UM) to your application.
If the IP parameters are modified in the project settings, the IP addresses of the controller
may have to be modified manually (see Section Assigning/checking the IP address for the
Software PLC on page 48).

If you are using the addresses of a local network in your project, also assign a correspond-
ing address for the local network (e.g., to the PC on which PC Worx is in-
stalled. Otherwise the devices in the local network cannot be accessed.
For information on the IP addresses to be used within your system, please contact your
system administrator.
If the start address of the new address area to be entered is higher than the previous end
address, please modify the end address first.
If you manually assign IP parameters that are outside the defined area, they will be ac-
cepted and displayed with a warning.

46 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

Default IP addresses of Because the IP addresses for the Ethernet interfaces of the industrial PC are preset by de-
the Software PLC fault during the installation of the Software PLC (see Section General description on
page 11 and onwards), the IP address area automatically assigned by PC Worx must be
adapted regardless of the requirements of your application. If your application also requires
modification, please also take this into account when adapting the IP address settings.

Please note that on installation of the Software PLC the default address
was set for the Ethernet interface of the industrial PC, which is reserved for external
Software PLC communication (see Section General description on page 11 and on-
wards). This address determines the addresses to be set later because the PROFINET
devices are connected to this interface.
Please also note that these addresses must be adapted if required by your application. IP
addresses other than those used in the example then result.
Set the last and first IP address according to your application in the project device de-
tails (in the example: see Figure 4-8 on page 47).

Figure 4-8 Adapting IP address settings

PC/network adapter To determine whether your network permits the IP settings used in the example project (see
Figure 4-8 on page 47), proceed as follows:
In the Windows Control Panel, check the settings for your PC network adapter.
If necessary, adjust these settings so that the Software PLC can be accessed in your
network via the IP address used in the example project.
If your network does not permit the use of the IP address used in the example project, adjust
the settings in the project information accordingly (see Figure 4-8 on page 47).

If any modifications are made to the project information that affect the IP settings for the
controller, a warning is displayed. However, the modification is not implemented automat-

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 47


4.4 Assigning/checking the IP address for the

Software PLC

According to the IP address settings in the project information (see Section Checking/spec-
ifying project information on page 46 and onwards) and as a result of the default IP address
settings of the Software PLC made during installation, the IP address for the Software PLC
must be set in the device details in the IP Settings tab.
Set IP address (see Section Device details IP address setting of
the Software PLC on page 48).

This address is needed to ensure communication between PC Worx and the Software
PLC (e.g., for project download to the Software PLC) (see Section General description
on page 11 and onwards). This address entered in the project does not change the IP ad-
dress that was assigned to the external Ethernet interface of the industrial PC.
If you are running the Software PLC and PC Worx on the same industrial PC, with regard
to this example, the IP address should be set in the project instead of This is because the industrial PC used in the example only has one
Ethernet interface. This interface is assigned the example IP address
during installation of the Software PLC. This interface is either used to download the
PC Worx project to the Software PLC or to connect the PROFINET devices to the
Software PLC in the application. If required by your application, this address must be
adapted to your network.

Figure 4-9 Device details IP address setting of the Software PLC

48 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

4.5 Testing the communication path

You can test the communication path between PC Worx and the Software PLC in the bus
configuration workspace.
In the bus configuration workspace in the Bus Structure window, select the
In the Device Details window, switch to the Communication tab.
To test the communication path, click on the Test button.
A successful test is indicated by a green background in the status window (see Figure 4-10).

Figure 4-10 Device Details window testing the communication path

NOTE: The Software PLC can be accessed via a network using the Ethernet interface
and the TCP/IP protocol. Please note that with all networked devices/computers, there is
a risk that third parties may access the Software PLC or the PC Worx PC and make
changes, either intentionally or unintentionally. Prevent unauthorized access to the
Software PLC and your PC.

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4.6 Reading the PROFINET network

Ethernet switch required

Please note that the Software PLC installed in the example on an industrial PC only has
one Ethernet interface for connecting external devices. This means that the PROFINET
network can only be read if an Ethernet switch is connected to the Ethernet interface of
the industrial PC, e.g., an Ethernet switch from the Phoenix Contact Factoryline product
range. The PROFINET network and the PC with the PC Worx software are both connect-
ed to the Ethernet switch (see Figure 4-1 on page 43).

For additional information on PROFINET, especially reading a PROFINET network,

please refer to the UM EN PROFINET SYS PROFINET basics user manual.
To read the PROFINET network connected to the Software PLC (ILB PN 24 DI16 DIO16-
2TX in the example), proceed as follows:
In the context menu of the PROFINET node, select the Read PROFINET... command.

Figure 4-11 PROFINET node: Read PROFINET

In the Read PROFINET dialog that opens, select the corresponding devices for your ap-
plication one after the other.

50 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

Click on a device to select it (ILB PN 24 DI16 DIO16-2TX in Figure 4-12 on page 51).

Figure 4-12 Read PROFINET dialog

Click on the Insert button.

In the Insert PROFINET Device dialog which opens, confirm the device to be inserted
by clicking on the OK button.

Figure 4-13 Insert PROFINET Device dialog

Repeat this step until you have inserted all of the PROFINET devices in your network in
the project.
Click on the Close button to close the Read PROFINET dialog.

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 51


PROFINET device name When reading the PROFINET network, PC Worx automatically assigns device names and
and IP address IP addresses for the read devices (see Figure 4-14 on page 52).

Figure 4-14 PROFINET device name and IP address

If necessary, adapt the automatically assigned device names and IP addresses for your

Please note that the IP addresses of the devices connected to the controller only exist in
the project at this point. If you switch the supply voltage off and on again at this point, the
devices read in the Read PROFINET dialog (see Figure 4-12 on page 51) as described
above will appear again without IP addresses. It is only once the project has been
compiled in PC Worx and downloaded to the controller (see Compiling and sending
a PC Worx project to the Software PLC on page 53), that the Software PLC assigns
the settings saved in the project on every power up.

52 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

4.7 Compiling and sending a PC Worx project to the

Software PLC

The previous steps have prepared the project so that the example structure can be started

Compiling the project Compile the project.

Select the Build, Rebuild Project menu item.

Figure 4-15 Build, Rebuild Project menu

The program code that has been created is compiled. Once the compilation process is com-
plete, PC Worx displays a corresponding message in the message window.

Figure 4-16 Compilation process complete

If the compilation process has not been carried out properly, the message indicates the
number of errors and warnings (Build tab). More detailed information about errors/warn-
ings is displayed in the Errors and/or Warnings tabs.

Sending the program to To test the project created so far, send it to Software PLC using the project control dialog
the Software PLC box.
Click on the project control dialog box icon in the tool bar.

Figure 4-17 Opening the project control dialog box

The project control dialog box (see Figure 4-18 on page 54) is opened.

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 53


Figure 4-18 Project control dialog box

Click on the Download button.

Download is indicated in the status bar. Once the download is complete, PC Worx displays
a corresponding message in the message window.

Perform the following steps if you have since changed the PROFINET configuration of
your project (e.g., added devices):
1. Recompile the project.
2. Reset the Software PLC by clicking on the Reset button in the project control dialog
3. Then perform a cold restart.

Performing a cold restart To activate the project, perform a cold restart for the Software PLC.
To do so, click on the Cold button in the project control dialog box.

4.8 Reading the real-time clock

You can read the status of the real-time clock in PC Worx using system variables (see Sec-
tion System time on page 67).

4.9 Download changes

The PC WORX RT BASIC Software PLC supports the Download changes function.
The Download changes function can be used to send project modifications to the control-
ler(s) and activate them there without having to stop the active PLC.

For more detailed information on this function, please refer to the online help for PC Worx.

NOTE: If real-time violations are permitted, first ensure that your PLC application is run-
ning within safe limits. Please note that each real-time violation may result in unexpected
consequences in the automation system, as under certain circumstances user tasks are
not processed for a short time. Therefore, check the level of risk before disabling this op-

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Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

4.10 Parameterization memory and Internet Explorer

To delete files or store user-specific files on the internal parameterization memory, proceed
as follows:

The FTP functionality must be activated in Internet Explorer. See Section Internet Explor-
er FTP functionality on page 56.

Switch to the bus configuration workspace in PC Worx.

Select the controller, e.g., PC WORX RT BASIC, in the Bus Structure window.
Select the Extended Settings tab in the Device Details window.
Open Internet Explorer from this window by clicking on the Open FTP Folder on De-
vice button (see Figure 4-19).

Figure 4-19 Extended Settings: Open FTP Folder on Device

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 55


The file structure, which is stored on the parameterization memory, is displayed in the Inter-
net Explorer window.

Figure 4-20 File structure on the parameterization memory

Data may only be copied or deleted on the parameterization memory. Do not edit any files
as Internet Explorer does not store modified data.
For the current state to be displayed, refresh the display after every action by means of
the View, Refresh command.

4.10.1 Internet Explorer FTP functionality

Activate this setting in Internet Explorer under Tools, Internet Options, Advanced.

Figure 4-21 Internet Options: Enable folder view for FTP sites

56 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

4.10.2 Activating/deactivating the FTP server

To protect the Software PLC against unauthorized access, it may be necessary to deacti-
vate the FTP server. The CPU_Set_Value_Request service with Var ID 0172hex is used for
this. This service activates or deactivates the FTP server for the runtime of the firmware. The
set FTP server state is stored retentively and mapped to the ETH_SRV_FTP_ACTIVE sys-
tem variable. This setting is restored the next time the Software PLC is restarted.
Value range for the CPU_Set_Value_Request service:
Var ID 0172hex
Value 0000hex Deactivate FTP server
0001hex Activate FTP server

Figure 4-22 Deactivating the FTP server

4.10.3 Activating/deactivating the HTTP server

To protect the Software PLC against unauthorized access, it may be necessary to deacti-
vate the HTTP server. The CPU_Set_Value_Request service with Var ID 0173hex is used
for this. This service activates or deactivates the HTTP server for the runtime of the firm-
ware. The set HTTP server state is stored retentively and mapped to the ETH_S-
RV_HTTP_ACTIVE system variable. This setting is restored the next time the Software PLC
is restarted.
Value range for the CPU_Set_Value_Request service:

Var ID 0173hex
Value 0000hex Deactivate HTTP server
0001hex Activate HTTP server

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 57


4.11 Function blocks for handling files on the parame-

terization memory

The function blocks are used to access files from within the application program. Some of
the blocks support multiple instantiation. This means that it is possible to work with a number
of different files within the same project. The blocks perform the standard functions that are
required for typical file access operations.
The FILE_NOTIFY block is available in addition to the blocks for typical file access opera-
tions. This block can be used to detect files that have been modified in a directory containing
user files. These modifications may include:
Deletion of one or more files
Writing one or more new files
Modification of one or more existing files
Both modifications made to this directory via FTP (remote) and modifications made locally
via function blocks or firmware services can be detected.

All file operations are subject to the following restrictions:

No directory hierarchies are supported. All file operations only affect the root directory of
the parameterization memory.

The function blocks are valid for:

Order designation As of version

Table 4-1 Overview of the function blocks

Function block Short description
FILE_OPEN Opens a file with a specific name
FILE_CLOSE Closes a file with a specific handle
FILE_READ Reads from a file with a specific handle
FILE_WRITE Writes to a file with a specific handle
FILE_REMOVE Deletes a file with a specific name
FILE_TELL Determines the current position of the file pointer in a file
FILE_SEEK Moves the current file pointer to a new position
FILE_NOTIFY Displays files that have recently been created, deleted or mod-

The function blocks for handling files on the parameterization memory are described in
the PC Worx online help.

58 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Software PLC and PC Worx program creation

4.12 Function blocks for Ethernet communication

The function blocks are used to establish Ethernet communication between two communi-
cation partners.
The IP communication blocks listed below enable IEC 61131-5-compliant communication
between controllers via Ethernet or communication between controllers and Ethernet de-
vices via TCP/IP or UDP/IP.
Implement all time and connection monitoring in the application program.
The function blocks are valid for the Software PLC version listed in the table below and sup-
port the specified maximum number of TCP/IP or UDP/IP communication connections:
PC WORX RT BASIC Blocks Ethernet connections to other communi-
as of version cation partners (maximum)
1.1 IEC 61131-5
1.1 TCP/IP 32
1.1 UDP/IP

Table 4-2 Overview of the function blocks

Function block Short description
IP_CONNECT Establishes a connection between two communication partners
IP_USEND Sends data to a communication partner
IP_URCV Receives data from a communication partner
IP_TIME This function block enables the local system time to be dis-
played. The local system time cannot be set or synchronized.

The communication blocks are described in the PC Worx online help.

The extensions for the TCP/IP and UDP/IP function blocks are described in the TCP/UDP
COMMUNICATION application note.

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 59


4.13 Function blocks for PCP communication

The function blocks are used to establish PCP communication between the Software PLC
and PCP devices in INTERBUS.
The function blocks are valid for the Software PLC version listed in the table below and sup-
port the specified maximum number of PCP communication connections:
PC WORX RT BASIC as of ver- Connections to PCP devices (maximum)
1.1 631
Applies for the IBS PCI SC/I-T INTERBUS controller board installed in the industri-
al PC; for more detailed information, please refer to the controller board-specific
user documentation.

Table 4-3 Overview of the function blocks

Function block Short description
PCP_CONNECT This block can be used to set up communication connections to
each PCP device in INTERBUS.
PCP_WRITE This block enables PCP objects to be written.
PCP_READ This block enables data to be read from PCP objects.
PCP_SERVER This block enables PCP service indications to be received and
responses to be sent.

The communication blocks are described in the PC Worx online help.

4.14 Function block for Modbus communication

For more detailed information on communication via Modbus, refer to the AH EN MOD-
BUS/TCP application note.

60 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

System variables

5 System variables
Below you will find a list of the system variables in PC Worx of relevance to the Software
PLC. The variables of relevance to INTERBUS (MASTER_DIAG; IBS_FORCE_SYS-
FAIL) and a variable designed to detect Windows system crashes (blue screen) (Win-
dows_BSOD) are also listed.

5.1 Diagnostic status register (INTERBUS)

The INTERBUS registers are only available if an INTERBUS controller board is installed
in the industrial PC and the corresponding template has been selected in PC Worx.

Information regarding the operating state of the Software PLC is stored in the diagnostic sta-
tus register. Each bit in the diagnostic status register is assigned a specific Software PLC
The following system variables can be used to read the diagnostic status register informa-

Table 5-1 System variables of the diagnostic status register

System variable Type Meaning

MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_USER BOOL User error/parameterization error
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_CTRL BOOL Fault on the Software PLC/hardware
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_DTC BOOL Diagnostic routine is active
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_RUN BOOL Data transmission is active
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_ACT BOOL Selected configuration is ready to operate
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_RDY BOOL Software PLC is ready to operate
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_SYSFAIL BOOL Control program not running
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_RES BOOL Standard function processed negatively
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_SYNCRES BOOL Synchronization error occurred
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_WARN BOOL Defined waiting time exceeded
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_QUAL BOOL Defined error density exceeded
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_HI BYTE Master diagnostic status register, high byte
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_LOW BYTE Master diagnostic status register, low byte

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 61


5.2 Diagnostic parameter register (INTERBUS)

The INTERBUS registers are only available if an INTERBUS controller board is installed
in the industrial PC and the corresponding template has been selected in PC Worx.

The diagnostic parameter register provides additional information on the error indicated in
the diagnostic status register. The following information is stored in the diagnostic parame-
ter register:
Error location
Error code

15 8 7 0
3 1
Segment nummer Position in the segment
Example: device number 3.1 8047A011
Figure 5-1 Error location in the diagnostic parameter register

15 8 7 0
0 A 5 0
Error code
Example: address overlap, code 0A50hex 8047A012
Figure 5-2 Error code in the diagnostic parameter register

Special case: if a local bus error cannot be located, the value 128 is indicated in the di-
agnostic parameter register, i.e., bit 7 is set.

Table 5-2 Error code (example: 0A50hex)

Error code Type Description and remedy
0A50 USER Error when assigning a process data item. Input or output ad-
dress assigned more than once.
Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the incorrect PDRL entry.

The diagnostic parameter register is rewritten whenever an error occurs. The diagnostic pa-
rameter register contains the value 0 if no errors are detected.

Table 5-3 System variables of the diagnostic parameter register

System variable Type Meaning

MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_REG_HI BYTE Diagnostic parameter register, high byte
MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_REG_LOW BYTE Diagnostic parameter register, low byte
MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_2_REG_HI BYTE Extended diagnostic parameter register, high byte
MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_2_REG_LOW BYTE Extended diagnostic parameter register, low byte

62 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

System variables

5.3 IEC 61131 runtime system

There is a separate group of system variables for the IEC 61131 runtime system.

Table 5-4 System variables of the IEC 61131 runtime system

System variable Type Meaning

PLCMODE_ON BOOL PLC status ON: the runtime system of the Software PLC is ready to oper-
PLCMODE_LOADING BOOL PLC status LOADING: the application program is loading.
PLCMODE_RUN BOOL PLC status RUN: the application program is running.
PLCMODE_STOP BOOL PLC status STOP: the application program is currently not running.
PLCMODE_HALT BOOL PLC status HALT: the application program was stopped at an unspecified
PLCDEBUG_BPSET BOOL Breakpoint set: at least one breakpoint has been set in the application pro-
PLCDEBUG_FORCE BOOL Variable(s) forced: at least one variable is being continuously overwritten
(forced) by PC Worx.
PLCDEBUG_POWERFLOW BOOL Powerflow ON: in Powerflow mode, you can see which parts of your ap-
plication program are being processed. This bit indicates whether Power-
flow mode is active.
PLC_TICKS_PER_SEC INT System ticks per second: this variable shows how many pulses the system
clock of the runtime system delivers per second.
PLC_SYS_TICK_CNT DINT Number of system ticks: this variable shows the total number of pulses de-
livered by the system clock since the last startup.
PLC_TASK_AVAILABLE INT Number of available PLC tasks.
PLC_SYSTASK_AVAILABLE INT Number of available system tasks.
PLC_MAX_ERRORS DINT Maximum number of errors, warnings, and logging events.
If this maximum number is reached, the controller is stopped.
PLC_ERRORS DINT Number of errors, warnings, and logging events currently entered.
PLC_TASK_DEFINED INT Number of PLC tasks used.
PLC_TASK_1 Task_In- Information on task 1
: : :
PLC_TASK_16 Task_In- Information on task 16

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 63


5.4 Control processor (CPU)

The system variables listed below show the states of the diagnostic status register on the
control processor (one of the two processor cores of the dual-core CPU) of the Software
PLC. The INtime real-time operating system runs on this processor core.

Table 5-5 System variables of the control processor

System variable Type Meaning
COP_DIAG_STATUS_REG_RT_ERR BOOL A runtime error (Out of Realtime) has occurred on the control pro-
COP_DIAG_STATUS_REG_FAT_ERR BOOL A fatal error has occurred on the control processor. Division by
zero, for example, leads to a fatal error.
COP_DIAG_STATUS_REG_WARN BOOL A warning has been issued on the control processor.
COP_DIAG_STATUS_REG_PON BOOL Power ON (COP): the control processor is ready to operate.
COP_DIAG_PARAM_REG WORD Diagnostic parameter register of the control processor
COP_DIAG_PARAM_2_REG WORD Extended diagnostic parameter register of the control processor
COP_CPU_LOAD_WARNING BOOL The control processor is approaching the limits of its capacity

5.5 Variables of the Software PLC for the status of the

connected Ethernet network

The system variables listed below show whether the corresponding Ethernet service has
been executed.

Table 5-6 System variables of the Software PLC (status of the Ethernet network)

System variable Type Meaning

ETH_SRV_FTP_ACTIVE BOOL FTP Ethernet service has been activated.
ETH_SRV_HTTP_ACTIVE BOOL HTTP Ethernet service has been activated.
ETH_SRV_SNTP_ACTIVE BOOL SNTP Ethernet service has been activated.

5.6 PROFINET system variables

PROFINET provides extremely detailed diagnostic information from each device down to
the channel.

64 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

System variables

Diagnostic states are important for system operation. If error messages occur, the process
has to be stopped in case of doubt. To this end, controllers and industrial PCs from
Phoenix Contact provide the following status information for the PROFINET network.
The table below describes the PROFINET system variables of the integrated PROFINET
controller functionality.

Table 5-7 PROFINET system variables (PROFINET controller functionality)

System variable Type Meaning

PNIO_SYSTEM_BF BOOL No connection to a configured PROFINET device
An error has occurred in the PROFINET network, i.e., a con-
nection could not be established to at least one configured
device. This value is not set if the Control BF parameter is
set to FALSE for a device. This device has therefore been ex-
cluded from connection monitoring.
PNIO_SYSTEM_SF BOOL Diagnostic alarm on a configured PROFINET device
At least one PROFINET device is indicating a system error
(diagnostic alarm or maintenance alarm). The error priority
can be determined from the PNIO_DIAG_AVAILABLE,
PNIO_DIAG_AVAILABLE BOOL Diagnostics available
At least one PROFINET device is indicating a diagnostic
alarm for an active connection. The corresponding device(s)
can be identified using the RALRM diagnostic block or by re-
questing the diagnostic status byte of each
PN_DA_NO_DIAG device.
The application must decide, for example, whether outputs of
the other PROFINET devices in the network may continue to
be operated.
PNIO_MAINTENANCE_DEMANDED BOOL Maintenance demanded maintenance demand
At least one PROFINET device is indicating the mainte-
nance demand alarm (high-priority maintenance alarm) for
the active connection. The device can be identified using the
RALRM diagnostic block.
PNIO_MAINTENANCE_REQUIRED BOOL Maintenance required maintenance requirement
At least one PROFINET device is indicating the mainte-
nance requirement alarm (low-priority maintenance alarm)
for the active connection. The device can be identified using
the RALRM diagnostic block.
PNIO_FORCE_FAILSAFE BOOL All PROFINET devices are prompted to set/assume their
configured substitute values.
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS WORD Current configuration status of the context manager
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS_READY WORD Context manager active
Connection establishment to the PROFINET devices has
been completed.

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 65


Table 5-7 PROFINET system variables (PROFINET controller functionality) [...]

System variable Type Meaning
The PROFINET controller configuration has been applied
and the PROFINET controller is started. Connection estab-
lishment is active.
The PROFINET controller configuration has not been applied
due to a serious error and the PROFINET controller is not
started. Please contact Phoenix Contact.

If one of these values is set, it is now possible to decide from the program whether the sys-
tem should continue operating. For example, system errors such as maintenance require-
ment and maintenance demand can only result in a message to service personnel, which
informs them of the location, cause, and urgency of the error.
The table below describes the PROFINET system variables of the integrated PROFINET
device functionality.

Table 5-8 PROFINET system variables (PROFINET device functionality)

System variable Type Meaning

PND_S1S1_PLC_RUN BOOL Status of the higher-level controller
Information indicating whether the higher-level controller is
active. The value is TRUE if the higher-level controller is in the
RUN state (program). The display only applies when there is
an existing PROFINET connection (PND_S1S1_VALID_-
PND_S1S1_VALID_DATA_CYCLE BOOL PROFINET controller has established the connection
Information indicating whether a connection exists and cyclic
data is being exchanged between the PROFINET controller
and PROFINET device and whether the last frame received
contained valid data (DATA_VALID_BIT).
PND_S1S1_OUTPUT_STATUS_GOOD BOOL IOP status of the higher-level controller
Information indicating whether the IN process data of the
PROFINET device (PNS_S1S1_INPUTS) was received by
the PROFINET device with valid status. The value is TRUE
if the output data of the higher-level controller is valid (pro-
vider status).
PND_S1S1_INPUT_STATUS_GOOD BOOL IOC status of the higher-level controller
Information indicating whether the OUT process data of the
PROFINET device (PNS_S1S1_OUTPUTS) was received by
the PROFINET controller with valid status. The value is
TRUE if the input data of the higher-level controller has been
processed (consumer status).
PND_S1S1_DATA_LENGTH WORD Process data length configured for the integrated PROFINET

66 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

System variables

Table 5-8 PROFINET system variables (PROFINET device functionality) [...]

System variable Type Meaning
PND_S1S1_OUTPUTS PND_IO_ OUT process data
Memory area for OUT process data that the PROFINET de-
vice sends to the higher-level controller/higher-level PROF-
INET controller.
PND_S1S1_INPUTS PND_IO_ IN process data
Memory area for IN process data that the PROFINET device
receives from the higher-level controller/higher-level PROF-
INET controller.

5.7 Special variables of the Software PLC

Table 5-9 Special system variables of the Software PLC

System variable Type Meaning

WINDOWS_BSOD BOOL Variable for reporting/detecting a Windows
system crash (blue screen)
LICENSE DWORD License information

5.8 System time

Table 5-10 System variables of the system time
System variable Type Meaning
RTC_HOURS INT System time (hours)
RTC_MINUTES INT System time (minutes)
RTC_SECONDS INT System time (seconds)
RTC_DAY INT System time (day)
RTC_MONTH INT System time (month)
RTC_YEAR INT System time (year)

The system time of the Software PLC is continuously synchronized with the Windows sys-
tem time. The refresh interval is 5 minutes.

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 67


68 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Technical data and ordering data

6 Technical data and ordering data

6.1 Technical data

The technical data for the Software PLC depends on the industrial PC used and the
INTERBUS controller board installed as an option in the industrial PC.

For information on the technical data for the industrial PC on which the Software PLC is
installed and the optional INTERBUS controller board, please refer to the device-specific
user documentation (see Documentation on page 71).

General data
Real-time clock Yes
Fieldbus systems PROFINET, Modbus, INTERBUS

IEC 61131 runtime system

Programming system PC Worx
Processing speed Depends on the processor used
Shortest cycle time (for cyclic task) 1 ms
Program memory 8 Mbytes
Mass storage 16 Mbytes
Memory for retentive data 240 kbytes (file on hard disk)
Number of control tasks 16


The INTERBUS functionality is only available if a corresponding PCI extension card (INTERBUS controller board) has been installed in the
industrial PC. For the INTERBUS-specific technical data, please refer to the user documentation for this controller board (see Section Docu-
mentation on page 71).

Type PROFINET controller, PROFINET device
PROFINET specification Version 2.x
Number of PROFINET devices 256, maximum
Update time for inputs and outputs 1 ms, minimum, depending on the size of the bus system
Conformance class B

Approvals depend on the device. For the latest approvals for the devices listed in the Modules ordering data, please visit

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 69


6.2 Ordering data

6.2.1 Modules

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt

Software PLC PC WORX RT BASIC 2700291 1
Industrial PC, configurable VL2 BPC 2000 2400332 1
VL2 BPC 7000 2400333
VL2 PPC 2000 2400334
VL2 PPC 7000 2400346
BL BPC 2000 2701712
BL BPC 2001 2701711
BL BPC 3000 2400082
BL BPC 3001 2400080
BL PPC 3000 2701397
BL PPC 7000 2701398
BL BPC 7000 2400083
VL PPC 3000 2400184
VL BPC 3000 2400183
VL IPC P7000 2701127
VL IPC P7000 2701127
DL PPC15M 7000 2400017
DL PPC18.5M 7000 2400015
DL PPC21.5M 7000 2400016
Controller board in PCI format, with electrical isolation IBS PCI SC/I-T 2725260 1

6.2.2 Accessories

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt

Remote bus connector with solder connection IBS DSUB 9/L 2758473 1
Remote bus connector with screw connection SUBCON 9/M-SH 2761509 1
Gray RJ45 connector set for linear cable FL PLUG RJ45 GR/2 2744856 2
Green RJ45 connector set for crossed cable FL PLUG RJ45 GN/2 2744571 2
Assembly tool for RJ45 connector FL CRIMPTOOL 2744869 1
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 0.3 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 0,3 2832250 10
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 0.5 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 0,5 2832263 10
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 1.0 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 1,0 2832276 10
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 1.5 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 1,5 2832221 10
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 2.0 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 2,0 2832289 10
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 3.0 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 3,0 2832292 10
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 5.0 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 5,0 2832580 10
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 7.5 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 7,5 2832616 10
Patch cable, CAT5, pre-assembled, 10.0 m long FL CAT5 PATCH 10,0 2832629 10

70 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

Technical data and ordering data

6.2.3 Software

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt

PC Worx automation software See current catalog from Phoenix Contact (
AX OPC SERVER, communication interface for OPC-compatible visualiza- AX OPC SERVER 2985945 1
tion with PC Worx-based controllers

6.2.4 Documentation

Make sure you always use the latest documentation.

It can be downloaded at

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt.

Industrial PC

Data sheets for configurable industrial PCs, for example: DB EN VL2 BPC 2000 1
VL2 BPC 2000 (order number: 2400332)

Quick start guide UM QS EN AXC 1050 PN STARTERKIT 1
Installing and starting up the AXC 1050 PN starter kit
User manual UM EN PROFINET SYS 1
PROFINET Installation Guideline for Cabling and Assembly, For the latest versions of the document visit or you can
Version 1.0, January 2009, Order No.: 8.072 contact your nearest Phoenix Contact representative regarding the docu-
PROFINET_Guideline_Assembly_8072_V10_Jan09.pdf ment

Application note AH EN MODBUS TCP 1
Modbus TCP with Phoenix Contact controllers

INTERBUS (general)
Data sheet DB GB IBS PCI SC/I-T 1
Controller board for PC systems with PCI bus
Driver Reference Manual IBS PC SC SWD UM E 1
for G4-based controller boards using PC bus and Ethernet
Quick start guide IBS PCI SC QS UM E 1
Installing and starting up the controller board for PC systems
User manual IBS SYS INTRO G4 UM E 1
General introduction to the INTERBUS system
User manual IBS SYS PRO INST UM E 1
Configuring and installing INTERBUS
User manual IBS SYS DIAG DSC UM E 1
INTERBUS Diagnostics Guide
User manual IBS SYS FW G4 UM E 1
Firmware services and error messages
User manual IBS SYS PCP G4 UM E 1
Peripherals Communication Protocol (PCP)

Documentation for software

Quick start guide UM QS EN PC WORX 1
PC Worx

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 71


72 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

A Appendix: interfaces of the PC WORX RT BASIC
Software PLC
The Software PLC interfaces available depend on the industrial PC on which the Software
PLC is installed. For more detailed information, please read the device-specific user docu-
mentation on this matter or contact the manufacturer of the industrial PC used.
For more detailed information on the interfaces and extension options of the
Phoenix Contact industrial PC used in the example, please refer to the device-specific user

For more detailed information on the user documentation, please refer to the ordering
data (see Section Documentation on page 71).
The user documentation can be downloaded at

A1 Installing the INTERBUS controller board

If you want to use the Software PLC as the INTERBUS master, you must first install a suit-
able INTERBUS interface card (INTERBUS controller board) in the industrial PC. For infor-
mation on the INTERBUS controller board and the PCI slots available in the industrial PC,
please again refer to the device-specific user documentation.

For information on installing a controller board in PCI format in an industrial PC from

Phoenix Contact, please refer to the device-specific user documentation.

The following sections contain descriptions of the contact assignment for the INTERBUS in-
terface and assembly of the INTERBUS connectors. Information about connecting an
Ethernet/PROFINET network can be found at the end of this appendix.

A2 INTERBUS remote bus connection

The following diagram shows the configuration of the remote bus connection and the re-
mote bus cable (D9/D9 cable type).

Remote bus connection Remote bus cable (D9/D9)

connector Solder Solder
DO 1 side DO 1 Yellow 1 DO side
DO 6 DO 6 Green 6 DO
DI 2 1 6 1 6 DI 2 Gray 2 DI 6 1

DI 7 DI 7 Pink 7 DI
COM 3 5 9 5 9 COM 3 Brown 3 COM 9 5

res. 8 Strain Strain

res. 4 relief relief
res. = reserved
res. 9 9
9-pos. D-SUB
+5V 5 5 female connectors
9-pos. D-SUB 9-pos. D-SUB
female connectors male connectors 7457A015

Figure A-1 Remote bus connection and example for a remote bus cable

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 73


The braided shield of the remote bus cable connected to the metal-plated connector hous-
ing via the strain relief creates a conductive connection with functional earth ground (FE) on
the INTERBUS controller board used.

Phoenix Contact offers pre-assembled remote bus cables in popular lengths.

A 2.1 IBS DSUB 9/L remote bus connector with solder connec-

Designation: IBS DSUB 9/L, Order No. 2758473

20 mm
(0.79 in.)
8 mm (0.32 in.)

3 mm (0.12 in.)

Strain relief

Solder Remote bus cable (D9/D9) Solder

side side
DO 6 Green 6 DO
DO 1 Yellow 1 DO
1 6 6 1
DI 7 Pink 7 DI
DI 2 Gray 2 DI
5 9 COM 3 Brown 3 COM 9 5
5 Strain
9 relief
Strain 9-pos. D-SUB
relief female connector
9-pos. D-SUB
male connector 6219A030

Figure A-2 Remote bus cable with D-SUB connector for soldering

1. Strip 20 mm off the cable sheath and shorten the braided shield to 8 mm. Strip 3 mm off
the wire ends and connect the signal lines according to the drawing.
2. Fold the braided shield uniformly back over the cable sheath.
3. Clamp the braided shield under the strain relief according to Figure A-2, so that a con-
ductive connection to the metal-plated connector housing is created, thereby creating
a connection to functional earth ground (FE).

74 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

INTERBUS remote bus connection

Only use metal-plated connectors sold by Phoenix Contact.

A 2.2 SUBCON 9/M-SH remote bus connector with screw con-


Designation: SUBCON 9/M-SH, Order No. 2761509

1 50 mm (1.97 in.)
10 mm
(0.39 in.)

2 5 mm (0.20 in.)








Strain relief

Remote bus cable (SUBCON 9/SUBCON 9)

DO 6 Green 6 DO
DO 1 Yellow 1 DO
DI 7 Pink 7 DI
DI 2 Gray 2 DI
COM 3 Brown 3 COM
5 Strain
9 relief
Strain 9-pos. SUBCON
relief female connector
9-pos. SUBCON
male connector 6219A031

Figure A-3 Remote bus cable with D-SUB connector for screwing

1. Strip 50 mm off the cable sheath and shorten the braided shield to 10 mm. Strip 5 mm
off the wire ends and connect the signal lines according to the drawing.
2. Fold the braided shield uniformly back over the cable sheath.
3. Clamp the braided shield under the strain relief according to Figure A-3, so that a con-
ductive connection to the metal-plated connector housing is created, thereby creating
a connection to functional earth ground (FE).

Only use metal-plated connectors sold by Phoenix Contact.

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 75


A3 Connecting the INTERBUS system

Remote bus cable Connect the remote bus cable, which goes to the first INTERBUS remote bus device, to the
remote bus connection (REMOTE) of the INTERBUS controller board installed in the indus-
trial PC.
For the ordering data for the remote bus connectors, please refer to Section Ordering data
on page 70.

FO adapter As an alternative to the remote bus cable connector, the 9-pos. D-SUB socket can be con-
nected to an adapter for converting to fiber optics.

For additional information on FO adapters, please visit the Phoenix Contact homepage at

A4 Connecting an Ethernet/PROFINET network

Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet interface (RJ45 socket) of the industrial PC
which is reserved for external Software PLC communication. It connects the Software PLC
to an Ethernet/PROFINET network. Use an Ethernet cable according to CAT5 of IEEE

Observe the information regarding the Ethernet interfaces of the device in Ethernet inter-
faces of the Software PLC on page 12.
For the ordering data for the Ethernet cable, please refer to Section Accessories on
page 70.

76 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

B Appendix for document lists

B1 List of figures

Section 2
Figure 2-1: Before (L) and after (R) installing the Software PLC ........................... 12

Section 3
Figure 3-1: DVD start screen ................................................................................ 15
Figure 3-2: Selecting the language ....................................................................... 16
Figure 3-3: PC WORX RT BASIC installer ............................................................ 16
Figure 3-4: Installation status of the programs to be installed ............................... 17
Figure 3-5: Windows Security Install device software dialog ............................ 17
Figure 3-6: PC WORX RT BASIC Setup dialog Destination Folder .................. 18
Figure 3-7: PC WORX RT BASIC Setup dialog Additional Settings ................. 18
Figure 3-8: Software PLC: selecting the network adapter and IP settings ............. 19
Figure 3-9: Start of installation .............................................................................. 20
Figure 3-10: Installation status of the Software PLC ................................................ 20
Figure 3-11: Installation successful ......................................................................... 21
Figure 3-12: DVD start screen ................................................................................ 22
Figure 3-13: PC WORX RT BASIC Installer ............................................................ 23
Figure 3-14: Software PLC version already installed .............................................. 24
Figure 3-15: Update reboot required .................................................................... 24
Figure 3-16: Installation status of the programs to be installed ............................... 25
Figure 3-17: Windows Security Install device software dialog ............................ 25
Figure 3-18: PC WORX RT BASIC Setup dialog box transferred settings
(Ready to Install) ................................................................................. 26
Figure 3-19: Update status of the Software PLC ..................................................... 26
Figure 3-20: Installation successful ......................................................................... 27
Figure 3-21: Menu items of the Software PLC and status monitor .......................... 28
Figure 3-22: Reading the hardware key .................................................................. 29
Figure 3-23: Hardware key version ......................................................................... 29
Figure 3-24: INtime network configuration window
(interfaces ETH2 (A1) and B2) ............................................................ 29
Figure 3-25: IP settings (standard and extended) ................................................... 30
Figure 3-26: Mode selector switch .......................................................................... 31

8047_en_03 PHOENIX CONTACT 77


Figure 3-27: Status monitor: Software PLC communication error ........................... 32

Figure 3-28: Starting the Software PLC ................................................................... 32
Figure 3-29: Status monitor: Software PLC in the ON operating state .................... 32
Figure 3-30: Status monitor: Software PLC in the RUN operating state .................. 32
Figure 3-31: Status monitor of the Software PLC .................................................... 33
Figure 3-32: Starting the status monitor .................................................................. 33
Figure 3-33: Context menu of the status monitor .................................................... 34
Figure 3-34: Switch positions of the mode selector switch ...................................... 36
Figure 3-35: Status monitor resetting the Software PLC ....................................... 36
Figure 3-36: Status monitor Software PLC: Show Information .............................. 37
Figure 3-37: Information about the current project .................................................. 37
Figure 3-38: Status monitor Software PLC: Show System Monitor ...................... 38
Figure 3-39: System monitor ................................................................................... 38
Figure 3-40: PC WORX RT BASIC: indication of demo version .............................. 39
Figure 3-41: PC WORX RT BASIC: display of demo version runtime ..................... 40
Figure 3-42: PC WORX RT BASIC: demo version will expire in x minutes .............. 40
Figure 3-43: PC WORX RT BASIC: demo version has expired ............................... 40
Figure 3-44: Status monitor: Software PLC communication errors ......................... 41

Section 4
Figure 4-1: Example project structure ................................................................... 43
Figure 4-2: Creating a new project File, New Project... menu .......................... 44
Figure 4-3: New Project dialog: project templates .............................................. 44
Figure 4-4: File, Save Project As / Zip Project As... menu ................................... 44
Figure 4-5: Save/Zip project as dialog ................................................................ 45
Figure 4-6: Bus configuration workspace button ................................................. 46
Figure 4-7: Project information after creating a new project .................................. 46
Figure 4-8: Adapting IP address settings .............................................................. 47
Figure 4-9: Device details IP address setting of the Software PLC ..................... 48
Figure 4-10: Device Details window testing the communication path ................ 49
Figure 4-11: PROFINET node: Read PROFINET ................................................... 50
Figure 4-12: Read PROFINET dialog ................................................................... 51
Figure 4-13: Insert PROFINET Device dialog ....................................................... 51
Figure 4-14: PROFINET device name and IP address ............................................ 52
Figure 4-15: Build, Rebuild Project menu ............................................................. 53
Figure 4-16: Compilation process complete ........................................................... 53
Figure 4-17: Opening the project control dialog box ............................................... 53

78 PHOENIX CONTACT 8047_en_03

List of figures

Figure 4-18: Project control dialog box ................................................................... 54

Figure 4-19: Extended Settings: Open FTP Folder on Device ................................ 55
Figure 4-20: File structure on the parameterization memory ................................... 56
Figure 4-21: Internet Options: Enable folder view for FTP sites .............................. 56
Figure 4-22: Deactivating the FTP server ................................................................ 57

Section 5
Figure 5-1: Error location in the diagnostic parameter register .............................. 62
Figure 5-2: Error code in the diagnostic parameter register .................................. 62

Appendix A
Figure A-1: Remote bus connection and example for a remote bus cable ............ 73
Figure A-2: Remote bus cable with D-SUB connector for soldering ...................... 74
Figure A-3: Remote bus cable with D-SUB connector for screwing ....................... 75

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B2 List of tables

Section 3
Table 3-1: Operating states of the Software PLC.................................................. 34
Table 3-2: Options in the context menu of the status monitor ............................... 35
Table 3-3: Switch positions of the mode selector switch....................................... 36
Table 3-4: Communication errors causes .......................................................... 41

Section 4
Table 4-1: Overview of the function blocks ........................................................... 58
Table 4-2: Overview of the function blocks ........................................................... 59
Table 4-3: Overview of the function blocks ........................................................... 60

Section 5
Table 5-1: System variables of the diagnostic status register ............................... 61
Table 5-2: Error code (example: 0A50hex) ............................................................ 62
Table 5-3: System variables of the diagnostic parameter register ........................ 62
Table 5-4: System variables of the IEC 61131 runtime system ............................. 63
Table 5-5: System variables of the control processor ........................................... 64
Table 5-6: System variables of the Software PLC
(status of the Ethernet network) ........................................................... 64
Table 5-7: PROFINET system variables (PROFINET controller functionality) ...... 65
Table 5-8: PROFINET system variables (PROFINET device functionality)........... 66
Table 5-9: Special system variables of the Software PLC..................................... 67
Table 5-10: System variables of the system time.................................................... 67

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B3 Index

A Interfaces, indication elements,

and operating elements .............................................. 13
Assembly and electrical installation ............................ 14
INtime network configuration....................................... 29
AX OPC server............................................................ 11
IP settings ................................................................... 30

Communication errors................................................. 41
Mode selector switch, switch position ................... 35, 36
Causes .................................................................. 41
Status monitor ....................................................... 32
Network adapter ................................................... 12, 19
New installation........................................................... 15
Demo version.............................................................. 39

Operating systems, supported .................................... 10
Electrical installation
Ordering data
Connecting the INTERBUS system ....................... 76
Accessories........................................................... 70
Errors and troubleshooting
Documentation ...................................................... 71
Communication errors ........................................... 41
Modules ................................................................ 70
Ethernet functionality................................................... 11
Software ................................................................ 71
Ethernet interfaces ...................................................... 12
Physical network card ........................................... 12
Virtual network card............................................... 12
Parameterization memory ........................................... 13
PC Worx
Creating a new project .......................................... 44
FTP functionality ......................................................... 55
Project information ................................................ 46
Saving the project.................................................. 44
H PROFINET.................................................................. 11
Hardware key.............................................................. 29 Programming software................................................ 10
Hardware requirements .............................................. 10
I Scope of supply ............................................................ 9
IEC 61131 control performance .................................. 11 Software PLC
Installation status .................................................. 17, 25 Demo version ........................................................ 39
Installing the Software PLC ......................................... 15 Reset..................................................................... 36
New installation ..................................................... 15 Software PLC, operating states .................................. 34
Update................................................................... 22 Software PLC, project information .............................. 37
INTERBUS connection Status monitor................................................. 12, 31, 33
Remote bus connector with screw connection ...... 75 Status monitor, context menu ..................................... 34
Remote bus connector with solder connection ...... 74 Supported hardware ................................................... 11
Interfaces .................................................................... 73 System requirements .................................................. 10
INTERBUS remote bus connection ....................... 73
Selecting the network adapter ............................... 19

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Update ........................................................................ 22
USB dongle................................................................. 12

Windows system error message
(Blue screen) ......................................................... 39

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