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The main objective of Twosday is to institutionalize new terms for exercising power; terms that preclude corruption,
conspiracies, dishonesty and other behavior that prevent politicians from pursuing the interest of the majority.
Absolute honesty can only be attained through total and unconditional surveillance of everything related to politics
and government in combination with various types of lie detector tests for those holding any kind of public power.

The second objective is to emancipate humanity from economic oppression. Our current monetary system in which
private banks issue money out of debt is an elaborate fraud created and used by private bankers to attain ownership
over the world while putting its governments and populations in chains of perpetual debt. We will cancel all public
debt, take ownership over the banks and grant the government the right to create the official currency at its discretion.
The surveilled government will thereby have the means and resources required to finance its own activities without
collecting taxes as well as to assure provision of food, water and energy if requested.

1. Honest government.
All corruption and conspiracies are to be precluded through the establishment a system of total surveillance over
everything related to politics in combination with various types of lie detector tests for those holding public power.

2. Honest money.
The official currency is to be created by the government for the benefit of the people and not by private interests.
All debt owed by the government and the people is to be cancelled and ownership over the banks and their assets
made public.

Twosday buildup: Coordinated activism.

22.02.2019: We make Twosday public. Be it both online and by conventional means.

22.08.2019: We arrange local parties in public places to celebrate the coming world peace.
22.11.2019: We start sending letters and gifts to all police and military. We are the same!
22.02.2020: We Are the Same March: for the unity between police, military and the people.
22.05.2020: Food consciousness: Encourage people to grow food and prepare food storages.
22.06.2020: World Peace Parties. Let the military know that world peace will be on Twosday.
22.07.2020: Arts day. Paint the city!
22.08.2020: The Big Street Party. Bring music and BBQs to the city centers.
10.10.2020: Peace day. Celebrate the coming world peace.
22.11.2020: Education day. Arrange lectures or screenings of documentaries. Continue sending letters.
22.02.2021: We Are the Same March: for the unity between police, military and the people. Bring drums
22.05.2021: Food consciousness: Encourage people to grow food and prepare food storages.
22.06.2021: World Peace Parties. Let the military know that world peace will be on Twosday.
22.07.2021: Arts day. Paint the city!
19.08.2021-22.08.2021: Twosday Festival. Make it huge and well prepared. The cities belong to us!
22.11.2021: Start preparing and organizing. Study local conditions, broadcasting systems, energy sources

Twosday: Non-violent

We march through the cities and towards predetermined locations for the main activity. There we install a broadcasted
surveillance system so that all succeeding activity can be recorded and broadcasted live. Once everything is visible to
the public we proceed to establish a temporary administration that will organize the implementation the two changes.

Society will proceed as usual until a new government is established, stable, and under comprehensive surveillance.
Those with occupations that support society, or provide for our needs, are to assure the continuation of those services.
The rest of us are to make sure, beyond doubt, that those in the temporary administration are devoted and honest.
Trust nobody and never obey anything that goes against what you believe. Be your own master!

This plan is to be spread in physical form as it is the only way to make an impact on the receiver. Give or send it to at
least seven persons within a week and we will grow fast enough. Start spreading it abroad once you receive your
fourth letter and it will be global.
Why Twosday!

There is a real possibility of changing the world. We have for the first time reached a level of
technology where we can use surveillance and lie detectors to eradicate corruption and conspiracies
by assuring honesty in government and politics.

We need to unite to succeed. Twosday is a cause that everyone can unite behind. Everyone wants
honesty as it assures that decisions are taken in the best interest of the people. Even though anarchy,
communism, The Venus Project and other are great ideas they will not come true because we are not
united behind them. As long as we focus on what is ideal rather than what is possible we will remain
divided into different ideologies and thereby also conquered. Twosday allows us to unite because we
dont have to agree on ideologies.

Truth is the universal good. It means no secret manipulation of opinion and no lies to create wars. We
will have all information and we will know the truth about vaccines, about foods, medicine, science,
technology, consciousness, geoengineering; about everything we want to know.

With Twosday we dont need to have all the answers. We dont need to figure out how everything is
connected; who truly runs the show and why. We dont need to agree on politics or how to shape
the world. The truth is all we need. When we have the truth we will know. We are intelligent enough
to make smartphones; once corruption is gone we will flourish.

Twosday is without formal and official leaders. It is not about who will reach power but about the
conditions for exercising power. As the movement is not dependent on key persons it is very hard to
corrupt and mislead.

The masses will consider it a fair deal. They are not opposed to knowing the truth. Of course they
fear and are instinctively opposed to change but they also want the truth. When a solution is
presented they will overcome the dissonance and see the world for what it is. They will rise. The
police and the military will know that we are the people and that they are with us. We just need to

It will take us all the way. We are guaranteed a desirable aftermath. Surveillance and lie detectors
will assure that the corruption and conspiracies do not return. Once we have honesty all other
problems will be addressed intelligently.

Non-action is not an alternative. We will not save the world by praying, meditating, refusing taxes or
moving into the bush! These ideas will only work if everyone does it and that will not happen.
Ideologies does not work for the same reason. They end up fighting each other.

There is real hope. We have a way to reach all the way. We have a way to unite. If we all apply
ourselves it will resonate into existence. We are stronger than they and we still have a chance.

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