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The Millennium Tapes Volume I: Increasing Your Inner Light Orin Meditations by Sanaya Roman 2 o¥ty. a a Music by Thaddeus Side1 Surrounding Yourself With Light | Side7 Linking With Lightworkers and Great Ones Side? Creating an Fnlightened Mind | Sife § Working from the Fifth Dimension: Gilad Phspetita doe nls Chiciphs Creating New Opportunities Side4 Connecting With the Pole Stat, Great Beas, | Sill S Adding Light to Your Chakras Sirius, and Pleiades | Side 10 Bringing Spirit Into Matter—Atomic Radiance Side 5 Awakening Soul Vision | Side 1 Seeing Into the Futuxe Site Living as Your Soul | Side 12 Increasing the Light in Your Aura LursinEssene Moo 2.0 Box 19117 Dakland, CA 91619 Orin Meditations by Sanaya Roman The Millennium Tapes Volume I: Increasing Your Inner Light ‘These guided meditations by Orin willassist youin prepar- ing for the changes that are coming in the new millennium. ‘The light coming to your world at both the physical and the subtle levels is growing more intense. This in- cludes the light that affects you from the higher dimensionsand fromstarsystemssuchas the Ple- iades, the Great Bear, and Sirius. Many of you have been feeling the spiritual- awakening effectsofthis nner lightcomingtothe earth plane for many years. As this light grows stronger throughout the next few years more people than ever will feel its effects, creating changesinmany areas of your civilization. Forms that cannot hold this spiritual light will begin to fallapart,tomakeroom forthose thatare aligned with ight. Those forms—businesses, careers, re- lationships and soon—that are aligned with the ign willrot only endure, but prosper and grow stronger Each person will experience these energies differently; the sway each person's life changes will be unique to that person. The most important steps youcan taketo prepare fortheneve millenniumistoincreasetheamountoflight youcan holdand, radiate, fortis your inner light that determines what youex- perience and draw to you. ‘Themeditationsinthisalbumassistyouin moving through any of the coming changes in the easiest, smoothest, and most joyful way. Youcan use the light that is coming to expand your con- sciousness and potential, accelerate your evo- lution, and tobea positive forceofloveand light toeveryonearound you. Asyouincrease your inner light you will be able to release those forms hat donot support yourenlightenment and draw toyounew onesthat do. Youwillbe ableto create afuture filled with light, increas- ing the ight within and around you These journeys contain many advanced en- ergyskillsteaching youthe ancient wisdomand someofthemystery school teachings. The Mil- Jennium Tapes work well with DaBen and Orin’s lightbody course. Note: Because we feel itis so important that others havetheseskills, youmay teach what youlearn inthesemedi- tations to your students, and you may play and share these meditations with your friends and loved ones, Side 1:Surrounding Yourself With Light—Meet and receive light fromthe Divine AngelsofLove.Surround yourself, your home, and loved ones with light. Bring the gold and white angels into your etheric body for transformation. Side : Creating an Enlightened Mind—Your thoughts cre- ateyour realy. Spinoldbeliefsandthoughtsoutofyouraure, awaken the point of light in the center of your head that links ‘you with the Universal Mind, and continuously experience inew, creative, and positive thoughts. Sie 3: Preparing for Time Changes—An incredible journey intothe centeroftime. Directly experiencethe’'new’ timethat is coming. Rewrite your past and create a new future. Sided: Connecting With the Pole Star, Great Bear, Sirfus,and Pleiades—Make a triangle of light between the Great Beer, Sirius,and Pleiades, then travel up through this riangletothe Polestartoabsorb its light of direction, will,and purpose into your being. Side 5: Awakening Soul Vision—Work with a Master of Vi- sion to experience your third eye as a spinning, five pointed star See yourlife through theeyesof yoursoul. Transmitsoul vision to assist another in awakening his or her soul vision. Side 6: Living as Your Soul—Tap into the light, love, will, power, serenity, and joy of your soul to transform your life Side7: Linking With Lightworkers and Great Ones—Expe- rience the power available to you from your inner link with other lightworkers.Receivetransmissions fromtheGreat Ones {oases you in harmonizing with the new light coming Side 8: Working From the Fifth Dimension: Creating New ‘Opportunities—Travel nto the fithdimension, Join with high beings who will work with you to reorganize the essence of your being into a higher pattern. Become light and let all ossibilities for your life open up. ide 9: Adding Light to Your Chakras—Bring seven rays of light fromyoursoul,theSolarlight,and anelectricallight rom aMasterof light into your chakrasto increase your'inner light. Side 10:SpiritInto Matter: Atomic Radiance—Bring light into theatoms of yourbody toawaken theseed of ight within them. Experience these atoms awakening toanew consciousness as you take one of your next evolutionary steps. Side 11: Seeing Into the Future—Learn how to see into the future as you make a triangle of light between two points of lightabove your eyesand your third eye. Realizewhat actions to take that will put you on your highest path Side 12: Increasing the Light in Your Aura—Work with star energy toenhanceyour vision, toawaken yourinnerlight,and to draw to yourself the best and highest opportunities, Contains 6 tapes, 12 journeys, in attractive album. Beautiful music by Thaddeus. MMOIO $89.95 TLuminssence Productions « P.O. Box 1310 - Medford, Oregon 97501 - www

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