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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

The Face
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Monroe County
C Courrthouse in M
Madisonvillle, TN

Author: Sh
haron Ron ndeau
Date: Jul. 7, 2010

(Jul. 7, 20110) — On March

M 17, 2009, Walteer Fitzpatricck III filed a criminal complaint against
Barack Hussein Obam ma II with the U.S. atttorney’s offfice in the E
Eastern Disstrict of Ten
charging hiim with Treeason. The complaint1 reads:


esday, 17 March
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To: Mr. Bara

ack Husse
ein Obama

Paage 1 of 49 
Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason
Via: U.S. Attorney Russell Dedrick, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward
Schmutzer, Eastern District, Tennessee

From: Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, United States Navy Retired

Distribution: Wide



I have observed and extensively recorded treacherous attacks by military-political

aristocrats against the United States Constitution for twenty years.

Now, in yet another betrayal, you have broken in and entered the White House by
force of contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling, and deceit. Posing as an
imposter president and commander in chief you have stripped civilian command
and control over the military establishment. Known military criminal actors—
command racketeers—are now free in the exercise of military government intent
upon destruction of America’s constitutional government.

Free from constitutional restraint, and following your criminal example, military
commanders deployed U.S. Army active duty combat troops into the small
civilian community of Samson, Alabama last week in a demonstration of their
newly received despotic, domestic police power.

We come now to this reckoning. I accuse you and your military-political criminal
assistants of TREASON. I name you and your military criminal associates as
traitors. Your criminal ascension manifests a clear and present danger. You
fundamentally changed our form of government. The Constitution no longer

Confident holding your silent agreement and admission, I identify you as a

foreign born domestic enemy.

My sworn duty Mr. Obama is to stand against what you stand for. You are not my
president. You are not my commander in chief.

Obedient to the Constitution in submission of this criminal accusation I remain

steadfast, and

Born fighting,

Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III

Class of 1975

To date, U.S. Attorney Russell Dedrick has taken no action on the complaint, saying that in
order for him to do so, he would need an order from a federal judge. The complaint was
incorporated into the American Grand Jury presentments2 which were filed with various
courts, judges, U.S. attorneys, governors, sheriffs, attorneys general, and FBI offices across
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the country since May 2009. Judge Royce Lamberth of the U.S. District Court in
Washington, DC eventually responded to the presentments but refused to act.3

Fitzpatrick received a visit from two Secret Service4 agents after filing the complaint, but he
was not arrested5 or court-martialed. No one at the Department of Justice answered the
criminal complaint, nor did Obama.

In the state of Tennessee, citizens may bring criminal complaints directly to a grand jury6 for
consideration. While today’s grand juries operate under a government prosecutor,
historically, grand juries were the sole purview7 of private citizens until Congress changed the
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure in 1946, labeling grand jury presentments
“obsolete.”8 However, the Rules change could not abridge9 the Fifth Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, which states:10

“No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime,
unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in
the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or
public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice
put in jeopardy of life or limb;11 nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be
a witness against himself, nor be deprived12 of life, liberty, or property, without
due process13 of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without
just compensation.”

Fitzpatrick attempted on several occasions to bring his criminal complaint against Obama to
the Monroe County, TN grand jury but was unsuccessful.14 Fitzpatrick reported15 that there
had been a second criminal complaint from a Monroe County resident naming Obama as
well. In an astounding and unexpected turn of events, Fitzpatrick discovered that Mr. Gary
Pettway, the jury foreman, had served for 20 consecutive years at the judge’s behest, in
violation of TCA 22-2-314.16

Cdr. Fitzpatrick generously gave of his time to explain the events which led up to his discovery
of the depth of corruption in his own community which stemmed from his attempt to file the
criminal complaint of Treason against Obama.

MRS. RONDEAU: At one point I read17 that it looked as if your criminal complaint would
be reviewed by the Monroe County Grand Jury. What happened to derail it?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: I had approached the grand jury last August and got in on September
3. I was then put off. Then I tried to come back in October and was put off. At the end of
November, just before Thanksgiving, I got a call from Gary Pettway, and he said, “You’re
being called back to the grand jury.” That was the December 1 meeting. He left a message,
but he didn’t tell me what it was about. The next day I called the office and I asked what I was
supposed to be appearing for, and nobody knew. And everybody at that point thought that I
was going to appear on December 1 before 13 people, the full grand jury.

MRS. RONDEAU: Why did Pettway call you rather than notify you in writing as would have
been expected?

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CDR. FITZPATRICK: I called the FBI about this and I said, “There’s something really
freaky going on here. I also called the office and spoke with Renee and said, “Excuse me, but
this should have been in writing,” and I did get a letter. But it was no more instructive or
informative than the phone call.

I went in on December 1 thinking that I would be going in front of 13 people. I was there for a
couple of hours, and then Mr. Pettway came out and dismissed the full grand jury. You can
see this on the video. I was thinking, “What the heck is going on here?” and I got pretty
agitated. Then Pettway came out, and I said, “Arrest this man.” And then I got called in, and
it wasn’t the full grand jury; it was just four people.

I was in there for an hour and a half, and for the first 45 minutes, the people in there didn’t
even know why I was there. They had to call another district attorney to find out why that
happened, and they realized, “Well, he’s just here to talk about the obstruction issue, nothing
else.” So then I left and we were waiting for word back from them, and for the next month,
through the month of December, nothing happened, and that got us to January 2010.

Then we dug into it some more, and we realized that the grand jury had been rigged, so this
was a brand-new issue. It was altogether different, and I knew that Mr. Pettway had to be
removed if I were going to advance the complaint against Mr. Obama for Treason.

MRS. RONDEAU: On December 1, did you get to say anything about the complaint against

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. For the first 45 minutes I dwelled on that, and then the grand
jury foreman on that day, Don Weiss, and the other three men said, “What are we supposed to
be dealing with here?” I had a boxful of stuff, prepared to talk all afternoon. So nothing
happened on December 1. By the end of the month, I knew the grand jury had disbanded,
because at the 31st of December, they go away. All of them except Mr. Pettway.

Editor’s Note: A local news report18 on the grand jury hearing aired on
December 2, 2009.

So in January, I thought, “OK, I’ll start over again. New jury, new people, and then we found
out that Pettway was still there, and I realized that I was still dealing with the same issue of
obstruction and of course, he’s working with the Assistant District Attorney, Stutts. The team
was still in place! And I thought, “The obstruction is still here.”

So now the problem is altogether different, and then we found out that Mr. Pettway had been
there “forever,” and this went against anything I had understood or learned about a grand
jury. I realized that I was now dealing with another problem which is just as serious and
goes to bigger things.

So then, nothing happened. Then on February 4 — and I had to fight with the local
newspaper to get this full-page ad in — I published an article called “The Third Truth.”19 So
I wrote that, put it out there, and nothing happened. On the first of March, realizing that the
third month was coming up and nothing was happening, I went in to the Chief of Police of
Madisonville, TN. Madisonville is the county seat for Monroe County. I sat down with the
Chief of Police in the afternoon. I had made other inquiries of constables previously. I went
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in to talk to Chief Breeden, and I said to him, “Why haven’t you effected an arrest?” And he
told me that he had spoken with the district attorney, Steve Bebe, and said that Bebe had told
him that he had no jurisdiction to effect the arrest of Mr. Pettway.

I said, “Well, where does that come from, because I don’t find that in the law, Chief.” And he
said, “Well, I haven’t looked it up.” I said, “You haven’t looked it up?” He didn’t look it up
because he knows he’s not going to find it. And then Breeden goes on to explain to me that if
he did effect the arrest, they wouldn’t prosecute. I said, “Well, isn’t that rosy?” So I told the
chief of police that a citizen’s arrest was on the table. He said, “I understand that.” I told
him, “We’re left with no other options here.”

So a week went by, and I didn’t hear from the Chief of Police, Gregg Breeden. So then, on
March 8, I wrote a letter, and this is posted at The Jaghunter,20 and it’s Notice of Authority,
Intent and Necessity to Effect Citizen’s Arrest. The letter is to the Chief of Police of
Madisonville, Chief Breeden, and to the Chief of Police here in Sweetwater, Tennessee, Edie
Byrum, who is a relation, I believe a cousin, to the sheriff whom I run into all the time. I
wrote the same letter to the chief of police in Sweetwater because Mr. Pettway lives in
Sweetwater. I know that because on that posting I told you about on the bulletin board, it
lists his address. It’s a public notice. I said that a Citizen’s Arrest was imminent; we need to
do this, and I asked these two men, these two police officers, to call me in and sit down and to
put together an arrest plan.

There was no answer from them. So after a week of not hearing anything, I started to look at
effecting a Citizen’s Arrest. So that happened on April 1.

Editor’s Note: On April 1, Fitzpatrick was himself arrested21 and held for five
days in the Monroe County jail, during which he refused food and water. He was
released22 on April 6, 2010.

Through the month of September, I had contacted the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Madisonville Police, Sweetwater Police, Monroe County
Sheriff, multiple times to different people in these different organizations. I tried everywhere
to find how we could have Mr. Pettway arrested for his obstruction as we understood it to
exist last year in September. So when we discovered that, Mr. Pettway not only was
obstructing us, but he also had been involved in the grand jury for 20 years, I went back to
those same agencies telling these people, “Not only is he obstructing me, but he’s been there
for 20 years.” And nobody did anything.

J. Reed Dixon23 is the Sessions Court Judge; that’s the lower court around these parts. I was
trying to get an arrest warrant last year against Stutts and Pettway because no one would
issue one. That’s what you have to do; you have to get an arrest warrant issued if you’re
going to have somebody else conduct an arrest. So I went to the clerks, I went to the police, I
went to everybody. The clerks finally said, “Well, we don’t know. We can’t arrest a county
employee. We certainly can’t issue a warrant for Mr. Pettway,” and I said, “Well, where do I
go to find out this information?” and she said, “Well, why don’t you go try to talk to the
Sessions Court judge, Reed Dixon?” I said, “OK.”

So that was on a Wednesday, October 7, that I was there in the afternoon, and Wednesday is a
big church day here, so he wasn’t in. So she said, “You can come back tomorrow.” So I came
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back Thursday morning, October 8, and I finally got in to see him, and the bottom line was,
“This is all federal. I can’t help you. I can’t issue an arrest warrant because this is all federal.”

MRS. RONDEAU: He said that about a local grand jury?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: He said that the issues I was raising were “all federal.”

MRS. RONDEAU: I thought every local jurisdiction has its own grand jury.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes, ma’am. Each of these counties has its own grand jury. But he
said, “There’s nothing you can do here” and I said, “Well, I need an arrest warrant, and I’m
told you’re the guy to talk to.” He then said, “I can’t do it.” Now this is the same man who,
between April 20 and May 4, was asked to recuse himself because he’s the proximate cause
for my being in this situation to begin with. Nobody else would do the arrest, so I did it on my
own. Reed Dixon was told to recuse himself. There was a document prepared to have that
happen, and he threatened the attorneys by saying if they filed that, he’d “discipline
them.” You see? Reed Dixon’s in this thing up to his eyeballs. He didn’t issue an arrest
warrant last year, so because of his complicity in the events as they have unfolded, he could
not sit the bench on May 4 in this probable cause hearing, and people knew that. And he
threatened attorneys away from doing what they should have done, and I had discussed this
with them, and they had prepared a written motion to recuse.

During the course of the hearing on May 4, the attorney, Mr. Hughes, did stand up and ask
the judge to recuse himself, but the judge said, “No, I’m fine. We’re going to just continue on
here, Counselor Hughes.” And I was thinking to myself, “What the heck is this about?” That
hearing was closed to the public. There’s no record that I’ve come up with of the judge
refusing to step down. If a motion had been filed publicly, people would have looked at that,
and Reed Dixon was going to have no part of that, so he threatened the attorneys not to file
the written public motion, and it was done “in camera,” as they say, behind closed doors, and
someone told me about it.

Editor’s Note: At the Probable Cause hearing on May 4, 2010, Judge J. Reed
Dixon charged24 Fitzpatrick with:
1. Riot
2. Disorderly Conduct
3. Disturbing a public meeting or procession
4. Resisting arrest

stemming from the April 1 incident.

When The Post & Email contacted the Monroe County courthouse on April 1, 2010 following
an eyewitness report we received that Fitzpatrick had been arrested for “disorderly conduct,”
we asked if there had been a civil disturbance. The response from Donna Mills, a courthouse
employee, was, “Well, I wouldn’t really call it a disturbance. It wasn’t much of anything …it
was all over so quick.”

Since then, there have been three additional hearings: June 3, June 28 and July 7, 2010.

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MRS. RONDEAU: You have told me that people are sitting on grand juries for 20 years,
which is far in excess of what the Tennessee statute dictates.

CDR. FITPATRICK: Tennessee law states that any person who has completed a term of
jury service cannot be a juror again for two years. This is happening all throughout the
state. We found it here in Monroe County. In and of itself, it is spectacularly significant; it’s
breathtaking and beyond people’s ability to believe.

We caught Mr. Pettway as having been on this jury for 20 years; we’ve caught other people as
well. There’s a man named Snowe who comes out of Roane County, and we’ve been finding
this in other counties as well. There are legislators in the state of Tennessee who are white-
faced — the blood is drained from their faces — because they now know that they’re exposed
as having these kinds of foremen and “picked” jurors in their own communities. So this is

Here’s what makes it worse: this year, there’s a woman named Angela Davis25 who was
picked for the grand jury for 2010 in Monroe County. She has been sitting as a grand jury
person from January through May 2009. In June of this year, just days ago, Ms. Davis was
picked by a judge to become the foreman of this group of people whom they’re calling the
“Grand Jury,” but it’s essentially just a gang. It was Ms. Davis who signed out the list of
presentments, the formal accusations, that have been read against me now in a court this past
Monday. Ms. Davis signed that document, but she is not lawfully allowed to be on the 2010
grand jury.

MRS. RONDEAU: Because she has already served?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes, she served last year. Her term of service ended a year ago, on
the 30th of June 2009, almost a year ago to the day. She’s not allowed to be on a jury until
next year if she is randomly picked, like a lottery number. So she was hand-picked by the
judge. We have the appointing order; we have a document signed by the judge, Amy Reedy,
that says “OK, Ms. Davis, you’re going to be the foreman of the jury on the third of June.”

MRS. RONDEAU: So people are not randomly selected?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: No. And the people picking the jury are the judges. So Ms. Davis
was picked after she had been warned precisely not to do it — I sent you a copy of the
warning. I said, “Don’t do this; you need a jury that is completely unaffected by Mr. Pettway
and has no relationship to him,” and yet everybody in the room on the third of June knows
Gary Pettway. And the woman who was picked as the foreman by a judge isn’t even allowed
to be on the jury according to the law.

MRS. RONDEAU: Is the judge breaking the law?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. So here you have a situation right here in Monroe County where
you have two people who are on the grand jury this year, because in addition to Ms. Davis,
there is Gary Pettway, who finished his last term as a foreman on the 31st of December 2009,
who isn’t allowed to be on a jury again under Tennessee state law until January 1, 2012 if he
gets randomly picked.

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MRS. RONDEAU: How are the judges getting away with simply appointing people contrary
to the law?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Because there’s no oversight here. None. People have been
threatened with their lives. There have been attempts on people’s lives because of the kind of
information that you’re being told right now. This is life-threatening information. I’m telling
you right now: people are telling me, “Walt, stay away from windows…get down, be
careful…” Other people have told me that they have come up with this kind of information
and they have actually been accosted by police officers. I have been, too. I’ve been arrested
twice with no charges.

In order for this case to get as far as it’s gotten, they’ve had to rig every part of the
process. Now, I know today that it goes back to before the grand jury of June 3 when we
know a judge stepped in to conduct himself criminally to rig this case against me.

They’re trying to lock up a serviceman for defending the Constitution. They have brought
charges against me that are completely false. Right at this moment, I do not have an accuser
named. There is no accuser, and I’m going to a scheduling hearing on Wednesday (July
7). I’ve already been through the arraignment. At the arraignment, when the charges were
read to me, I asked the judge point-blank twice, “Who is my accuser?” And he said to me,
“You’re the defendant; I don’t have to answer that question.”

This is huge. I was standing in front of him in a military uniform, having served a quarter of
a century, and as I said, it’s not about Walt Fitzpatrick. It could be any serviceman who
served 25 days in uniform putting his life on the line to defend the Constitution, but this judge
treated me as if I was a piece of dirt.

MRS. RONDEAU: In the old Soviet Union, they used to haul people into court without
charges or with trumped-up charges.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: The corruption in Monroe County is an example; it is a model for the
corruption that we see in the rest of the country. People come here and they will find nothing
but bad things, nothing but dirt, and people are willing to come out and talk once they know
they are protected.

MRS. RONDEAU: Others have said that what’s going on in your county is a microcosm of
what is happening in the rest of the country.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. One could use the very powerful metaphor of the fishbowl. You
can see here into what’s going on. Now this judge has threatened me; he made fun of me; he
had people laughing out loud at me in the courtroom. He said that Mr. Pettway “has done a
fine job for us.” This is a judge from the bench saying in open court that he has picked Mr.
Pettway for 20 years, and he’ll pick him for 50 years if he wants to, that he’s done a fine job
for them. The judge even made some comment about the racial harmony that we enjoy in this
community because Mr. Pettway has been doing such a fine job.

When you come off of a jury, you don’t get a report card. It’s not a performance audit. It’s
not a fitness report that you get and it’s not a fitness report that they use to say, “Well, you’ve
done such a good job here that you get to come back and do it again next year.”
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MRS. RONDEAU: My understanding is that a juror hears indictments26 against the
accused, does his best to weigh the evidence and the law,27 and then decide whether or not a
crime has been committed.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes, with as much impartiality as we’re able to achieve. But in this
case, on June 3, everyone in the room was tainted. Everybody in that room was prejudiced
against me: everybody. And the judge knew that up front. Judge Carroll Ross was as
animated and as abusive as he could be; he was a bully. At least he was trying to be a
bully. That man is frantic; he is frenzied. He is in a panic because of the orders he wrote
me…I’ve had attorneys who were in the room call me and tell me, “What he told you you can’t
do shocks the conscience.” I’m representing myself now; I’m not talking through an attorney,
and I say to the judge, “Who is my accuser?” and then he won’t answer.

MRS. RONDEAU: What did the judge’s orders say?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: He told me I cannot file documents. He’s told me that I can’t go
looking for information that I could use in my defense as I’m standing there as my own
attorney, and if I do, I will be arrested.

MRS. RONDEAU: Should the judge be arrested?


MRS. RONDEAU: How could that be accomplished?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: In other words, Ross has already been placed on an arrest warrant by
me as of April 1. Carroll Ross’s name is on that. It’s already happened. They can do
whatever they want to me, and all that’s going to do is make more of an example of
them. This isn’t about me; it’s about what’s going on in our country, and if people do not rise
up and get active in fighting back for their country, then you’re right; we live in a third-world,
communist totalitarian nation.

MRS. RONDEAU: Like Cuba, the old Soviet Union, or China…

CDR. FITZPATRICK: And look who’s doing it to us: our own people are acting against
us. These sheriffs down here, the people who have been arresting me and harassing me…and
again, it’s not about Walt Fitzpatrick…I’m just the example now…this is the display that is
inarguable because they’re doing it to someone who spent a quarter of a century in uniform
fighting to defend against the kind of government coming in and taking over…but it’s
happened from within.

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you think this is happening because they know that you filed a
criminal complaint of treason against Obama?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: They are bringing that up. There’s an Associated Press report out,
and the police officer, Darren Bivens, has stated that this is my “claim to fame,”28 meaning the
Obama complaint. And Bivens is the guy who arrested me and said that I used foul language
against him. He said I was spitting at him; this is in the AP report.

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I’m a Naval officer. I’m a Naval Academy graduate. I was being filmed, and I knew it, and
recorded every step of the way. I had my own recorder in my hand. For this man to say that I
used foul language or was spitting on him is nothing but an out-and-out lie.

MRS. RONDEAU: With videotape, you could prove that it didn’t happen.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: There’s something else that’s important to talk about for a minute,
which is this: I have gone to look for the police record about this, and there isn’t one.

MRS. RONDEAU: How could they have arrested you twice without a police report on either

CDR. FITZPATRICK: There’s no police report that goes to those charges that are against
me. There is a piece of paper that Darren Bivens put together. I went in on June 10, one
week after the “grand jury” handed down its presentments signed by Ms. Davis. I was
arrested a second time on June 8 and spent a day in jail, learned what I learned, and then I
got out and went to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation on June 9, and they told me,
essentially, “Go to hell.” Special Agent Washington was the guy I spoke with for just a few
minutes; that’s all the time he would give me. The next day, I went into the Madisonville
Police Department, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, and the Monroe County
courthouse and placed on their desk, in the morning, an on-demand request for records,
representing myself. I told them, “You have moments to produce the document record that is
presently in place,” and then I left. I didn’t tell them when I was coming back. I actually gave
them a couple of hours and went back in the middle of the afternoon, having gone to the
Madisonville Police Department first. They gave me a single piece of paper at the
Madisonville Police Department. It was Captain Bivens who actually was the arresting officer
against me, and I got this piece of paper, and it’s his arrest report. It didn’t exist when I
walked in that morning.

MRS. RONDEAU: Did they type it up after you went in to request it?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. They were in a panic.

MRS. RONDEAU: What if you had stood there and waited and said, “Produce it”?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Well, you see, the arrest report that they put out, the one piece of
paper that I have, is of no consequence.

MRS. RONDEAU: Why is that?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: The name that’s listed on the arrest report at the top is
“Fitzgerald.” It’s not my name.

MRS. RONDEAU: Then it couldn’t be valid, could it?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: No, it’s not my name. My name is Fitzpatrick, Walter Francis
Fitzpatrick III. It’s a very proud name. I’m very proud of it. This man has me as “Fitzgerald,
Walter.” Underneath he has my sex listed as a woman.

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MRS. RONDEAU: So your name wasn’t the only error?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: No. There were lots of mistakes on it. They were in a panic. There’s
nothing but mistakes in it. Now I’m pretty good with paperwork. I look at this document and
I find no signs of administration. Where there should be dates, there are no dates. There are
no countersignatures. Bivens didn’t even sign the report himself.

MRS. RONDEAU: Whose signature is on it?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: There are no signatures on it.

MRS. RONDEAU: So is it irrelevant?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: It’s of no consequence. The document should have had all sorts of
dates; it should have been processed through the District Attorney’s office; it should have had
countersignatures from the grand jury. This was a week after the grand jury met and there’s
no date on it. The document wasn’t administered. There’s no file stamp on it; nothing. All
you see are mistakes. The file number that they put on it had to be crossed out because it was
written in by hand, and that was wrong so they had to write it in by hand a second time.

MRS. RONDEAU: Without your correct name on it, though, it would seem completely

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Correct. That document did not exist when I came in for my
assignment hearing in the Sessions Court back on April 20; that document did not exist when
I came in for the Probable Cause hearing in the Sessions Court on May 4 when the police
officers testified against me, one of them being Capt. Bivens. That document didn’t exist on
May 4. If you go back and take a look at the presentments, Bivens didn’t have a piece of paper
on the 4th of May. When Bivens came to testify and he was the only person who testified to
this gang on June 3, there was no piece of paper then, either. So I came in on the tenth, a
week later, and I walked in in the morning and asked them to give me what they had and I
came back out, and there’s this bogus piece of paper…when you read it, you will be appalled.

Now the person who’s named as the complainant on this document is Gary Pettway. But
here’s the important thing: where are there any witness reports, any incident reports, a police
report that talks about the date, the time, the names, the place? This one piece of paper is the
only document that exists, and there is no accuser. The way they’ve gotten it this far is
because they’ve rigged the grand jury so that they could protect the fact that they’ve been
rigging the grand juries for the past score of years. This is huge. There is no case against
me. And here I am, again, a vet, 25 years in service defending the Constitution, and look what
they’re doing to the Constitution down here. They’re trying to lock up a vet whose job it is to
protect the Constitution so that they can continue their trashing of the Constitution. They
have innocent people locked up here.

I have a report that the sheriff here, Sheriff Bill Bivens, has inmates doing yard work for
him…and that’s just a small-potatoes thing. There are people who are ready to speak out
against what’s going on here… They have had witnesses to come in to testify and then when a
transcript is requested, the witness’s testimony is missing: exculpatory information that
would have seen to it that a person walks free instead of being locked up.
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MRS. RONDEAU: What can be done in your particular case?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: What we need to have happen is that not hundreds of people, but
thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, pick up a piece of paper and a pen and write out
a complaint29 against Obama for treason. This judge was telling me last Monday in open
court that nobody in any state, in any county, can level a complaint against Mr. Obama.

MRS. RONDEAU: I read that in Neil Turner’s editorial.30

CDR. FITZPATRICK: If this judge is to be put in his place, then that needs to
happen. People need to go in and take a look at their own grand juries, but right here, this
place should be swarming with people looking at their records and listening to the stories. It
should be swarming with press. And veterans should be coming in here and making
themselves heard, because that was our job on active duty. These people are domestic
enemies. And it’s not just Obama. That’s the whole point. The nepotism is absolutely
breathtaking; the criminal conduct here… did you ever see the movie “The Magnificent

MRS. RONDEAU: No, I haven’t.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: It’s about a sleepy little Mexican hollow which has been taken over
by bandits, pirates. This group of men comes in and for a fee, they will come in and clean up
the threat. Well, this is what’s going on down here in Monroe County. This county has been
taken over by the sheriff and the police to protect the judges and the prosecutors. And they’re
doing what they’re doing to the people of this community because they know they have the
protection of the judges and the prosecutors. It is as evil as it gets.

I’m getting phone calls left and right from people down here, saying, “Keep going, keep doing
what you’re doing; thank you for what you’re doing; please, please, please don’t stop…” Now
the only way these people are going to come and speak even on condition of anonymity is if
they are sure that they are protected from these goons that are down here. You’re not going
to find an example of corruption more profound in the country than this. And think about
that: maybe we might. But it’s pretty gosh-darn bad down here; it’s awfully bad down here.

Twenty years as a grand jury foreman…attorneys hear about that and they say, “What? What
did you just say?” And their jaws hit the deck. Why hasn’t that resonated with anyone? And
the judge’s orders…attorneys who heard this were shocked by what the judge told me, because
it’s a gag order…the restrictions that he placed on me, and I’m thinking, “OK, Judge, you can
restrict me, but anybody else can come down here.” And there are people coming down here.

MRS. RONDEAU: What gives the judge the authority to say that no one can file a complaint
against Obama?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: This man is trying to protect himself from an extraordinary criminal
consequence. Once it’s known what’s been going on down here, Carroll Ross goes to prison
for a long time. But we need people, the press, legislators. The press has to be all over this;
they have to embarrass the legislators in the state of Tennessee to get down here and see
what’s going on. There have to be protections for the people in this community and then
other communities throughout the state of Tennessee to come forward and talk about what
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they know is going on here. This is outrageous, and this is the perfect time to do it as we’re
moving into the November elections to show how government corruption really works.

MRS. RONDEAU: What about the arraignment and everything that happened up until that
time? With no paperwork, does it mean that all of that was a farce? Is it over?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: I’m going to go to a scheduling hearing on July 7.

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you even have to go to that?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes, they’re going to continue to try and prosecute me and find me
guilty as a felon and put me in jail to try and marginalize me and reduce me to nothingness so
that the charge against Obama for Treason can be dismissed and they can say, “Oh, it was just
that guy…” As Darren Bivens said to the AP, “He was just trying to make a name for himself.”

When you read the orders that Judge Ross handed down against me, I want you to read them
with this in mind: This man was speaking from the bench. He knew what I knew. Judge
Ross was holding in his hand the presentments, the accusations, that had been signed by
Angela Davis and the other man, Jim Stutts, the Assistant District Attorney, who had no more
reason to sign that than Gary Pettway would have had to sign it. These people are
criminal. The judge was holding that document with Ms. Davis’s name on it knowing that Ms.
Davis wasn’t allowed to sign the document.

I wrote him a warning which was handed to him that morning as a “bench” copy. He had that
in his hand. I told him I find no grand jury. I told him I find no accuser. I told him there’s no
police record or sheriff’s record. And yet, he has advanced this case into a trial jury knowing
that the government is completely corrupt in its handling of this case so far. The government
is going to try to continue to try and prosecute this case against me without an accuser,
without charges, without a police record. That’s what they did to the Jews.

MRS. RONDEAU: What you said made me think of World War II and the concentration

CDR. FITZPATRICK: And it’s not just the Jews. It was other nationalities and people
whom Hitler decided were in some way subhuman. They didn’t need a charge; they didn’t
need an accuser; they didn’t need anything; they just came in and arrested you and they said,
“Well, we’d like to do a human experiment on you.” Did you ever see “The Judgment at
Nuremberg” with Spencer Tracy and Judy Garland?


CDR. FITZPATRICK: They arrested people for no reason and then they kept them locked
up. That’s how they try to conquer.

MRS. RONDEAU: Josef Stalin killed 20,000,000 Russians that way.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

MRS. RONDEAU: Fidel Castro has had his political prisoners thrown in jail.
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CDR. FITZPATRICK: That’s exactly what you see going on here now. These kids are being
put upon; it’s a revenue stream for the county. And by the way, this county is
impoverished. The Sessions Court, the lower court, which many people would know as a
“small claims” kind of a court which handles the less important cases, is in a trailer park. It’s
like those assembled trailers you see for the schools when the schools have more kids than
they know what to do with. And another judge, Reed Dixon, who is also criminally complicit
in what he did, to get it to the grand jury, is a very powerful man in this community. As I said,
the sheriff has inmates going over to his house to do the yard work and maintenance.

This thing should have been stopped at the arraignment. The arraignment is that point in
time where the accused comes in and a judge reads the charges to the person whom the state
is accusing. The charges are there, and they read them, and they ask whether or not you
understand them. Well, the judge went through them the first time, and he just read the first
sentence of each one. He asked, “Do you understand?” and I said, “No, I don’t.” Standing
there in uniform, I said, “No, I don’t.” He then yelled out, “Well, I’ll read them to you
again.” I said, “OK.” So he went through them line by line by line and bellowed, “Now do you
understand ‘em?” I said, “No, I don’t.” “Are you stupid??? Can you read???”

This was the kind of attack that this judge leveled on me that day.31 I then said to him, “Who’s
my accuser?” and he said, “Oh, you’re just the defendant; we don’t have to answer that
question.” I asked him again, and he barked, “Don’t ask me any questions! You can’t ask any
questions!” And as I said, he handed down this list of orders, and people in the room were
just absolutely stunned. They had not heard these kinds of words come from a judge ever
before. This should be something that is on the national news.

MRS. RONDEAU: Have any of the people who were in that courtroom stepped forward to

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes, yes. I can give you the names of the people who were in the
room who heard what happened.

MRS. RONDEAU: The names aren’t important, but are people starting to understand what
is going on?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Before I went in that morning to the actual courtroom, I filed a
request for the audio and video of the day and have been pushing them to provide that audio
recording from what the judge said on Monday. It didn’t come today, and I don’t know when
I’ll see it.

MRS. RONDEAU: How can you get the entire matter dropped on the grounds that there
have been no real charges, no file…?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: That’s where it should have been stopped. It should have been
stopped at the Probable Cause hearing, but the judge at the probable cause hearing rigged
that process so that he could give it to the grand jury. It should have been stopped at the
grand jury. They can’t do anything with it now except to try and keep it rolling and make it
look as if it’s legitimate and they’re just going to keep going and going. And they have done
this against people who are locked up today, and they’re looking to lock me up, which is OK;
that’s fine. Again, it will be just an example; it will be just like me doing time as a POW.
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What can be done? The process has completely come apart. The Constitution should have
stood in at several points in time to protect me against this kind of oppressive
government. But guess what? The Constitution of the United States does not apply to the
people who live in the state of Tennessee. The example of that is what’s going on here, and
the example you have is the way they’re treating somebody who would stand up and give his
life in defense of that document known as the Constitution. Look at what they’re doing to this
person who defended with his life…and I almost lost my life. I was in a helicopter accident,
and four people died that day. I could have been one of them. I came close to being the #5
guy dead. So this man is standing there today, and by the way, it was on June 20, a very
important date in my life, and the next day, the 29th, when our ship, the USS MARS, was at
anchor in San Diego, CA. Our home port was Oakland, and we had sailed down for refresher
training in the summer of 1988 and a message came to the ship announcing the death of a
navy captain, an O-6, a very high-ranking officer named William Nordeen.

MRS. RONDEAU: Mr. Turner mentioned him in his article.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: He was blown up in a car bomb attack by a group called “November
17”32 on the 28th of June 1988, and I had to go in and tell my skipper, whose name is Michael
B. Nordeen, that his brother had just been murdered in that fashion. That was 22 years ago
on June 28. So I’m thinking to myself, “I’m standing here, and what was that sacrifice made
for?” And there’s a kid in the newspaper from Sweetwater who died on June 28, a member of
the Army, just two years out of high school. He died in Afghanistan on the 28th, and I’m
thinking to myself, “What are these sacrifices for when you have a judge like this on the bench
doing to people what he’s doing now? What is the sacrifice for the Constitution all about if it
allows this judge to be doing this?” So this story is about how the Constitution has been
suspended after so many sacrifices have been made to uphold it.” It’s right here. And the
police captain, Bivens, came in and said, “Oh, you know what? He’s just trying to make a
name for himself. It’s his claim to fame. It’s his 15 minutes.”

There is videotape of me and what I did. This ran for only about 30-40 minutes. I walked in
to the courthouse at 9:47 a.m. on Thursday, April 1, 2010, and I was arrested at about
10:30. I was booked into the county jail shortly thereafter at 10:45. So it lasted for about 40
minutes, and I was accused of “rioting.” I’m accused of actually being involved in a riot; not
inciting a riot, but riot, and spitting at police officers, and using foul language and acting up
and ranting and raving. None of that is true. The reason this is all happening is that on April
1, Carroll Ross was behind the scenes, and he’s the one who came out with the initial set of
charges, the first three that came out. Nobody can make those charges work, so they’ve added
other charges since then to try and make those work, and they haven’t been able to make
them work because they don’t have a police record, they haven’t conducted an investigation,
they haven’t talked to any witnesses; they don’t have any statements from people who were
involved in this “riot”; there’s no media report of a riot in the Monroe County Courthouse on
April 1. There was no event. There’s nothing. Nothing that they say happened. How do we
know that? Because there’s no police record. And here we are, getting ready to schedule a
hearing and have people come in and prepare defenses and there is no reason in the world
why this should continue, because the Constitution says, “You’ve already messed it up beyond
the point of repair. You have to have an accuser here; half the problem isn’t here. Where’s
the accuser?” And they’re going to try to continue to push this.

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So when Obama comes into the community and starts to send the military in and you have
the military start to do this, which they already have…this is what I’ve been talking about now
for close to 22 years.

MRS. RONDEAU: Will the military follow those orders?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. You have military officers who will come in. There’s some state
and town that has asked for the National Guard to help come in and police the crime. Are
you kidding me? The National Guard coming in to police the citizens… No! No! No!

MRS. RONDEAU: Isn’t that a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act?33

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes, I wrote about that when it occurred in Selma, Alabama.34 So the
point I’m trying to make is that I’ve been watching this coming for 20 years. I’ve been telling
people, “Hey, you better get down here and take a look at what’s going on because if you
don’t, it’s going to get worse.” You need to stop talking about this and start doing things.

So what you have down here right now for any attorney, for any legitimate police officer, for
anybody who really cares about the Constitution of the country, is a target-rich environment
to start putting lots of people under arrest and getting innocent people out of the jails and the
prisons because they don’t belong there.

I am so overwhelmed by what’s going on around me and I don’t see the response that I would
expect to see…people are in prison tonight who don’t belong there. And what if that were
you? When you go to bed tonight, think about yourself going to bed in a prison knowing that
you’re innocent and knowing that this kind of stuff is going on out there. And then the next
day, just to add insult to injury, they say, “OK, today you’re on the detail that’s going out to
mow the sheriff’s lawn.”

MRS. RONDEAU: Have you seen inmates working at the sheriff’s house yourself?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: I know it for a fact; I am not able at this point to prove it; there are
people who have been doing it. It’s something that is provable, and I know it’s
happening. There are witnesses to it; I’ve heard it reported so many times from so many
people. I’m a reporter, too, and I do my due diligence.

MRS. RONDEAU: In my opinion, all citizens should be. Corruption in government is what
the media is supposed to cover, but we know that the big media companies long ago
abrogated that responsibility.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: And look at what’s going on down here. Look at the degree. I’ve run
out of adjectives. The words that I’m looking for have not yet been invented to describe the
enormity, to capture the sense of what’s going on down here, to get people to react. It’s just
not possible.

The story here is about a man being on a grand jury for 20 years in a row. The judge also said,
during the course of the hearing on Monday, “Mr. Pettway has done a great job for us.” What
did I just hear the judge say? The judge said that Mr. Pettway has been doing “a great job for
us,” meaning THE GOVERNMENT. He’s been doing a great job for us and fostering racial
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harmony for 20 years. He’s been doing a great job. And, Mr. Fitzpatrick, we’ll keep him
on…we’ll do this for 50 years if we want to.”

OK, what the judge just admitted to is that yes, they’re rigging the jury. They’ve been doing it
for 20 years and they’ll do it for 50 years if they want; that they picked Mr. Pettway because
he’s black, and they will continue to do that until someone comes in to stop them, and that
Mr. Pettway is a government functionary; he is working for “us,” the government. In other
words, he brings a bias into that jury which is unacceptable and unlawful. There’s a reason
why we pick juries randomly, and there’s a reason why juries come and go like smoke in the
air. They last for a very brief time. The life span of a jury is very, very short.

MRS. RONDEAU: Isn’t it supposed to be?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. And we all understand that as a commonsense requirement for
having people, our peers, judge us. When they have the power to lock me up, I want
somebody on that jury who’s going to say, “Excuse me, but the government has overreached
here, and the government is wrong about this, and this man over here is innocent.” Where
has that group of people been so far in the case regarding this sailor whom I’ll call Seaman
Recruit Smith? They haven’t been there. They’ll do this to anybody whom they want to and
they’re afraid they’re going to get caught, because they want to keep doing it and beyond that,
when they do get caught, they’re the ones who go to jail. So in the movie (and I keep using
these movie metaphors – sorry), when soldiers on the ground are in trouble and they need
help, and when their position is being overrun, they call what’s called a “broken arrow,” which
means that every aircraft in the air for miles around is commanded, “Come here, come here
now; put ordinance on target; put ordinance on my position; we’re being overrun. We need
people right here, right now.” I’m calling a broken arrow. So what the AP has written is
nothing but balderdash.

The reason that people aren’t prepared to do what needs to be been done is that they’re afraid
if they do, things that have happened in this community will happen to them.

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you think that’s why members of Congress won’t stand up and say,
“Mr. Obama, we need to see proof of your ‘natural born Citizenship’ status”?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: I do. Every time somebody stands up against government,

something bad happens to them. The government acts against them in self-defense. It’s a
survival instinct. The government will chew up anyone who tries to come in and say, “Excuse
me, but the government is breaking the law; look at what they’re doing.” The reason that the
government is able to eat up its own when anyone stands up to blow the whistle, as it were, is
that we lost our grand juries back in the 1940s.

MRS. RONDEAU: I have read about the changes made in 1946.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: The grand jury is supposed to have more law enforcement power
than any sheriff, any police officer, or any federal agency you could appoint. The grand jury
was supposed to be that organization that was going to protect us against an overreaching
government. Look at what they’ve done to the grand jury here in Monroe County. That tells
you everything you need to know: “He works for us, and he’s doing a great job.” That
statement, by itself, takes this judge, gets him impeached, it gets him thrown into prison.
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MRS. RONDEAU: Can this judge be impeached?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. I told you today that there were attorneys in the room who have
not heard the words come out of a judge that came out of this judge’s mouth on Monday.

MRS. RONDEAU: Are they going to do anything?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: No, they’re not, unless they have somebody in here to protect them
from taking action. Once you get people in here to protect the community. John F. Kennedy
wrote, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution
inevitable.” Get people in here who are going to really do their job, and I’m talking about
legislators who still believe in the Constitution, veterans…You know, this is an issue for
vets. Veterans from this community should just be raising holy heck. It’s this community
that’s been put asunder; they need people to come in and to protect them and to give them the
protection until the danger has been removed.

The government is threatening people’s lives. I talked to a man today who had a police officer
come out and try to kill him.


CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. And what’s he trying to bring to light? I don’t know…right now,
in Roane County…again, in Tennessee, you’re going to find one community after the next that
has a grand jury appointee put there by a judge. That’s all I should have to tell anybody. Now
look at the rest of it: they’ve got a case that’s going to scheduling on Wednesday. Two judges
have pulled themselves out; it has no accuser, there’s no police record, there are no
witnesses. There is the one piece of paper which had my social security number correct, so I’ll
redact that, but the rest of it is all wrong. The guy did it in a panic. And that’s the only piece
of paper. Excuse me, no! That’s of no consequence. It’s of no merit. It’s a waste of
paper. He did that on the tenth of June, because it didn’t exist before that date, and there’s
no administration that talks about it. This is on the tenth of June. This document is allegedly
prepared at 11:00 a.m. on the first of April. There’s nothing on that piece of paper that shows
any administration for two months and ten days. Why? Well, because it didn’t exist until the
tenth of June. That’s fraud, by the way; that’s criminal conduct on the part of the police
department. Again, it’s a ticklish situation because, you see, my name isn’t on it.

MRS. RONDEAU: Doesn’t that fact alone negate the whole thing?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Well, the only piece of paper that exists says I’m a woman, and I’m
not a woman! You’ll see on the form that it has “Sex,” and then right next to it, it has “Race,”
and he put a “W” in the box for “Sex,” and he has “M” where it says “Race.”

MRS. RONDEAU: So they didn’t know how fast you were going to return that day?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: The “M” should have gone into the “Sex” column, and the “W”
should have gone into the column for “Race,” because I’m a white male. So he has me listed
as a woman, and who knows what “M” in the “Race” box means. He was going that fast, and
as you look at the document, you’ll see the other mistakes, and this is the kind of document
that is prepared by somebody who is under stress.
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MRS. RONDEAU: It would appear that way, looking at the numerous errors and

CDR. FITZPATRICK: And again, the judge’s performance on Monday is exactly the same
thing, except that it’s played out theatrically in a courtroom. The judge was acting in the same
way and in the same kind of panic and with the fear of getting caught. That’s why they’re
advancing this case. It’s because first of all, they want to keep doing what they’ve been
doing. Second, the kind of undoing of what has happened over the last 20 years has
bankrupted the state of Tennessee. To go back and fix the problems and the kind of criminal
and civil liabilities that attach to the state at this point, not to mention the county, is just
beyond my ability. You could pick a number, and it’s never going to be large enough. So
they’re blocking that, but more than anything else, they know they go to jail; they will go to
prison, and they’ll stay there for a while.

They’ve been caught, and you see, now, the response from people who have been
caught. They don’t want it to go farther, so they have to take me down. They have got to take
me down. And by the way, it goes back to Obama. You’ll see in the AP report that Bivens is
talking about Obama. They’re as concerned about that because, you know what? That holds
up, too.

MRS. RONDEAU: Has anyone answered your criminal complaint against Obama?


MRS. RONDEAU: Did you know about the extent of the corruption in your county before
you filed the complaint against Obama?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: No, I did not. I had no idea. I came to Sweetwater, TN to help a
soldier who was in Ft. Leavenworth at the time. His name is Ray Girouard.35 His family flew
me here to help him – you know, The Jaghunter36 thing. And then, I was here for the
election; I watched all of that go down, and then I tried to engage in that. A year ago last
August, I began to approach my local grand jury here in Monroe County, and from August
through December, it was obstructed aggressively. So I came back in January of this year
thinking, “I can come here anytime I want if I have information to report, so I’ll come back in
January of 2010. There will be a new grand jury, and there will be a new foreman.”

On the 6th of January, a Wednesday, I went up to the courthouse, and I went up to the
bulletin board and I see that Mr. Pettway is still the grand jury foreman. And that began us
on the process which brings us to this day, the third of July 2010 when we have found nothing
but bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.

Now that it’s out there, people are waving at me in the community. I don’t know who these
people are, but they know who I am. And they know that there’s an opportunity here to break
this conduct, this criminal enterprise, wide open. And they can’t wait for people to come in
here and help them take back their community.

MRS. RONDEAU: I just interviewed someone else who said that problems like this can be
corrected only by the citizens.

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CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes, that’s exactly right, and the power of this country belongs to the
people. In the Constitution, “we the people” is in the construction and assembly of the group
known as the Grand Jury. That’s where you find it: in the Fifth Amendment. The Grand
Jury was intended to be that group of people with more power than any other part of the
government cited in the Constitution in Articles I, II and III to come in and make sure that
the tyranny that was being visited upon the country by King George III would not be
repeated. In other words, there was an oversight citizenry group that would come in and say,
“Government, you’ve done something bad there.” So what did the government do? It took
over the grand juries.

You now have here the working laboratory, the biosphere, everything you want to know about
corruption in local government, everything. Let me give you some examples. The chief of
police from Madisonville, Greg Breeden, weighs over 400 pounds, I’m sure. He’s huge. He’s
the chief of police. He’s not fit to be a police officer, but he’s the chief of police. Of course, he
is a criminal, because I’ve gone to him, and he’s the one who is supposed to be doing the law
enforcement for the courthouse in Monroe County; he’s the person who is supposed to be
putting people under arrest whom we’ve accused so far, and he won’t do it, because he has
some cushy job that allows him to grow to the size of some 400 pounds. What police chief in
this country do you know who gets away with being 400 pounds and gets appointed as a
police chief? Can he go out and enforce the law? No.

MRS. RONDEAU: One would wonder if he is physically fit enough to pass the test.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: He’s not. So is he setting the example for law enforcement officers of
this community? Does he set the example as the pillar in this community as a police chief
who weighs 400 pounds? I don’t think so. And by the way, it was his police captain who
arrested me for a riot. Bivens works for this guy Greg Breeden. The police department is as
corrupt as it can be. If you want a visual image, take a picture of this man: 400 pounds plus.

Before we had the current Monroe County sheriff, Bill Bivens, there was a guy named Tuffy
Watson. He was also having people come over and do personal lawn and yard care on his
property, but this man has never in his life been a fireman. Do you know what his job is
today? He’s the fire marshal for Sweetwater.

There’s a sheriff’s captain whose name is Trent Prock who is 27 years old. He’s a captain in
the sheriff’s department. He is the chief jailer. He’s the #3 person in the sheriff’s
department. He came on to the job 3-4 years ago. He was 23 or 24 when he assumed the
position as the #3 sheriff by rank on the Sheriff’s Department.

MRS. RONDEAU: Wasn’t there anybody coming up through the ranks with more

CDR. FITZPATRICK: He was chosen because his father is in construction in this part of
the world and is a very wealthy man, and he said, “I want a job for my son,” so they put this
kid into a chief jailer job. You’ve got Bivens, then you’ve got the deputy sheriff, and then you
have Trent Prock, who’s 27 years old, and he’s been in the job for four years. And he’s a little
Hitler, by the way. He’s one of the guys whom I ran into when I was in the jailhouse. He’s a
monster. He was one of the people who was standing in front of me on Monday. This guy’s a

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monster. How do you get these kinds of jobs and these positions? It’s because of the
nepotism, the old boy network, it’s “Keep quiet, don’t talk, we can’t talk…”

There was a kid here in jail whose name is Todd Sweet. He was in the Monroe County jail,
and a detective, D. W. Brannon, said, “You know…I’m going to pull a stunt here.” So he
dressed up as an attorney and walked into this kid’s cell. The kid wasn’t from around these
parts or hadn’t been here for a while. He identified himself as a defense attorney, a public
defender, and said to Todd Sweet, “Tell me what you know about this case. Tell me what you
can so that we can help you get out of here. Tell me what you can by way of defending
yourself.” That was the detective from the sheriff’s department who did that. That’s widely
known in this community, and it’s being widely kept secret because of the outrage that will
emanate from anybody who comes in here to take a look at that and the conduct of the
sheriff’s department in so many other cases. To have a detective go in and pass himself off as
a public defender and gather information against this kid they have locked up, Todd Sweet…

In regard to testimony of witnesses where people come in and they witness in a courtroom,
the attorneys try to get the transcript of their testimony and it disappears. I’m trying to get
the transcript today from what happened on Monday. I haven’t gotten it yet, and I’m told that
I’m not going to get the audio recording; we’ll see. But Tim Harrington37 has asked for it, and
they said, “Well, you know, we don’t do that.” Why not? Because the corruption here is so

Going back to the beginning, all I needed to tell anybody is that they have one person on the
grand jury as a professional juror there for 20 years. What does that tell you about how that
jury has been operating? And then you start to look in other places, and all you find is
trouble. And this judge on Monday told me that I can’t come in and file documents; I can’t
come in and ask for documents. Why do you think he put that kind of restriction on
me? Because he knows what I’m going to find. He is saying, “Fitzpatrick, you can’t come in
here and find evidence of the crimes I’ve committed as a judge and evidence of the crime that
he committed on Monday is so far being withheld. I should have had something in the mail
today from these people and I did not.

So what I’m saying is that people in the world of news have here an opportunity that they will
never see again in their lifetime, probably, and after that opportunity, there’s another
one. And this is going on throughout the entire state of Tennessee.

MRS. RONDEAU: If it’s going on there, it could be going on in 49 other states as well.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Washington State, where I came from, has a conviction rate of about
98%. Did you know that in Washington State, there are no grand juries?

MRS. RONDEAU: No, I didn’t.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: That’s why you have a 98% conviction rate. Grand juries in
Washington State don’t exist. Governor Bredesen, here in Tennessee, wants to see to it that
the grand juries are stood down and effaced. So we have moments left to recapture the grand
jury here, to stop what Bredesen’s trying to do, to capture it and take it back and then use it
for our defense. And the government has used it against us. We better move pretty quickly,
and if we don’t, it’s OK with me. If they do something bad to me, hey, it’s OK with me. Like
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the day the helicopter crashed: four men dead. It didn’t affect many people except the people
who were there. So with regard to what’s going on here, it’s not going to affect many people
until it turns up where they live.

MRS. RONDEAU: There’s that saying,38 “First they came…then they came…,and I did not
speak out because…Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

CDR. FITZPATRICK: That was a Catholic priest who said that; I’m familiar with it.

MRS. RONDEAU: That is how the holocaust happened.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: And that’s what’s going on here. When the soldiers in “Band of
Brothers” and “Judgment at Nuremburg” found the Jewish prison camp and they smelled the
smells and they heard the sounds right next to a community, the soldiers asked the people in
the town, “How could you have this going on here and not know?” And the answer was,
“Well, they did know.” But they were too afraid to say anything about it. That’s what’s going
on here.

MRS. RONDEAU: People tend to ignore things if they aren’t directly affected. They don’t
want the hassle.

CDR. FITZPATRICK: But there’s also the fear factor. If we do not stand up at this point
and do something, then all that’s going to happen is that America will be lost. In the
Philippines right now, they’re saying, “America, not so much anymore.” Other countries are
saying, “America has been lost.” Well, you know what? Not yet, but we’re close. The
Constitution doesn’t work here. I wrote those words in a criminal complaint against Obama
back in March 2009.

One of the things this man did on Monday was this: The court clerk, Martha Cook, was sitting
right next to him. He put her under oath and said, “Ms. Cook, I understand that Mr.
Fitzpatrick has been coming in and bothering you and asking you for records and demanding
information and asking for this and that. And I also understand that…”

And she said, “Well, yes, he has.” “And you see here, Ms. Cook, where it says that he has
accused you of acting and conducting war against the United States? Have you been
conducting war against the United States, Ms. Cook?” and she giggled, school-girl style, and
said, “Oh, no!” So a laugh emanated from the audience. And I said to the judge, “Are you
mocking me now? Is that what’s going on? Are you making fun of me?” And you see, the
thing is this: that’s exactly what they were doing. This was an act of war against the
government. Because you see, I’ve said this before: when you have people who take the law
into their own hands to resist the Constitution, that’s been declared an act of war against the
country. It’s the Whiskey Rebellion; there are precedents. But you see these people on the
bench making me the butt of their joke, evoking a laugh, saying, “Have you committed
treason, Ms. Cook?” “Of course not, Your Honor, not me!” And you won’t believe what this
man did in his orders to me. So that’s how your government is working, and look at whom
they are acting against.

One more thought: I was standing there in uniform as a military man. It’s a symbolic thing;
it could have been anybody. First of all, that day they lost a fourth soldier from Sweetwater,
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and the other three are up on banners in front of the courthouse: Sgt. Haupt, Sgt. Johnson
and Sgt. Hunt. Three soldiers, three sergeants, three bronze star award recipients, Purple
Heart…they’re all dead. And then across the portico of the courthouse hangs the banner, “We
Support Our Troops.” And then you see what’s going on inside with a veteran. They’re trying
to dress up their courthouse and masquerade and disguise it as being the embodiment of the
Constitution and that they’re being guarded by these brave soldiers, and I’m thinking to
myself, again, “What was their sacrifice worth if this is what goes on inside of this
courthouse?” Do you want a metaphor for everything that’s wrong in this country? Take
down those banners, take down those pictures of those soldiers because nothing that goes on
here is worthy of their sacrifice and nothing that you do can be protected by them or should

MRS. RONDEAU: What do we need to do to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: This is what people need to do: they need to come together in large
groups and advance the criminal complaint against Mr. Obama, and as they find it evidenced
in their own communities, against their own government officials in commission of the crime
of treason. They have to come together in large numbers, and they can do this juxtaposed or
contrariwise to what Judge Carroll Ross said this last Monday. He is trying to stop the
movement that would invite people to bring complaints against Mr. Obama in every county of
every state. He says that we can’t do that, and I’m telling you that we must do exactly that
and that the way to achieve it is through the power of the people. It must be large numbers of
people. Everybody can do this on his own initiative. They can do it for very little
money: $20, if there’s a filing fee. Certified mail costs a little bit, but not much. The point is
that every single person in this country has the ability on his or her own to issue a criminal
complaint against Mr. Obama for the commission of treason. And then, in their own
communities, where they find it, they can issue the same complaint as has been done here in
Monroe County against local government officials. The Constitution no longer works here or
in the rest of the country. People are going to have to act, and act now. If they do not, then
we are just moments away from having the government take over completely.

You have military walking our streets. You have U.S. Marine Corps officers who are being
trained right now to take to the streets. Army officers are being trained to take to the
streets. You have Northern Command, which has been stood up here just recently, in 2005;
these soldiers, these Marines, these ground combat infantry troops who have been trained in
urban warfare overseas are about to apply that training right here at home. I’m here to tell
you: I know what I see. I’ve been trained in the military; I know what I’m looking at. I have
enough feedback from enough people to know it’s about to happen, and the way to stop it is
for tens of thousands of people to rise up and say, “No, this is treason.” This is the installation
of a government rival to the Constitution. That’s treason, and everybody who’s involved in
the implementation and the practice and the exercise of that rival government is in
commission of the crime of treason. That’s judges, that’s prosecutors, that’s military
personnel, that’s everybody who is standing to effect the totalitarian takeover of our country
which is well under way. You can see it wherever you care to look. And that’s what this judge
on Monday last is trying to disabuse people of doing. He is trying to perch himself up and
say, “No one can do this; not you, not anybody,” and I’m here to tell you that “Oh, you’re so
wrong,” and the way to show him that he’s wrong is to just go out and do it.

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If people have time to sit down and sign a petition, they have time to put out a criminal
complaint. They can have it notarized, which becomes a sworn affidavit; they can have it filed
in courts. People know how to do this, and they can do it on their own for less than
$20. People must be excited and agitated and rise up in large numbers and say, “What we see
going on around us is treason.” I had a sheriff yesterday walk up to me, and he came to me
and shot off a wisecrack. These people are arrogant. They are taking over our country bit by
bit by bit; it’s the old saw about the frog in the boiling water. I’ve been talking about this for a
while, and everybody has a reason why he can’t do it — “Oh, I can’t do “treason” because I’m
afraid.” “I can’t do a complaint for treason because my husband works for some government
agency.” Everybody has a reason. Guess what? You’re about to lose your country. And I’m
communicating this message to everybody in this country that there is nothing to fear.

The place to begin doing that is right here in Monroe County, but it could begin anywhere. It
can happen where you live. It’s about treason, and you can count on fingers and toes the
number of complaints for treason that have been advanced since March 2009.

MRS. RONDEAU: Your website said you were collecting them for a while. How many do
you have?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: I have maybe ten here. It’s not a lot. If you go to The Jaghunter,39 I
have laid out specific directions about how to do it. It’s a sample letter that anybody can
write, and it goes to the issue of people who have been resisting our Constitution with success
of installing a government that is rival to the Constitution. It’s huge. It’s there, it’s all
there. Everybody in this country who wants to stand and do something can do this, and the
way to do it is to come together in groups. By ones and twos, it’s not going to happen. It has
to be groups of people; it has to be the tea parties, the PTAs coming together, any group that
you can think to name. It has to be groups of people who come together and say, “We are
taking our country back. It’s treason.” This is the face of treason. It’s here in Monroe
County. You see here the face of treason. And it’s at the community level. It’s not just
Obama; it’s in every community.

I’ve heard some people say that they’ve had grand jury foremen in their area who have been
on the podium for 20 years and they direct what the grand jury does. You file these
complaints with the FBI and you can send a copy to the local district U.S. attorney for any
district in the country. That you can do. People can post them on their own blogsites. With
the internet, this thing can become viral in just moments. We don’t have time. We are in real
trouble if we do not stand up now as a nation and say, “It’s treason, and we’re going to stop
it.” If we don’t, we’re going to lose what America is all about.

There are so many distractions right now, but it’s about treason. Large numbers of people
need to come together and file criminal complaints against whomever they pick as a target,
because there is so much corruption out there. We have evidence wherever you care to look,
and it’s been evidenced for years now, and the theory of the treason is that they are replacing
the Constitution with a rival government. When people understand that, and it’s here in
Monroe County — this is the face of treason.

No one has a reason not to do this. We have to focus on the treason. That’s what these people
here are trying to stop me from doing, and we found out about what’s going on in Monroe
County because we’re trying to advance a criminal complaint against Mr. Obama for
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treason. In the process of doing that, we have discovered treason writ large in our local
government. They know they’re committing treason, and they’ve been getting away with it for
years and years. And they’re trying to suppress this sentiment of treason from growing. I’m
doing everything I can to beat the bushes. But this is the thing: people in this community are
so scared of a treason complaint going forward because they know once that happens, people
will know what they’ve been doing. The judge knows he’s committing treason. He was
making fun of me on Monday because he knows I’ve filed a complaint of treason and he’s
trying to get people to make me look like a laughingstock so that they won’t do exactly the
same thing. People are going to wake up some day and say, “You know, this guy was right.”

And it’s because of their reaction that I’m able to share with you the fact that this complaint of
treason really is as forceful a way to stop this government from what it’s doing as anything
else anybody can think of. If somebody could think of a way or came up with a path forward,
a protocol, a plan, that was better to defeat the government than mass outrage with a treason
complaint, I’m all over it. We can’t worry about the next election thinking that we’re going to
fix the problem by the ballot box. I’m trying to come out with a message to people, and as
you’re writing this, my message to everybody is this: Here you have the face of treason right
here in a local Tennessee community, and wherever we go around here, we will find exactly
the same thing. You will find treason everyplace. And it is the installation of a government
rival to the Constitution. That’s what they’re doing. The Constitution doesn’t work here
anymore. And when you go to a police officer and you say, “Excuse me, but this judge and
that prosecutor and this judge over here, and we have another judge over here…” when you go
to them with complaints against these government officials who are breaking the law, which
now we can knowingly define and understand that it’s treason, the police will not go and
make those arrests. Instead they turn against the person identifying the criminal conduct of
the government.

So then we get to point #2, which is the importance and the significance of the loss of the
grand jury. Because treason was a complaint that you used to be able to bring to a place like
the grand jury and say, “Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen of the grand jury, but this is what I
have seen out in my local community,” and without the benefit of a prosecutor in the room
who is working for the government, they made their decisions on their own as to whether or
not these people are, in fact, treasonous, traitors. This is how serious it is.

MRS. RONDEAU: How do we get someone to act on a criminal complaint?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: It’s going to take numbers of people, and it’s going to be the voice of
the community every day. Instead of working to get a petition signed, it’s going to have to be
treason, treason, treason, and then more treason. It’s going to have to be treason spoken
from the rooftops every single day. The people have the power to act against this treasonous
government, and the way that they act against it is to stand up as a community, together,
shoulder to shoulder, and say, “We are not going to allow you and your thug sheriffs and your
thug police forces to quiet us down. We are going to stand against this treason.” That has to
be the message. And it’s not by doing something that is ineffectual, and I don’t mean that as a
pejorative, although it may be taken that way. I’m just saying that a petition isn’t getting the
job done. And you know how I know that? Because there have been so many petitions; there
have been so many civil suits.

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Let me make the point this way: we have seen how many attempts at civil suits that did not
work: Apuzzo and Kerchner is the most recent example just days ago. We’ve seen petition
after petition. We’ve seen elections come and go, but nothing has stopped this monstrous
machine of treason from spreading across our country. Nothing has stopped it yet. In the
meantime, guess what? The treason complaint is still in place today. And it’s grown
bigger. It hasn’t gone away. The government has not been able to dismiss the criminal
complaint of treason. They can’t make it go away. So if that treason complaint is now joined
by thousands of people, imagine if the millions of folks who came to the Mall last summer had
filed a criminal complaint with the federal government and in their own local
governments for treason, that would have changed everything. If they’re afraid, go away. We
have to have a third of this country – that’s the way it was during the Revolution – come in
and file complaints, real complaints for treason, and do it in large numbers proudly and
prominently. That’s the message. That’s what we’re learning about what’s going on around
here. This is the face of treason, and you see what they’re willing to do to try and stop the
treason complaint from going forward which can be used as a moment to magnify, to explode
in an exponential way, the complaint of treason across the country. And it can be focused on
one man — Mr. Obama, to be sure — but now people have reason to believe that the treason is
being committed in their own local communities. That’s the message.

And what does the judge order? You’ve seen his orders. “Don’t go looking at the records,
because if you go and look at the records, Mr. Fitzpatrick, what you’re going to find is more
treason.” This judge, who is already criminally complicit in what’s going on around here just
got done saying, “You may not go and look at the records.” OK; my invitation would then be
for people to go into their local repositories of records in their communities and look at how
the grand jury is working; look at how the people are picked; follow me. It’s the old
infantry. Did you ever see “Band of Brothers?”


CDR. FITZPATRICK: In the infantry, it’s a model. You lead from the front. Follow
me. We’re almost out of time. You’re supposed to be able to bring a complaint of treason to a
grand jury, but you can’t do that any more because of the treason. I’m calling a broken
arrow. Either we get to this now, or we’re doomed. Look at what’s happened in the last 18
months, and it’s going to accelerate.

I heard my state senator for the 5th senatorial district, Randy McNally, here in Tennessee give
a speech on July 3 in the gazebo in Sweetwater championing the freedoms that we enjoy and
talking about how the Founders did this and that. He was giving this speech, and I wanted to
walk up to him and say, “Excuse me; you’ve got a heck of a nerve giving this speech you just
gave, because look at what they’re doing to me.” And behind him were the county sheriff, the
county mayor, the city mayor, the fire chief — all these people sitting there, arrogant clowns,
these men and women are sitting there, arrogant, knowing that the people in the audience
think what they’re hearing is the truth, knowing at the same time that when the sheriff goes
home he’s going to have those county prisoners come in and clean up his yard.

The audiotape that I sent to you was made when I was holding a recorder in my hand when I
conducted the arrests. You can hear Darren Bivens, the man who said in his interview with
the Associated Press that I was using foul language and spitting at people…well, you’ll hear on
the recording that none of that happened. The first reactions of the police officers were not
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that they were looking at a riot. Judge Ross is the person who came up with the three initial
charges against me, and that’s why no policeman has written a report about it because no one
can make the charges work that Ross created in his mind. You will hear on the tape that the
Deputy Sheriff, Benny Byrum, the same guy who confronted me yesterday in the street, was
there that day and he was receiving his instructions from Judge Ross. You’ll hear it in the
audio. In other words, we have Ross connected to this. The point of this is that this is Judge
Ross, again, trying to stop any momentum that might be picked up against anybody, either in
the community or at the federal level, for the crime of treason. Ross is doing everything he
can to make this treason issue go away. He knows now that the issue of treason reaches to
him because he’s making fun of it. He knows that I know what I’m doing, and he’s afraid that
other people are going to sit up and look at this and say, “Oh, my God…it really is
treason.” And it’s right here in our own community. They’re afraid of going to prison
themselves after the people rise up and say, “We’ve had enough.”

The government has taken over the Constitution and they are trampling upon it. It’s called
treason. The only thing that we have right now that is being practiced is treason, and if the
people don’t rise up against the treason, then they will become subjugated. Treason leads to
totalitarianism, and that works to subjugate the people. And we do not have time; it happens
now, or it will be too late. And hopefully it’s not too late already.

In the civil suits, the retort has been from the bench that no one has “standing.” My response
back to them is that everybody in this country has standing to bring a criminal complaint of
treason, which gets me to my next point, which is this: In all of the complaints that have been
lodged against Obama, have you heard anybody come back and say, “It’s not treason”? What
I’m saying to you is that it is treason, and nobody, not the judge here in this community, not
Royce Lamberth out of the District of Columbia, the people in your community, nobody has
come back and said to us, “It’s not treason.” It is treason. What this judge said last Monday
was that nobody has standing to bring the complaint for treason. I’m saying, “You’re wrong,
Judge, and you said that to protect yourself because everybody has standing to bring a
complaint against Obama or anybody else whom they find is guilty of the
crime of treason. Anybody can do that.

Two judges have recused themselves. Why did they do that? Because, you see, it might be
that some case would lead to finding out that they, in fact, are criminally complicit in
treason. And they have been formally accused of treason.

It’s going to have to be large numbers of people, and they’re going to have to incite the people
in their own communities to say, “Hey, you know what? This is about our future. It’s about
our kids’ futures and generations of their futures.” There is no more argument. It’s treason;
everybody has standing; everybody can do this, and at this particular moment in time, if they
want to save their country, everyone has to do it. You name the problem; any problem you
can think to name, the answer is to take out this government under convictions of treason and
put new people in. Any problem you can look at: the oil spill, the taxation issue, illegal
immigration, the health care issue — any issue you care to look at, the answer to stop this
government from acting against us in this treasonous way is to go in and hold the politicians
and the judges and the prosecutors and everybody on their staffs accountable for the crime of
treason. And then we can take back our grand juries in the same process.

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You want to talk about treason? They just opened up the southern border through Arizona,
and the Arizona government is trying to stop it and they can’t because the federal government
is being treasonous. So, folks in Arizona, do you want to take up an issue? How about the
entire state of Arizona filing criminal complaints of treason? How about everybody who is
right-minded in thinking that they’d like the United States to operate under our United States
Constitution and not some totalitarian government? How about if these people take up the
issue of treason? What better example do you have than what they’re doing to your southern
border and the fact that they will not protect it?

MRS. RONDEAU: Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution40 says that “The United
States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and
shall protect each of them against Invasion…”

CDR. FITZPATRICK: Yes. And that’s treason writ large. Wherever you look, it’s
treason. Wherever you go, it’s treason. How do we define treason? It is the installation of a
rival government that is meant to replace our Constitution.

Do you want to put a stop to this? Then you take the man out of office through the complaint
of treason. You have the tool. It’s right there. It’s called treason. I’ve tried to get the
word out, and there’s nothing else I can do.

You heard these people speaking about freedom on Independence Day. Do you want to
celebrate Independence Day? Get your pen and paper out and write a complaint for
treason. You’re not independent anymore, and this guy was telling us yesterday that we are,
and I’m standing there in the audience looking at these monsters sitting up in the gazebo, and
I’m thinking, “I’m living in the twilight zone.” And I had a lot of policemen following me
around yesterday. There were a lot of policemen looking at me yesterday. They’re afraid that
the issue of treason is going to grow, and you know what? My message is that it must. We
don’t have another tool. There is nothing else you’re going to be able to do. So to talk to
people about anything else that’s going on out there is a waste of my time and energy. If we
don’t use it, then we’re done.

Look at the energy that was expended for these marches and the people going to DC. If we
could have channeled that into a movement of treason, then I’ll be the Pied Piper! If you take
up the issue of treason, then what do you come away with? In every engagement you have
with the government, they give us actionable intelligence for treason. Every time I go after
them and push it and push it and push it, I come away with actionable intelligence that I can
share with you and others who care to know what happened and proof positive of the
treason. You come away from a march, and you have a sunburn and you’re thirsty. What
actionable intelligence do you come away with? Nothing. You’ve accomplished nothing.

The time is now, the place is here. The issue is treason.

MRS. RONDEAU: The 56 Framers of the Constitution shouldered the burden of freeing all
of the people of the 13 colonies from King George III. Many people were apathetic and didn’t
understand why it was happening. Is that what is happening now?

CDR. FITZPATRICK: All I can say is, the farther the message about treason can travel, the
better. Take care, God bless, and thank you for your time.
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Editor’s Note 1: On Tuesday, July 6, the federal entity acting as a government

filed suit41 against the State of Arizona to prevent its new immigration law from
taking effect.

Editor’s Note 2: Cdr. Fitzpatrick has reported that at his hearing today at the
Monroe County courthouse, the judge issued an order that he was forbidden from
wearing his Navy uniform to the trial scheduled for November 29, 2010 on the
grounds that “it would prejudice the jury.”

The following is the text of the Order Setting Conditions of Bond pictured below.

Order Setting Conditions of Bond

For good cause shown, IT IS ORDERED that the defendant’s release on bond is
subject to these conditions:

1. The defendant must avoid all contact, directly or indirectly, in any manner
whatsoever with any person who is, who has been, or who may become a Grand
Jury foreman or Grand Jury member of Monroe County or any other county in
the 10th Judicial District, including Bradley, Polk, and McMinn County.

2. The defendant shall refrain from attempting to serve or causing anyone else to
attempt to serve any so-called ‘citizens arrest warrant’ on any governmental
official of the State of Tennessee, Monroe County or any other county in the 10th
Judicial District including but not limited to: any member of the Tennessee
Supreme Court; any member of the various Tennessee Courts of Appeals; any
Trial Judge or General Sessions Judge, or any Special Judge designated to handle
this case or any member of their staff; any current or former district attorney
general or member of the district attorney, general or member of the district
attorney’s staff; any circuit court clerk or member of the circuit court clerk’s staff;
any sheriff or member of the sheriff’s staff; any chief of any of the municipal
police departments of this district or any member of their staff.

3. The defendant shall refrain from personally contacting or attempting to

contact by letter, phone call, email message, personal contact, or by any other
means whatsoever, electronic or otherwise, any member of the Tennessee
Supreme Court, any member of the various Tennessee Courts of Appeals, any
Trial Judge or General Sessions Judge, or any Special Judge designated to handle
this case or any member of any of their staffs.

4. The defendant is directed that, as a further condition of his bond, he is

henceforth restrained from attempting to file any papers in the Office of the
Circuit Court Clerk of Monroe County including but not limited to papers
containing accusations against President Barrack Obama or anyone else, and that
he is further restrained from filing any paper whatsoever with the Clerk’s Office
of Monroe County, from requesting information about or copies of any papers,
documents, or records in the files of the office of the Circuit Court Clerk. This
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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason
restriction is also applicable to all offices of the Circuit Court Clerk in any county
of the 10th Judicial District, including Monroe, McMinn, Bradley, and Polk

5. Any provisions of this order, and specifically any provision contained in

Paragraph #4 of this Order, may be modified or amended by the special judge
designated to hear this cause upon proper application made in writing by the
defendant or his counsel to said special judge.

6. The defendant shall refrain from listing the phone number of any judge on the
internet or causing anyone else to do so, for the purpose of requesting people to
personally contact said judge for any reason whatsoever. This restriction
specifically applies to any member of the Tennessee Supreme Court, any member
of the various Tennessee Courts of Appeals, any Trial Judge or General Sessions
Judge, or any Special Judge designated to handle this case.

7. The defendant should immediately hire the services of counsel to assist him in
his defense in this cause.

You are further advised that a violation of any of the foregoing conditions of your
bond may result in the immediate issuance of a warrant for your arrest, a
revocation of your release, a forfeiture of any bond, and a prosecution for
contempt of court and could result in imprisonment, a fine, or both.

The Circuit Court Clerk of Monroe County is hereby ORDERED to place this
Order on the Minute Book and forward certified copies to the Defendant and all
governmental officials covered by this order.

Enter this the 28 day of June, 2010.

Carroll L. Ross
Circuit Court Judge

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Arrest Report of Walter Francis Fitzpatrick

F III with inccorrect nam
me, sex, filee number, aand
numerous typographiical errors in the narra
ative and is the only exxisting docu ument relatting to
the arrest and
a subsequ uent "arraig

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Order of Reecusal in reegard to Mo

onroe Coun
nty, TN Judgge Amy Reeedy and Jud
dge Carrolll Ross

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

"Notice of Challenge"
C to the Tenn
nessee Tentth Judicial District Criiminal Circcuit Court frrom
Walter Fitzzpatrick

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Page 34 of 49 
Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Payment Record
R baseed on attend
dance for Monroe
M Couunty, TN Grand Jury m members forr
uly 2009. Angela
A Davis's name ap
ppears on th
he last line of this pag
ge as well ass the
second pag

Page 35 of 49 
Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Second pagge of Paymeent/Attendance Sched dule for the Monroe Co ounty, TN G

Grand Jury for
Jan.-July 2009
2 showiing that Ang
gela Davis served
s duriing that term

Page 36 of 49 
Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Judge Carrroll Ross's "Order

" Settiing Conditiions of Bon
nd" which sttates that F
Fitzpatrick iis
h restrainedd from attempting to file
f any pap pers...againsst Presiden
nt Barrack OObama
or anyone else..."

Page 37 of 49 
Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Page 2 of Judge's
J Ord
der Setting Conditions
C of Bond

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Page 3 of Order
O Settin
ng Conditions of Bond

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason

Judge Amy
y Reedy's orrder appoin
nting Angela Davis as G rand Juryy Foreperso

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason
© 2010, The Post & Email, Inc. All rights reserved internationally, unless otherwise specified.
To read more on our copyright restrictions, see our Copyright notice on the subheader of
every page, along the left margin.

[Reprinted with permission]

20 Responses for “The Face of Treason”

1. Al McCuller says:

Monday, July 19, 2010 at 9:15 AM

I was told a long time ago that the only way to get things done was to file in the 1st
District Court in Washington D.C., that they have to do something and cannot hide
this. I think you should check into this and file there, there will be too many eyes
watching and I don’t think they will be able to hide it.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: It’s been tried several times and ignored, but that is not to
say that we should ever give up. If criminal cases are always heard before civil cases,
then it would seem that criminal complaints would have to be brought forward in large

2. Carl Swensson says:

Monday, July 12, 2010 at 12:23 PM

It’s good to see we have so many Patriots who recognize what is being done to Mr.
Fitzpatrick. Yes, our eyes are now open and yes, we must look at this corrupt court as
ground zero in our fight to re-patriate Americans to the Constitutional Republic we
thought we had.

I may not have standing in any court but I can rise up for America.

You may not have standing in any court but you can rise up for America.

It happened once before in the state of TN and now it looks like history MUST repeat

To know what must happen in the face of such widespread corruption, look no further
than a few miles from this courthouse…

The battle of Athens, TN in 1946. The same thing, separated by only 64 yrs. is what
we’re looking at. These court imposters, these nepotism filled Sheriff’s and Police
Departments must feel the wrath of righteous indignation they so rightly deserve.
(Ret.) Lt. Cmdr. Walter Francis Fitzpatrick cannot be allowed to be railroaded into
prison for upholding his Oath of Office (never expires) and the time is rapidly running
out for us to show him and the rest of the Nation that we are not a Nation of cowards.

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason
We stand together, each and every one, in the face of this foreign and alien form of

Stand up and be counted, for if you think our best hope is in Nov. you will have waited
too long. will show you what we need to be doing first.

The time for talk is officially OVER.

3. Lisa G in NZ says:

Sunday, July 11, 2010 at 6:15 PM

great article Mrs. Rondeau… I wonder if Tennessee TEA party members all know what
is going on here? I will spread the word as much as I can.

Good luck Cdr Fitzpatrick and God speed

4. oldsalt79 says:

Sunday, July 11, 2010 at 2:10 PM

Ms. Rondeau………………………….

Excellent interview. I salute Commander Fitzpatrick for his courage in facing his
alleged accusers. He should now request active duty. Then let’s see if the hillbilly judge
thinks he can override the military. This all is a BOSS HOG sort of thing that sorely
needs to be placed in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

5. art olszewski says:

Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 4:02 PM

Sharon, Great interview. Sounds like the ACLU should get involved. We do have
freedom of speech, don’t we? How can a judge tell Fitzpatrick not to wear his uniform?
That’s his way of expressing himself.

6. ch says:

Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 3:07 PM

Anybody in jail or a relative in jail, any defense attorney, needs to study the courtroom
they were tried in and see what rules were being followed or broken. If a criminal jury,
then the verdict can be challenged. This is so amazing. I hope Fitzpatrick can write a
book and get the word out…this way outdoes To Kill a Mockingbird.

7. bill says:

Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 6:38 AM

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason
Hats off to “, CDR Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Rondeau for this article “The
Face of Treason”. I would believe a “booklet” should be published for sale to offset
the cost and work involved in such a project to inform concerned citizens. I am also
wondering if submitting this article to “The Globe” might be an appropriate action, as
“The Globe” has, so far, been the ONLY print media to bring out “front and center” the
illegal We the People have sitting in the White House. Thanks

8. Joe says:

Friday, July 9, 2010 at 6:10 PM

The Cmdr is correct to believe that this is happening all over. Many people have felt the
injustice of going to court. Judges basically are gods in their courtrooms and they can
do whatever they want. It really doesn’t matter what they do, the chances of you
overcoming it, is slim.

Take the case of Mike Parsons in TN.

Here is a guy who ran for office in Tipton Co., TN. He was apparently winning with
over 4000 votes. But the next morning, the news was reporting he had less than 3000
votes. He sued calling election fraud. In the meantime everybody in power in the
county, related, pushed back.

The whole thing ended up with them shooting his dog and charging him with
kidnapping. He is now serving time.

Cmdr., you are not alone. If you go to Mike Parsons website, you maybe able to get a
glimpse of some of their tactics and devise a plan.

Its hard to fight back when they don’t play by the rules.

Perhaps someone should start a new website of political prisoners in the US.

o bill says:

Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 9:46 AM

Hi Joe, Yes, all of this egregious activity has been happening because We the
People have been asleep for decades. The only thing I can thank the current
illegal administration for, is waking the American citizens up. Here is a fellow by
the name of George Donnelly who decided the time had come and he, himself
was arrested, have a look and you decide.

9. Clyde W Hodge says:

Friday, July 9, 2010 at 10:22 AM

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason
Darren W. Huff says:
Friday, July 9, 2010 at 6:58 AM
I have already been in contact with The Rutherford Institute, and they seem to not be
interested in stepping up to the plate: citing that the case is too complicated, and too
far along. They are willing to give referrals to affiliate attorneys; but will not
themselves step up to the plate as advertised.

CWH, says (If it was an easy case, Darren W. Huff could have ask a law student for
advice on the case.)

10. James Carter says:

Friday, July 9, 2010 at 10:09 AM

Since there is nothing more personally embarrassing and demeaning, and

professionally detremental to a military officer, especially a General, to be relieved of
command by their CiC, perhaps General McChrystal would be interested in leading a
military coup against a CiC who, despite having less than 4 years of Federal service and
no military service at all, had the gall to fire a General with 34 years of service and
numerous combat awards?

11. Kingskid says:

Friday, July 9, 2010 at 9:25 AM

Great interview, both! Now we have a better picture of what is going on. It is shocking
to see the level of corruption there in Monroe County. We have drifted so far from our
Constitution that it is no wonder corrupt persons can flaunt their pitiful personal
power with impunity. Can this be seen as a federal case of jury tampering, corruption,
civil rights violations, etc.? Can an FBI complaint be filed?

The head of the snake needs to be cut off before the darkness is lifted from this nation.

12. Minute Woman says:

Friday, July 9, 2010 at 12:37 AM

Thanks for this wonderful interview. We also need to give credit to Carl Swensson who
coordinates the Monroe County Battle Plan. We are having a prayer service for Carl,
Darrell, and Mr. Fitzgerald every Sunday. This Sunday we had more participants than
ever before.

13. Trac says:

Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 8:40 PM

Mrs. Rondeau,
Such courage.

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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason
After checking it out please encourage Mr. Fitzpatrick to contact the Rutherford
Institute found at Here is an excerpt from their request
for help page:

“Are you suffering the loss of your freedoms because you cannot afford to stand up for
your rights in a court of law? You are not alone. Vast numbers of people are being
systematically disenfranchised from their rights in a free nation. And most of the
people who need legal help cannot afford to pay legal fees. That’s why The Rutherford
Institute defends people who have been denied civil and human rights without
charging them for such services. The Rutherford Institute exists to ensure that people
are treated fairly in the courts and are free to exercise their liberty without fear.

The Rutherford Institute has established a network of state, regional and international
affiliates to defend constitutional freedoms. If you or someone you know needs legal
assistance, you can call, write, e-mail or use our confidential Online Help Request
Form to contact our legal department. ”

The form is found here (but Mr. Fitzpatrick himself or a family member has to
generate the form.)

Ok back to work, I’ll do what I can and maybe if we all do something? Just maybe
…Here’s my strength for the day Proverbs 25:26… “A righteous man who falters before
the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well.”

o Darren W. Huff says:

Friday, July 9, 2010 at 6:58 AM

I have already been in contact with The Rutherford Institute, and they seem to
not be interested in stepping up to the plate: citing that the case is too
complicated, and too far along. They are willing to give referrals to affiliate
attorneys; but will not themselves step up to the plate as advertised.

14. A pen says:

Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 8:01 PM

Ink works where there is honor, hemp works where there isn’t.

15. Bob says:

Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 3:40 PM

Excellent article/interview Sharon Rondeau, and what a “Hero” Walter Fitzpatrick III
is for breaking new ground on his filing criminal complaint against Obama for treason.
This is definitely the key, because Obama’s intentions from the very outset was to kill
off America from within “THAT’S TREASON”. He is a terrorist, who is daily trying to
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Sharon Rondeau – The Face of Treason
overload our system “THAT’S TREASON. To divide and separate people by class,
colour, religion, wealth, health, all while stating one thing and doing the exact
opposite, along with his lying, cheating, stealing, voter-fraud, embezzlement, RICO
activities, “THAT’S TREASON”. I certainly understand that the treason charge is the
way to go because the proof of same is so obvious, so provable, such that if Obama and
his co-conspirators aren’t arrested for treason “real soon”, they will have won their
terrorist war against us, and the Country will become another dictatorship run by
thugs and thieves. Obama is not American, he’s the enemy “from within”. He hasn’t
done one constitutional act since he was fraudulently push through the system without
any vetting whatsoever “THAT’S TREASON”. WE’VE GOT TO GET IT ON; TIME FOR
than foolish, it is letting PURE EVIL HAVE IT’S WAY, in which case we WILL
CERTAINLY BE DESERVING OF OUR UGLY FATE. For the sake of all that is Good

16. Tom Arnold says:

Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 2:56 PM

Awesome interview- by both of you (Sharon and Walt)! You, Walt (Commander
Fitzpatrick), are a genuine patriot. I salute you, and I stand with you and our righteous
cause 100%! Obama or whatever his real name and identity is- he won’t show it to WE,

17. Stock says:

Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 9:09 AM

Please distribute copies of the “treason” complaints with instructions on where to file
Mrs. Rondeau replies: There are a couple of links in the article to Walt’s site, where
he has it written out.

18. 2discern says:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 11:28 PM

Well, those in AZ, you have work to do. The obvious treasonous act of suing the state
for protecting itself from invading aliens is now grounds to arrest the liar-in-chief.
Criminal acts against the citizens of the USA in the state of AZ are being perpetrated by
the US Federal government and the DoJ. Racists attorney general Holder is as corrupt
as they come. The facts bare out, barry soetero is a clear & present danger to the
America people. He also declares the NASA program as a political appeasement to
Muslims. Time is of the essence. Arrest now! By waiting each day America loses more
freedom and money under his deceitful ways.

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End Notes:

















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