KS 6-26-17

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The Sayre Record & Beckham County Democrat



Sayre Board of Ed moves
back school start date

Merrell to be head football coach

By Brad Spitzer, Publisher position at Hooker High School. Current as-
The Sayre Schools Board of Education sistant coach, Steven Merrill was then hired as
made a major change to the school calendar for the head coach for the upcoming school year.
the 2017-2018 school year in In the June meeting, res-
their regular monthly meeting ignations were accepted from
Friday. The board voted to re- Sandy Whinery, vocal mu-
turn to a more traditional begin- sic teacher, Andrea Dickson,
ning and ending schedule to the curriculum coordinator, Leah
upcoming school year with the Cosby, secondary special ed-
UVWGD\RIVFKRROWREHRQ7KXUV- ucation teacher, Jennifer Es-
GD\$XJXVWDQGQLVKLQJWKH tes, elementary teach, and Judy
school year on May 18, 2018. Goodwin, secondary custodian.
Superintendent Danny Crabb Superintendent Danny
told the board that the state man- Crabb presented a list of rec-
dates that schools spend a min- ommendations to hire several
imum of 1050 hours of instruc- personnel for the new school
tion per school year. At present, year including: Mary Lakey
Sayre Schools stands at approx- to serve as curriculum coordi-
imately 100 hours per year over QDWRU 0DFNHQ]LH %XWOHU WR OO
the state mandated mark. The the vocal music position, and
change in the calendar will still $OOLVRQ 2VPRQG ZKR ZLOO OO
leave the district well above the an elementary teaching po-
1050 hours and will continue VLWLRQ  7KHVH FHUWLHG SRVL-
to allow for snow days or oth- tions were all approved by the
er emergency dismissal days. Coach Steven Merrell board as well as hiring Kristy
With the end of the school Phyillaier as middle school/
year comes a typical turnover of staff as well as high school special education teacher con-
reassignments. In a special meeting on May 10, WLQJHQW XSRQ KHU UHFHLSW RI FHUWLFDWLRQ
the board accepted the resignation of head foot- 7KHQRQFHUWLHGVWDIIWKDWZHUHUHFRPPHQG-
ball coach, Trevor Powers, who has accepted a See School Board on page 4

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Sayre Record & Beckham County Democrat

Jun School board

from page one
ed for employment by Crabb
Page and approved by the board
A004 were: Janice Pipkin as HS/MS
library assistant, Kassidi Woot-
resized ton as HS receptionist/teacher
56% assistant, and Laura Tomlin-
son as custodian/bus driver.
A001 In his monthly report, Su-
perintendent Crabb, once again,
thanked the board for allowing
him the opportunity to serve the
district as superintendent and
expressed his excitement on the
preparations for the next school
year. He noted how smooth-
ly the transition has been and
thanked all of the staff and facul-
ty for their dedication and skill.
Crabb noted that the grad-
uation exercises went very
smooth and that there were
several positive comments on
the changes that were made.
He then updated the board on
the bond construction projects,
which he said, were getting
close to completion. He also
shared his excitement for the SUMMER BALL.... Sayre Junior High baseballers took a 12-
new faculty hires and reassign- 10 loss to Burns Flat in the Thomas Tournament on Saturday.
ments that have been made. Pictured is Teagan Counts pitching. The summer program is
Mr. Crabb reported on the coached by Brandon Logan and Kyle Merrick.
summer maintenance sched-
ule and included the date of prove the productiveness and next year awarded to Oklaho-
June 21st as the starting day of environment of the district. ma School Insurance Group
the next phase of the districts Other notable general serviced through Western
strategic plan where site lev- business that was approved Oklahoma Insurance Agency.
el teams would meet to begin by the board included several Another local vendor, Sayre
the implementation process. annual contract renewals such NAPA, was chosen to provide
The superintendent made as the popular food service HH PDLQWHQDQFH VXSSOLHV
the board aware that year-end agreement with Keystone Food All school board members
staff surveys had been collect- Service which has been val- were present except CalvinYork.
ed and would be made avail- ued by the student body. Also The next regular meet-
able to them. The purpose of approved was a property and ing will be Friday, July 14.
the surveys is to give each staff HHW LQVXUDQFH YHQGRU IRU WKH
member a voice to help im-

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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