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This is Rohullah. He was my senior at Islamia College, Peshawar.

He came from a
very well off family, his parents were medical doctors while he the eldest among

Picture Source

He didnt throw away his life for useless adventures. He was destined to go away
from us in the young age, because he chosen a life where death was inevitable. His
parents wanted him to become a doctor. What he did was he joined Pakistan Army.
After completing training as an officer, he opted for the Special Service Group
(SSG - Elite commando faction of Pakistan Army.) In SSG, he was allocated to the
Quick Response Group (Again, elite within elite.) His job was to respond within
seconds to a terrorist attack in the allocated region.

Source: Google images

During his short span career, he responded to five key terrorist attacks, and the
disturbing thing about all these attacks was that the attackers were suicide
bombers while equipped with weapons and ammunition, so their mission all the time
was a one-way mission, to kill as many people as possible. These attacks include
2014 Peshawar school massacre, Bacha Khan University, Christian colony attack,
remember in all these attacks he was always the first soldier to enter the attacked
site. In the case of Bacha Khan University, he was the first soldier who jumped off
from the aircraft toward the attacked building.

Picture Source

After, serving in Peshawar for a year, he was transferred to Quetta, Baluchistan.

Just a month went by that the sad day arrived.

It was late in the evening, he had changed uniform and was about to go to bed that
he was approached by his men that Quetta Police Academy is under attack, police new
recruits were sleeping in their hostels while totally unarmed, the terrorists have
started mass shooting them.

He grabbed his weapon, and ordered his team to get in the vehicle in a second. As
his station was in a bit distance from the Academy so it took him few minutes to
reach the site.

Now, the militants had cut off electricity and they were shooting these new
recruits in the dark. Captain Rohullah was informed through intelligence briefing
that the three attackers are wearing suicide jackets too. It was an extremely
difficult operation, as a little mistake can take away life of so many people.

In a while, one of the attackers was shot so he didnt get a chance to detonate his
shit, the other was corned and he explode himself. Now, one attacker was missing.
Captain started searching rooms in the hostel that he entered a large room.

According to eye witnesses:

We were hiding under beds, we saw a man entered the room while kicking the door
with full force. As it was dark, so we didnt see his face all we saw his weapon as
the light was reflecting on it. We thought a terrorist entered the room and the
death is certain.
He uttered loudly: Are you our people?

We were silent and he said again: Are you our people?

Then, he identified himself as an SSG soldier. We immediately replied: Yes Sir. We

are police new recruits and we are hiding under beds.

He said: Put your hands up and immediately evacuate the room.

When we were leaving the room, captain was standing in door and tapping each one of
us on shoulder.

In one corner of the room, he noticed a man hiding under a chorpoy (small bed.) He
shouted on him: Who are you? he didnt reply. He shouted again: Identify yourself
or I am going to shoot you? Again no reply.

[According to one eye-witness, before captain entered the room we noticed a person
silently entered the room and got under a bed, we thought of him as our person
hiding from terrorists, BUT he actually was a suicide bomber.]

As the police personals were evacuating the room, so he remained silent, until the
last person left the room.

Now, Captain and that suicide bomber were alone in the room.

Here is the life-throwing part:

What could possibly be the best strategy at that time?

Off course, to shoot the bomber immediately on the head or heart, to not give him a
chance to survive for a second.

BUT Captain wanted something else. He wanted to capture him alive to understand
behind the scenes of attack. Now, this is what you call a touch of madness. No
one can even tolerate the risk of being in the same room with a suicide bomber, if
a person can go that much, his next immediate action would be to shoot the bomber
asap. Capturing a suicide bomber alive, MY GOD!! Thats not what normal people

According to the last person who left the room:

As I stepped out from the room, Captain jumped over the suicide bomber!!! And it
followed by a massive explosion. I went unconscious and regained consciousness in a
hospital with the news that Captain Rohullah didnt survive injuries.

He was 26 years old and was going to get married in 03 months. Later, he was
awarded Tamgh-e-juraat (Highest medal of bravery) by Pakistan Army.

Picture Source - Captain Rohullah in traditional Pushtoon dress

Speaking to Media his brother said:

Roohullah was about to be married and his mother was busy in preparation. But today
we are waiting for his dead body at our village, where thousands of people have
come to offer funeral prayer.

Before going to Quetta, Roohullah had told his mother that he wanted to live like a
soldier and die like a martyr. Today we are happy that he fulfilled his promise
while fighting for his homeland, today his funeral shows that he died for others.
Everyone in Mohmand [His Pushtoon Tribe] is proud of his bravery and sacrifices.

May his soul rest in peace.

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