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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

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Corrugated plate heat exchanger review MARK

a b, c
Talal M. Abou Elmaaty , A.E. Kabeel , M. Mahgoub
Mansoura High Inst. of Eng. & Tech.-Mansoura College (MC), Reactors Dept., Egypt Atomic Energy Authority
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Tanta, Egypt


Keywords: The developments and the enhancements in all the heat transfer equipments are mainly purposed for energy
Heat transfer savings and savings in projects capital investment, through reducing the costs (energy or material). The better
Heat exchanger heat exchanger is one that transfer's high heat rate at low pumping power with a minimum cost. The spent of
Heat transfer enhancement money for the research and development in corrugated plate heat exchangers, in last decades, from some
companies, oered dierent and versatile types and models of that heat exchanger. In the current study I made
a focus on researcher's eorts in research and developments for corrugated plate heat exchanger. This type of
heat exchangers is widely used for dierent engineering elds and applications. Research reactors represent one
of the important engineering elds that extensively use corrugated plate heat exchangers due to their simplicity
in assembly/disassembly and their easy maintainability. The corrugated plate heat exchanger has a great
exibility than the other types of heat exchangers; both its heat transfer area and its cooling ow could be
increased or decreased easily, so; it is commonly used for enlargement and upgrading works. The current
revision incorporated dierent topics like; the plate heat exchanger structure, thermal performance, heat
transfer enhancement mechanisms as well as plate heat exchanger advantages and limitations. The corrugated
plate heat exchanger works eciently in both single phase and two phase ow, while the two phase ow region
still needs a lot of research work. Also; the corrugated plate heat exchanger thermal performance and pressure
drop behaviours when using nano-uids were discussed in the current revision.

1. Introduction NTU (Number of Transfer Units) method. These methods are based on
iterations and prototype assumptions through the design. Due to these
Heat exchangers are heat transfer devices that exchange thermal reasons, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques are adopted
energy between two or more mediums. Heat exchangers play a in the design of heat exchangers.
signicant role in the operation of many systems such as power plants,
nuclear reactors, process industries and heat recovery units. The 2. Plate heat exchanger structures and geometry
development of heat exchangers design, reliability and maintainability
is always a required matter to enhance the overall systems perfor- Enhancement of heat transfer surfaces has developed over the
mance. The heat exchangers have many dierent types, like; shell and years, and is the main focus in the heat exchanger industry. Enhanced
tube (vertical/horizontal), plate heat exchanger (corrugated or at - surfaces yield higher heat transfer coecient when compared to
gasketed or brazed) and micro heat exchangers. Fig. 1 introduces a unenhanced surfaces. A surface can be enhanced by adding extended
plate heat exchanger classications based on their constructions. Two surfaces (e.g. ns), or employing interrupted surfaces (e.g. corruga-
main categories of heat exchangers could be considered, the direct heat tions). The plate type heat exchangers are economic and ecient
exchanger and the indirect heat exchanger. In a direct heat exchanger, enough to be widely spread in many markets now days. With it's low
the two mediums between which heat is exchanged are in direct cost, exibility, easy maintenance, and high thermal eciency. The
contact, e.g. cooling towers. In an indirect heat exchanger, the two plate proven design is the main parameter for its high eciency. In
mediums between which heat is exchanged are separated by a wall as in addition to the plate eciency, corrugation patterns that produce
plate heat exchanger. The classical method for the heat exchanger turbulent ows, it is not only cause's unmatched eciency; it also
design is known as The LMTD (Log Mean Temperature Dierence) and produces a heat exchanger self-cleaning nature, which in turn reducing

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (T.M. Abou Elmaaty),, (A.E. Kabeel), (M. Mahgoub).
Received 29 August 2015; Received in revised form 3 October 2016; Accepted 29 November 2016
Available online 31 December 2016
1364-0321/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.M. Abou Elmaaty et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

Nomenclature Greek symbols

A Area (m2) Plate chevron angle (deg)

A Corrugation depth (m) Plate chevron angle (deg)
A() Corrugation depth (m) Surface enlargement factor
B() Corrugation depth (m) Plate corrugation pitch m
b Corrugation depth (m) Thermal conductivity (W/m C)
C() Diameter (m) Thermal conductivity (W/m C)
d Diameter (m) Dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
f Friction factor Heat transfer coecient (W/m2 C)
G Mass ux (Kg/m2 s) Moody friction factor
g Acceleration of gravity (m/s2)
L Plate length (m) Subscripts
N Number of uid passes
Nu Nusselt Number b bulk
P Prandtle Number e equivalent
Pr Prandtle Number h hydraulic
Re Reynolds number p port
u Plate width (m) l Laminar
V Plate width (m) t turbulent
W Plate width (m) w wall

Fig. 1. Brief classication of heat exchangers [1].

the fouling eect [2]. The most common surface pattern used is the =6.9 mm and a corrugation depth of=2 mm generates a surface
chevron design Fig. 2. enlargement factor of =1.189. Commercial plates have commonly
The corrugated plate heat exchanger consists of a number of surface enlargement factor of =1.15 to =1.25 [3].
gasketed plates constrained between an upper carrying bar and a lower
guide bar. The plates are compressed between the xed frame and the 3. Thermal-hydraulic parameters
movable frame by using many tie bolts. [2]. The Structure of a typical
gasketed plate heat exchanger with chevron plates is shown in Fig. 3. The hydraulic diameter, Reynolds number, Nusselt number and the
The important geometrical parameters for a plate heat exchanger friction factor for the corrugated plate heat exchanger are dened in the
are introduced and dened as in Fig. 4a and b. The following following section [3]. Two dierent denitions of the hydraulic
parameters are considered essential parameters in plate heat exchan- diameter are adopted. The most common denition used is similar to
ger simulations, the chevron angle ( ), the corrugation depth (b) and
the corrugation pitch () [3]. It has been convenient also to dene the
parameter Surface enlargement factor () that calculated from the
following relation.

1 /2 d 2
0 1 + ( y ( )) d

For instance, using a radius of r=1.6 mm, corrugation pitch of Fig. 2. Chevron plate shape.

T.M. Abou Elmaaty et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

Fig. 3. Structure of a typical gasketed plate heat exchanger with chevron plates.

. u m . de G . de
Re = =

. de
Nu =

The friction factor of a plate heat exchanger more likely to be
dened based on the eective diameter and the projected length
between the inlet and the outlet ports, as follows;
. p . de
f =
2. L p . G 2

4. Film heat transfer coecient

The lm heat transfer coecient for plate heat exchangers has been
investigated by several researchers. Most of them correlate the heat
transfer coecient using Dittus Boelter equation, where the equation
constants are changed [5].
NuD = a RebD Pr c

Bogaert and Bolcs (1995) introduced experiments to investigate the

heat transfer and the pressure drop of plate heat exchanger. This paper
introduces explicitly the exponents of both Prandtl number and the
viscosity ratio. The Nusselt number was given by Bogaert and Bolcs
(1995) [6] as follows;
1 64 0.3
e Pr+30 (Re+6)0.125
NuD = B1. ReBD2. Pr 3 .

A similar expression for the exponent on the viscosity ratio for

calculating the friction factor has also been adopted by Shah and Focke
Fig. 4. a Corrugated plate geometry parameters. b Corrugated plate geometry para-
(1988) [4].
B1, B2 are empirical constants specic for a certain plate and a
certain Reynolds number range. As shown, this purposed correlation is
that dened in a two wide parallel plate ow, with a distance of b
considered a modication to the well known Dittus Boelter correla-
between them, hence;
tion. Muley (1997) [7] developed a similar correlation as Bogaert and
de = 2. b Bolcs (1995) correlation. Muley (1997) developed empirical correla-
tions for the parameters B1 and B2. Both parameters are being
The other denition could be more physically correct as it is dened functions of the chevron angle and the area enlargement factor. The
according to the non circular tube denition of the hydraulic nal correlation for Nusselt number at low Reynolds numbers was
diameter, stated as follows;
4. V 2. b 1
dh = =
A Nu = 0.44 Re0.5 3 30 o 60 o
D Pr
30 w
To distinguish between these two denitions the subscripts, e is
used for the eective diameter while the subscript h is used for the
30 Re 400
hydraulic diameter, as suggested by Shah and Focke (1988) [4].
Reynolds and Nusselt numbers may be dened as follow; and for high Reynolds number;

T.M. Abou Elmaaty et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

transfer is represented by Martin (1996) [8], Fig. 6. is indicated that
Nu = A () B () ReC () Pr 3 30 o 60 o relation.

5. Pressure drop
Re 1000
where; Martin (1996) [8] developed his heat transfer correlation by
extending the Leveque theory into turbulent regime. The pressure
A () = 0.2668 0.00696 + 7.244 105 2 drop was correlated using the Moody friction factor.
B () = 20.7803 50.9372 + 41.1585 2 10.1507 3 1 cos 1 cos
= +
0.18 tan + 0.36 sin +
o 3.8 1, o
C () = 0.728 + 0.0543 sin (2. . /90 + 3.7) cos

No correlation was predicted in Reynolds number between 400 and where;

for Reh 2000
Martin (1996) [8], developed a semi - theoretical correlation for
heat transfer and pressure drop in plate heat exchanger. Martin used o =
the hydraulic diameter in dening the Reynolds and Nusselt numbers, Reh
thus 597
1, o = + 3.85
Re = Reh.
and for Reh 2000
Nu = Nuh . o = (1.8 log10 Reh 1.5 )2
Martin developed his correlation by extending the Leveque theory 39
1, o =
into the turbulent region. The nal expression for the Nusselt number Re0.289 h
was given as;
Similar to the heat transfer correlations, Muley (1997) [7] devel-
1/6 0.347
oped an empirical correlation to calculate the pressure drop with
Nuh = 0.122 . Pr1/3 [ . Re2h sin (2 . )] dependences on the chevron angle and the surface enlargement factor.
For low Reynolds number;
The range of validity of the correlation is not given in the original
30.2 5 6.28 5
0.83 0.22
reference, however it seems that the Reynolds number was varied f = + 0.5 . . 30 o 60 o
between 400 and 10,000. Gaiser and Kottke (1998) [9] also investi- Re Re 30 w
gated the eect of both the chevron angle ( ) and the corrugation pitch
() on heat transfer and pressure drop. A plate with a large chevron
2 Re400
angle, small corrugation pitch gave lower heat transfer coecients than
a wider corrugation pitch. There was no signicant dierence obtained For high Reynolds number
for small chevron angles. Wanniarachchi et al. (1995) [10] investigated
the heat transfer in chevron type plate heat exchangers for dierent f = A () . B () . ReC () . 30 o 60 o
chevron angles. They correlated their data with a asymptotic correla- w
tion, with two modes, the laminar mode and the turbulent mode. The Re 1000
correlation is described as follows;
3 3
JNu = 3 JNul
+ JNut A () = 2.917 0.1277 + 2.016 103 2
JNul = 0.455 B () = 5.4742 19.0197 + 18.9338 2 5.3405 3
. Re 0.339
12.6 0.646+0.00111 . C ( ) = (0.2 + 0.0577 sin (2. . /90 + 2.1))
JNut = 1.142 Re dh

Lee et al. (2000) [11] investigated the inuence of the plate length
and to the plate width ratio (Aspect Ratio) on the overall heat transfer
Nu dh
JNu =
Pr1/3 ( / w )0.17

However, if the chevron angle is smaller than 28, then the heat
transfer coecient is evaluated using =28, the relation between the
dierent chevron angles is
= 90

The performances of some available correlations were investigated

compared to SWEP International Company data for specic plate, as
shown in Fig. 5. The adopted correlations were by Martin (1996),
Wanniarachchi et al. (1995), and Muley (1997). These correlations to
some extant consider the plate geometry eect.
The gure showed that, a good agreement was obtained with Martin
(1996) and Wanniarachchi et al. (1995). The correlation of Muley
(1997) under predicts the heat transfer at low Reynolds numbers. The
chevron angle is considered the most important geometrical parameter
on heat transfer and pressure drop. The eect of chevron angle on heat Fig. 5. Dierent correlations validation w.r.t SWEP.

T.M. Abou Elmaaty et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

The research paper introduced by L. Zhi-jian et al. (2008) did not

introduce enough detail about the novel design especially the plate
geometry. J.H. Doo et al. (2012) [13] presented a study to develop a
novel cross-corrugated primary surface for an intercooler in an aero-
engine. Cross-corrugated primary surface heat exchangers are pro-
posed for such applications due to their relatively high volume
goodness and thus the potential for light weight designs. In their
study the recommended surface proles were analyzed using three-
dimensional numerical simulation. The fully developed airow in a
cross-corrugated matrix unit cell was modelled with ke turbulence
model. A conventional cross-corrugated surfaces experimental data
was used to validate the numerical model. The four dierent con-
gurated surfaces are illustrated in Fig. 7. The important modelling
results introduced by J.H. Doo et al. (2012), presented in Fig. 8,
showed that, compared to the conventional sinusoidal model, a
pressure drop reduction of approximately 15% was predicted for
Fig. 6. Eect of chevron angle on heat transfer coecient.
both the anti-phase and the full wave rectied secondary corrugation
models (HC#01 and HC#03) with P/H=2.2 and (intersecting angle)
coecient and pressure drop. They modied the pre mentioned =90, with small changes to the predicted heat transfer capacity. The
correlation of Muley and Manglik (1999) to account for dierent pressure drop of the in-phase secondary corrugation (HC#02) was
aspect ratios. Three dierent plates, with two dierent lengths and predicted to increase by approximately +38%, and heat transfer
two dierent widths, were investigated. They found that, for the aspect capacity was enhanced by approximately +7%.
ratio 4 and 2.4, the friction pressure drop was the same; these aspect J.H. Doo et al. (2012) [14] introduced, in other research paper
ratios correspond to the smaller plate width. They recommended that, during the same year (2012) under the title Theoretical prediction of
the width of the plate is the main parameter aecting the frictional longitudinal heat conduction eect in cross-corrugated heat exchan-
pressure drop performance, since a large part of the heat exchanger is ger, a quantitative assessment of the thermal performance of a cross-
used for distributing the ow across the width of the plate for a wider corrugated heat exchanger using CFD. This study included the long-
plate having the same plate length. itudinal heat conduction eect for various design options such as
The ports pressure drop is also important. Shah and Focke (1988) dierent plate thickness and dierent corrugation geometry for a
developed one of the widely used correlations for this pressure drop. typical operating condition. J.H. Doo et al. also predicted the long-
G2 itudinal heat conduction eect by using the network-of-resistance
Pmanifolds and ports = 1.5 . N method in the wide range of the heat exchanger design space. They
introduced the parameter, , that represent the dimensionless long-
where; N is the number of uid passes; itudinal heat conduction (LHC) eect, it is the ratio of the overall heat
The following table, Table 1, summarizes the dierent correlations transfer coecient based on CFD calculation to the overall heat
used for friction factor calculations. transfer coecient based on the cold side heat transfer coecient,
the hot side heat transfer coecient, and the transverse heat conduc-
6. Recent developments tion. They concluded that, when increasing the ratio of pitch of
corrugation to the corrugation height, the corrugation becomes atter.
L. Zhi-jian et al. (2008) [12] introduced a new design for the The atter corrugation results in more uniform local heat transfer
corrugated Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE). The plates in the new design coecient (HTC) distribution, as shown in Fig. 9.
were compound corrugated plates. The introduced novel design was The PHE thermal performance is deteriorated by the highly non-
veried both numerically and experimentally. The results indicated uniform heat transfer coecient (HTC) distribution. This deterioration
that, the resistance to ow for the modied corrugated plate heat is reected on a temperature gradient along the plate. The longitudinal
exchanger relative to the ordinary chevron type was decreased by a heat conduction (LHC) parameter, , is always smaller than unity, as
value more than 50%, while the corresponding heat transfer rate was shown in Fig. 10, which is obvious because thermal resistances
lowered by a value about 25% approximately. Such a novel plate,
consisting of longitudinal and transverse corrugations, can eectively Table 1
avoid the problem of ow path blockage, which will help to extend the Friction factor definition form different researchers work.

application of PHEs to the situation with unclean working uids. Reference Denition Length scales
L. Zhi-jian et al. (2008) introduced a theoretical equation for both
the Nusselt number and the Fanning friction factor according to the Martin (1996) =
2 . . p . de Lp=Port centre to centre
Edwards et al. (1974) G 2 . Lp distance
numerical results obtained with varying inlet velocity.
Bogaert and Bolcs (1995) . p . de L=A/W ( Flow length)
2. . L . G 2 .
0.14 . p
Nu = 0.16 Re0.65 Pr 0.33 400 Re 18000 Fp = 2 2 2
w G . b . WP .

Wanniarachchi et al. (1995) . g. . p . de b

0.17 L=A/W ( Flow length)
f = 0.5 Re0.32 f=
2. . L . G 2 . w

The experimental work results were also obtained for the com-
Foke (1983) 2 . . p . de
pound corrugated plate heat exchanger with the same geometry as in =
. Lp . G 2 .
Foke et al. (1985)
the numerical simulation Talike et al. (1995 a,b)

0.14 Muley and Manglik (1999) . pcore . . de

Nu = 0.27 Re0.6 Pr 0.33 1500 Re 15000 f=
2. . Lp . G 2 .
Muley et al. (1999) f=
. pcore . . de L=A/W ( Flow length)
f = 0.2 Re0.23 2. . L . G 2 .

T.M. Abou Elmaaty et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

Fig. 9. Local HTC distributions and standard deviations for four dierent P/H cases.

Fig. 7. Congurations of four dierent primary surfaces with; (a) conventional

sinusoidal corrugation, (b) anti-phase secondary corrugation, (c) in-phase secondary
corrugation and (d) full-wave rectied trough corrugation.

associated with the heat conduction should not be negative. The

longitudinal heat conduction increases with increasing the plate
temperature and decreasing with increasing the plate thickness (s)
due to the proportionality of thermal with plate cross section.
H. Lee et al. (2013) [15] analyzed the thermal hydraulic perfor-
mance of a sinusoidal plate heat exchanger used in heat pump
applications at low temperatures (LTLHP). The water-side heat
transfer coecient and pressure drop of the PHX were obtained
through the experimental test. The refrigerant-side heat transfer
performance was investigated by varying several parameters. H. Lee
Fig. 10. Variation of the dimensionless LHC eect parameter according to the change
et al. (2013) stated that, the PHX performance was poor due to low
of the metal temperature for the P/H=2.2 case.
refrigerant mass ux. The PHX needs better balance in two uids for
the LTLHP application. They concluded that, the large pressure drop
et al. (2010) were aimed from the experiments to examine the heat
on the waterside (caused by corrugations) and the low heat transfer
transfer performance of the two prototypes. The tests showed that,
coecient (due to vapour phase) were the factors aect the ordinary
double-wave PHE shows approximately 50% enhanced heat transfer
plate heat exchanger performance. M. Kim et al. (2010) [16],
performance compared to single-wave PHE. However, double-wave
performed experimental study on cross-ow air-cooled plate heat
PHE costs 30% additional pressure drop. Single-wave plates have the
exchangers (PHEs). They manufactured two prototype PHEs, one with
same chevrons design, called primary waves, of ordinary plate heat
a single-wave plates and the other is a double-wave plates in parallel as
exchangers. They were manufactured from a sheet of stainless-steel
shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. Cooling air ows through the PHEs in a
their thickness was 0.6 mm. Double-wave plates were made from
crosswise direction against internal cooling water. The heat exchanger
titanium alloy, they are 0.5 mm thickness., Additional corrugations,
aims to substitute open-loop cooling towers with closed-loop water
called secondary waves, shaped vertically, were added on double wave
circulation, which guarantees cleanliness and compactness. M. Kim
plate. A high press deformed force is required for the double wave

Fig. 8. Friction factor and Nusselet number variation with pitch to corrugation depth ratio.

T.M. Abou Elmaaty et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

Fig. 11. PHE arrangement.

the plate heat exchangers in the transient regime. A wide range of the
parametric study has been presented which brings out the eects of
NTU and the heat capacity ratio on the response of the plate heat
exchanger, subjected ow perturbation. The presented theoretical
model is validated by appropriate experiments.
Aydn D. (2009) [20], introduced an experimental study that
incorporated the eects of surface geometries of three dierent types
heat exchangers, called as PHEat (Flat plate heat exchanger),
PHEcorrugated (Corrugated plate heat exchanger) and PHEasteriks
Fig. 12. Magnied images of the plate surfaces (a) single-wave surface and (b) double- (Asterisk plate heat exchanger) on heat transfer, friction factor and
wave surface.
exergy loss. The following gure, Fig. 15, is indicated the Corrugated
and the Asterisk types. The experiments were carried out for a single
shape due to its complicated shape. Thus the material and the pass heat exchanger with both parallel and counter ow conditions.
thickness of the double-wave plates were changed to eliminate sheet The experiments were conducted for laminar ow conditions. Reynolds
fracture as well as to eliminate high deformability. T. Abou-El-Maaty number and Prandtl number were in the range of 50Re1000 and
and A. Abd-El-Hady (2009) [17] developed a model to study the 3Pr7, respectively. Heat transfer, friction factor and exergy loss
corrugated plate heat exchanger performance based on Dittus Boelter's correlations were deduced according to the experimental results. The
correlation for turbulent ow and H. Martin [8] correlations for results indicated that, the eciency of the heat exchanger increases
laminar ow. A set of Alfa Laval data [18] for the heat exchanger type, with increasing the uids contact surface, pressure drop and mass ow
M30-FG, is used for the model validation. The study proved that, this rates. Also, it was noticed that the heat gained from the corrugated type
type of plate heat exchanger can withstand a decrease in its nominal heat exchanger is higher than that of the others. Accordingly, pressure
number of plates by 15% without exceeding the pressure limit (100 kPa drop increases too, the matter that increases the capital costs. The
on primary side) and give a performance near the design performance, empirical correlations obtained from the experimental results are
Fig. 13. While increasing the number of plates with the same nominal summarized in the following table, Table 2, for 50Re1000 and
ow does not produce a signicant eect. 3Pr7.
Anil et al. (2007) [19] introduced a predictive model to show the Caner Turk et al, [21] performed experimental tests to evaluate the
transient response of plate heat exchangers subjected to a step ow Gasketed plate heat exchanger from thermal and hydraulic point of
variation. The plate heat exchanger port eect on ow misdistribution view. The Reynolds number values during the experiments were ranged
during ow variations is analyzed and represented in Fig. 14. The from 500 to 5000. Their results were compared with others for the
results indicated that ow misdistribution aects the performance of

Fig. 13. PHE variation with the number of plates.

T.M. Abou Elmaaty et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

Fig. 14. Temperature response for ow vitiation in both the hot and the cold channels.

showed a wider increase in the superheat region area, in the central

part, for parallel ow than that predicted in counter ow by Yang et al.
[23]. The counter ow didnt produce a signicant eect.
Radia Eldeeb et al., [24] reviewed in their study, the two-phase,
heat transfer and pressure drop correlations used for corrugated plate
heat exchangers. They held comparisons among some dierent corre-
lations in the light of their applicability of dierent refrigerants.
K. Sarraf, S., et al., [25] introduced experimental study about the
eect of superheated vapour on condensation process inside brazed
plate heat exchange. Pentane is used as a working uid in their study.
The geometry and hydraulic parameters of that PHE, used in experi-
ments, are introduced in the literature. The infrared technique is
adopted to characterize the dierent heat transfer, two-phase, regions.
Fig. 15. The heat exchanger having the PHE corrugated and PHE asterisk surface
The imaging technique showed a signicant eect of vapour superheat
structure. on ow distribution at the plate heat exchange inlet, depending on the
mass ux. The study is carried out at a range of superheat of 525 K.
Table 2 The heat transfer coecient is increased by 70% at low mass ux. The
Experimental results [20]. pressure drop recorded 18% increase at that level of increase in heat
transfer coecient.
Nusselt Number

a b R- square sse 7. Nanouid eects

Corrugated Parallel flow Hot side 0.05774 0.8091 0.9983 0.1222

Arun Kumar Tiwari et al., [26] executed experiments to study
Counter ow Cold side 0.04319 0.8368 0.9961 0.2288 chevron-type corrugated plate heat exchanger heat transfer character-
Hot side 0.0488 0.8640 0.9989 0.1164 istics and pressure drop when using CeO2/water nanouid. The
Cold side 0.0443 0.8709 0.9996 0.3828 optimum nano particle concentration that leads to maximum heat
transfer coecient was determined. The nanouid concentration that
Asterisk Parallel flow Hot side 0.04988 0.7830 0.9962 0.1407
introduced a maximum heat transfer of 39% was 0.75 vol%. The heat
Counter ow Cold side 0.03131 0.8368 0.9961 0.1202 transfer coecient, under nano particles eects, increases with the
Hot side 0.03516 0.8637 0.9989 0.06026 increase in the secondary hot water ow rate. The study also showed
Cold side 0.02928 0.8713 0.9996 0.01667 the enhancement in heat transfer coecient when the nanouid
temperature was decreased.
at Parallel flow Hot side 0.02545 0.8508 0.9991 0.00176
A.E. Kabeel et al. [27] erected an experimental loop to study heat
Counter ow Cold side 0.02372 0.8508 0.9978 0.04017 transfer characteristics and pressure drop for corrugated plate heat
Hot side 0.02503 0.8633 0.9989 0.03041 exchange. The plate geometry and hydraulic characteristics is cleared
Cold side 0.02228 0.8717 0.9962 0.00990 in their literature. The experiments were carried out under dierent
nano uid volumetric concentrations (14 vol%). Their experimental
results were compared against theoretical model. They concluded that,
same plate geometry. They employed the articial neural network
both the heat transfer and the transmitted power were increased with
analysis when evaluating the heat exchanger performance. They
the nanouid concentrations. The heat transfer coecient was in-
concluded that, the articial neural network can be used to predict
creased by 13% at 4% nano uid concentrations. The uncertainties for
the thermal and hydraulic performances.
their experiments were 9.8%. A heat transfer and hydraulic parameters
Yueh-Hung Lin et al., [22] introduced an experimental study, using
were investigated experimentally, for corrugated plate heat exchanger,
Infrared imaging technique, for the observation of evaporation heat
when Al2O3 nano particles are used in a water base uid by Shive Dayal
transfer during two phase ow. They used R-410A working uid to pass
Pandey, V.K. Nema [28]. Dierent naouid concentrations, 2 ,3 and
though the chevron plate heat exchanger. The experiments were carried
4 vol%, were used through the experiments. The plate heat exchanger
out in two ow categories, parallel ow and counter ow. Their results
ow arrangement was counter current ow. The exergy loss was also

T.M. Abou Elmaaty et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70 (2017) 852860

calculated experimentally. The plate heat exchanger heat transfer [3] Claesson J. Thermal and hydraulic performance of compact heat exchangers
operating as evaporator in domestic heat pumps [Doctoral thesis]. Royal Institute
characteristics were enhanced by increasing both Reynolds and of Technology; 2004.
Peclet numbers. Also; using the AL2O3 nano particles enhance the [4] Shah Shah RK, Focke WW. Plate heat exchangers and their design theory, in heat
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