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Meteorol. Atmos. Phys.

78, 215225 (2001)

Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India

Diurnal variation of deep cloud systems

over the Indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data
A. V. Gambheer and G. S. Bhat

With 6 Figures

Received March 20, 2000

Revised October 3, 2000

Summary been observed. Among the various time scales of

Among the various time scales of deep clouds, diurnal tropical clouds, Diurnal Variation (DV) is one of
variation is found to be prominent over the tropics. The the prominent and perhaps the most fundamental
present study examines the diurnal variation in the number of all (Nitta and Sekine, 1994; Hall and von der
and area cover associated with the cloud systems over the Haar, 1999). Frequently used parameters in the
tropical Indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data. Three study of DV are precipitation, large-scale hor-
periods, namely, AprilMay 1988, JulyAugust 1988, and
JanuaryFebruary 1989 are considered. The dependence of
izontal convergence (or vertical motion) and low
diurnal characteristics on the temperature threshold, life values of brightness temperature in satellite IR
duration and size of cloud systems, and land-sea contrast has imagery. Ruprecht and Gray (1976) were the rst
been explored. The diurnal characteristics of cloud systems to use all these three parameters to document the
living for more than a day have been studied for the rst DV in convection over tropical Western Pacic
time. It is shown that cloud systems exhibit strong diurnal island stations. For the cloud clusters (identied
dependence at the coldest temperature threshold used
(201 K). Also, the diurnal variation is more for larger cloud from satellite imagery) the mean rainfall in the
systems and for longer living systems. In general, more deep morning (07001200 LST) was more than twice
cloud activity is found from the satellite data during the pre- that in the evening (19002100 LST). For pre-
dawn and early morning hours. Precipitation is enhanced cipitation not associated with cloud-clusters, DV
during morning to early noon hours. Further, using data from was present, however, its extent was weak.
a recent eld experiment, clear evidence of diurnal variation
in precipitation over the Bay of Bengal is also presented.
Ruprecht and Gray (1976) proposed that sub-
sidence differences associated with the different
cooling rates of the atmosphere between day and
1. Introduction
night, and the response time of the atmosphere are
Deep convective clouds are one of the major important factors in determining the time of
phenomena associated with the tropical weather maximum convective activity.
systems. They play an important role in earth's Subsequent studies covering different parts of
energy cycle, and are a primary source of fresh the tropics around the globe have conrmed that
water on land. Theoretical interests and practical deep convection is favored during certain hours
importance necessitate that we understand various of the day, however, the time of preferred or
aspects of deep convective clouds, including their maximum convection is not the same every-
space-time variations. Changes in deep convective where. Janowiak et al. (1994) observed that over
activity on diurnal to inter-annual time scales have land, deep clouds are more frequent between
216 A. V. Gambheer and G. S. Bhat

18002100 LST and are independent of the IR- and of short life duration form throughout the day
brightness temperature threshold. Over the tropi- and have a little diurnal preference (Chen and
cal oceans, the preferred time of occurrence of Houze, 1997), whereas, the largest 10% of the
deep clouds is pre-dawn hours or early morning; mesoscale convective systems that contribute
the exact time, however, is temperature threshold about 30% of the total cloud area, exhibit
dependent with very cold clouds occurring earlier signicant DV (Hall and von der Haar, 1999).
than warmer clouds (Janowiak et al., 1994). Over If we examine the regions of the tropics covered
the GATE [GARP (Global Atmospheric Research by the previous studies, Western Pacic warm
Program) Atlantic Tropical Experiment] area, the pool region is the most explored area (for example
time of maximum convection was in the afternoon Ruprecht and Gray, 1976; Gray and Jacobson,
hours as opposed to the morning hours observed 1977; McBride and Gray, 1980; Murakami, 1983;
over the Pacic warm pool region (Gray and Chen and Houze, 1997; Sui et al., 1997; Hall and
Jacobson, 1977). Over the Bay of Bengal and von der Haar, 1999) followed by the Atlantic (e.g.,
Arabian Sea (North Indian Ocean), convection is Gray and Jacobson, 1977; McBride and Gray,
more active around noon and late afternoon (1200 1980; Duvel, 1989). There are some studies that
to 1800 LST), while, early morning peaks are cover almost the entire tropics (e.g., Short and
more frequent over the tropical South Indian Wallace, 1980; Hendon and Woodberry, 1993;
Ocean (Rao and Rao, 1993). The North Indian Janowiak et al., 1994), however, the Indian region
Ocean is surrounded by the land masses and the is still poorly studied. The only study over the
basin width is small compared to the South Indian Indian region using the geostationary satellite data
Ocean, and is perhaps inuenced by the land to a is that by Rao and Rao (1993) based on grid
larger extent. approach. The authors are not aware of any study
The studies on DV based on satellite data, on the diurnal variation characteristics of cloud
hitherto, can be put in two broad categories. In the systems over the Indian region. The present study
rst category, (called grid approach here) in which is aimed at partially lling the gap that exists for
a majority of studies fall, the behavior of cloudy the Indian Ocean region.
pixels in every grid box (typically 2:5  2:5 ) The present study area is a special one because
xed in space is studied (e.g., Duvel, 1989; of the large asymmetry in the land mass
Hendon and Woodberry, 1993; Janowiak et al., distribution between the southern and northern
1994). In the second category, (referred to as Indian Oceans, and the prominent northward
systems approach here) individual cloud systems migration of convective zone during the northern
in a region have been identied and followed summer (Indian summer monsoon season). The
through their life cycle (Chen and Houze, 1997; main objective of the present study is to examine
Machado et al., 1998; Hall and von der Haar, the diurnal variation of cloudiness over the
1999). The systems approach has the advantage tropical Indian Ocean and the adjoining land
that it is possible to understand the diurnal masses considering systems approach and using
characteristics of the clouds depending on the the INSAT-1B geostationary satellite pixel data.
time of their formation, life duration and size. We have considered three periods, namely April
Several observational studies have shown that May 1988, JulyAugust 1988, and January
deep convective clouds organized in some man- February 1989 for detailed analysis. The diurnal
ner, namely the Mesoscale Convective Systems modulation of systems living for more than a day
(MCSs), are important in the vertical transports of have been studied for the rst time.
energy, mass and momentum, and bulk of the
precipitation over the tropics is produced by them
2. Data and methodology
(e.g., Houze, 1993). Therefore, it is important to
understand various aspects of MCSs, including The present study is mainly based on the INSAT-
their DV characteristics. There is a broad agree- 1B satellite data archived at the National Centre
ment that the amplitude of DV is weaker over for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado,
oceans than on land (e.g., Duvel, 1989; Hendon U.S.A. Three hourly IR channel images are avail-
and Woodberry, 1993). The systems approach has able for the period April 88 to March 89. The area
shown that, over the oceans, systems of small size of interest is 30 S to 30 N and 40 E to 110 E
Diurnal variation of deep cloud systems over the Indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data 217

Fig. 1. Study area. The contours refer to the number of cloud systems of life of at least 3 images in 2:5  2:5 boxes at 221 K
temperature threshold, a Formed, b Net (formed minus dissipated). A positive (negative) value in b indicates the excess
number of cloud systems formed (dissipated) compared to that dissipated (formed) in the grid box

(Fig. 1). The pixel resolution at the sub-satellite cloud area. On the other hand, for CSs of size
point (74:5 ) is 22 km  22 km and we have more than 10 pixels, the contribution to the total
applied the area correction factor to account for cloud cover became important. Hence the mini-
the curvature of earth's surface and satellite look mum size of CSs is xed as 10 pixels here. This
angle while calculating the actual area of other corresponds to a minimum area of 4840 km2 and
pixels. is comparable to the value of 5000 km2 used in
In the present study, a Cloud System (CS) is the study by Williams and Houze (1987). The
dened as a set of connected pixels having their threshold temperatures used here are 201 K,
IR-brightness temperature equal to or below the 221 K, 241 K and 261 K. It is well known that
specied threshold temperature. No restriction cirrus clouds have low IR values like deep con-
on the shape of the system is imposed. It was vective clouds but are distinguished by their low
observed that CSs of size less than 10 pixels albedo. While the simultaneous use of IR and
contributed more than 50% to the total number of visible imagery enables more accurate identica-
systems but occupied less than 5% of the total tion of deep convective clouds, this procedure will
218 A. V. Gambheer and G. S. Bhat

limit the study to certain hours of the day and not the longitude of its centre of gravity, position and
suitable for the study of diurnal variation. A case area in successive images, and the time of dis-
study was carried out for the months of July 1988 sipation are documented. Here the centre of
and January 1989 to obtain a rough estimation of gravity of CS is taken as the centre of gravity of
the fraction of cirrus clouds in the study region. the area occupied by the CS in the image.
For the images taken at 1130 LST and 1430 LST,
mean albedo was calculated for each CS dened
3. Results and discussions
by the threshold temperature in 201 K to 261 K
range. It was observed that clouds dened by the As in other regions (e.g., Williams and Houze,
threshold temperature of 221 K and below had 1987; Machado et al., 1998) CSs of life of short
average albedo more than 40% and were deep duration and of small size dominate the popula-
convective clouds (Henderson-Sellers, 1984, tion in the study area. For example 3540% of the
p. 212). At the threshold temperature of 231 K, CSs are seen in one image only (single frame
about 5% of the CSs had albedo below 40%, i.e., systems), i.e., have a life span of less than 6 hours,
were likely to be cirrus clouds. At warmer thresh- and those lived for more than a day are com-
olds, more number of CSs had albedo below 40%, paratively a few (Gambheer and Bhat, 2000). In
however, their temperature was not low enough to order that very short lived CSs do not dominate
be cirrus clouds (very likely to be mid-level the results, CSs which are seen in at least 3
stratus clouds). Majority of the results shown are images, i.e., life more than 6 hours, are considered
for 221 K CSs, which we believe are of deep here (Fig. 2a is an exception). It has been noted by
convective origin. Chen and Houze (1997) that during the inactive
Deep convective clouds in the atmosphere exist phase of Intra Seasonal Oscillation (ISO), spa-
in a wide spectrum of time scales. Typical life of a tially small, short lived (13 hours) CSs dominate,
cumulonimbus cloud is about half an hour to one whereas, the active ISO phase is characterized by
hour and that of a thunderstorm is a few hours, spatially large, longer living convective systems.
and the average life of larger MCSs is about 10 Therefore, the CSs considered here for study are
hours (Ludlam, 1980, chap. 8; Houze, 1993, p. expected to be associated with the active phase of
337). Therefore, with the present sampling time of ISO in the region.
3 hours, some smaller CSs may not be seen at all,
and the life cycle of those living for less than 6
3.1 Regions of formation and dissipation
hours are poorly resolved. While short lived, small
sized CSs dominate the cloud population, it is As stated earlier, we consider three periods,
larger, long-living CSs (life  10 hours) that contri- namely AprilMay 1988, JulyAugust 1988, and
bute to overall cloud cover and total precipitation JanuaryFebruary 1989 for detailed analysis. At
(Houze, 1993, p. 337). Therefore, in the present rst, let us look at the preferred regions of for-
study, we have given more importance to longer- mation of CSs during these three periods. Figure
living CSs. 1a shows the number of CSs formed in
An automatic algorithm to track the CSs (i.e., 2:5  2:5 boxes at 221 K temperature threshold.
identifying related CSs in successive images) is (The total number of CSs during every bimonthly
used. The present algorithm uses a search box period is about 2000.) During AprilMay, more
(Machado et al., 1998) and area overlap (Williams systems are formed on or around the Indonesian
and Houze, 1987) for cloud tracking and takes and Malaysian land masses. During JulyAugust
into account the mergers and splits in CSs (peak Indian monsoon months), a large number of
(Gambheer and Bhat, 2000). In the present study, CSs are formed near the coastal areas, over the
when a large cloud system splits, the largest Indian sub-continent, and around 5 S. During
among the split systems is retained as the main JanuaryFebruary, convection is mainly conned
successor and the rest are treated as new systems. to the South Indian Ocean. Thus, the JulyAugust
Similarly, when CSs merge to form a system, the period is characterized by wide spread convection
hierarchy of the largest system among the merged over land mass and coastal areas and, January
CSs is continued and the rest are terminated. For February is characterized by the oceanic TCZ
each CS, time of its formation in LST based on (Tropical Convergence Zone). AprilMay period
Diurnal variation of deep cloud systems over the Indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data 219

represents the transition between the two extremes et al., 1994). The DV of number of CSs also shows
in the study area. temperature threshold dependence with the deep-
The study by Rao and Rao (1993) shows that est CSs peaking later.
the time of maximum convective activity shifts Figure 2b shows the DV of number of CSs of at
from around noon in the central Bay of Bengal to least 3 images duration at the temperature thresh-
evening and late evening over the Indian land old of 221 K. As before, the number in each LST
mass, a time lag of 6 to 9 hours. If this lag results interval is normalized by the total number of CSs
from the migration of convective systems (as in all bins. A decrease in the afternoon hours is
suggested by them), then the regions of formation seen during all three periods of study. In Fig. 2b,
and dissipation of convective systems should be also, the extent of DV is weak, and a shift in the
well separated. Figure 1b shows the net number of time of occurrence of maximum number is seen
CSs (having life span of at least 6 hours) formed when compared to the untracked CSs at 221 K
in 2:5  2:5 boxes. It is seen that coastal areas temperature threshold. During AprilMay and
are generally regions of net formation during the JulyAugust, the peak is observed between 1500
Indian summer monsoon. However, there are no to 2100 LST in Fig. 2a whereas in Fig. 2b, the
broad regions of net dissipation. Generally, the corresponding time is late night or early morning
regions of net formation and net dissipation are hours. The trends during JanuaryFebruary are
randomly distributed, adjacent to one other sug- more or less similar in Fig. 2a and b.
gesting that most of the systems do not travel, CSs pass through a life cycle including growth
typically more than a couple of hundred kilo- and decay stages, and their areas rarely remain
meters, before dissipating. Thus, while in some constant. In the present study area, it is observed
specic locations and during certain periods the that about 10% of the systems of at least 3 image
DV may be inuenced by the migration/propaga- life attained a size more than 400 pixels some time
tion of CSs formed elsewhere, the Bay of Bengal during their life (at 221 K temperature threshold);
does not show this tendency. Figure 2c shows the DV of the number of such
CSs. (It may be noted here that during some stage
in their life, these CSs could have their size much
3.2 Number of CSs
smaller than 400 pixels). It is observed from Fig.
First we present the DV of the total number of CSs 2c that except for AprilMay period, there is no
ignoring their life span (i.e., without tracking). signicant DV in the number of these systems.
Figure 2a shows the DV of the total number of An increase in the number of systems does not
CSs without tracking at four temperature thresh- necessarily mean that the corresponding area
olds, namely 201 K, 221 K, 241 K and 261 K. The occupied by them is also more. Figure 3a shows
number of CSs in every LST interval has been the area occupied by CSs (normalized by the
normalized by the respective total number of CSs average cloudy area) at 221 K at different LSTs.
at each temperature threshold so that the relative A prominent peak is seen around 0300 and
variation stands out. The largest DV is observed at 0600 LST for all the three periods. During July
201 K, i.e., for very cold clouds. For other thresh- August, convection is wide spread over the land
old temperatures, the DV is relatively weak, mass and coastal regions (Fig. 1a) and a small
particularly during JanuaryFebruary which is second peak around 15001800 LST signies
dominated by oceanic CSs. Maximum number of contribution of land and coastal-region CSs to
CSs at 201 K are observed between 0300 and the total cloud cover.
0600 LST and minimum number of CSs are found The fractional area cover of CSs corresponding
during 09001800 hours LST. At warmer tem- to Fig. 2c is shown in Fig. 3b. In contrast to Fig.
perature thresholds DV is weak, generally lesser 2c, AprilMay period shows the least DV in Fig.
number of CSs are observed between 0900 3b. For the other two periods, the area cover more
1500 LST, and more number between 1500 than doubles between 03000600 LST compared
2400 LST. The temperature threshold dependence to that between 18002100 LST. Thus, the area of
of the maximum convective activity using grid CSs attaining larger sizes exhibits signicant DV.
approach has been observed over Atlantic and Although the present denition of CS is not the
Pacic oceans (Albright et al., 1985; Janowiak same as that of Hall and von der Haar (1999), the
220 A. V. Gambheer and G. S. Bhat

Fig. 2. Diurnal variation of the number of cloud

systems normalized by the total number of
systems in respective category; a Total number
including the single frame systems, b Cloud
systems of least 3 images lifespan at 221 K, c
Cloud systems attaining maximum size of at
least 400 pixels and of life of at least 3 images at
221 K

present result supports the nding of Hall and von Figure 4a shows the time of formation (i.e., when
der Haar (1999) that signicant DV is present at a CS is rst identied) and Fig. 4b, dissipation
larger sizes. (i.e., CS last recognized in an image) of land and
ocean CSs at 221 K. Land systems show larger DV
compared to that of ocean CSs. Maximum num-
3.3 Land ocean contrast
ber of CSs over land formed between 15001800
Here, a CS is considered as a land (ocean) system LST for all the three periods. During AprilMay
if its centre of gravity lies over land (ocean). and JanuaryFebruary, no systems that lasted for
Diurnal variation of deep cloud systems over the Indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data 221

correlation between size and life is positive

but generally weak in other regions too (e.g.,
Machado et al., 1998). Therefore, a larger CS
does not necessarily mean a longer living one. It
is important that we understand the diurnal char-
acteristics of long-living systems also. To our
knowledge no results on the DV characteristics
of CSs living for more than a day are reported
in the literature. We consider this next for the
Indian Ocean region.
In the present study region, majority of CSs at
201 K temperature threshold has maximum life
span of less than a day and only one or two CSs
during a month are found to live longer. On the
other hand, more than 50 CSs lived longer than a
day (long-living systems) during every month at
221 K, a reasonable number to study their DV.
It is found that the areas of these long-living
systems often increase and decrease several times
during their life span. The question is, are there
periods during the day when the number of long-
living CSs with increasing area outnumber those
with decreasing area and vice versa. For this, it
is convenient to consider the Fractional Area
Fig. 3. Diurnal variation of cloud system's area at 221 K. Change (FAC) between two successive images
The cloud cover in each LST interval has been normalized for every long-living CS. In order that only
by the average daily cloud cover; a All cloud systems of life
signicant area changes are included in the
of at least 3 images, b Cloud systems that attained maxi-
mum size of at least 400 pixels during their life and seen analysis, cases where absolute value of FAC is
in at least 3 images at least 20% are considered here. Every such
increasing and decreasing area case is assigned a
at least 3 images form during certain hours in the 1 and 1 value, respectively. These numbers
morning, which is not the case during the peak are added up for respective LST bins and the
monsoon months (JulyAugust). In general, there results are shown in Fig. 5 along with the
is a tendency for more new systems to form be- respective total number of CSs. A positive net
tween 15002400 LST over the ocean. growing number of CSs in Fig. 5 indicates the
The time of dissipation of CSs also has a strong excess number of CSs with growing area com-
diurnal cycle, especially over land except during pared to those with decreasing area.
the monsoon months. Over the oceans, there is a The number of long-living systems does not
preference for 12001500 LST for dissipation, have much diurnal dependence. In contrast, their
and the land systems dissipate during early area growth and decay has a signicant and
morning (00000600 LST) and late evening. similar diurnal pattern for all three periods of
study. For example, out of 150160 CSs present
during JulyAugust and JanuaryFebruary, the
3.4 DV of long living systems
number of growing CSs exceeded the decaying
It has been observed that strongest DV over the CSs by nearly 60 between 00000300 hours.
oceans is mainly associated with the largest Majority of CSs have the area reduced between
10% of the mesoscale convective systems (Hall 06000900 LST and 15002100 LST, and around
and von der Haar, 1999). In our study region, the noon, the number of growing and decaying cases
correlation between the size of CSs and its life are almost equal. Thus 21000300 LST is a
span is positive and around 0.3 to 0.4 at 201 K highly favored period for the substantial growth
temperature threshold. At warmer temperature of long-living systems, and in general, day hours
thresholds the correlation is much weaker. The are not favorable.
222 A. V. Gambheer and G. S. Bhat

Fig. 4. Diurnal variation of number of cloud systems of life of at least 3 images as regards to their time of a formation, b
dissipation. The number of cloud systems are normalized by the total number of cloud systems in each category

converging at low levels due to the large scale

subsidence caused by the radiative cooling of the
atmosphere. During the day hours absorption of
short wave radiation by some constituents of
air partially compensates for its long-wave cool-
ing, thus reducing the net cooling rate of the
atmosphere compared to that during night. Sub-
sidence is stronger after sunset and more mass
converges at lower levels at night. The distribution
of the mass that converged at low levels among
several competing clouds is another important
factor in understanding Fig. 5. For example, if the
Fig. 5. Diurnal modulation of long-living cloud systems. conditions are favorable for the formation of new
The total number of long-living cloud systems in dashed CSs, then the air converging in lower levels may
lines and the net number of cloud systems, (growing minus preferably go up in new clouds and the existing
deacying) whose fractional change in area exceeded 20% in
three hours in full lines clouds may start decaying. Another important
factor to be considered here is the DV of the
number of CSs. It is observed in Fig. 2 that the
Among the results presented in this study, the number of CSs increases after 1500 LST. As
strongest DV is observed in Fig. 5 and it raises the the number of CSs increases and the anvil areas
questions about the possible mechanisms respon- expand, the chances of merger of CSs are
sible for this behaviour. Several mechanisms have enhanced. When CSs merge, large increase in
been proposed to explain DV of clouds in general area can take place. We examined the times
(e.g., Hall and von der Haar, 1999 for a summary), of splits and mergers of CSs in general. It is
and the most appealing is the amount of mass observed that more number of CSs split around
Diurnal variation of deep cloud systems over the Indian region using INSAT-1B pixel data 223

06000900 LST and 15001800 LST, and mini-

mum splits occur between 21000300 LST. The
number of mergers peak between midnight and
0300 LST and minimum number of mergers occur
around 0600 LST. This is consistent with the area
change of CSs observed in Fig. 5.
Apart from increasing the chances of merger,
the formation of new CSs has another important
effect. All active deep convective CSs are charac-
terized by downdrafts (e.g., Houze, 1993, chap.
9). The amount of mass converging at low levels
due to convective downdrafts can become com-
parable to that of the subsidence caused by the
large-scale radiative cooling of the atmosphere
(Bhat, 1998). Therefore, as the number of CSs
increases, the associated downdrafts enhance the
low-level convergence. Once these systems decay,
convergence due to downdraft also decreases.
Thus, the increased cooling rate of the atmos-
phere after sunset, merger with other CSs,
unfavorable conditions for the formation of new
systems, convective downdrafts, all can lead to
growth in the areas of the existing CSs. These are Fig. 6. Cumulative rainfall starting from midnight measured
some possibilities at present and there is no simple over the Bay of Bengal during JulyAugust 1999. Days
way to test them or assess their relative impor- with more than 15 mm rainfall are identied
tance. The growth of the cloud areas during the
night hours is consistent with these arguments.
However, why areas of long-living systems convectively active during this period. Two syn-
decrease drastically in the early morning hours optic scale disturbances were seen at the northern
(between 0006 and 0009 LST) is not very clear location 17:5 N and 89 E during the experimen-
(i.e., why convergence should reduce when short tal period. Most of the precipitation was associated
wave radiation is not yet strong). with the active phase of ISO (active monsoon) and
the rainfall during the inactive phase of ISO (break
monsoon) was less than 5 mm per day. As the rainy
3.5 Precipitation
days are few, we show the rainfall time series on
So far, we have presented the DV pattern of the individual rainy days.
CSs over the Indian Ocean region based on INSAT- Figure 6a shows the cumulative rainfall for 24
1B geostationary satellite data. In contrast to the hours starting from mid night at the northern
Pacic and Atlantic Oceans, in situ observations position (17:5 N, 89 E). Clear preference for
available over the Indian Ocean away from the morning to noon hours for precipitation is seen
coast are very few. Observations were taken on in Fig. 6a, in particular, when the daily rainfall
board two research vessels in the Bay of Bengal at exceeded 20 mm. The salient feature of Fig. 6a is
17:5 N, 89 E and 13 N, 87 E during July the near absence of precipitation during 2200
August 1999 that included precipitation mea- 0400 LST even when the area was convectively
sured from an automatic rain gauge. The observa- active. For example, on 15 August, it started
tion positions were more than 500 kilometers raining around noon, followed by a lull in activity
away from the coast and the experiment provided between 22000700 LST and then picked up again
some limited data to study the DV pattern of in the morning of 16 August. Figure 6b shows the
precipitation over the central parts of the Bay of precipitation pattern at 13 N, 87 E (southern
Bengal. As already stated, JulyAugust are location). The total rainfall was low compared to
peak monsoon months and the Bay of Bengal is the northern location. Here, 09001400 LST is the
224 A. V. Gambheer and G. S. Bhat

most favoured time for rainfall. Except for one systems is 21000300 LST and maximum
occasion, no detectable rainfall was recorded decay takes places during 06000900 LST
between 18000500 LST. and 15001800 LST.
Thus, precipitation shows a clear diurnal (e) Over the central Bay of Bengal, precipitation
dependence with morning to early afternoon as is preferred during morning to noon hours with
the most favoured time, somewhat similar to that 22000400 LST as the least favored period.
observed over the Pacic island stations by
Ruprecht and Gray (1976). Rao and Rao (1993)
have inferred from the study of satellite data that
convection peaks around noon and late afternoon This work was supported by a grant from The Department of
hours over the Bay of Bengal, and the present Space and we thank the agency for the due support. We also
thank Prof. J. Srinivasan for many useful discussions and
precipitation results are consistent with their suggestions. We thank Ms. Mala Bhat, C. P. Chandrashekhar
observations. 21000400 LST is the least favoured and J. V. S. Raju for their help in the collection and analysis
time for precipitation which happens to be the of the precipitation data.
most preferred time of deep convection if we
consider the cloud cover of the region as a whole
(Fig. 3). Thus, there appears to be substantial References
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4. Conclusions area cover on convective and large scale processes.
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