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Erasmus + Project outcomes for target students


Outcomes linked to Objective 1: target students` achievement of English academic

language related to Botany vocabulary through classical roots finding. (CALP-B2 level)
Outcomes Activities Indicator Means of
Each target student is able to Every target student Verification
1-understand 1-understands
documentaries and videos -Collaborative documentaries, videos, 1-observation notes
related to Botany and Glossary on and specialised texts taken by target
classical roots. botany related to Botany and teachers of natural
2-understand specialised vocabulary classical roots. science and Classics
texts on Botany. 2-orally carries out a (qualitative and
3-orally carry out a prepared -Collaborative prepared presentation on quantitative).
presentation on Botany Dictionary of Botany vocabulary. 2-a content accuracy
vocabulary. mythological 3-writes entries for a rubric prepared by
4-write information for a plants collaborative glossary on target students
collaborative glossary Botany vocabulary and (qualitative).
emphasising the most -Presentations classical roots. 3-a listening,
relevant points on Botany during 4-prepares and conducts pronunciation, rhythm,
vocabulary and classical mobilities interactive exercises on and intonation rubric
roots. Botany vocabulary and prepared by target
classical roots. students (qualitative).
4-a research process
rubric with these
points: Beginning
Skills, Developing
Skills, Meets
Expectations, and
Exceeds Expectations
prepared by target
teachers of natural
science and Classics
(qualitative and
Outcomes linked to Objective 2: target students` achievement of English academic
language skills related to classical myths and plants (CALP-B2 level).
Outcomes Activities Indicator Means of
Each target student is able to Every target student Verification
1-understand 1-follows a literary story 1-a knowledge gained
documentaries and videos -Collaborative or an account about rubric by target
related to classical myths. Dictionary of mythological plants. teachers of Classical
2-follow a literary story or an mythological 2-orally carries out a Culture (quantitative).
account about mythological plants prepared presentation on 2-a listening,
plants. mythological plants. pronunciation, rhythm,
3-orally carry out a prepared -Mythological 3-writes entries for a and intonation rubric
presentation on Garden collaborative dictionary of made by target
mythological plants. mythological plants. students (qualitative).
4-write information for the -Mythological 4-prepares and conducts 3-a spelling and
wiki and the activities on Gymkhana activities such the grammar rubric made
mythological plants. mythological gymkhana by target teachers of
-Interactive and the mythological Classical Culture
exercises on garden. (qualitative).
4-a research process

F.O.R. Erasmus + Project outcomes for target students

mythological rubric prepared by

plants target teachers of
Classical Culture
-Presentations (qualitative and
during quantitative).
Outcomes linked to Objective 3: target students` improvement of English linguistic
competences (BICS-B2 level) in social situations by means of working collaboratively and
interacting socially with foreign students.
Outcomes Activities Indicator Means of
Each target student is able to Every target student Verification
1-understand foreign -Collaborative 1-understands foreign 1-observation notes
partners` personal work through partners personal taken by target
introductions or messages international introductions or teachers of English
in written and spoken form. target groups messages in written and (qualitative and
2-engage with ease in a spoken form. quantitative).
conversation or discussion -Interaction with 2-engages with ease in a 2-a pronunciation,
between foreign partners, foreign conversation or rhythm, and intonation
teachers, or families on partners, discussion between rubric made by target
most general topics. teachers, foreign partners, students (qualitative
families and teachers, or families on and quantitative).
school most general topics. self-assessment
members through the e-ELP
during (qualitative).
Outcomes linked to Objective 4: target students` improvement and acquisition of the
vocabulary related to Botany in both mother and partners` languages (Spanish, Basque,
Italian, and Greek).
Outcomes Activities Indicator Means of
Each target student is able to Every target student Verification
1-understand specialised -Collaborative 1-understands 1-a content accuracy
texts on Botany in mother Glossary on specialised texts on rubric prepared by
languages. botany Botany in mother target students
2-identify and understand vocabulary languages. (qualitative).
basic Botany words in -Collaborative 2-identifies and 2-a research process
partners` languages. Dictionary of understands basic rubric made by target
mythological Botany words in teachers of modern
plants partners` languages. languages (qualitative
-Collaborative and quantitative).
work through
target groups
Outcomes linked to Objective 5: target students` improvement of ICT skills.
Outcomes Activities Indicator Means of
Each target student is able to Every target student Verification
1-obtain and share -Feeding the 1-Each student of the 1-control of activity log
information, as well as plans twinSpace, the target group plans and in the twinSpace, wiki,
and develops collaborative wiki, the blog, develops collaborative and blog in charge of
activities through project the YouTube activities: the target teachers of
eTwinning, wiki, and blog. channel collaborative glossary, Computers

F.O.R. Erasmus + Project outcomes for target students

2-develop his/her ICT skills -Taking part in and the collaborative (quantitative).
necessary, not only for the project social dictionary of mythological 2-control of activity log
implementation of the networks: Face plants through project in the twinSpace, wiki,
project, but will also be able book and twitter eTwinning platform, wiki, and blog in charge of
to utilise ICT to -Collaborative and blog. target teachers of
communicate with others Glossary on Computers
and be successful in later botany (quantitative).
projects. vocabulary 3-observation notes
-Collaborative taken by target
Dictionary of teachers of Computers
mythological (qualitative and
plants quantitative).
-Presentations 4-an efficiency and
during pertinence rubric made
mobilities by target students
-Mythological (qualitative and
Garden quantitative).
exercises on
work through
target groups
Outcomes linked to Objective 6: target students` improvement of multilingual and
intercultural competences through e-ELP (Electronic European Language Portfolio).
Outcomes Activities Indicator Means of
Each target student is able to Every target student Verification
1-be in contact with families 1-Collaborative 1-is aware of their 1-anecdotal records
of another country. work through common European made by target
2-overcome the stereotypes international cultural identity and teachers during
that exist in my culture target groups cultural values. mobilities (qualitative
about others. 2-Interaction 2-is interested in the and quantitative).
3-know how to solve with foreign details of partners` 2-attitude surveys with
misunderstandings between partners, cultures. indicators prepared by
people from different teachers, the key persons of
cultures. families and each school (qualitative
3-appreciate the importance school and quantitative).
of learning of foreign members 3-self-assessment
languages. during online through e-ELP
4-improve their language mobilities descriptors about
abilities, social and 3-Use of e-ELP member`s multilingual
presentation skills. Electronic and intercultural
European competences
Language (qualitative).

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