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July 13, 2014 | I Can Do All Things Through Christ

My Brave
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The Small
White Casket



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It wasnt supposed to end this way

Last May the school secretary son. The doctor quickly scheduled a
called my classroom, saying, Theres sonogram to confirm he was in place
something for you at the front desk! and ready to be born, to become
I stood looking at a beautiful family!
bouquet of spring flowers with Early in December my cell phone
a small card addressed to me. I rang at school and I heard the
quickly opened it and read, Dear strangled voice of Andrew: Weve
Mom, You are going to be a grandma lost the baby! He began crying
in early December! signed by my uncontrollably. Slowly the story
youngest son, Andrew, and his came. Theyd checked several times
wife, Christy, who lived across the for the heartbeat, but there was
country along the west coast. I none. They would induce the birth
told the secretary, and she cheered the next morning.
with tears in her eyes. I stood there Oh, dear God, no! I cried. There
unbelievingly. The first grandchild in must be some mistake.

our family! My legs felt like they were

The months passed quickly with buckling and I grabbed the desk. I
both parents staying active in sports, stared unseeing out the window.
exercise, and a lot of response from I heard someone ask if I needed a
the growing baby boy. Nearing ride home and I shook my head no,
December Christy and Andrew read feeling a blankness covered by tears.
to him, turned up the radio in the Several friends quietly gathered
car, and sang to him, with the little in my living room. I cried out, Is our
one joining in with kicks. family cursed? I sobbed into my
The due date came and went. hands, ashamed to look up. I knew Id
The doctor said as soon as the baby have to face this alone. There would
became less active, he would be be no presence of the little ones
ready to arrive. A few days later he grandfather, who had been missing
settled down, and both parents knew from our lives for many years.
at last they would see their little A friend made my flight

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arrangements from North Carolina to instead of celebrating new life.
the west coast as others sat close in At the last layover, I got a text
silent comfort, sharing tears. from my son, saying, Jackson Brave
Many miles away my childrens is waiting for his grandma. More
pastor and friends invited Andrew tears, but thankfulness that I would
and Christy to stay at their home hold my first grandson after all.
to await the next mornings birth. Inwardly I yelled to the pilot to
They were surrounded with love and hurry, but the plane continued its

months of exploding joy smashed into

indescribable disbelief and loss.

support of friends. But nothing could steady pace through the soft clouds
dull the horror of knowing theyd backed by a flawless blue sky. How
deliver their lifeless baby boy in the could things look so normal outside
morning. when inside my heart was crushed?
The hospital gave them a private I had only one real question. Why?
area on a separate floor away from But some questions have no answers.
other deliveries. Instead of the I stumbled down the long hospital
welcomed cry of a newborn, inhuman hall clustered with people, some with
wails wrenched from the new parents bowed heads in their hands, some
for their son. The cord that had given quietly crying. I wanted to thank
him life had taken it away. them, but couldnt make myself look
My plane left early the next in their eyes. I focused on the door
morning. The flight seemed at the end of the hallway, my lips
endless, carrying the deadness moving to inward prayer, Help my
of unspeakable sorrowmonths children. Please give them strength only
of exploding joy smashed into You can give.
indescribable disbelief and loss. Such hope, potential, with this
I sat huddled against the window. new one, redemption for our family.
Then it hit me how many hours Growing up with the unfulfilled
would have passed since my promise of a father, this baby
grandsons morning birth and my represented hope, a time for Andrew.
arrival. The thought of not holding I pushed myself toward the silent
him and hugging him stabbed me room.
with a new piercing ache. I stepped into the softly lit
He had been so full of life, and room filled with suffocating loss.
now when he could at last be seen, Somewhere in my head I thought of a
touched, and loved, he could see and Christmas card with Mary, Joseph, and
feel nothing. My shoulders shook the baby silhouetted. My eyes rested
with sobs. I was flying to a funeral on the couple cradling their firstborn,

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heads bowed over him. Andrew and People silently followed, placing small
Christy looked up with drawn wet purple orchids on the casket. The
faces and we hugged silently. hushed footsteps continued for over
Andrew gently placed Jackson an hour, each one with words and
Brave into my arms. I touched his embraces for the grieving parents.
soft skin, the perfect hands like his At the end of the cemetery service
mothers, and his dads cleft chin. on that cold drizzling afternoon,
He fit so well in my arms, his sturdy Andrew saw the bulldozer filled with
weight anchoring him. I studied dirt to cover the grave.
him, memorizing more than for any No machine, he said. We will
test. This time there was no second bury him ourselves.
chance. Each of us reached in and took
Both parents whispered words of the sacred dirt and dropped it down
love, and caresses to the serene little onto the casket. I wanted to jump
one. down into the silent grave to protect

God helped me to know that in spite of

the incomprehensible death of a baby,
His love was still true, undiminished, and
Andrew and Christy carried the Jackson from this finality, to somehow
tiny white casket down the aisle and stop this inexplicable burial. But
placed it on the empty table at the it continued until the attendants
front of the church, then they kissed tamped the last fresh dirt. Andrew
the casket and sat down beside it. and Christy knelt down and kissed

Daily Bible Readings

SUNDAY Leviticus 16-17
MONDAY Leviticus 18-22
TUESDAY Leviticus 23-27
WEDNESDAY Numbers 1-9
THURSDAY Numbers 10-14
FRIDAY Numbers 15-21
SATURDAY Numbers 22-25
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the newly laid grass, saying their I lifted my empty hands, filled
final goodbyes. Friends and family only with desperate sadness. I asked
remained encircled in reverent Him to somehow help me to have a
silence, sheltering the sorrowing deeper faith, one that flies into the
couple, who didnt want to leave their face of logic, no visible proof, yet is
little one alone on the hillside. still there, solid and complete.
I know I will see Jackson Brave I dont know why God allows
in heaven. He went before us. devastating loss, but I can begin to
When his parents had told people know who God is and start to rest in

I dont know why God allows devastating

loss, but I can begin to know who God is
and start to rest in that.

what they would name him, many that. What He does comes from who
wondered about his middle name. He is, whether I understand it or
At the graveside a dear friend spoke not. Knowing more of Gods wisdom,
and said, Most children have to live love, and grace, I must trust that, no
up to their parents name, but this matter what reality screams. God
time the parents must live up to his will remain faithful because of who
name. He is.
What Ive learned is that there are Months have passed since those
no good words to say at a time like December days and sorrow still
this, other than, Im so sorry. I know comes. But also comes joy that Brave
it hurts more deeply than I could has led the way, and has set a marker
ever imagine. for his family to look higher, to gaze
People simply walking alongside, up to a saving and loving God.
quietly absorbing the unspeakable I know with certainty that my
grief was how Gods deep love spoke first grandchild is living and waiting
to me. He helped me to know that in to welcome each one of us to the
spite of the incomprehensible death unimaginable joy of heaven and
of a baby, His love was still true, into our loving Saviors outstretched
undiminished, and unchanging. arms. f P L

Senior Managing Editor: Catherine DeVries Art Director: Paul Parson Designer: Stephanie Hopkins

Power for Living, a paper for adults, is published quarterly in weekly issues by SP Publications. Subscription addresses:
SP Publications, 4050 Lee Vance View, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 SP Publications, Ltd., Box 98, Paris, ON N3L 3E5, Canada. Scripture
Press, Kingsway Church Ministries, Lottbridge Drove, Eastbourne, BN23 6NT, UK. 2014, SP Publications. All rights reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced in any form without specific permission. Printed in South Korea. Website address: www.power-for- To order Power for Living, please call 1-800-323-7543 (U.S. only) or 1-800-263-2664 (Canada only)

Volume 72, Number 4, June | July | August 2014

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He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming
soon. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus
be with Gods people. Revelation 22:20-21

The Unconscious Life by Susan Rehberg

Flowers in the garden

do nothing but bloom where theyre planted.
And yet they inspire, refresh the spirit,
Add beauty and wonder, and delight the soul
Simply by their loveliness.

Is it not the same with you, dear one?

The Master Gardner planted you
where He wants you,
To grow and bloom
so that your gentle words
and your kind deeds can
Inspire the discouraged,
Refresh the weary,
And add beauty and wonder
to a downtrodden heart,
While He delights
in using you for His purposes
Right where you are.

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a monthly review of
Spiritual Trends
Run the Good Race God has a sense of humor, he said.
But he persevered, and as he continued
(WNS)He hated jogging, but he got up to run, he felt the fog lift. He began to
anyway. Because Murphy got up that sleep again and regain his concentration
morning, pulled on his shorts, laced up his and zest for life. On a missions trip to
shoes, and then gasped his way through a Germany that summer, he shared his tes-
half-mile run, Barbara, who has advanced timony in a church. It was scary, he said,
ovarian cancer, could cover last months but, I came down from the pulpit and
rent. Gerry, who has scalp, lung, and colon just knew that God wanted me to tell of
cancer, could pay his electric bill. Darlene, His faithfulness.
who has late-stage colorectal cancer, got When he returned home he founded
help with her medical bills. OneRunTogether (ORT) and immediately
Murphy is the founder of brought on his future daughter-in-law,
OneRunTogether, a tiny charity that Rebecca, a recent graduate from Penn
organizes fund-raising runs for cancer State University with a degree in mar-
patients. Since its founding in August keting, as event coordinator. ORT holds
2011, the volunteer organization has several 5K and 1-mile runs per month,
handed out over $10,000 in 37 grants of a organizes events at local restaurants,
few hundred dollars each to help families and receives donations from individuals
pay bills, fix vehicles, cover childcare, and and corporate sponsors. Grant applicants
keep current on their health insurance must be in treatment and demonstrate
premiums. financial need. A five-member board
Murphys race started on Dec. 1, 2001, approves the requests.
when his wife Beth was diagnosed with Lynne Lawrence was diagnosed with
breast cancer. It went into remission but pancreatic cancer last year and under-
returned in 2007. After two agonizing went surgery. Murphy and Rebecca vis-
years, she passed away on Nov. 13, 2009. ited her, brought her a Bible and a hand-
The loss engulfed Murphy in grief written card, and prayed with her. That
and he started, he said, sleep-walking personal touch was wonderful, Lawrence
through life. He remembers very little said. They invest themselves, not just
from this period except a feeling that God the money.
was in control. The races are family and community
After five months, at a friends faith- events9- and 10-year-olds runs beside
ful urging, Murphy decided that April their parents, and breast cancer survivors
morning to try running to deal with the run in pink T-shirts. Volunteer Sharon
pain and listlessness. I knew it wouldnt Valentino said when Murphy shares his
kill me, he laughed, but he very nearly own story at each event, people soak in
thought he would die as he struggled every word. It really gives you a sense
through that first outing. Murphy resolved of hopehope in terms of supporting
to run daily for a month, and the first people who are dealing with cancer, and
three days of solo runs it rained hard. hope for the community, Valentino said.

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