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Erasmus + Project outcomes for non target teachers


Outcomes linked to Objective 5: non target teachers` improvement of ICT skills.

Outcomes Activities Indicator Means of
Each non target teacher is able to Every non target teacher Verification
1-use the created project 1-Taking part in the 1-uses the created 1-activity log of the
online resources and activities organised project online blog checked by
activities with non target during the resources and target teachers of
students. mobilities. activities with non Computers.
2-take part in the activities 3-Surfing on target students. 2-surveys made by
organised during the project twinSpace 2-takes part in the target teachers of
mobilities. and other activities organised Computers to check
3-surf on project platforms. during the mobilities. if each school
twinSpace and other 4-Feeding the 3-surfs on project member has
platforms. project blog. twinSpace and improved ICT skills
4-feed the project blog. 5-Taking part in other platforms.
project social by means of the
5-take part in project social 4-feeds the project project blog, and the
networks: Facebook and networks: Facebook blog.
and twitter. e-ELP.
twitter. 5-takes part in
project social
networks: Facebook
and twitter.

Outcomes linked to Objective 6: non target teachers` improvement of multilingual and

intercultural competences through e-ELP (Electronic European Language Portfolio).
Outcomes Activities Indicator Means of
Each non target teacher is able to Every non target teacher Verification
1-develop links with 1-Taking part in the 1-takes part in the 1-activity log of the
European school activities organised activities organised blog checked by
teachers. during the during the mobilities. target teachers of
2-be willing to open up to mobilities. 2-feeds the project Computers.
and appreciate new ideas 2 -Feeding the blog. 2-self-assessments
coming from other project blog. 3-surfs on project through e-ELP, every
European countries, and 3-Surfing on twinSpace and September and every
have a better project twinSpace other platforms July, to determine the
understanding of and other 4-takes part in acquisition of
platforms. project social
collaborative working in multilingual and
4-Taking part in networks: Face book
European context. and twitter. multicultural
project social
3-improve his/her networks: Face competences.
knowledge of foreign book and twitter.
languages, especially

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