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ENGINEERING Material Specification GMW3032


High Strength Sheet Steel, 180 MPa through 700 MPa Yield Strengths

1 Scope
This standard covers the requirements for continuous cast sheet steel with specified minimum yield strengths
from 180 MPa through 700 MPa and is applicable to uncoated and coated, cold (CR) or hot rolled (HR) low
carbon, solid solution strengthened, bake hardenable (BH), and interstitial free (IF) or high strength low alloy
(HSLA) substrates with good formability. Continuously hot or cold rolled flat products shall be supplied as coils
or sheet. Hot rolled flat products are usually supplied in thicknesses >1.75 mm. These flat products are used
for cold forming and for manufacturing of welded tubes. Cold or hot rolled flat products with the appropriate
surface type and surface finish are suitable for the application of surface coatings (metallic hot dipping,
electrolytic plating, hot spray painting, organic coatings and/or other coatings). This specification does not
apply to steel for case hardening and cold reduced, work hardened strips. Additional requirements or
agreements shall be specified by regional GM business units, e.g., GM North America (GMNA), GM Europe
(GME), GM Brazil (GMB), and GM Korea (GMK).
1.1 Material Description. The material designation is defined by the GM Worldwide (GMW) base metal
specification number, steel product type, minimum yield strength, and finish type. The steel product type is
designated by CR for cold rolled products, or HR for hot rolled products. Microstructure free of banding, which
is caused by the interdendritic segregation of manganese during solidification, is specified for hot rolled HSLA
inclusion-controlled grades that are used for chassis applications.
A numeral, (180, 210, 240, etc.,) will designate the minimum yield strength level in MPa (Megapascals). A
designation of steel type shall be added to BH2, solid solution strengthened grades
Re-phosphorized and Interstitial Free (P and IF), structural automotive (SA) and high strength low alloy (LA)
steels as shown in Section 8. An F designation may be added on engineering and/or manufacturing
documents following an LA steel type to specify the steel as inclusion-controlled. A B designation is specified
for hot rolled LA F type grades which need to be free of microstructural banding. Anisotropy Index for banding
free grades is listed under Appendix C. The steel grades will correspond to the chemical and mechanical
requirements as shown in Table 1 through Table 5. The finish type, Pan alpha character, will designate the
finish as E (exposed) or U (unexposed). In addition, products which are not coated shall have the word
Uncoated added to the call-out after the steel type, but before the finish designation. A special requirement
for temper rolling may be required and shall be specified with a T designation. The descriptive items in this
section (1.1) are used together to form the coding system. Examples of the coding system for engineering part
drawings and manufacturing engineering documents are shown in Section 8.
1.1.1 Material Identification. See Appendix A, Table A1.
1.2 Symbols. Not applicable.
1.3 Applicability. Typical applications are coated or uncoated sheet metal parts consisting of high strength
sheet steel with specified minimum yield strengths from 180 MPa through 700 MPa.

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2 References
Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified.
2.1 External Standards/Specifications.
AS 1391 ASTM E112 ISO 6892 JIS Z 2201
ASTM A370 ASTM E1268 ISO 7438
ASTM A751 EN 10049 ISO 14284
ASTM E45 EN 10247 JIS G 3113
2.2 GM Standards/Specifications.
GMW8 GMW14057 GMW15056 GMW16549
GMW11 GMW14058 GMW15282 GMW16656
GMW3005 GMW14700 GMW15425 GMW16823
GMW3011 GMW14704 GMW16066
GMW3059 GMW14729 GMW16086
GMW3224 GMW14829 GMW16170
GMW3335 GMW14872 GMW16546
2.3 Additional References.
Statement of Requirements (SOR).
TMC003 Material Safety Data Sheet guidance documents (available at

3 Requirements
This section defines specific requirements for material on delivery, processing, performance and other stages
during life cycle. Deviations required for individual GM business units are listed in the Deviation Section at the
end of this specification and shall be agreed between Purchasing and supplier.
3.1 Requirements on Test Specimens. Not applicable.
3.2 Requirements on Delivery.
3.2.1 Chemical Requirements. Base Metal. Base metal composition based on product (coil or sheet/blanks) analysis determined per
ASTM A751 shall conform to the requirements of Table 1 and Table 2. When end-product (coil/blank) test
results are not available, heat analysis may be used. Chemical composition on the end product is the referee
method. Surface Treatment. Products coated with a designated lubricant (e.g., mill oil or pre-lube) shall comply
with GMW16546 and GMW16656 and/or be approved by the local business unit.
3.2.2 Mechanical Requirements. Products supplied to this specification shall meet the mechanical properties
as specified in Table 3 through Table 6. The mechanical test methods to be used are defined in GMW3335
using the appropriate tensile test piece required by the specific region. Tests shall be performed using samples
per ISO 6892 Type I, 50 mm gage length ASTM (ASTM International) type sample, ISO 6892 Type II
(80 mm gage length) German Institute for Standardization (DIN) type sample or JIS Z 2201 (No. 5 test piece).
Plastic strain ratio rm (r-bar) shall be determined at 20% strain. When uniform elongation is <20%, plastic strain
values shall be determined at the maximum of uniform elongation. The specific strain level shall be reported
with all test results. Strain hardening exponent n and strength coefficient K value shall be determined at
10% to 20% strain, or at 10% to end of uniform elongation when uniform elongation is <20% unless minimum
n-value is <0.12. In these cases, the strain hardening exponent must be determined at 6% to end of uniform
elongation. The specific strain range shall be reported with all test results. For tensile tests conducted to
ISO 6892, only longitudinal test samples should be used (except for rm value). Conformance to the rm (r-bar)
requirement shall be verified at the time of approval and at the time of the initial production shipment, unless

otherwise required by the local materials engineering or manufacturing department.

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GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3032 Mechanical Property Requirements of Solid Solution Strengthened and Bake Hardenable
Grades. Mechanical property requirements of solid solution strengthened (P and IF) and (BH2) cold reduced,
uncoated and coated sheet steel grades are based on the minimum as-received yield strength
(180 MPa, 210 MPa, 240 MPa, 270 MPa and 300 MPa) as shown in Table 3.
Bake hardenable steels have the additional requirement of a bake hardening index (BHI). All bake hardenable
grades shall attain an increase in yield strength of 30 MPa minimum in lower yield strength (longitudinal
direction and exclusive of work hardening) after 2% tensile strain and baking at +170 C for 20 minutes.
Mechanical properties for the B2 (BH2 grades) are shown in Table 3.
Bake Hardening and Work Hardening Indices shall be determined as detailed in Appendix B, Figure B1 and
Figure B2. The actual or measured bake hardening response for a production part depends on a number of
factors that must be considered. The amount of strain, the direction of strain relative to the test direction, the
actual part temperature/time in the paint bake ovens, etc., may all impact the observed bake hardening
Note: The bake hardening index in this specification is a parameter that characterizes the general bake
hardening response of steel. Bend Test Requirements for Structural Automotive Grades. Testing shall be performed to
ISO 7438, bend test on two (2) low friction mounted test rollers and a punch, transverse to the rolling direction.
Structural Automotive (SA) grades must meet the bending radii as specified in Table 6 for a bending angle of
180 degrees. After the test, the samples shall be free from visual cracking.
3.2.3 Physical Requirements. Material Thickness and Tolerance. The detailed engineering part drawing/electronic math file will
specify the material thickness and tolerance. The tolerance requirements for various thicknesses and strength
levels are listed in GMW3224. Surface Requirements. Surface Texture. Specific requirements for the surface texture for each region are detailed in the
Deviations Section at the end of this specification. Surface Quality. The steel shall be free from surface defects as negotiated between purchaser and
supplier. For unexposed (U) surface, defects such as pores, slight indentations, small marks, minor scratches,
and slight coloring, which do not affect formability or the application of surface coatings, are allowed.
Exposed (E) surfaces shall be free of defects which might affect the uniform appearance of quality paint or an
electrolytic coating, electrodeposited primer, cathodic e-coat (ELPO). Certain applications require that both
surfaces of the steel be of exposed surface quality. A special requirement for temper rolling may be required
and shall be specified with a (T) designation. Other surfaces shall conform at least to unexposed surface
quality (U). Detailed requirements will be issued by the responsible formability analysis organization (e.g.,
GMNA Manufacturing Engineering Material Parts Specification (MPS) sheet, GM responsible manufacturing,
or metallurgical engineering document etc. Roughness of Skin Passed Products. The requirements for roughness average (Ra) and
roughness peak count (RPc) should be per GMW16823. Surface of Hot Rolled Products without Special Requirements on the Surface Quality.
Uncoated hot rolled products shall be supplied in a pickled (descaled) and oiled condition to ensure an
adequate processability and a good adhesion of applied coatings.
These products are usually not skin passed, but at the suppliers choice or by agreement, the products can be
supplied in a slightly skin passed condition or with agreement by GM. Pre-Treatment/Paint Adhesion (Qualification Testing). When tested with approved phosphate
systems, uncoated, or zinc-based coated steels shall be capable of achieving a high quality zinc phosphate
conversion coating according to GMW3011. When tested with approved thin film pre-treatments, the
requirements of GMW16170 must be fulfilled. Steels with thin organic pre-coatings per GMW15056 are
excluded from these requirements, as a pre-treatment will not be deposited. The additional requirements in through must be met for thin film organic pre-coating qualification.

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After application of production representative pre-treatment and paint, the steel shall meet the following
requirements: Adhesion of the E-coat shall fulfill test requirements of the crosshatch test according to
For samples that are phosphated: Rating 0 as-received and after 120 h humidity exposure per
For samples with thin film pre-treatment, requirements according to GMW16170 shall be met. Pre-treated (zinc Phosphate and thin film) and E-coated samples must meet delamination test
requirements according to GMW14704 (Rating 0 or 1 after 48 h test duration). For fully painted applications on exposed (E) surfaces, the material shall also meet the
requirements of the stone chip resistance test according to GMW14700, Method A, B, and C, with a minimum

stone impact rating of 8. Creep back resistance shall be inspected on E-coated samples. The samples shall be scribed per
GMW15282 and tested according to GMW14872, EXT, (exterior) All, 4 salt spray per cycle, Method 1/2/3,
Exposure C. The creep back shall be evaluated per GMW15282 and meet the requirements stated in the
following 3 (three) specifications:
GMW3011 for samples that are phosphated.
GMW16170 for samples with thin film pre-treatment.
GMW15056 for samples with thin organic pre-coating (applicable to thin film organic coating qualification
only). Adhesive Compatibility (Qualification Testing). Uncoated or zinc based coated steels supplied to
this specification shall be capable of being bonded with GM approved adhesives when tested according to
GMW16549. Testing to this specification will evaluate bonding characteristics to the metal surface. Coating Requirements. Refer to coating requirements in GMW8 for hot dipped coatings, GMW11
for electrogalvanized coatings, GMW16066 for aluminized coatings, and GMW15056 for thin organic pre-
coatings. Coating requirements include, but are not limited to, coating composition, coating mass, and coating
adhesion. Microstructure. Grain Size. By analysis, grain size when tested to ASTM E112, shall be consistent throughout the
thickness of the sheet. Grain size shall be Number 6 or finer for hot rolled substrates, and Number 8 or finer for
cold rolled substrates. Inclusions. Inclusion Analysis Methods. Two (2) optional methods for analysis are available. There should
be an agreement with the local business unit which of the two (2) following methods have to be performed.
Method A: ASTM E45 Method D, Plate I-r, by analysis at a magnification of 100x, inclusion content shall
not exceed a rating of 2.0 for thin and 2.0 for heavy.
Method B: EN 10247, by analysis inclusions shall not exceed size Index 3. In case of diameters <20 mm,
they shall not exceed size Index 2. Inclusion Control. When required by manufacturing or product engineering to improve edge
stretching or bending in some applications, a designation may be added to the callout to specify inclusion
control (F designation, see Section 8, Coding System). The supplier may limit sulfide inclusions content via
ultra-low sulfur steelmaking practices and/or may utilize a calcium treatment or rare-earth element (i.e.,
Cerium) (Ce) addition to control inclusion shape (small globular particles are preferred). Inclusion control shall
only apply to LA grades. Marking. If required, marking shall be carried out on the unexposed surface of full finish coils for outer
panels and on the outer side of the coils for inner panels. The marking must be agreed upon between the
supplier and purchaser. The ink used for marking must be released by the purchaser. Other Requirements. Requirements such as tolerances on product shape and dimensions,
inspections units, number of tests, sampling, test conditions, re-tests, inspection documents, packing, and
handling of disputes shall be agreed upon between supplier and the local business unit.

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3.3 Processing Requirements.

3.3.1 Additional Requirements. Weldability. Sheet steel supplied to this standard shall be weldable with standard GM Weld Practices
and meet spot weld, arc weld, and laser weld acceptance criteria per GMW14057, GMW14058, and
GMW15425 respectively. When required for qualification, testing for spot weldability shall be performed per
GWS-5A and approved by the Manufacturing Engineering (ME) - Weld Department of GM Manufacturing
Engineering. Contact the GM Weld Council for specific information regarding weldability at Weld Seams in Coils. If weld seams in cold rolled material are allowed by Global Manufacturing
Engineering Department, the following restrictions shall be considered:
For cold reduced coils, pickling weld seams from the manufacturing process of hot rolled coils is
permissible without restriction.
Punch holes may be used for cold reduced coils to detect weld seams, but must be avoided in stamped
For cold reduced coils with exposed (E) or semi-exposed (Z) surfaces, weld seams are permissible, but
must be indicated by perforation.
For cold reduced coils with unexposed (U) surfaces, weld seams are not permissible unless special
exceptions are made by the local organization.
For hot rolled coils, weld seams are not permissible. Stretcher Strains. All steel used for exposed (E) surfaces and secondary exposed surfaces located in
Zones A, B, and C, as defined by GM Product Quality Standards, shall be free from stretcher strains for six (6)
months. The zones will be identified on the manufacturing requirements document
GMNA MPS Sheet or other regional manufacturing requirement documents) of the GM Purchase Order or in
the purchased stamping Statement of Requirements (SOR). Secondary Work Embrittlement (SWE). Secondary work embrittlement occurs in some interstitial free
flat steel products. Secondary work embrittlement testing will be required for any steels that have <0.015%
carbon by mass. All material supplied to this specification shall be determined to be free of secondary work
embrittlement according to GMW16086 or as agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier. Conformance
to this requirement shall be verified at the time of approval and at the time of the initial production shipment,
unless otherwise required by the purchaser.
3.4 Performance Requirements. Not applicable.
3.5 Requirements on Other Stages during Life Cycle.
3.5.1 Chemical Requirements. Provisions shall be made to prevent the addition of such elements (see 5.5)
from scrap or other materials used in the manufacturing process which would impair the recyclability of the
finished components.
3.5.2 Mechanical Requirements. Mechanical property requirements in this specification shall be guaranteed
for a minimum of three (3) months after delivery to the manufacturing plant. For materials qualification,
required mechanical properties shall be guaranteed for a minimum of six (6) months after coil finishing.
3.5.3 Physical Requirements. Not applicable.
3.5.4 Additional Requirements. Rounding Convention. When determining conformance to this specification, an observed value or a
calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest unit for the last right-hand digit used in expressing the
specification requirement. The rounding method shall be in accordance to the following:
When the digit beyond the last digit to be retained is <5, the last digit to be retained shall remain
When the digit beyond the last digit to be retained is 5, the last digit to be retained shall be increased by
one (1) unit. When employing a rounding method, successive rounding for calculated values should be

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4 Manufacturing Process
Not applicable.

5 Rules and Regulations

5.1 Legal Regulations. All materials must satisfy applicable laws, rules, regulations and recommendations
valid in the country of usage.
5.2 Language. In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall
take precedence.
5.3 Inspection and Rejection. Samples of components or materials released to a GM material specification
shall be tested for conformity with the requirements of this material specification and approved by the
responsible Engineering department prior to commencement of delivery of bulk supplies.
A new approval must be received for any changes, e.g., properties, manufacturing process, location of
manufacture, etc. If not otherwise agreed, all testing and documentation normally required for initial release
must be completed.
It is the responsibility of the supplier to inform the customer in a timely manner, without solicitation, and to
include documentation of all modifications of materials and/or processes and to apply for a new release.

If not otherwise agreed, all release tests shall be repeated and documented by the supplier prior to
commencement of delivery of non-conforming bulk supplies. In individual cases, a shorter test can be agreed
to between the responsible Engineering department and the supplier.
5.4 Material Safety Data Sheets/Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS). For new product submissions, or when a
change in chemical composition of an existing product has occurred, a complete copy of the Material Safety
Data Sheet/Safety Data Sheet must be submitted in compliance with the Globally Harmonized System of
Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) requirements or other country-specific MSDS/SDS
requirements. In addition, product MSDS/SDS submissions must be in compliance with specific country
General Motors TMC003 Material Safety Data Sheet/Safety Data Sheet guidance documents where available.
5.5 All materials supplied to this standard must comply with the requirements of GMW3059, Restricted and
Reportable Substances for Parts.

6 Approved Sources
Materials supplied to this specification must be approved by General Motors.
A list of approved materials can be found in the sheet metal approved source list in GM SupplyPower.
(Document Library Engineering GM North America Product Design). This GM Material File is provided to third
parties to reduce redundant testing of materials. If approved material already listed is used, the part supplier
can use GM Material File reference for Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) material approval. If the
decision is made to use a not yet approved material, contact the GM Materials Engineering for details on the
approval process. The material approval process must be completed prior to PPAP start date of the part
supplied to General Motors.

7 Notes
7.1 Glossary. Not applicable.
7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols.
AI Anisotropy Index
AS Australian Standard
ASTM ASTM International
BH Bake Hardenable
BHI Bake Hardening Index
Ce Cerium

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CR Cold Rolled
DIN German Institute for Standardization
DOI Distinction of Image
DP Dual Phase
E Exposed
ELPO Electrodeposited Primer, Cathodic E-coat
EN European Standard
EXT Exterior
GHS Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
GMB GM Brazil
GME GM Europe
GMK GM Korea
GMNA GM North America
GMW GM Worldwide
GPSC Global Purchasing and Supply Chain
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
HR Hot Rolled
HSLA High Strength Low Alloy
IF Interstitial Free
ISO International Organization for Standardization
JIS Japanese Industrial Standards
LA Low Alloy
ME Manufacturing Engineering
MPa Megapascal
MPS Material Parts Specification
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
N/A Not applicable
P Re-phosphorized
PPAP Production Part Approval Process
ppm Parts Per Million
Ra Roughness Average
ReL Lower Yield Stress
rm r-bar
Rp Proof Stress
RPc Roughness Peak Count
SA Structural Automotive
SDS Safety Data Sheet
SOR Statement of Requirements
SWE Secondary Work Embrittlement
t Thickness
T Temper Rolled
T Tensile Strength
U Unexposed
VDA German Association of the Automotive Industry (Verband der Automobilindustrie)

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WH Work Hardening
WHI Work Hardening Index
YS Yield Strength
Z Semi-Exposed

8 Coding System
This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows:
Material per GMW3032
The coding system for GMW sheet steel specifications on engineering part drawings and GMNA
Manufacturing Engineering Metal Parts Specifications (MPS) Sheets and/or electronic math data files shall use
a nomenclature consisting of the material designation, minimum yield strength and surface quality or coating
designation. The engineering part drawing may also include the steel product type (HR or CR). If
manufacturing and/or product engineering determines the steel requires inclusion-control, an F may be
included following the steel type. Hot rolled HSLA grades that are inclusion controlled and need to have
banding free microstructure are designated by B in the material designation. In addition, if the engineering
part drawing does not include the steel product type (HR or CR), the manufacturing engineering group shall
select the desired product type based on such factors as availability, formability and cost, and shall include this
information on the appropriate engineering documents. The material designation is defined by the applicable
GMW base metal material specification which follows the GMW specification number system. The minimum
yield strength is specified in Megapascals (MPa) by a numerical designation.
The surface quality is designated as either E for exposed, or U for an unexposed application and T for temper
rolled. For coated applications, refer to GMW8 for hot dip zinc coatings, GMW11 for electrogalvanized
coatings, and GMW16066 for aluminized coatings. The GMW sheet steel specification shall be called out on
engineering drawings and manufacturing engineering documents as follows:
8.1 Example of coding for uncoated high strength steel.
8.1.1 Example of engineering part drawing and/or electronic math data file coding for uncoated high strength
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base material specification)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
CR = Steel Product Type: Cold rolled
180 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
P = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
UNCOATED = Uncoated Substrate Designation
E = Surface Quality (see

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8.1.2 Example of manufacturing engineering document coding uncoated high strength steel.
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base material specification)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
CR = Steel Product Type: Cold rolled
180 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
P = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
UNCOATED = Uncoated Substrate Designation
E = Surface Quality (see

8.2 Example of coding for hot dip zinc coated high strength steel.
8.2.1 Example of engineering part drawing and/or electronic math data file coding for hot dip zinc coated high
strength steel.
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base material specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
CR = Steel Product Type: Cold rolled
180 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
P = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
HD60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW8 for details)
U = Surface Quality (see


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8.2.2 Example of manufacturing engineering document coding for hot dip zinc coated high strength steel:
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
CR = Steel Product Type: Cold rolled
180 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
P = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
HD60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW8 for details)
U = Surface Quality (see

8.3 Example of Coding for Electrogalvanized Coated High Strength Steel.

Per 1.1, for engineering part drawing or electronic math file coding, the HSLA steels (except for SA grades)
<550 MPa, the HR or CR designations shall not be used. For manufacturing or Global Purchasing and Supply
Chain (GPSC) purchasing document coding, the HR or CR designation may be used, as necessary.
8.3.1 Example of engineering part drawing or electronic math file coding for electrogalvanized coated high
strength steel.
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)

3032 = Sequential Number

GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
420 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
LA = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
EG60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW11 for details)
U = Surface Quality (see

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8.3.2 Example of manufacturing engineering document coding for electrogalvanized coated high strength steel.
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
CR = Steel Product Type: Cold rolled
420 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
LA = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
EG60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW11 for details)
U = Surface Quality (see

8.4 Example of coding for hot dip coated high strength steel requiring temper roll.
8.4.1 Example of engineering part drawing or electronic math file coding for temper rolled electrogalvanized
coated high strength steel.
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
340 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
LA = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
EG60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW11 for details)
T = Temper Roll Designation

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8.4.2 Example of manufacturing engineering document coding for temper rolled electrogalvanized coated high
strength steel.
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
CR = Steel Product Type: Cold rolled
340 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
LA = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
EG60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW11 for details)
T = Temper Roll Designation

8.5 Example of coding for hot dip coated high strength steel requiring inclusion control.
8.5.1 Example of engineering part drawing or electronic math file coding for inclusion-controlled hot dip coated
high strength steel.
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
340 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
LA = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
F = Inclusion-Controlled
HD60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW8 for details)
U = Surface Quality (see

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8.5.2 Example of manufacturing engineering or GPSC purchasing document coding for inclusion-controlled hot
dip coated high strength steel.

GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
HR = Steel Product Type: Hot rolled
340 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
LA = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
F = Inclusion-Controlled
HD60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW8 for details)
U = Surface Quality (see

8.5.3 Example of engineering part drawing or electronic math file coding for Structural Automotive hot rolled
uncoated steel

GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
HR = Steel Product Type: Hot rolled
440 = Minimum Tensile Strength (MPa)
T = Tensile Strength
SA = Structural Automotive
UNCOATED = Uncoated Substrate Designation
U = Surface Quality (see

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8.5.4 Example of engineering part drawing or GPSC purchasing document for banding controlled hot dip
coated high strength steel.
GMW = Validation Area (GM Worldwide)
3032 = Sequential Number
GMW3032 = Material Type (Base Material Specifications)
M = Material Type: Metals
ST = Category: Steel
S = Subcategory: Sheet
HR = Steel Product Type: Hot rolled
550 = Minimum Yield Strength (MPa)
LA = Steel Type (B0, B2, IF, LA, P)
F = Inclusion-Controlled
B = Banding Controlled
HD60G60G = Coating Designation (GMW8 for details)
U = Surface Quality (see


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9 Release and Revisions

This standard was originated in July 1998. It was first approved by GM Automotive Operations-North America
Sheet Metal Specialists Team, and a team of GM Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific materials
engineering experts excluding ISUZU in February 1999. It was first published in June 1999.
Issue Publication Date Description (Organization)
1 JUN 1999 Initial publication.
2 OCT 2000 With this released Revision A, the document is also valid for Isuzu. Rework of paragraphs 1, 2.1,
2.3,, 3.1.2,,,,,,,,,,
5, 7: Addition of Dualphase Grades (DP). Deletion of grades: 240P, 270P, 300P, CR460, HR460.
For all chemical composition tables: the required aluminum was changed from maximum to
minimum required value, the manganese content is now equal for HR and CR grades. All tables
were reworked. Attention: The grade referenced on drawings or other documentation as
GMW3032M-ST-S HR210 is replaced by GMW2M-ST-S HR1. (GME Specification Center)
3 AUG 2002 Revision B was approved on 17/DEC/2001 // Revised paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1.2,,,,,,, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7,
Appendix A - Deviation section. (GME Specification Center)
4 OCT 2005 Revised paragraphs 1, 1.1,,, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,,, 3.1.2,,,,,,,, 5.4, 5.5, 6, 7, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2,
7.3.1, 7.3.2, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, A, A3.1.1.1, A3.1.1.2, A3.1.2, Table A1,
A3.1.3, A3.1.3.1, A3.1.3.2, A3., A3., A3.2, Table A2, A6. Revised current
specification based on mill capability and global requirements.
5 AUG 2007 Revised title, paragraphs 1.1, 1.1.1 (all tables), 2 (2.1-2.3 references),, 3.1.2,,,,,,,, 5.1.1, 7.2, 8 (8.1-8.4), Table 1,
Table 2, Table 3, Table 5, Appendix A (added), Appendix B (renamed), Appendix C (added),
Deviations, Table Dev 1,, Table Dev 2 (Global Sheet Metal Specialist Team)
6 OCT 2009 Updated specification template, 2.2 Updated References, End-product referee method, Surface Treatment per GMW14019, Phosphateability/Paint Compatibility, updated
to GMW14704, added semi-exposed surface, Updated ASTM Plate, Updated to
GMW16086, 5.3 Initial Source Approval added, Table 4 (240LA requirements revised), Table 5
(elongation for HR550 modified, Note 8 added), Appendix B (Note 1 added), Appendix C updated,
Deviations 3.2.2 GM Holden added, GM Europe updated, Deviations - GM Holden
(removed regional specs, Coating Adhesion by Bonding) (GME only) (Global Sheet Metal
Specialist Team)
7 JAN 2013 Paragraph 1.1: Banding-free microstructure requirements added, SA grades added, and temper

rolling requirements designation added. Paragraphs 2 and updated. Paragraph
Bend Requirements for Structural Automotive Grades added. Paragraphs,,,,, and 7 updated. Paragraph Spot Weld requirements
updated and Laser Weld requirements added. Paragraph 3.5.2 Mechanical requirements updated.
Paragraphs 7 and 8 updated, to reflect engineering and manufacturing requirements for high
strength steels, and added examples of structural automotive and banding free grades. Table 2
updated to show HR designations for 550LA and higher strength grades, and inclusion of SA (all
grades). Table 3 updated by removing B0 bake hard grades. Table 6 added for Hot Rolled
Structural Automotive Grades for Chassis Applications. Appendix A updated by deleting cross-
reference Tables A1 and A2, and added a new cross-reference Table A1 for Structural Automotive
grades. Appendix C: Tables C1, C2, C3 and C4 deleted. New Appendix C added for Anisotropy
Index for banding free grades. Deviation Section: Paragraphs 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, and Table Dev 1
8 JUN 2014 Appendix A, Table A1, Specification corrected to JIS G 3113-SAPH440. Removed GM6180M from
2.2. Clarified language in Section 6 Approved Sources, and Section 8 Coding System. Updated Surface Treatment with revised specifications GMW16546 and GMW16656. Removed
obsolete reference specification GMW14019. (Ferrous Sheet Metal Global Subsystem Leadership

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Table 1: Bake Hardenable and Solid Solution Strengthened Grades

Chemical Compositions Note 1, Note 2, Note 3
GMW3032M-ST-S C Mn P S Al Si
Designation Note 4, Note 5 % Maximum % Maximum % Maximum % Maximum % Minimum % Maximum

CR180 0.06 0.70 0.08 0.030 0.015 0.50

CR180IF 0.01 0.70 0.08 0.025 0.010 0.30
CR210 0.08 0.70 0.08 0.030 0.015 0.50
CR210IF 0.01 0.90 0.08 0.025 0.010 0.30
CR240 0.10 1.00 0.10 0.030 0.015 0.50
CR240IF 0.01 1.60 0.10 0.025 0.010 0.30
CR270 0.12 1.50 0.11 0.030 0.015 0.50
CR300 0.12 1.50 0.12 0.030 0.015 0.50
Note 1: Chemical composition based on product (coil or sheet/blank) analysis.
Note 2: In addition to requirements shown in Table 1, % Cu +% Ni + % Cr + % Mo 0.5.
Note 3: % C + % P 0.16.
Note 4: Includes IF, P, B0 and B2 grades.
Note 5: All P and IF grades with <0.015% carbon shall have a minimum of 0.0003% (3 ppm) Boron. See Deviations Section.

Table 2: Cold or Hot Rolled High Strength Low Alloy Grades

Chemical Composition Note 1, Note 2, Note 3
GMW3032M-ST-S C Mn P S Al Si
Designation % Maximum % Maximum % Maximum % Maximum % Minimum % Maximum
240LA 0.10 0.70 0.030 0.030 0.015 0.50
270LA 0.12 1.00 0.030 0.030 0.015 0.50
300LA 0.12 1.30 0.030 0.030 0.015 0.50
340LA 0.12 1.50 0.030 0.030 0.015 0.50
380LA 0.12 1.50 0.030 0.030 0.015 0.60
420LA 0.12 1.60 0.030 0.030 0.015 0.60
500LA 0.12 1.70 0.030 0.030 0.015 0.60
HR550LA Note 4 0.15 1.80 0.030 0.030 0.015 0.60
HR650LA Note 4 0.12 2.00 0.025 0.015 0.015 0.60
HR700LA Note 4 0.12 2.10 0.025 0.015 0.015 0.60
SA (all grades) Note 5 - - 0.040 0.040 - -
Note 1: Chemical composition based on product (coil or sheet/blank) analysis.
Note 2: LA grades must contain intentional additions of micro alloying elements (i.e., niobium, titanium, and/or vanadium) and/or shall
have a carbon equivalence, CE, of 0.24 maximum, where CE = % C + (%Si/30) + (%Mn/20) + 2(%P) + 4(%S).
Note 3: The amount of micro alloying elements (niobium, titanium, vanadium) for the Low Alloy (LA) steels together shall be 0.22%.
Note 4: Grades 550 and above only available as HR substrates.
Note 5: Structural Automotive (SA) grades carbon equivalence, CE, of 0.24 maximum where CE = % C + (% Si/30) + (% Mn/20) +

2(% P) +4(% S).

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Note 1
Table 3: Cold Rolled Bake Hardenable and Solid Solution Strengthened Grades Mechanical Property Requirements
Total Total rm
Yield Tensile Elongation Elongation (r-bar) n value BH2
Elongation r0-20 n value
GMW3032M-ST-S Strength Note 2 Strength 80 mm JIS Number 5 Note 4
Note 8
Note 4
Note 4
Note 7
50 mm Note 5 Note 8
(MPa) (MPa) (%) 50 mm (MPa)
(%) Note 3, Note 4 (%) Note 3 Note 6

Designation Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum

CR180P 180 240 300 35 33 39 1.3 --- --- 0.20 ----

CR180IF 180 240 330 38 36 42 1.3 1.2 0.19 0.20 ----
CR180B2 180 240 300 35 33 39 1.3 1.1 0.17 0.19 30
CR210P 210 270 320 33 31 37 1.3 --- 0.16 0.19 ----
CR210IF 210 270 340 36 34 40 1.3 1.1 0.18 0.19 ----
CR210B2 210 270 320 33 31 37 1.1 1.1 0.16 0.17 30
CR240P 240 300 340 30 28 34 1.1 --- 0.15 --- ---
CR240IF 240 300 360 34 32 38 1.1 1.0 0.17 0.17 ---
CR240B2 240 300 340 30 28 34 1.1 1.0 0.15 0.17 30
CR270P 270 330 360 28 26 32 1.0 --- 0.14 --- ---
CR270B2 270 330 360 28 26 32 0.9 --- 0.13 0.15 30
CR300B2 300 360 390 26 24 30 0.9 --- --- 0.14 30
Note 1: Additional demands can be specified by local units.
Note 2: The yield stress values shall apply for the 0.2 proof stress, Rp 0.2, if the yield stress cannot be easily recognized, otherwise the values shall be the lower yield stress, ReL.
Note 3: When the specified nominal thickness <0.7 mm and >0.5 mm, the minimum value for elongation is reduced by 2 units. For thickness 0.5 mm, the minimum value is reduced by 4 units.
Note 4: ZnNi and Galvanneal coated steels: rm (r-bar) shall be reduced by 0.1; n value to be reduced by 0.01; total elongation to be reduced by 2%.
Note 5: For thickness >1.6 mm, the minimum r-value requirement will be 1.0.
Note 6: Calculation by (r0+r90+2r45)/4.
Note 7: The BH2 index requirement in this specification is used to characterize the general bake hardening response of steel. For vehicle design, the actual processing conditions (temperature
cycle, pre-straining, etc.,) shall be considered.
Note 8: Valid only for GME.

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Table 4: Cold Rolled High Strength Low Alloy Grades

Mechanical Property Requirements Note 1
Total Total
Tensile Elongation
GMW-3032M-ST-S Yield Strength Note 2 Strength
Elongation Elongation
JIS Number 5
50 mm 80 mm Note 4
(MPa) (MPa) 50 mm
(%) (%)
Designation Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
CR240LA 240 320 320 28 26 32 0.15
CR270LA 270 350 330 26 24 30 0.15
CR300LA 300 380 370 24 22 28 0.14
CR340LA 340 420 410 22 20 26 0.13
CR380LA 380 460 450 20 18 24 0.12
CR420LA 420 520 480 18 16 22 0.11 Note 3
CR500LA 500 600 560 16 14 20 0.09 Note 3
Note 1: Additional demands can be specified by local units.

Note 2: The yield stress values shall apply for the 0.2 proof stress, (Rp) 0.2, if the yield stress cannot be easily recognized, otherwise the values shall be the lower yield stress, R eL.
Note 3: n-value tested from 6% to end of uniform elongation.
Note 4: ZnNi and Galvanneal coated steels: n value to be reduced by 0.01.

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Table 5: Hot Rolled High Strength Low Alloy Grades

Mechanical Property Requirements Note 1
Tensile Total Total
Yield Strength Note 2, Note 3 Strength Elongation Elongation
GMW3032M-ST-S Note 2 50 mm 80 mm (JIS Number 5) n-value Note 4
(MPa) 5 mm
(MPa) (%) (%) Note 2 (%)
Designation Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
HR240LA 240 320 290 31 29 35 0.16
HR270LA 270 350 330 29 27 33 0.15
HR300LA 300 380 370 27 25 31 0.14
HR340LA 340 420 410 25 23 29 0.13
HR380LA 380 460 450 23 21 27 0.12
HR420LA 420 520 480 22 20 26 0.11 Note 5
HR500LA 500 600 560 20 18 24 0.09 Note 5
HR550LA Note 6 550 650 610 18 16 22 0.08 Note 5
Note 6
HR650LA 650 780 700 14 12 20 0.07 Note 5
HR700LA Note 6 700 850 750 12 10 18 0.06 Note 5
Note 1: Additional demands can be specified by local units.
Note 2: The values stated apply to product thicknesses from 2 mm to 8 mm in the as-delivered condition. Higher or lower values of thickness and other as delivered conditions may be agreed at
the time of ordering.
Note 3: The yield stress values shall apply for the 0.2 proof stress, Rp 0.2, if the yield stress cannot be easily recognized, otherwise the values shall be the lower yield stress, ReL.
Note 4: Galvanneal coated steels shall be reduced by 0.01.
Note 5: n-value tested from 6% to end of uniform elongation.
Note 6: For hot-dipped zinc coated HR grades with Yield Strength (YS) 550 MPa, the minimum total elongation shall be reduced by 3%. See Deviations Section.

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Table 6: Hot Rolled Structural Automotive Grades (Intended for Chassis Applications) Mechanical Property Requirements Note 1, Note 2
Total Elongation (JIS Number 5)
Yield Strength Note 3 50 mm Bendability
Tensile (%)
GMW3032M-ST-S Strength Thickness, t Thickness, t
(MPa) Inside Radius
(mm) (mm) Bend
8.0 t 1.6 t 2.0 t 2.5 t 3.15 t 4.0 t 6.3 t Angle Thickness, t
t <6.0 6.0 t <8.0 14.0 <2.0 <2.5 <3.15 <4.0 <6.3 14.0 (mm)
Designation Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum 180 t <2.0 T 2.0

HR370T-SA 370 225 225 215 32 33 35 36 37 25 T 0.5 t 1.0

HR440T-SA 440 305 295 295 29 30 32 33 34 22 T 1.0 t 1.5
Note 1: Additional demands can be specified by local units.
Note 2: Test per ISO 7438 transverse to rolling direction.
Note 3: The yield stress values shall apply for the 0.2 proof stress, Rp 0.2, if the yield stress cannot be easily recognized, otherwise the values shall be the lower yield stress, ReL.

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Appendix A
Table A1: Structural Automotive Grades
GM North
GM Worldwide GM Europe GM Brazil GM Korea
GMW3032M-ST-S- JIS G 3113-SAPH370
GMW3032M-ST-S- JIS G 3113-SAPH440

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Appendix B
Figure B1 and Figure B2 illustrate the definition of the Bake Hardening Index (BHI) and Work Hardening Index
(WHI) on schematic diagrams of stress-strain curves. Graphical descriptions of the BH 0 bake hardening index
determined at 0% pre-strain (not pre-strained), and the BH2 bake hardening and work hardening indices
determined at 2% pre-strain are shown on Figure B1 and Figure B2, respectively. The bake hardening index
for bake hardenable steels shall be determined on specimens that are not pre-strained and 2% pre-strained
and baked at +170 C for 20 minutes. Standard test specimens will be taken from unstrained and unbaked
material in the longitudinal (rolling) direction and tested per ISO 6892 or ASTM A370.

Figure B1: Determination of Bake Hardening Figure B2: Determination of Bake Hardening and
(No Pre-Strain) Work Hardening Indexes (Pre-Strain)
Note 1 1

Note 1 Note 1
170 C/20
170C/20 minutes

Stress Stress

= Work

Strain 2% 2% Strain
Note 1: The industry standard time and temperature to evaluate general bake hardenability of steel is +170 C for 20 minutes. This
standard is independent of the minimum time and temperatures required to effectively activate bake hardening. The GM standard
minimum ELPO paint bake oven requirements of +160 C for 15 minutes for heavy metal sections is adequate to meet the intent of the
bake hardening requirements of these steels.

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Appendix C
When specified as a suffix letter B, the steel shall meet an Anisotropy Index, AI = 2.0 level of microstructural
orientation according to ASTM E1268.

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Note: Paragraph numbers may not appear sequentially, due to only those with deviations are included in this
Deviations on requirements for individual GM business units.
In case of disputes or conflicts, the corresponding local standards and norms, GM North America, GM Europe,
GM Brazil, and GM Korea shall apply.
Dev Base Metal.
GM Korea: Steel products shall have chemical composition which is agreed between purchaser and supplier
which is capable of achieving the desired mechanical properties specified in GMW3032M-ST-S.
GM North America: Maximum phosphorus content in Table 2 of 0.06% is permissible with welding approval.
All P grades with <0.015% carbon must contain a minimum of 0.0003% (3 ppm) boron or must have a BH2
value of 20 MPa minimum.
GM Europe: The chemical composition of the base material in percent (%) by mass determined per
ISO 14284 shall meet the requirements listed in Table 1 and Table 2. The contents of unlisted elements are to
the choice of the producer as long as they do not affect the specified requirements and the production
Dev Surface Treatment.
GM Korea: For cold rolled and hot rolled steel supplied to this specification, mill oils, shipping oils, press oils,
etc., applied to the material by the steel mill and the parts manufacturer must be removable in the purchasers
phosphate pre-cleaning system. The material must be capable of achieving an even phosphate coating in the
purchasers phosphate system. The phosphate coating weight and crystal morphology must be as expected for
that type of sheet metal material phosphate coating in the purchasers phosphate system.
Dev 3.2.2 Mechanical Requirements.
GM Brazil: Designation of carry over parts to be used on global platform vehicles must be changed into the
new GMW Material Description System.
GM North America: Bake Hardening Index (shown in Table 3), BH2, shall be 20 MPa minimum.
GM Holden: Maximum yield strength for CR240LA (Table 4) shall be increased by 30 MPa for product
thickness <1.8 mm.
GM Europe: Total elongation for coated and uncoated HR550LA shall be 13% minimum.
Designation of carry over parts to be used on global platform vehicles must be changed into the new
GMW Material Description System.
GM Brazil: The rm (r-bar) values for bake hardenable and solid solution strengthened grades shall meet the
requirements in Table Dev 1.

Table Dev 1: Bake Hardenable and Solid Solution Strengthened Grades

Mechanical Property Requirements Note 1
GMW3032M-ST-S Designation rm (r-bar)
CR180P 1.3
CR180B2 1.3
CR210P 1.3
CR210B2 1.3
CR240B2 1.2
CR270B2 1.0
CR300B2 1.0
Note 1: GM Korea : Australian and Japanese Steel Suppliers for Holden shall perform tensile testing to Australian Standard AS 1391, and
to Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Z 2201 (No. 5 test piece), respectively.

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Dev 3.2.3 Physical Requirements.

Dev Surface Requirements.
Dev Surface Texture.
GM Korea: To satisfy Holden exterior topcoat system requirements (GMW3005), the surface texture of
materials used for highly visible exterior surface of the vehicle must not decrease the distinction of image (DOI)
or gloss of the applied paint.
GM North America: Refer to GMW16823.
GM Europe: Refer to EN 10049.
Dev Surface Quality.
GM Korea: All products shall be free from stretcher strains for six (6) months unless otherwise agreed upon
between purchaser and supplier. Surface finish and quality should be negotiated between the steel mills and
parts manufacturer to be appropriate to the final use of the part. In all cases, the supplied steel and the parts
made from that steel shall be clean and free of scale, stains, corrosion, debris or any other defects which
would be objectionable on the finished part.
GM Europe: Exposed (E) and unexposed (U) cold rolled and coated products are to be temper rolled.
GM North America: Refer to GMW16823.

Note 1, Note 2, Note 3, Note 4

Table Dev 2: Typical Inside Bend Radii Cold and Hot Rolled HSLA Steel
Cold Rolled Hot Rolled
GMW3032M-ST-S Designation
Bend Radius/Thickness Note 5 Bend Radius/Thickness
270 1/2 T 1T
300 1/2 T 1T
340 1/2 T and L 1T
380 1 T and L 1 T and L
420 1 T and L 1 T and L
500 2 T and L 3 T and L
550 N/A 3 T and L
650 N/A 3 T and L
700 N/A 3 T and L
Note 1: Ratio of bend radius to thickness T = transverse specimen and L = longitudinal specimen.
Note 2: The suggested minimum bending radius is on nominal rolled thickness, not the minimum ordered thickness.
Note 3: For thickness over 4.40 mm, add 1/2 T to radius shown in table.
Note 4: These data are only applicable to tooling design.
Note 5: N/A = Not applicable.

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