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G: Hello girls how are you? Y: How was the hotel?

Y: Im so so S: it was wonderful
G: What was the name of the hotel?
G: and you?
S: Inkaterra hotel
S: Im fine and how are you? Y: I was once in that hotel, the rooms
G: Im good thanks, Where did you go were very comfortable and the food
on your last holiday? was very delicious.
G: Did you also know Cuzco Yessica?
S: I went to Cusco. It was great!
Y: I also traveled to Cuzco a long time
G: How long were you there? ago.
S: I was there for 5 days. G: And what other places do you
Y:What place do you like the most?
Y: I met chile last summer.
S:Machupicchu it's the most incredible S: What cities of Chile did you travel
place I know And it doesn't rain much to?
G: Did you visit the Inca Museum while Y: I travel to Arica, Iquique and I
you were there? stayed a month in Antofagasta
G: Where did you stay so long?
S: Yes, I did.
Y: I stayed at my brother's house.
G: Was it your first time in Cusco? G: And how was Chile?

S: No, it wasnt. I was in Cusco a few Y: in Chile the cities were in front of
the beach, there are also bigger
years ago for a conference.
buildings and shopping centers than
Y: What was your favorite thing about here.
Cusco? S: And how are the beaches of Chile?
Y: they are very beautiful and clean, I
S: I really liked going to the places saw many people who went to sports
Cusco has some wonderful theatres! on the beach.
G: How nice to know other places.
Y: Where did you stay?
Y: And where did you travel your
S: I stayed in a hotel in the center, gabriela?
near near the square of Cusco G: I've traveled toIn these

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