What Does Your Committee Do.: Guide - 0 PDF

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Logan and Jasons Model UN Prep Guide


-Haiti as one of the least developed countries in the western hemisphere has absolutely nothing
to do with many of the topics at hand. For us to be any significance to the conference, we have
to make it benefit.

-we realize that many of you have already written your resolutions but please go through this
guideline to make sure that it is actually valid and beneficial


Section 1
Awards Policy - Given to entire schools, lets gun for it guys. Everyone should commit to this

Rules of Procedure (not crucial rn, overview of how things are going to work):

Section 2 **most important part**

What does your committee do.

Know what your committee is interested in.
EX. Ecofin (economic and finance): only interested in the development of economics
even if talking about environmental issues.

Knowing what it is capable of doing.

Understand that the UN has no power itself, its a committee that sets a guideline for
other corporations or countries such as the world band to follow.
Set realistic resolutions
EX. Removing corruption to improve economy is not a resolution, it is something that
needs to be achieved using your committees powers in order to achieve end goal.
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How

Who is going to fund your goal, resolution.

Why should they fund your resolution/actions
How does things appeal to your investors.
How does it relate to the topic you're discussing and benefit haiti
Where is the money going after its sent IE the organization/ government
Is it going to realistically help your ultimate goal
Section 3 - Knowing your country (Haiti) and Haitian Policy

Referring to the previous questions in section 2
Think about the long term and short term effects.
EX. Is this going to crop up new problems, if the conference does not go in the way it is
expected, have a backup resolution preferably completely against current resolution (if possible,
but still in benefit of Haiti).

While the point of the conference is to agree on resolution, please be historically accurate, what
would the country do realistically when thrown into such situations.
Think about each country as an individual, does the resolution or action fit the
personality. Will it be plausible for Haiti to do so.

Know Haitis policies on the topic you are talking about.

Policies- Since you work for the haitian government, analyze haitian press releases,
but more importantly speeches of the president or high ranking officials, and they should
give you a decent idea.

Find past resolutions, treaties, conventions, speeches, and voting records of UN to see how the
topics of certain things are looked upon by each country.

Section 4

When thinking about the solutions, please consider the following (working backwards

1. What does haiti needs to most, what is the biggest problem faced in Haiti currently (at
the moment, forget about the topic)
2. How can we solve this (still dont think about the topic)
3. Relate step 2 to the topic of your conference.
4. Get solution and think more deeply about it (EX how does this appeal to investors, is it
realistic, does this fit Haitis personality, etc)

Heres how this worked for us (ECOFIN - Economic and finance committee)

1. What does Haiti need the most?-Boost economy

2. How to solve this? Create jobs (boosts circulation of currency, in turn taxes would be
invoked, money goes to government, government helps economy, boosts living
conditions, raises minimum wage, etc)
3. How does this relate to our topic ( Whether we should stop using hydrocarbons and start
investing in alternative energy (purely from economical standpoint, don't care about
environment, but still morally correct))? We can have investments into oil production,
which would boost economy, provide jobs, and allow haiti to pass hydrocarbon stage.

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