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Running head: LESSON PLAN DIRECT 1

Evelyn Miramotes
EDU 220
Standard Lesson Plan: Direct

Lesson Plan for Fifth Art Classroom

Describe the class:

The classroom is made up of 15 students ranging in ages of nine and ten. Two of the students are
ESL (English as a second language) students and three gifted students. Each table has five
students sitting together (students may choose where they would like to sit.)
ESL students: Rosa Diaz and Amy Santiago
Gifted students: Abby Sciuto, Spencer Reid and Penelope Garcia
Art skill: combining primary colors and usage of secondary colors in paintings
Students will be able to identify what primary colors and secondary colors are with
75%accuracy after instruction.
Students will create a color wheel with basic primary and secondary colors with 80% accuracy.
Students will be able to combine primary colors to make secondary colors using finger paint with
1. Write objectives on board, state the objects to the class before the students get the materials.
Have each table state the objectives once the students have stated the objectives they may get
there materials.
a. Students will get everything but the paint. (paint will be handed by instructor)
2. Prerequisites:
Students should have the basic idea of what the colors are and how they use
them to color.
Students will need to know the definitions and terms of the following:
o Primary colors, Secondary colors, Tertiary color
3. Once students are all seated with materials the inductor can start the lesson.
a. Lesson will be given in the form of lecture with pictures and usage of the white
4. The instructor will start the lecture by pointing at the picture cards (on whiteboard) with the
colors blue, yellow, and red.
5. Introduce the colors blue, yellow and red as primary colors.
a. Primary colors are a group of colors from which all other colors can be obtained
by mixing. Give examples: blue and yellow make green, red and yellow make
orange, blue and red make violet. Use picture card of the colors green, violet and
orange of examples (If students ask how explain you will show them how when
you explain what secondary colors are.)

Make sure to explain no other colors can form yellow, blue and red.
b. Explain to students that black and white colors are not primary colors since they
can also be made by the usage of light and shadows in paintings and drawings
i. Examples of pictures with light and shadows are on the whiteboard
labeled as light/shadow.
c. Pause for questions.
6. Continue lesson by asking, Remember I said yellow, blue and red make other colors can
anyone tell me what colors did I say they can make?
a. While students have their hands up sit by the ELMO and pick a student
b. Once the student answers use the finger paint to mix the colors.
i. E.g. Student: Green Instructor: * takes blue and yellow mixes them to
make green*
7. After all secondary colors are made explain to the students that the colors just combined are
called secondary colors.
8. Secondary colors: are colors resulting from the mixing of two primary colors.
a. Explain to students that colors like blue- green, scarlet red, and orange yellow are
not secondary colors. Secondary colors are only the colors mix by primary colors.
Mixing a secondary color with a primary color does not make another secondary
b. The mixture of a primary color with a secondary color is called Tertiary color.
9. Pause for questions
10. After all questions are answered ask the students: Why is it important for us to know what
primary and secondary colors are?
a. Once student give their answers reinforce their answers by stating that without
knowledge of primary and secondary colors we would not be able to recreate the
strange colors we see in the world around us.
11. After lecture is completed give the instructions for the students independent practice.
(Instructor will monitor and help during indented practice)
a. Independent practice #1: Color wheel
i. Instruct the students to create their own color wheel using the colors they
learned about today. Using crayons students will make three circles with
in the center of their paper using primary colors ( one circle for each
ii. After the primary color circles are done students will then make three
outer circles using secondary colors.
b. Independent practice #2 finger paint:
i. After students completed their color wheels with at least 80% accuracy
the instructor will give the students finger paint.
ii. With the finger paint students are to create a picture using all the primary
and secondary colors at least once (mixing the primary colors does not
count as the use of primary colors).
12. After pictures are finished students are to place their pictures on drying racks (unfinished
pictures as well, is okay if they do not finish)

13. Students will then clean up following clean up procedures on the board.
Blank paper, finger paint paper, finger paint, crayons, ELMO, napkins, white board pictures
Group structures:
No group structures are need snice student choose where to sit. Any students who are not listing
or misbehaving can be moved to the single student desk.
All the ESL students will have an instruction sheet with a picture play by play in Spanish of the
procedures. Students who speak both languages are allowed to help ELS students during
Gifted Students are to create their finger paint picture using primary and secondary colors at least
3 times in their pictures.
Students will be assess by their performance in making the color wheel. All color wheels must
label all primary and secondary colors correctly
For review and practice students will create their finger-paint using the primary and secondary
colors in class.

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