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Review Article

Meniscal Repair

Catherine Laible, MD Historically, treatment of meniscus tears consisted of complete
Drew A. Stein, MD meniscectomy. Over the past few decades, however, the long-term
morbidities of meniscal removal, namely the early development of
Daniel N. Kiridly
knee osteoarthritis, have become apparent. Thus, management of
meniscal tears has trended toward meniscal preservation. Recent
technological advances have made repairs of the meniscus easier
and stronger. In addition, adjunctive therapies used to enhance the
healing process have advanced greatly in the past few years.
Today, with increased understanding of the impact of meniscal loss
and the principles of meniscal repair and healing, meniscal
preservation is viewed as an increasingly realistic and important
goal in the management of meniscus tears.

K nee arthroscopy is the most

common type of orthopaedic
surgery performed in the United
proteoglycans (<1%), and elastin
Arnoczky and Warren3 first de-
States, accounting for >900,000 pro- scribed the blood supply for each
cedures in 2006.1 Of these, more meniscus. They illustrated a micro-
than half involved a meniscal tear. vascular perimeniscal plexus sup-
Traditionally, meniscal tears were plied by the vascularized synovial tis-
managed with meniscectomy. How- sue on the periphery of the menisci.
ever, since the long-term morbidities This plexus is formed from the me-
of meniscus removal became appar- dial and lateral geniculate arteries,
ent (eg, early development of knee which are branches of the popliteal
osteoarthritis), management has artery. The vascular supply termi-
been increasingly focused on menis- nates in short capillaries that extend
From the New York University
cal preservation. from the periphery inwards, consti-
Hospital for Joint Diseases, New
York, NY (Dr. Laible and Dr. Stein) tuting approximately 10% to 30%
and the New York University School of the width of the medial meniscus
of Medicine, New York (Mr. Kiridly). Anatomy and 10% to 25% of the width of the
None of the following authors or any lateral meniscus (Figure 1).
The medial and lateral menisci are
immediate family member has
received anything of value from or each approximately 3 cm wide.2 The
has stock or stock options held in a medial meniscus is approximately 4 Meniscal Biomechanics
commercial company or institution to 5 cm in length, and the lateral me-
related directly or indirectly to the
subject of this article: Dr. Laible,
niscus is approximately 3 to 4 cm in The medial and lateral menisci have
Dr. Stein, and Mr. Kiridly. length. The normal meniscus is com- important biomechanical functions
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2013;21:
posed of approximately 70% water within the knee joint. These include
204-213 and 30% organic matter. The or- load bearing, shock absorption, joint
ganic matter is made up of approxi- stability, joint lubrication, and pro-
JAAOS-21-04-204 mately 75% collagen (types I, II, III, prioception.
IV, V, VI, and XVIII) and 25% other In 1948, Fairbank4 examined post-
Copyright 2013 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. organic matter, including proteogly- meniscectomy knees and noted that
cans (15%), DNA (2%), adhesion over time they developed joint-space

204 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Catherine Laible, MD, et al

Figure 1 Figure 2



0 1 2 3 Medial Lateral 3 2 1 0

Cross-section of the medial

compartment of the knee,
highlighting the meniscal
vasculature. F = femur,
PCP = perimeniscal capillary
plexus, T = tibia. (Reproduced with Posterior
permission from Arnoczky SP,
Warren RF: Microvasculature of the
human meniscus. Am J Sports Schematic diagram of the medial and lateral meniscus demonstrating the 12
Med 1982;10[2]:90-95.) Cooper zones. The radial thirds are labeled with letters A through F, and the
numbers zero through 3 represent the subdivisions into circumferential thirds.
(Adapted with permission from Cooper DE, Arnoczky SP, Warren RF:
Meniscal repair. Clin Sports Med 1991;10[3]:529-548.)

narrowing and femoral condylar

flattening. He was the first to de-
scribe the load-bearing function of 70% and results in an increase in ular surface, thereby assisting lubri-
the meniscus. When an axial load is peak pressures and an increase in the cation.5
applied across the knee joint, the me- area under high pressure.6 More re-
nisci experience tensile, compressive, cent studies have shown that even
and shear stresses.5 Studies measur- small decreases in meniscus volume, Meniscal Tears
ing contact pressures on the tibial such as following a partial lateral
Meniscal tears are described by loca-
plateau have shown that the menisci meniscectomy, can significantly alter
tion and shape. The meniscus can be
transmit at least 50% of the load knee mechanics, resulting in in-
divided into vascular and avascular
placed across the knee joint in the creased peak pressures and mean
zones (eg, red, red-white, white).
first 90 of flexion, with higher contact pressure.8
Cooper et al9 further categorized
transmission at full extension.6 Joint stability is enhanced by the
these into 12 zones, with each menis-
The crescentic wedge shape of the shape of the meniscus and the at-
cus divided into thirds both longitu-
meniscus assists in the translation of taching ligaments. The concavity of dinally and radially (Figure 2).
compressive forces from the articular the superior aspect of the meniscus
Tears of the meniscus can be classi-
cartilage into concentric forces on and the flat surface of the inferior as- fied as acute or degenerative. A de-
the meniscus. These hoop stresses are pect of the meniscus enhance the generative tear occurs in a meniscus
then transmitted to the bony anchors congruity of the tibiofemoral joint. that has been worn down by age,
of the meniscal horns by the circum- The meniscotibial and meniscofemo- chronic knee instability, or malalign-
ferential fibers of the meniscus.7 This ral ligaments also add to the stability ment. Tear types include horizontal;
distribution of force helps protect the of an otherwise incongruous joint. bucket handle; longitudinal (ie, verti-
articular cartilage and prevent de- Although it has been suggested cal); oblique (ie, flap); radial; com-
generation. that the meniscus has a role in joint plex, which consists of a combina-
Loss of meniscal volume has a dra- lubrication, no studies to date have tion of different tear morphologies;
matic impact on the contact mechan- proved a direct contribution. It has and meniscal root (Figure 3). The
ics of the knee joint. Biomechanical been proposed that the conformity of shape, configuration, and location of
studies have shown that complete shape between the meniscus and the a tear are important factors in deter-
medial meniscectomy decreases the femoral condyles allows for a thin mining whether it will heal following
tibiofemoral contact area by 50% to film of fluid to remain over the artic- repair.

April 2013, Vol 21, No 4 205

Meniscal Repair

Figure 3 Table 1
Indications for Meniscal Repair

Tear >1 cm and <4 cm in length

Red-red zone tears
Vertical tears
Patient age <40 y
No mechanical axis malalignment
Acute tears (ie, <6 wk)
Concurrent anterior cruciate ligament

Repair Indications

Schematic illustration of the types of meniscal tears. Note that the bucket- Although meniscal preservation is
handle tear has a morphology similar to that of the longitudinal or vertical important, only certain types of tears
tear but involves more displacement of the tear edges. are amenable to repair. Factors that
contribute to good healing potential
and low failure rates have been well
varus or valgus stress to the knee studied. The relative indications of
Diagnosis while internally or externally rotat- meniscal repair are summarized in
ing the leg. The test is positive when Table 1.
The diagnosis of a meniscal tear is
a pop or a click is palpated at the The vascular supply of a meniscal
typically clinical. Symptoms include
joint line as the knee is slowly ex- tear is the most important intrinsic
joint line tenderness, mechanical
tended. The sensitivity for this test is factor in healing. Most meniscal re-
symptoms of catching or a locking
48% and 65% and the specificity is pairs are attempted on tears that are
sensation, clicking on moving the 94% and 86% for the medial and close to the vasculature supply, that
knee, and intra-articular effusion. lateral menisci, respectively. is, in the red-red or red-white zone.
The clinical evaluation should in- The Thessaly test was described by Prospective studies evaluating clini-
clude assessing for joint line tender- Karachalios et al10 in 2005. The pa- cal and arthroscopic assessments of
ness, range of motion testing, the tient stands on the affected knee and healing have found that tears within
Apley grind test, the McMurray test, flexes it to 20, then internally and 2 mm of the meniscal vascular rim
and the Thessaly test. Joint line ten- externally rotates the knee and body. have the highest rates of healing fol-
derness has a reported sensitivity of A positive test produces either pain lowing repair.13,14 Conversely, those
71% and 78% and specificity of at the joint line or a locking or catch- that lie >4 mm from the rim have
87% and 90% for medial and lateral ing sensation. The Thessaly test was high rates of failure following re-
meniscal tears, respectively.10 For the found to have sensitivity of 89% and pair.13,14 However, some studies have
Apley grind test, the patient lies 92% and specificity of 97% and reported successful repair of tears
prone with the knee flexed to 90. 96% for the medial and lateral me- that extend into the avascular zone
The examiner assesses for pain by nisci, respectively.10 of the meniscus, especially in
performing internal and external ro- MRI is typically used to confirm a younger patients.15,16
tation of the leg while applying axial clinical diagnosis. However, its added The length of a tear affects its sta-
load. This test has a sensitivity of value in diagnosis has been disputed; its bility. Tears measuring <1 cm in
41% for both medial and lateral usefulness is largely based on the qual- length are generally considered sta-
tears and a specificity of 93% and ity of the MRI. A prospective study ble, and repair is usually unneces-
86% for medial and lateral meniscal showed accuracy of 73.7% with MRI sary.13,15,17 Tears measuring >4 cm in
tears, respectively. diagnosis and accuracy of 80.7% on length are unstable to the point that
In the McMurray test, the patient clinical examination.11 MRI is not attempted repairs often fail; thus,
lies supine and the knee is flexed to sufficiently accurate to show whether tears of this size are rarely repaired,
90. Next, the examiner applies a a tear is repairable.12 either.13,14

206 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Catherine Laible, MD, et al

Figure 4 Figure 5 long enough to develop symptoms

following meniscectomy; however,
persons who undergo meniscectomy
early in life will experience symp-
toms and will suffer a longer dura-
tion of associated morbidities.15
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
tear is the most common injury that
occurs concurrently with meniscal
tear. Outcome studies have demon-
strated that repairs of the meniscus
performed concurrently with ACL
reconstruction are as successful as20
Arthroscopic image of a meniscus or significantly more successful
Arthroscopic image of a meniscus tear that is a poor candidate for
tear that is a good candidate for repair because it is degenerative than13,14,17 repairs performed in ACL-
repair because it is located in the and is located in the peripheral intact knees. This may be the result
red-white zone, is nondegenerative, avascular zone. Such tears should of the release of blood and other
and is of the bucket-handle type. be managed with arthroscopic
A = femoral condyle, B = tibial healing factors into the joint during
plateau, C = white zone portion of the ACL reconstruction. There is
bucket-handle tear, D = red zone some debate with regard to, and
portion of bucket-handle tear
cause those tears allow the meniscus some evidence in support of, staged
to extrude from the knee. Moreover, meniscus repair and ACL reconstruc-
Tear shape is another factor in the study shows that normal contact tion.21 However, it is generally rec-
whether repair is possible. Radial mechanics are restored with tear re- ommended that ACL reconstruction
tears are often located in the avascu- pair, which highlights the importance and meniscal repair be performed
lar zone, and as a result, they are of repairing meniscal root tears to concurrently.
typically managed with partial men- preserve normal knee mechanics. Tears of the lateral meniscus are
iscectomy. More substantial radial Controversy persists regarding generally found following acute ACL
tears that extend the entire width of whether the timing of repair affects rupture, and these tears are likely re-
the meniscus may be an indication success. Tengrootenhuysen et al17 lated to the initial injury. Lateral me-
for repair.18 Horizontal tears often found a significantly higher success niscus tears are usually found inci-
are not repaired, in part because it is rate in tears repaired <6 weeks after dentally and are often stable and
difficult to reduce the edges with su- the injury (P < 0.001). In contrast, nondisplaced. Conversely, tears of
tures in these tears, which are ori- other studies have indicated either an the medial meniscus are often found
ented parallel to the plane of the insignificant difference or no differ- in chronically ACL-deficient knees,
knee joint. Additionally, horizontal ence in healing rates.13-16,20 likely resulting from the increased in-
tears are frequently degenerative Traditionally, it has been presumed stability commonly found in these
tears.13,15 Conversely, longitudinal that the menisci of younger patients joints. Typically, these tears are de-
tears are commonly repaired because have a more effective healing re- generative and complex, and often
they are amenable to suture fixation sponse and, thus, that meniscal re- they are not repairable.22 In a meta-
(Figure 4). pair should be favored in these pa- analysis of 10 studies, Pujol and
Tears that appear to be degenera- tients. Outcome studies evaluating Beaufils23 evaluated the healing rates
tive tend to be associated with repair failure rates have questioned of meniscal tears that were neither
chronic damage to the meniscus; typ- this presumption, with some studies repaired nor dbrided at the time of
ically, these tears are dbrided14 (Fig- showing significantly better success ACL reconstruction. They found a
ure 5). In a biomechanical study in young patients9,12 and others 4.8% incidence of residual pain or
published in 2008, Allaire et al19 showing no difference based on repeat meniscectomy for lateral me-
demonstrated that medial meniscal age.13,16 Regardless, repair should be niscus tears, compared with 14.8%
posterior root tears have an impact favored in young patients because ar- in medial meniscus tears. However,
on tibiofemoral contact mechanics thritic progression following menis- other than stability of the tear, inclu-
almost identical to the impact of cectomy takes years to develop. El- sion criteria varied considerably
complete medial meniscectomy be- derly patients are unlikely to live among the studies.

April 2013, Vol 21, No 4 207

Meniscal Repair

Figure 6 For medial meniscus repair, the more recent mechanical study by
medial incision is made anterior to Aros et al29 found that with high-
the medial head of the gastrocnemius strength suture material, load to fail-
muscle, thereby exposing the cap- ure is the same regardless of suture
sule. For lateral incisions, the dissec- orientation.
tion is made anterior to the lateral All-inside repair devices were de-
head of the gastrocnemius. Care is veloped to reduce surgical time, pre-
taken to avoid neurovascular struc- vent complications resulting from ex-
tures. A sterile spoon or a speculum ternal approaches, and allow access
may be used to retrieve sutures and to tears of the posterior horn. First-
visualize the capsule. Sutures must be generation all-inside techniques in-
tied with the knee in relative exten- volved the insertion of rigid arrow or
sion to prevent capture of the poste- screw implant devices made of ab-
rior capsule of the knee as it folds on sorbable polymers. However, it
Arthroscopic image of a meniscal flexion, thus limiting extension. quickly became apparent that the de-
repair performed with the inside-out The inside-out technique is still vices were prone to breaking30 and to
suturing technique with horizontal
mattress sutures in a left knee. commonly used, although it is very damaging articular cartilage;31 they
difficult technically to repair tears in were abandoned for second-generation
the posterior horns of the menisci headless screws and arrows, which
with this technique.24 Although it has protruded less. These improved rigid
Repair Techniques proved to be effective, this technique fixation devices are still used, although
has a significant learning curve and recent studies have shown them to have
Initially, repairs of meniscal tears typically requires the presence of a less mechanical strength than suture
were approached from the periphery surgical assistant. repairs.32 Jrvel et al33 recently
of the meniscus without arthroscopic In the outside-in technique, sutures showed that of 42 meniscal repairs
instrumentation; thus, only the most are passed through the meniscus performed using meniscal screws and
peripheral tears could be accessed. from the outside, thus avoiding the arrows, 11 failed clinically on
The inside-out suturing technique more extensive incisions and retrac- follow-up, and some exhibited artic-
was the first one used for arthro- tions involved in inside-out repairs. ular cartilage damage.
scopic repair of meniscal tears, and it As with inside-out repairs, however, The third-generation all-inside re-
is still considered to be the standard outside-in repairs are largely limited pair devices involve the insertion of
of care for meniscal repair. to anterior portions of the medial sutures and suture fixators. These
In general, meniscal repair begins and lateral menisci.25 devices have been shown to be clini-
with a complete arthroscopic assess- Prospective studies have indicated cally effective. Grant et al26 found a
ment of the knee and full evaluation success with both techniques. In a pooled failure rate of 14.6% among
of the tear. In patients who require meta-analysis of isolated meniscus three studies in their meta-analysis.
repair, the margins of the tear are d- repairs, Grant et al26 found a com- A bovine mechanical study showed
brided, with or without rasping. At bined 17% incidence of repair failure third-generation all-inside devices to
that point, the surgeon must decide with the inside-out technique and an have the same or slightly less load to
on a repair technique: inside-out, average Lysholm score of 87.8 on failure than horizontal or vertical
outside-in, all-inside, or a combina- follow-up. In a follow-up study of 41 mattress sutures.29 Third-generation
tion of these. patients with menisci repaired using all-inside suturing systems remain a
With the inside-out technique, su- the outside-in technique, Abdelkafy viable option for meniscal repair.
tures are inserted into the meniscus et al27 found that 5 patients (12%) Fourth-generation repair devices
using a needle cannula under arthro- required subsequent partial menis- allow placement of sutures in the
scopic visualization (Figure 6). The cectomy, and 36 patients had a mean meniscus without the aid of an exter-
needles with suture attached are Lysholm score of 87.3 at a mean of nal incision or a suture fixator sys-
passed on either side of the tear 11.7 years. tem. These new devices are self-
through the meniscus, then out the Mechanical studies have histori- adjusting, with the anchor located
knee through the capsule. An inci- cally shown that vertical mattress su- behind the capsule and with a sliding
sion is made in the skin, and the su- tures provide stronger fixation than knot that can be tensioned appropri-
tures are tied down to the capsule. do horizontal sutures.28 However, a ately by the surgeon. In a mechanical

208 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Catherine Laible, MD, et al

Figure 7 meniscus tears. Hematoma, aneu-

rysm, and pseudoaneurysm of the
popliteal artery have been described
in the literature. Symptoms often
present within the first 2 to 3 weeks
postoperatively, but can rarely pre-
sent later, up to 10 weeks postopera-
tively.36 In a cadaver study, Cohen
et al37 found that the needles used in
third-generation all-inside repairs of
the posterior horn of the lateral me-
niscus come within a few millimeters
of the popliteal artery (Figure 8).
Some manufacturers include penetra-
tion limiters to minimize vascular
risk, but even with these, surgeons
Illustration of meniscal root tear repair using the tibial tunnel technique. A must take care when performing pos-
2.4-mm tunnel was drilled from the anterolateral aspect of the tibia to the terior repairs.
root insertion site, using an anterior cruciate ligament tunnel guide, and a Complications involving the com-
horizontal mattress suture was passed through the meniscal root. Using a
suture passer, the free ends of the suture were passed through the tunnel, mon peroneal nerve have been re-
then tied over a button under manual tension. (Adapted with permission from ported in lateral meniscus repair. Ju-
Allaire R, Muriuki M, Gilbertson L, Harner CD: Biomechanical consequences rist et al38 published a case report in
of a tear of the posterior root of the medial meniscus: Similar to total
which complete motor neuropathy
meniscectomy. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2008;90[9]:1922-1931.)
was caused by sutures placed in an
inside-out repair. The lateral genicu-
study, Gunes et al34 found that these three most recent generations of all- late artery is also at risk during
repair devices created fixations that inside meniscal repair are all effective inside-out lateral meniscal repair.
were as strong as outside-in sutures options for tear fixation and that Lateral geniculate pseudoaneurysm
and significantly stronger than other they can be used with equal clinical has been reported, and the proximity
all-inside fixation devices. effectiveness. However, the surgeon of this vessel has been well demon-
Meniscal root tears are repaired must be mindful of the risk of device strated in simulated meniscal repairs
differently from other meniscal tears breakage with first- and second- in the laboratory.39
because the meniscal root must be generation all-inside repairs and the The proximity of the saphenous
reaffixed to bone to prevent meniscal risk of neurovascular complications nerve to the medial meniscus can
extrusion. The torn meniscal root is with inside-out and outside-in suture also lead to complications ranging
fixed to the tibial plateau either us- techniques. from transient paresthesia40 to com-
ing sutures attached to suture an- plete neuropathy. Because of varia-
chors in the bone or using an in- tions in anatomy, neurovascular
traosseous suturing technique, then Complications complications can occur separate
passing the meniscal sutures through from the location of the repair.
a tunnel drilled with an ACL tibial Meniscus repair is a relatively fast First- and second-generation all-
tunnel drilling guide and anchoring and noninvasive procedure, and inside rigid meniscal repair devices
them at the anteromedial tibia (Fig- complications are rare. However, are also associated with specific com-
ure 7). Both techniques have been given the proximity of the menisci to plications. These devices can break,
shown to be clinically effective. neurovascular structures, the sur- forming loose fragments that can
However, in some cases, the repair geon must be aware of the risk of damage articular cartilage and cause
does not completely heal, leading to damaging those structures during aseptic reactive synovitis. A case re-
some persistent meniscal extrusion surgery. port has been published of a broken
and subsequent articular cartilage The popliteal artery closely borders device exiting the joint capsule, ne-
degeneration.35 the posterior knee and injury to it is, cessitating surgical removal.30 Al-
Review of the literature suggests perhaps, the most dreaded complica- though the design of rigid implants
that inside-out, outside-in, and the tion in the repair of posterior horn has improved in third- and fourth-

April 2013, Vol 21, No 4 209

Meniscal Repair

Figure 8 Figure 9

Arthroscopic image demonstrating

use of a rasp to access the
Lateral (A) and AP (B) fluoroscopic views demonstrating an all-inside meniscus-synovial junction in
meniscal repair device shown in close proximity to the popliteal artery as preparation for repair of a tear and
demonstrated on angiography. No depth penetration limiter was used in this to introduce hematogenous healing
case. (Reproduced with permission from Cohen SB, Boyd L, Miller MD: factors into the joint space.
Vascular risk associated with meniscal repair using Rapidloc versus Fas
T-Fix: Comparison of two all-inside meniscal devices. J Knee Surg
2007;20[3]:235-240.) ogous blood that has been spun in a
centrifuge until the concentration of
platelets is above baseline levels. The
generation devices, even headless published a retrospective study that
two PRP injection systems that are
screws and arrows may become ex- demonstrated complete healing in
currently approved by the US Food
posed and cause damage to the sur- 71% of treated menisci following
and Drug Administration yield plate-
rounding cartilage.31 meniscal rasping at second-look ar- let concentrations four to five times
throscopy. However, 44 of 48 tears greater than normal. PRP is theo-
were associated with an ACL tear. rized to have a beneficial effect on
Repair Enhancement
Trephination is a controversial tech- healing because of the high levels of
Multiple augmentation techniques nique that involves the creation of growth factors, including platelet-
are available to optimize the healing vascular channels to connect the derived growth factor, transforming
potential of meniscal repair. Periph- avascular meniscus to the peripheral growth factor , fibroblast growth
eral tears are known to have a closer perimeniscal blood supply. A spinal factor, insulin-like growth factors
proximity to the perimeniscal blood needle is used to puncture the menis- (IGFs [ie, IGF-1, IGF-2]), vascular
supply and, therefore, to heal more cus through the area of the repair; endothelial growth factor, and
predictably. Most augmentation the needle is directed toward the pe- interleukin-8. Combining the PRP
techniques are performed with the riphery. In a goat model, such chan- with an activating agent, such as
intent to enhance the healing of more nels were shown to result in the stim- thrombin or calcium chloride, results
central meniscal tears. ulation of fibrochondrocytes, leading in the release of growth factors.
Fibrin clots are created by spinning to a reparative process involving fi- When injected near or sutured into a
autologous blood in a glass tube un- brovascular tissue.44 However, it has meniscal repair, the proximity of
til a clot is formed. Henning et al41 been suggested that these channels these growth factors may stimulate
showed that incorporation of a fibrin can disrupt the circumferential colla- collagen synthesis and promote an-
clot into an isolated meniscal repair gen fibers of the meniscus. giogenesis and neovascularization.
resulted in a failure rate of 8%, com- Other techniques to enhance me- No randomized, controlled trials in-
pared with 41% without the clot. niscal repairs are being studied and vestigating the use of PRP in menis-
Meniscal abrasion using a meniscal are being used by some surgeons. cal repairs are underway.
rasp (Figure 9) or arthroscopic shaver However, there is currently no medi- Newer biologic enhancement tech-
has been shown to promote the heal- cal literature that formally evaluates niques have been discussed recently.
ing response through the expression of them. Hyaluronic acid injections following
cytokines.42 In 2003, Uchio et al43 Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is autol- meniscal repair have been shown in

210 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Catherine Laible, MD, et al

animal models to result in faster pair location and type.46 During this the importance of adhering to the re-
healing and better defect fill.45 Cell- period, the patient also must refrain habilitation protocol postoperatively.
based therapy involving the growth from participating in sports that in-
of autologous chondrocytes on an volve running or cutting.
implanted scaffold as well as the in- Some studies have shown that an References
jection of specific growth factors to accelerated rehabilitation program,
stimulate meniscal cells and augment including unrestricted weight bearing Evidence-based Medicine: Levels of
meniscal repair are being tested in and a return to sports activity as evidence are described in the table of
animal studies. No formal studies soon as it is tolerated, is no less ef- contents. In this article, reference 33
have been published to date regard- fective than standard, more conser- is a level I study. Reference 35 is a
ing outcomes of these techniques. vative, meniscal repair rehabilitation level II study. References 11, 14, 18,
programs in preventing repair fail- 28, 29, 37, 40, 43, and 48 are level
ures.50 However, currently, there is III studies. References 4, 10, 12, 15-
Rehabilitation insufficient corroborated evidence to 17, 20-27, 32, 34, 42, 44, 47, and 49
support the use of accelerated reha- are level IV studies. References 1-3,
The postoperative limitations of me- bilitation following meniscal repair. 5-9, 13, 30, 31, 36, 38, 39, 41, 45,
niscal repair are markedly greater 46, and 50 are level V expert opin-
than those of partial meniscectomy. ion.
Because it is impossible to know for Summary References printed in bold type are
certain before surgery whether a me- those published within the past 5
niscal tear is repairable, it is impor- Arthroscopic management of menis- years.
tant that patients be well-informed cal injury is the most commonly per-
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In the first 4 to 6 weeks following
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bearing. The exact time period and eral tear in a young patient with a
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the menisci is significantly increased egory but are deemed appropriate 90-95.
during flexion while weight bear- for surgical repair, multiple augmen- 4. Fairbank TJ: Knee joint changes after
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