Brians Reflection

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Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: Kelsey Crapo, Jonathan Morgan, Brian Michalec Current Course: EDU 572 Spring 2017
Hour[s] of this Session: 1+ 1 [#] Total Hours to Date: #1[#]
Date of this session: 6/1/17 Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: Logan
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): Getting to know you surveys & word cloud
Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

In this session, we worked with Logan to create a word cloud answer questions to discover what type of learner
he was. Furthermore, we asking him questions to see what type of learner he was in Howard Gardners multiple
intelligences. In the beginning of the session, Logan seemed to be quiet and shy. He was answering every
question, then after maybe 5 to 7 minutes of getting asked questions he started to ask the group the same
question. Avoiding answering the question, he would constantly ask us the same questions as well. After 3 to 5
minutes of him asking the group questions. We told Logan if he answered 4 consecutive questions, he could as
the group any question about ourselves. When he was answering all his question, he would answer by saying
yes or no. He was very literal, didnt like sarcasm.


After completing the two surveys we discovered that Logan is both an auditory and visual learner. Furthermore,
after doing the multiple-intelligence we found Logan is bodily-kinesthetic, which we could tell while sitting
down Logan was constantly swaying in his chair. He also stated he liked playing sports in school such as
dodgeball and basketball.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: Kelsey Crapo, Jonathan Morgan, Brian Michalec Current Course: EDU 572 Spring 2017
Hour[s] of this Session: 2 [#] Total Hours to Date: #2[#]
Date of this session: 6/5/17 Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: Logan
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): Math: Addition and Word Problem & ELA: Syllables
In this session, we started to the session with math, Logan was to use Kahoot for his pretest. Logan
appeared to like this activity, because he got to use one of our phones and he got to compete against one of us.
The Kahoot consist of simple addition, double digit addition and a few word problems, Logan scored a nine out
of 10 on the pretest. For the activity, we focused on word problems, we created the word problems to cater to
Logans interest which being DC comics superhero. While working on the activity, our group noticed that
Logan was using a tally system and manipulatives to find the answer. Logan would read the word problem then
write down the problem, then for each number he would draw circles underneath the number. Then he would
count the circles to find the answer. We offered Logan a number line, however, when tried to demonstrate how
to use it, he stated he knew how. When using the number line, he was starting at the wrong number. I believe
he just likes the way he knows. For the posttest, we used a Plicker activity Logan also enjoyed this activity. At
first, he was having a tough time with the answer card he was able to figure it out. He scored seven out of eight
on post test and the only one he got wrong had to deal with regrouping.
For the Ela portion we worked on sight words and syllables. He used a Kahoot again for the pretest,
where he scored a perfect score. For the activity, we created flash cards of age appropriate sight words and
created a ladder on the floor. Therefore, Logan would have read the word and then jump however many boxes
according to many syllables that word had. Logan appeared to be very strong in this area, he began to talk about
compound words. For the posttest we did another Kahoot, where he had a perfect score.
We created this lesson of a Howard Gardners multiple intelligences, knowing that Logan needs to move
around creating the box counting for syllables really helped Logan remain on task. It was very evident after the
math lesson that Logan is visual learner. When he was using the circles tally system to solve for an answer.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: Kelsey Crapo, Jonathan Morgan, Brian Michalec Current Course: EDU 572 Spring 2017
Hour[s] of this Session: 3 [#] Total Hours to Date: #3[#]
Date of this session: 6/7/17 Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: Logan
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): Money Values and Rhyming Words
We started with math again in this session, we were focusing all the coins what they were called and
their values. For the pretest, we used a Kahoot, Logan didnt score well. He only got 50 percent right, however,
on the Kahoot all the images of coins were the same size. Therefore, I believe it was hard for Logan tell the
difference from all the coins. For the activity, we used task card that had pictures of coins on them, and Logan
would have to add up the value to come up with the correct answer. When he would answer by putting a clothes
pin on the three choices. Logan seemed to be having a hard separating the values of coins. Therefore, we
created a list which contained the name of the coin, a picture of the coin, and what the value. This appeared to
work, however it seemed like Logan lost interest and became distracted by playing with the clothes pin. We
decided to have Logan just verbalize the answer, for the posttest we used the same Kahoot as we did in the
Pretest. Logan score 20 % better getting 7 out 10.
For the ELA portion, we worked on rhyming words. For the pre-test, we provide him a list of ten words
and he had to generate a rhyming word. He excelled in this assessment having a perfect score of 10 out of 10.
We played a game called memory, we flipped cards upside down. Then Logan would have to flip to find the
matching. For the posttest, he provided another list of words and he scored a perfect score again.
During the math lesson, he had to carter to Logans learning style, we notice that he was having a hard
time remembering the values of the. Therefore, we created the list to help him remember the values and help
him process the information. He also thought to use the task cards with the clothes pin to carter to his bodily-
kinesthetic, however it made time become distracted and somewhat stimming off it. However, the memory
game did carter to his multiple intelligences and it helped to stay on focus.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: Kelsey Crapo, Jonathan Morgan, Brian Michalec Current Course: EDU 572 Spring 2017
Hour[s] of this Session: 4 [#] Total Hours to Date: #4[#]
Date of this session: 6/12/17 Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: Logan
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ELA: Main Idea, Math: Telling Time
For the ELA portion we focused on main idea, we assessed by giving him a short story on the
smartboard. We asked him five questions from the passage, he somewhat struggled with this. For the activity,
we had him read two passages to explain what the main idea was. He had no problem answering the question of
what the main idea was, when he was provided multiple choice answers. However, when he was asked to
verbalizes what the main idea is, he has a problem processing what he read and then trying to develop an
answer. For the posttest, we had Logan read another passage on the smart. He had to describe what the main
idea was, then he had to explain how he came up with his answers. He didnt do well because he had to
verbalize and develop his answer for the information provided.
For the math portion we worked on reading clocks. For the pretest, we used a Kahoot that consisted of
10 questions. The questions contained an analog clock each question had a different answer. He scored a perfect
10 out of 10. It appeared that he had a strong foundation when it came to time. The only problem Logan had
was when we asked him what a quarter after meant. Besides he understood all the other phrase. For the activity,
we provided Logan task cards that had a analog clock and he would have to match the clock with the correct
written time.
When dealing with Logans main idea exercise from this day, I thought of Jean Piaget theory. I think
Logan might be delayed in concrete operational stage. He can hold a conservation, however when we asked him
about the story, he could only pick pieces about the detail. However, I do not think it is comprehension because
if you ask him a simple question about the story he could answer it.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: Kelsey Crapo, Jonathan Morgan, Brian Michalec Current Course: EDU 572 Spring 2017
Hour[s] of this Session: 5 [#] Total Hours to Date: #5
Date of this session: 6/14/17 Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: Logan
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ELA: Capitalization and Punctuation & Math: Less than and
Greater than
In the beginning of the session we started with a Plicker to measure where he stood in capitalization and
punctuation. He did very well getting a 9 out of 10, then we started the activity where we gave him a handout
where he had to add the capitals and had to add the right punctuation. Logan seemed to get frustrated with this
activity right away. He was constantly asking us questions and becoming task avoidant. We had to constantly
prompt to remain on task. This activity was taking a while so we decided to cut it short, and asked Logan if he
wanted to play the Plicker activity again for the posttest. Therefore, we played the Plicker activity again. Logan
was completely unfocused, he was going under tables and asking us questions again. It took us a very long time
to finish the posttest, which he scored lower again. I believe the reason he scored lower was because he was
completely unfocused. This portion of the lesson took about 45 minutes.
For the math portion we only had 15 minutes, so we had Logan watch a youtube video about less than
and greater than. We did not do any type of assessments because we had limited time. Therefore, we wrote a
couple of question on the white board to see where his understanding of the topic stood. He could answer all 12
questions we asked him correctly.
After this session, we could tell that we really didnt keep Gardners multiple intelligences in mind.
Therefore, we had Logan sitting while he was working on the activity that was present. However, he should
have been moving around to keep him engaged in the lesson. Having him sit for that long, really hindered his
progress through the lesson. He became very task avoidant and had no interest in the activity.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: Kelsey Crapo, Jonathan Morgan, Brian Michalec Current Course: EDU 572 Spring 2017
Hour[s] of this Session: 6 [#] Total Hours to Date: #6[#]
Date of this session: 6/19/17 Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: Logan
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ELA: Punctuation Math: Regrouping
In this session, we started with the ELA portion. We decided to work on punctuation, because how much
he struggled in the previous session. In the pretest, Logan was given a handout that had sentences without any
ending punctuation. Therefore, Logan would have to put the correct punctuation by using stickers with stickers.
He scored a 7 out of 10. For the activity, we will have index cards flipped on the table. He flipped the index
cards, whatever the punctuation he would have to write sentence using the punctuation. For the posttest, we
used a Kahoot Logan scored an 8 out of 10.
For the math portion, we didnt get to complete it because Logan came 30 minutes late. Furthermore, we
did not assess him because of the limited time we had with him. Therefore, we decided to introduce the topic to
him and have him work on some problems. When we gave him the blocks to use as manipulatives, he became
very distracted. He wasnt interest in the lesson at all, he was only playing with the blocks. When we finally got
his attention, and we were trying to explain the process. He wasnt understanding the topic at all, he was doing
everything backwards.
This lesson we tried to carter to his kinesthetic intelligences, however he became extremely distracted.
However, we did carter to his auditory learning because he had to read the sentences to him so he could hear the
emotions. I think was a good lesson and we carter to all his learning needs and styles. This lesson was
somewhat difficult due to the timing restrictions and the lack of focus at the end of the session. We planned on
re-teaching the math portion again.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: Kelsey Crapo, Jonathan Morgan, Brian Michalec Current Course: EDU 572 Spring 2017
Hour[s] of this Session: 7 [#] Total Hours to Date: #7
Date of this session: 6/21/17 Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: Logan
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ELA: Vowels and Vowel Teams& Math: Regrouping
In this session, we started with the ELA portion and focused on vowels and vowel teams. We used to a
handout, with words that were missing the vowels. Logan would have to use stickers that consisted all the
vowels. We would have to use the correct vowels to complete the word. Logan did well in this activity, he got
seven correct out of 10. We played a game connect four, where he would have read a card and figure out the
vowel teams (ow, oe, ew, aw). He had sometimes at first identifying the vowel team, but once we modeled for
hi he was able to pick up rather easily. We decided to use a Kahoot to for the posttest, he scored a 10 out of 10.
This Kahoot, consisted of words missing a vowel or missing a vowel team.
For the math portion, we decided to not to use the block for manipulative. The reason was because he
became very distracted. Therefore, we choose to use a Kahoot for the pretest which consisted four questions
that didnt consist of regrouping and four that did require regrouping. He scored 5 out 10 correct only getting
two of the regrouping ones wrong. For the activity, we started to show him how to regroup, however he was
understanding the process. However, he would carry the number but also, leaved the number he was supposed
to carry and added it to the answer. So, we asked him to teach one of the process. With him teaching us the
process, you could tell he understood the process and was starting to grasp the concept and started to excel. For
the posttest, he scored a 9 out 10, showing a rapid positive growth.
We wanted to use his the bodily-kinesthetic intelligences, however we wanted to stay away from the
blocks because he became distracted. However, allowing him to go up to the board and teach us the process of
regrouping really allowed to understand the topic. Furthermore, allowing him to teach us the process really
allowed him to really utilized his visual learning style.

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