Educational Philosophyq

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Educational Philosophy

Evelyn Miramontes

EDU 201

Linda Moffitt CSN


My aspirations/goals/objectives as a teacher:

When I become a teacher I hope to teach children to learn for themselves. I wish to help

student to realize, that school is a place where they can have fun and learn. I also hope to teach

students to value there education and continue to pursue it. I believe critical thinking is important

for children to learn. My objectives as a teacher will be to demonstrate student that school is not

just a place where children are sent by their parents but a place they strive.

What methods will I consider to reach these goals/objectives?

In order to show student that what they are learning is relatable to their home life. I will

take real life example form student and history. For example if I am teaching students about

context clues, I will ask students to describe a time they did not understand a situation. Once they

have finished their description, I will give them an explanation based on what they told me. I

might also show a mystery case where the detectives used context clues to solve the case. I will

also use a combination of lectures and hand on learning, depending on the subject being taught.

Gardners list of intelligence will also be taken into consideration when teaching students lesson.

I also believe a balance of group discussion followed by group work is important when teaching.

How will I assess student understanding?

The biggest problem I will have when assessing students is doing it properly. Students

seem to be learning how to memorize rather than taking the materiel in. Instead of making a test

that has only four possible answers, I will work on making test that challenge understanding of

the subject. The students might be assigning projects, papers, panels and presentation to show

what they learned from the lesson rather than what I wished for them to learn.

How will I improve my teaching?


Since I plan to use various methods when I teach, charts and notes will be taken of my

students progress. I plan on working with other teachers to find out the best methods of teaching

students certain subjects. I will also ask for parent and student feedback. By making notes of the

successful teaching methods I will be able to improve my teaching. I will also keep an opened

mind and make sure to understand what struggles my future students might have.

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