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NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade/ Grade Band: 3-5th grade Topic: Space Launch System Lesson # __2__ in a series of _6___ lessons
Brief Lesson Description: Students up until this point have thought about the spacecraft for the mission to Mars and the topography of the
planet for a safe landing. Now it is time to plan the launch that will get the mission off of planet Earth
( Students will grapple with the issues of getting Astronauts off the
planet and then to Mars.
Performance Expectation(s):
MS-ETS1-4 Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an
optimal design can be achieved.
MS-ETS1-3 Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best
characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.

Specific Learning Outcomes: To engage in this engineering challenge, which will have students studying which design will get the most lift.
The testing is iterative. The students will articulate the aspects of the design allowed the rocket to achieve the required distance while
carrying the greatest amount of payload.
Lesson Level Narrative
Now that you have study the topography of the planet and designed a spacecraft that can get from Earth to Mars, it is time for launch. The
engineers of the Mission to Mars exploration team need to come up with creative ideas for launching heavy payloads into orbit. Payloads
include parts and supplies for the spacecraft that will carry humans to Mars and elements necessary for a Mars settlement. NASA is also
interested in rockets that can transport large fuel tanks that will be used to power deep space rockets. You are challenged to build the most
efficient heavy-lift rocket from the same set of materials. You and your team will try to create a rocket that will lift the greatest payload into
space (the ceiling).
Science & Engineering Practices: Science & Engineering Practices: Science & Engineering Practices:
Developing and Using Models to understand Developing and Using Models to understand Developing and Using Models to understand
what it takes to get a rocket out of Earths what it takes to get a rocket out of Earths what it takes to get a rocket out of Earths
orbit. orbit. orbit.

Analyzing data from the rocket trials to Analyzing data from the rocket trials to Analyzing data from the rocket trials to
determine which design is best for modeling determine which design is best for modeling determine which design is best for modeling
leaving Earths orbit. leaving Earths orbit. leaving Earths orbit.
Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
Elementary-school students typically do not understanding gravity as a force. They see the phenomenon of a falling body as natural with
no need for further explanation or they ascribe to it an internal effort of the object that is falling (Obgborn, J. (1985). Understanding
students understanding: An example from dynamics. European Journal of Science Education, 7, 141-150.) If students do not view weight as
a force, they usually think it is the air that exerts this force. Misconceptions about the causes of gravity persis after traditional high-school
physics instruction. Misconceptions about the causes of gravity can be overcome by specially designed instruction.


ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Knowledge/Stimulate Student Interest/Slight Overview of Topic (SANTIAGO)
Introduction to the class: This is us introducing ourselves to the children and the purpose of why we are here. If available we will play a
song and engage students as they enter the room.

Ice Breaker Activity: We will conduct an activity to get to know each others names and a little more.

INTRODUCTIONS TO LESSON: We will be working on a special mission for the next few weeks, the mission is to explore our solar system
and how we could possibly be traveling to our neighboring planet that is Mars.
Before we travel we need to know a few concepts (ideas) that NASA Scientist and Astronauts use to make exploring space possible
In this lesson we will learn about Newtons Laws of motions which are 3.
You might remember these one of the laws as For Every Action There is an Opposite and Equal Reaction
How do we get into space? What do we Use? What do we know about Rockets?
Rockets use Newtons Law of Motions to fight the pull of gravity and get astronauts into space

Introduction to Planned Activity

We will use our knowledge of this lesson to develop our rockets that will carry our astronauts into space. We will provide you with materials
to achieve this and will be walking around to answer any questions that you guys might have. Be advised that there is no right or wrong way
to get this done and that we learn the most through making mistakes and trying new things.
EXPLORE: Lesson Description What should the teachers ask and do? What will the students do? (GINA)
students can group up 4-5 students per group
goal: send rocket out of space (top of ceiling) while keeping as many paper clips in the rocket as possible. PAPER CLIPS CAN NOT
ground rules: string needs to stay taped down to the ground. the string needs to be attached (inside) of the straw.
there is no one way to do this activity. so, be creative! work together as a team to figure out how you will send your rocket up.
take notice: how changing small things could either help or hinder reaching the final goal.
use materials given to create a rocket.
be able to: notice/identify these factors (that either help or hinder) and make according changes
observe: contributing/ hindering factors, and think why am i doing this? what if it was done differently?
safety issues present: do not play with balloons, tape
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined: (KARINA)
Isaac Newton: was a scientist who live in from 1642 to 1727. he develop 3 laws of motion
gravity: Gravity is the force of attraction between two masses. It's what keeps us in the ground preventing us from floating in space.
newtons 1st law: An object in motion stays in motion
newtons 2nd law: Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass the greater the amount of force needed
F=MA and A=F/M
newtons 3rd law=For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

ELABORATE: How The Re-Test Is Introduced/ Possible Modifications:

How does this connect to the real world?
Is there anything that you would do differently next time?
Is there any technique that you notice really helped and you would continue to use?
Re-test your rocket using 65 paper clips.
Re-test you rocket using 2 balloons or less.

EVALUATE: real world applications: engineering rockets, lift off from mars vs the moon (why is it more difficult to leave Mars compared to
the moon?), gravity on Earth compared to the Moon and Mars, mass and its relationship with force.

Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion): Why do we use mass and not weight? What do each of the materials used in this activity
represent? Discuss the benefits of knowing Newtons Laws.

Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report):

What similarities were there between the rockets that made it to Mars? The failures? Tell me why that is.
Explain reasons we would travel to Mars.
What are Newtons laws about? What are the laws?

Elaborate Further / Reflect:

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