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Geovanni Gil M Silva


The Number 23


Walter Sparrow is a family-man married with Agatha Sparrow, and works

catching dogs in the Department of Animal Control and has a teenager son very
close to his wife and him. On the day of his birthday, he is bitten by a dog and
comes late to meet Agatha. While waiting for him, Agatha buys a detective book
with a novel about the mystery around the number 23 in a bookstore as a gift to
Walter. The book tells the story of a detective named Fingerling (Jim Carrey, again)
who cracks the Number 23 code while investigating the murder of a young woman.
Agatha purchases the novel without a second thought. The book is described as a
blood-red-covered novel, a murder mystery with numerology that loops constantly
around the number 23.

He becomes captivated with the story and obsessed with the number 23.
Walter dreams about it and he notices aspects of his life that can be rendered by
"23," he searches for the author, he stays in the hotel (in room 23) where events in
the novel took place, and he begins to believe it was no novel. His wife and son try
to help him, sometimes in sympathy, sometimes to protect him. Slowly, with danger
to himself and to his family, he closes in on the truth. His further investigation
discloses a mysterious situation that makes Walter Sparrow paranoid.


The main character WALTER SPARROW (JIM CARREY) is captivated and

obsessed with the number 23 and for the movie to be rate as good, it must
captivate the interest of the audience to crack the mystery about the movie. For me
Jim Carrey is not the best actor that is suitable to portray the character of Walter
sparrow, it is because of the thought that Jim Carrey is a more suitable in comedy
“The Number 23” tries so desperately to pull the audience into Walter’s
paranoia. But not for one second do you feel as Walter does. I just don’t get what
we as an audience are supposed to take away from this film. This have probably
one of the most uninteresting performances ever from Carrey. There is one thing
that give me interest in this movie and it is when how things would fall into place,
and it's very creepy, and I think it's numerology or something. The one scene where
Fingerling questions the “woman in white” was probably my 2 nd favorite and just
because of that scene is one of the two reason why I wanted to see the rest of the
film. I am not sure why that scene stood out but it was for me the only small thing I
enjoyed about the whole entire film.
After I finished the movies there is a scene that runs in my head and left
unanswered. What just happened? Why would he be the killer? How did his wife
find that book and most importantly why would she buy that ratty old book for her
husband's birthday gift? What did the dog have to do with anything?
Patch Adams


The fact-based story of an unconventional physician who attempted to heal

patients with laughter. Robin Williams stars as Hunter Adams, a troubled young
man who commits himself to a mental institution in the late 1960s and discover his
potential to be a doctor. His experiences there convince Adams to become a doctor,
and he enrolls in medical school, where he is appalled at the cold, clinical
professionalism that alienates patients from their caregivers. Determined to provide
emotional and spiritual relief as well as medicine, Adams clowns around for his
patients, getting to know them personally. Although his efforts seem to work
wonders and the hospital nursing staff is grateful for the happiness and care that
Adams provides, his methods intimidate his uptight roommate Mitch (Philip
Seymour Hoffman) as well as the staff and faculty of his school.

Adams perseveres, however, even starting his own low-cost rural clinic
called the Gesundheit Institute, and wooing a pretty fellow student, Carin (Monica
Potter). Tragedy strikes, and Adams' career is put in jeopardy, forcing him to defend
his style and philosophy before a board of jurists determined to bar him from
practicing medicine.


This movie is one of the best movie that I watch. Seeing the old style
hospitals and the way that the doctors teach the student based on facts that is
written in a book and also in their own experiences. And because of that knowledge
that they acquire they forgot and leave behind a powerful thing that can help
relieve the pain that the patient feel while in the hospital. That thing that Patch
Adams discover while exposing his self in a mental institute, the thing that is called
CONNECTION. Connecting to others that can help them understand that they are
not all alone.
Patch Adams as portray by Robin Williams, as other movies with the same
actor being a comedian is his nature. Making people laugh and making them smile
that is method that the movie used to captivate the audience to watch the film.

The best part of the film for me is when a Patch Adams is in the mental
institution when he met the patients with different mental problems. Seeing him
laughing and doing naughty with the people that belong there make me laugh and
give me a reasons to finish the film.
A Beautiful Mind


A bio epic of a person named John Forbes Nash Jr. A person who
solved the problem that other cannot solve. At Princeton University of 1940’s John
Forbes Nash Jr. work hard to give a contribution to serve as his legacy to the field of
mathematics. He finally makes a revolutionary breakthrough that will eventually
earn him the Nobel Prize for economics in 1994. John Forbes Nash Jr. described as a
brilliant but somewhat arrogant and antisocial man, Nash preferred to spend his
time with his thoughts, which were primarily of seeing mathematical formula
associated with everyday occurrences, than with people. Two people he did make a
connection with were Charles, his roommate at Princeton, and Alicia Larde, one of
his students when he was teaching at M.I.T. in the early 1950's.

After graduate school he turns to teaching, becoming romantically involved

with his student Alicia. Meanwhile the government asks his help with breaking
Soviet codes, which soon gets him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot. Nash
grows more and more paranoid until a discovery that turns his entire world upside
down. As time goes on, Nash lives more and more within himself which causes
major problems in his life. But Alicia stands by her husband to his redemption to the
Nobel Prize win. Nash learns that his graduate school colleagues, with whom he had
a cordial but somewhat distant relationship, are closer friends than he imagined,
although in his later life he really does miss Charles' company more than anything
despite knowing that spending time with Charles is not in his or anyone's best
interest. Now it is only with Alicia's help that he will be able to recover his mental
strength and regain his status as the great mathematician we know him as today.


Watching this movie makes me think over and over. And the greatest
achievement in my simple opinion is how schizophrenia accessible to normal
person. We know what schizophrenic person is , as described as people talk to
themselves, repeating certain actions and doing odd things that contradict from the
norms. But why is that? I think it is very difficult for a normal person to understand
why is this happen without its empathy. For me as a nursing student it is hard for
me and I think it also make me insane to understand mentally ill person , and
asking why does this mentally ill person can make their own self back to normal.
A Beautiful Mind does all it can to change that, and it succeeds. Unless you
are familiar with John Nash's story, you probably won't guess he's schizophrenic
until part-way into the movie. He's eccentric, abrupt, and highly intelligent, but
doesn't seem crazy. His delusions are as real as reality to Nash, and likewise, they
are real to the audience, who cannot tell the difference between truth and delusion.
And that makes as beautiful mind a good movie.

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