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1. What is the other name of Mahabharata? Jaya er

2. Which pilgrim place was called Samantapanchaka (xqlimgcM) previously?


3. According to Vyasa, in this Mahabharata there are some shlokas the meaning of which in
entirety is known only to him and Shuka. Sanjaya too does not know their inner meaning
fully. How many such shlokas were composed? 8,800

4. Who was the father of Ugrashrava Souti? Lomaharshana sqWwh

5. Who was conducting Sarpayajna in which Vaishampayana narrated the whole

Mahabharata? Janamejaya.

6. How many Shlokas are there totally in this Mahabharata? 1,00,000

7. How many persons survived in the great Mahabharata war? 10

8. How many people from Kauravas' side did survive in the war? three

9. How many people from the Pandavas' side did survive in the war? seven.

10. How many units were there in one Akshouhini? 218700

11. What was the name of the priest who acceded to the request of Astika to stop Sarpayajna
of Janamejaya? Somashrava xqu

12. How many Parvas (main chapters) are there in Mahabharata? 18

13. Who preached Yudhishthira the Stotra for Surya by which the latter gave Yudhishthira an
Akshaya Patra? Dhaumya (the priest of Pandavas)

14. At the time when Pandavas were playing dice with Kauravas, Krishna was engaged in
fighting with a king. What was the name of that king? Shalva (zsu)

15. What was the name of the plane of Shalva from which he attacked Dwaraka city? Soubha

16. Leaving out all Upakhyana portion totally how many Shlokas does Mahabharata contain?

17. Who cursed Janamejaya that he would have unseen fear? Saramaa(xUq), the divine

18. In how many years Vyasa completed composing Mahabharata? 3 years.

19. In which forest did Bhima slaughter Bakasura? Vaitrakiya uMr

20. Who cursed the fire god that he would become omnivore (eater of everything)? Bhrigu.

21. Dharmaraja (Yama) gave half- life of Ruru to Ruru's wife and made her alive. What was
her name? Pramadvara (mqU)

22. Who burnt the Rakshasa Puloma, when he tried to kidnap his mother Puloma? Chyavana.
crul, Son of Bhrigu and Pulomaa.

23. Who was the elder brother of Garuda who became the charioteer to Sun god? Aruna.

24. When the ocean of milk was being churned the nectar emerged. Who was holding that
nectar in his hand when it emerged from the ocean? Dhanvantari.

25. Vinataa and Kadru decided to bet on the colour of the tail of a white horse. What was the
name of that horse? Ucchaishravas Eux

26. When Garuda carried serpents on his back to this island, Lavanasura also had been living
there. What was the name of that island? Ramaniyaka UqhrM

27. Garuda carried these sages performing austerities hanging upside down from the branch
of a huge tree. They only gave the name 'Garuda' to this mighty bird. What was the name of
these sages? Valakhilya. usZsr

28. What was the name of one of the seven mind-born sons of Brahma who was accepted by
Agni as his son? Angiras. AUx

29. Who gave Skanda, the commander in chief of gods, a flag having the sign of a hen? Agni,
his father.

30. Who was the father of Astika, the relative of Vasuki who stopped the Sarpayajna?
Jaratkaru eUiM

31. What was the name of the king of Chedi who worshipped Indra regularly, propitiated
him, and was given a plane made of crystal by Indra and was travelling always in the sky?
Uparichara Vasu. EmUcUux

32. Satyavati, the mother of Vyasa, had another name too. What was that? Matsyagandhaa

33. Which sage cursed Yama to be born as Vidura? Animandavya AhqhQur

34. Who was the father of Sanjaya? Gavalgana. ausah

35. Who was the father of Satyaki? Satyaka xirM

36. Who was the father of Kritavarma? Hridika WSM

37. Who was the father of Kripa? Gautama.

38. Who was the father of Drona? Bharadwaja. pUe

39. What was the name of the Drona's wife? Kripi Mm

40. What was the name of a woman though born as a woman got converted by Sthunakarna
(xjhMh) , a Yaksha as a man? Shikhandi.

41. What was the name of the fifth son of Hiranyakashipu? Bashkala. owMs

42. What was the name of Rahu's mother? Simhika xWM

43. What was the name of Vritrasura's mother? Danayu Slr

44. Who was also called as Ushana (Ezl)? Shukracharya.

45. What was the name of Rambha's mother? Praadhaa mk

46. What was the name of Brihaspati's father? Angiras AUx

47. Who was the father of 11 Rudras? Sthanu xjh (he was Brahma's seventh son)

48. Who was the father of 60,000 Valakhilya Rishis who travel in front of Sun's chariot?
Kratu i

49. Who was born from the right thumb of Brahma? Daksha.

50. Vishwakarma, the architect of gods was born to which Vasu? Prabhasa mpx

51. Whom did Agastya curse to fall from heaven to earth as a huge python? Nahusha.

52. What was the name of Ghatotkacha's son? Anjanaparvan Agelmul

53. Bhimasena knew this Vidya through which one can capture king of elephants. What was
the name of that Vidya? Anjalikavedha AgesMuk

54. Whose Amsha was Abhimanyu? Varchas, the son of Soma (moon).

55. What was the previous incarnation of Shikhandi? Ambaa (the eldest daughter of the king
of Kashi)

56. What was the name of this mighty ancient king, son of Nabhaga, who singlehandedly
defeated 10 lakh kings and gave them as Dakshina to 10 lakh Brahmins in Yajnas?
Ambareesha. AqoUw

57. While assuming the forms of the wives of Saptarshis, Svaha , the wife of Agni, could not
assume the form of this particular wife of one Rishi. Who was she? Arundhati. Alki

58. Who was the mother of sage Durvasa? Anasuya. Alxr

59. Who was the son of the illustrious king Yuvanashva? Mandhata qlki
60. In which forest did Vidura meet Pandavas? Kamyaka MqrM

61. Which sage related the story of Surabhi and Indra to Dhritarashtra? Vyasa.

62. Who cursed Duryodhana that Bhima will break his thighs with his mace? Maitreya.

63. Bhima killed the brother of Baka in Kamyakavana who obstructed their way to devour
them. What was the name of that demon? Kirmira. MqU

64. In which place did Duryodhana got Bhima thrown after tying him when he was asleep?
Pramankoti teertha. mqhMOij

65. When Duryodhana got the house torched in which all five brothers with Kunti were
asleep, Bhima saved them by carrying all of them on his shoulders. In which place the
incident took place? Varanavata uUhui

66. Which city did Yudhisthira establish with the help of Mayasura? Indraprastha.

67. In which place sage Markandeya became the guest of Pandavas? Dvaitavana iul

68. Vyasa taught a Vidya to Yudhishthira and advised him to teach it in turn to Arjuna. What
was the name of that Vidya? Pratismriti. mixqi

69. On which mountain Arjuna had the vision of Indra? Indrakila ClSMs

70. What was the name of the Rishi who cursed Parikshit that he would die in seven days by
Takshaka's biting? Shringi z

71. Bhishma in his previous incarnation as a Vasu got cursed by Vasishtha to remain longer
on earth than other Vasus for abducting his divine cow, Nandini. What was his name then?

72. What was the other name of Vasishtha? Apava Amu

73. Which damsel did Brahma send to two demons, Sunda and Upasunda, in order to create
dispute among them? Tilottamaa isq

74. In Ulupi, a Nagakanya, Arjuna had a son. What was his name? Iravan CUul

75. In Saubhadrateertha Arjuna brought that crocodile ashore and immidiately that crocodile
turned into an Apsara. What was the name of that Apsara? Vargaa ua

76. When Arjuna went to Prabhasa Kshetra there a festival was held on a mountain. What
was the name of that mountain? Raivataka UuiM

77. After Arjuna saved Drona from the clutches of a crocodile, pleased with his favourite
disciple Drona taught him the use of an Astra. What was its name? Brahmashira. ozU
78. After Arjuna defeated a Gandharva Chitraratha or Angaraparva on the bank of Ganga, he
presented Arjuna with a Vidya. What was the name of that Vidya? Chakshushi. cw

79. Who was the son of Samvarana and Tapati, the daughter of Sun? Kuru

80. Vishwamitra made a Rakshasa enter the body of Kalmashapada to fulfill the curse of
Shakti as well as well to fulfill ones revenge against Vasishtha. What was the name of that
Rakshasa? Kinkara.

81. Due to sorrow caused by the death of all of his sons Vasishtha decided to commit suicide.
He tied his body tightly and fell in a river. But that river cut asunder his bondage and swept
him ashore. Vasishtha gave a name to that river henceforward. What was the name he gave?
Vipasha. umz

82. What was the name of Shakti's wife? Adrishyanti. ASzrli

83. When a sage was doing Tapasya in order to destroy everything out of revenge, all his
forefathers came, convinced him to stop taking revenge and suggested him to deposit the fire
generated from his anger in waters. Who was that sage? Aurva Au
84. Where did the Pandavas find their priest Dhaumya as per the instruction of Gandharva
Chaitraratha? Utkocha Teertha EiMcij
85. Drupada had another name. What was that? Yajnasena. rxl

86. When along with Dhaumya, Pandavas entered Panchala country to attend Swayamvara of
Draupadi where did they stay? at a potter's house.

87. Bhima killed an elephant naming it Ashwatthama to dupe Dronacharya. Whose was that
elephant? Indravarma, the king of Malava.

88. Who taught the art of dice to Yudhishthira at a holy place called Ashvashiras?

89. Who were also called Nasatya(lxir) and Dasra(Sx)? Ashwini Kumaras.

90. Who was the son of Kahoda who was born deformed by the curse of his father, but later
became his rescuer from the bondage of Bandi? Ashtavakra.

91. When sage Ashtavakra wanted to marry Suprabha, the daughter of sage Vadanya, that
sage demanded that Ashtavakra should meet someone before that. Whom did he mention? the
goddess of northern direction.

92. When his subjects transgress the Dharma, a king should punish them with four forms of
sword. What are their names? uaShQ(censure), AjShQ(fine), MrShQ(corporal
punishment), mhShQ(capital punishment)

93. Whose Amsha was Duryodhana? Kali Ms

94. What was the name of this warrior who took oath that till he killed Arjuna in the
battlefield, he would not allow anyone to wash his feet? Karna.

95. What was the name of Vidura's wife? Parasavi mUxu

96. What was the name of the conch presented by Mayasura to Arjuna for saving him from
the burning Khandava forest? Devadatta.

97. What was the other name for Devayajana? Prayaga. mra

98. Agni remebered a god and got from him chariot, mace, bow and undiminished quiver of
arrows for Arjuna and discuss for Krishna. Whom did he recall? Varuna.

99. Who showed hidden Indra to Shachi Devi? Goddess Upashruti (or Ratri Devi)

100. Who searched Indra for Brihaspati and all gods? Agni


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