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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #3
Lab C

Date: Thursday - June 30, 2016

Supervisor: Hannah
Lead Teacher: TaraLyn Jones

Children and Learning/Development Goals:

1. Trek Learn how to communicate his emotions and Learn how to play in bigger groups, cooperative play with other children and
how to be less aggressive. As teachers, through our conversations with him we will encourage him to play and share. (IELG D.3, G28)
We will have the block area set up in a way that ha can practice interacting with others.
2. Bralynne Needs more focus on activities. She needs to participate in the activities that use more fine motor skills. Marble works and
playdough will help her with that.
3. Kayla Improve writing skills and ABC recognition. I will put letters as well as numbers in my math water activity. Teachers will
encourage Kayla to identify numbers. The art area will also be a place where she can practice writing different letters.
4. Margo Improve writing skills and ABC recognition. I will put letters as well as numbers in my math water activity. Teachers will
encourage Margo to identify numbers. The art area will also be a place where she can practice writing different letters.
5. Mari First we need to make sure there are enough toys for several children to have some. Then we will help him when he is having a
hard time to share with other children. All of the activities will be able to have several children there so that he can have opportunities
to share with others. The dramatic play area specifically will be a place where teachers will help encourage sharing.
6. Mason Masons goal is Language comprehension. Sometimes when we talk with Mason he agrees with what you are saying without
understanding what you are really talking about. Through open ended questions we can help Mason improve his language. The
math area will be set up in a way that the teachers can ask open ended questions about the activity.
7. Josie: Josie is having a hard time opening up and being social with others. Dramatic play will be a place for her to have interactions
with the teachers and the children.

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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan #2
Lab c
Date: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Supervisor: Hannah
Lead Teacher: TaraLyn Jones

Preassessment and Findings:

Tyler and Mari were mixing baking soda and vinegar together. They were saying mixing over and over again.
Vanessa loves to mix. She was mixing the paint and flour together.
Tyler- dumped water on himself and said, Im taking a shower!
Several children (Mason, Tyler, Bralynne and maybe a few more) where in the book area. They were pretending that the pillows and
chairs where boats. With the binoculars Tyler said he saw some fish in the water. All of the children gathered around and were looking
at different specks on the ground in the water.
Tytan loves to play with water. He will spend several minutes washing his hands and playing in the water. One time he took a car over
and was having so much fun washing the paint off the car.
Aidyn and Vanessa loved to put shaving cream on their arms and then wash it off in the water. They would do this over and over
Josie loved playing with the water marbles with water. She was pouring from one bowl to the next.
Anytime there is water outside Aidyn is at that station for a long time. One day she would get her hands messy in the sand and then
go to the pool filled with water and washed her hands off. She did this over and over again several times.
Tyler was really intrigued playing with the goop. When he squeezed the goop it made a ball and was hard. Then when he let go of
the pressure he said, It melted.
Mari was at the water marble station for a while. She would scoop the water up and pour it into a bowl. She told me she found
different colors in the water.
Water was coming off of the rock outside by the willow hut. Kayla and Trek said, Its a waterfall!
During the construction dramatic play Bralynne, Mason, and other children started saying that it was raining. They started passing out
hard hats to all of the other children and teachers so that they would be protected from the rain.
Josie turned the tap on and then off. She then looked under the sink to see where it went.
Mason was throwing the packing peanuts up in the air and exclaimed, Its raining!
Me: Where does the rain come from?
Brooklyn: It comes down from the top of the clouds.
Me: How do the clouds get it?
Brooklyn: A person turns the water on so we can get the water down
Josie I am going on vacation on the boat!
During self-selected Emily was helping about 7 children on the boat. They all loved it!
Tytan spends a lot of time washing his hands and playing with water each day.
Tytan was playing with the water and sand. He was very entertained for about 10 mins.

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What did the Children know about your proposed topic?
They know that water comes from the sky (rain).
They know that we use water to clean things up.
They know that we drink water.
They know that boats go on the water.
They know water comes from a sink.
They know about waterfalls. They know that we can swim in water.

What do the Children need to learn about your proposed topic? What did you find out that they didnt know or had misconceptions about?
I think that the children do not know about the water cycle. Brooklyn knew about how rain comes down from the sky, but she didnt know
where the clouds get it.
I think that children do not know where the water goes after it is poured down the sink. Josie looked under the sink to see where it went.

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. There are different forms of water (Ice, Vapor, Rain, Bubbles and Snow).


___________________ Self-Selected _______________ Floater/Runner/Snack

___________________ Small/Focus Groups _________ /_________ Booth/ Photographer
___________________ Outdoor play _______________ Greeter/Walkie (Lead Teacher)
_________ /_________ Snack _______________ Data Collector

Special instructions for the day:

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Literacy Activities/ Books:

Mushroom in the Rain by Mirra Ginsburg (P A6)
Outside, Inside by Carolyn Crimi (P C7)
Big Rain Coming by Katrina Germein (G4)
Rabbits and Raindrops by Jim Arnosky (J4)
Weather by David Ellyard (P13)
Who Likes Rain? by Wong Herbert Yee (F19)
Swimmy by Leo Lionni
Splash! by Flora McDonnell (Z22)
A drop of Water by Walter Wick (SO)
Rain by Peter Spier (SO)
All the Water in the World by George Ella Lyon and Katherine Tillotson (SO)

Activity Name Description/Activity Objective Materials, Special Set-up

*Creative Art: Ice Activity Description: The creative art table will be Butcher paper (RR1)
Painting (5) covered with butcher paper. Frozen paint with Paint (RR1/IWP)
popsicle sticks will be placed in the center in a low dish Smocks (L)
or pan. Children can be creative and paint with ice.
Child Objective: Children need to experiment and use
different media sources to expand their experience of
art (D.4; G.46)
Intentional Teaching: The teachers can encourage the
children to identify the colors of paint that they are
using. This is also a great opportunity to help Kayla and
Margo with writing and drawing letters.
*Math: Ziploc Water Activity Description: This activity will be set up on a Ziploc water bags (IWP)
Bags (4) table by the piano. There will be Ziploc bags with Tape (Classroom)
plastic numbers in the water inside. The bags will be
taped to the table (on all four sides). The children will
move the numbers around with their hands by
manipulating the water.
Child Objective: The children can develop their math
skills by recognizing numbers (D. 4; G.39) They also
have the opportunity to use their fine motor skills by
manipulating the water bags (D. 2; G.18).
Intentional Teaching: The teachers can help identify
numbers if needed, and can encourage counting skills.

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*Science: Frozen Activity Description: Frozen marble works will be placed Frozen Water Marbles (IWP)
Water Marbles (3) in the small sensory table. Marble works will be placed Marble works (RR1)
in there as well to add greater depth to their play.
Child Objective: Children create a path with the
marble works for the water marbles to go through and
place them along the path that they made. (D.2;G.18)
Intentional Teaching: The teachers will talk about how
the water marbles are frozen and what it means to
freeze things. This activity ties into the ITBE that water
comes in different forms.
*Sensory Table: Fish Activity Description: This activity will be set up in the Fish (RR2 G129)
and Water (4) large sensory table. Green-tinted water will be poured Nets (RR2 G121)
into the sensory table. Fish and nets will be in the water
and the children can use the nets to catch the fish.
Child Objective: the children can develop their large
motor skills as they catch the fish in the nets (D.2; G.17).
Intentional Teaching: Teachers can encourage the
children to talk about the colors of the fish that they
are catching. The teachers can also teach about how
the water is at its Liquid form.
*Blocks: Boat (4) Activity Description: The boat will be placed in the Boat (GG)
block area. With blocks out ready to play with.
Child Objective: Children will be able to develop their
gross motor skills while playing in the boat (D.4; G. 41)
This is also a great opportunity to help the children
develop friendships and social interaction with other
Intentional Teaching: Teachers should encourage
social interaction in this area.
*Dramatic Play: Day Activity Description: The dramatic play area will have Beach balls (RR2)
at the Lake (5-7) blue tarps all over the ground representing water. A Beach Towels (RR2)
raft will be placed in the middle with ores. The children Fishing poles (RR2)
will have Fishing poles and binoculars. Toy fish and sea Raft and life vests(GG)
creatures will be placed on the blue tarp that they can Fish (RR2 G129)
catch with their fishing poles.
Child Objective: The children can communicate and
develop social skills with their peers (D. 3; G.28). They
can use their imagination to come up with their own

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Intentional Teaching: Teachers can encourage the
children to work together. This is also a great time for
teachers to talk about the different forms of water.
Manipulative: Activity Description: Blue playdough will be placed on Playdough (TA)
Playdough a table with a few fish inside. This is meant to imitate Fish (RR2 G129)
Child Objective: The children will have the opportunity
to express themselves through a different kind of art.
(D.4;G.46). They can create different shapes and
develop other skills such as math. (D. 4; G39)
Intentional Teaching: Teachers should encourage the
children to make patterns and shapes with the
*Creative Art: Description: Once the Ice paint is melted we can bring Paper (RR2)
Water Color Palettes out the water color palettes with cups of water. We will Water color palettes (RR1)
wait for the children to figure out how to paint with it,
helping them use their problem solving skills.
2nd: Lincoln Logs Description: Lincoln logs will be placed on the table in Lincoln logs (RR2 B173)
small baskets.

ROTATING SNACK 9:00-9:50 a.m.

(Self selected use up what is left) Crackers and juice

OUTDOOR PLAY 9:10-9:50 a.m. Location: North

Gross Motor: Balance Description: The balance beam will be placed outside Trampoline (GG)
Beams on a flat surface. -These will be placed on the grass on a flat surface.
Objective: The children can develop their gross motor
skills (D.2; G.17)
*2nd: Funnels and Description: Pool noodles will be attached to a funnel Water wall (IWP)
Tubes board outside with funnels in the top of them. There will Measuring cups (K)
be tubs under the pool noodles. Children can pour
water in the funnels and watch it come out of the
Objective: This activity will help the children with their
math and problem-solving skills as they are using
measuring cups. (D.4;G.40)

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*3rd: Ice and Description: There will be a few blocks of ice with Outdoor sensory table (GG)
hammers different toys frozen inside. The children will use Hammers (RR2 Y224)
hammers to try and break the ice to get the frozen Ice blocks (IWP)
items out.
Objective: Children can use problem solving skills to
get the objects out of the ice (D.4; G.40). This activity
also goes with my ITBE that Ice is one of the various
forms of water.

CLEAN UP 9:50-9:55 a.m.

Clean up song

GATHERING TIME 9:55-10:10 a.m.

Song: Listen and Move by Greg and Steve (RR2). Teachers will sing and dance, helping other children to make their way over to the block
Activity Name Description Materials
1. Identifying stages For this first activity I am going to show the children Bowls (K)
of water. different forms of water. I will have a bowl of real ice. Ice (IWP)
ITBE: There are Then I will have a cup of water. I will have a picture of Pictures (IWP)
different forms of rain and a picture of snow. I will talk about how all of
water (Ice, Vapor, these things are made up of water.
Rain, Bubbles and
Script: Today we have been learning about water. I
have a few different things here and I need your help
identifying what they are. I will bring out each item and
talk about them. When I bring out the ice cube I will let
any of the children hold it in their hand and watch it
2. Dry Ice Bubble In the last activity I covered most of the forms of water Dry Ice (IWP)
ITBE: There are but I didnt cover vapor and bubbles. So I will do a Rag (IWP)
different forms of science experiment with dry ice. I will put dry ice in a Soap(classroom)
water (Ice, Vapor, cup and pour water in. The dry ice will start to make Blue towel (L)
Rain, Bubbles and smoke and a vapor-like substance that will flow out
snow) from the cup. I will talk about vapor in the sky. Then
using a rag and soap I will make bubbles. I can do this
experiment several times if needed.

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Script: The next item I am going to use can hurt your
hands so I need everyone to stay off of the blue towel.
I am going to use gloves so that I do not burn my
hands. This is dry ice. I am going to mix dry ice and
water, and lets see what happens. Water is also in the
air, we call that vapor. I am going to make a bubble
and we will watch the water and smoke spread out.

SMALL FOCUS GROUPS 10:10-10:25 a.m.

We will sing the song, I can Blow a bubble. When their color is listed they will transition into their small focus groups.

Your Activity Description & Objective Materials

Make it Rain Description: The teachers will read the book All the 1) Mason jars (BJ)
Water in the World by George Ella Lyon and 2) Paper and colored pencils - Classroom
Katherine Tillotson. This book teaches about where 3) All the Water in the World by George Ella Lyon and
water comes from. It talks about the water cycle. Katherine Tillotson (SO)
While reading the book they will ask questions like 4) It could still be water by Allan Fowler (Hannah)
Have you seen water come out of a hose before?.
First the teacher will have a mason jar with water and
shaving cream. She will demonstrate what the
children will be doing. Then the children will each
have a mason jar filled with water and shaving
cream on top. They will also have eye droppers with
water with blue food coloring. The children will drop
the water coloring onto the shaving cream. The
teachers and children will have a discussion about
how clouds (the shaving cream) Collect water in the
sky and when they get full it rains. After the
experiment they will be given paper and pencils that
they can use to draw rain. Teachers will encourage
them to draw rain.
Objective: This relates to my ITBE that there are
various forms of water. The children will be able to
develop their fine motor skills with using the
eyedroppers (D.2;G18). They will also be able to
develop a hypothesis and learn about the process of
rain (D.1;G.12).

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I can blow a bubble

I can blow a bubble
It isnt any trouble
Then I let it float up high, and watch it pop!

Listen and move(By Greg and Steve)

Instrumental with spoken cues children do as the spoken cues indicate:
1st Walk
2nd Gallop
3rd Tiptoe
4th Run
5th Skate
6th Hop

RESOURCES (must provide):

Hannahs lesson plans

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