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E.M.P 1º S. INGLÉS Semana 4 Semana 11 INGLÉS E.M.P 1º S.

What animal is the most intelligent?

“A university professor recently made several experiments with different animals to find out which
was the most intelligent. He found out that the monkey was more intelligent than other animals.

In one experiment the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes. Some
boxes were inside other boxes. One small box had some food inside of it. The professor wanted to watch
the monkey and to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The professor left the Observe:
room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he kneeled down and put his eye to the keyhole.
What did he see? To his surprise he found himself looking directly into the eye of the monkey. Baseball players need some balls, some gloves and some bats for playing.

The monkey was on the other side of the door, looking at the professor through the keyhole”

They doesn`t need any racket for playing baseball.


They need no racket for playing baseball.

We use SOME in affirmative sentences, to express existence of something.

We use ANY and NO en negative sentences, to express absence of something.

We use SOME and ANY for questions about existence or absence.

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E.M.P 1º S. INGLÉS Semana 11 Semana 4 INGLÉS E.M.P 1º S.

d. Do they make it all themselves?
Affirmative statements:
e. Do I myself play the piano?
• We can have some eggs for breakfast.
• There is some bread on the table.

• The children want some hamburgers 6. Change these sentences to plural form.

for lunch. Example: This child dresses himself every morning.

• I have seen some books on the desk. These children dress themselves every morning.

a. This girl will have to do all the work by herself.

The children read some books
b. That woman hurt herself when she was cooking.
Negative statements:
• I don`t need any pencils.
c. The teacher himself came to the party.
• She didn`t write any letters.
• There is no cream for the coffee.

• She made no cakes yesterday. d. I myself have done everything.


e. The child made himself the bed.

Questions __________________________________________________________________________________

• Do you need some pencils? There isn`t any thing in the box.
7. Underline the correct reflexive pronoun:
• Did she want to write any letters? There is nothing in the box.
a. He hurt his hand by (yourself-himself-themselves)
• Will he read any books tonight?
b. Olga cut (himself-myself-herself) with a knife.

c. The boys organized (ourselves-themselves-yourselves)the party.

d. You are making it by (yourself-themselves-ourselves)

e. I have to do it by (himself-myself-herself)

8. Read and translate this reading (Taken from: Elementary reader in English)

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d. We __________________ visit our parents.
e. The children washed ____________________ SOMEBODY ANYBODY NOBODY
f. Patricia and I never do our homework by ____________________ SOMEONE ANYONE NO ONE
g. The class _________________ was excellent.
h. Carolina _________________ wrote the letter.
i. I ___________________ read the English book. SOMETHING ANYTHING NOTHING
j. My brothers will paint the house by ____________________
Let`see these examples:
k. Mr. Gonzalez _________________ will speak to you.


3. Chose the correct ending for each sentence:
• Do you see something? • I don`t see anything • I see something
a. I will do the exercise _____________________ By ourselves
b. The doctor visited me ____________________ By themselves • Do you see anything? • I see nothing
c. José and I did the work ___________________ By myself
d. Our daughter washed ____________________ By himself
• Does she buy anything? • She doesn`t buy anything • She buys something
e. They came here _________________________ By herself
• Does she buy something? • She buys nothing
4. Rewrite the sentences using “by” and the correct reflexive pronoun in place of the world “alone”

a. The dog is eating alone. _______________________________________________________

• Did they write something? • They don`t write anything • They buy something
b. They solved the problems alone. _________________________________________________
• Did they write anything? • They write nothing
c. I painted my bedroom alone. _________________________________________________

d. You did the exercise alone. _________________________________________________

• Does he eat something? • He doesn`t eat anything • He eats something
e. He is planting alone. _______________________________________________________
• Does he eat anything? • He eats nothing
f. We went to the park alone. _________________________________________________

5. Answer affirmatively:

a. Does your brother work by himself?


b. Did you go to the beach by yourself?


c. Did she herself organize the party?


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1. Answer the questions following this example: 1. Translate the following dialogues:

• Did you buy any present for your mother? a. Dialogue 1:

• Yes, I bought some present for my mother. • Are you solving your Math problems? __________________________________________

• Yes, I am solving them __________________________________________

• No, I didn`t buy any present for my mother.
• Do you solve them by yourself? __________________________________________
• No, I bought no present for my mother.
• Yes, I do. I myself solve the problems. __________________________________________
a. Have you seen anyone at the door?

• Yes, ____________________________________ b. Dialogue 2:

• No, ____________________________________ • What are you doing? __________________________________________

• No, ____________________________________ • I am organizing a birthday party __________________________________________

b. Do you see anybody in the bank? • Are you organizing the party by yourself? __________________________________________

• Yes, ____________________________________ • No, I am not. My friends are helping me. __________________________________________

• No, _____________________________________
c. Dialogue 3:
• No, _____________________________________
• What is the boy doing? _____________________________
c. Did she go anywhere last night?
• He is planting some trees in the park. _____________________________
• Yes, ____________________________________
• Who is helping him? _____________________________
• No, _____________________________________
• Nobody is helping him. He plants the trees by himself _____________________________
• No, _____________________________________
d. Dialogue 4:
d. Will you buy anything tomorrow?
• Who painted “La Gioconda”? ____________________________________
• Yes, ____________________________________
• Leonardo Da Vinci ____________________________________
• No, _____________________________________
• Did he paint it with other people? ____________________________________
• No, _____________________________________
• No, he didn`t. He painted it by himself. ____________________________________
e. Do you love anyone at this moment?
2. Complete with the correct reflexive pronoun:
• Yes, ________________________________________________
a. I went to the exhibition by _________________________


• No, _________________________________________________
b. The trip _________________ was very interesting.
• No, _________________________________________________ c. The doctor ________________ gave me the medicine.

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f. Can you lend me some money?

• Yes, ________________________________________________

• No, _________________________________________________
He himself calculates his taxes.
g. Are they waiting anybody?
He calculates his taxes himself.
He calculates his taxes by himself. • Yes, _________________________________________________

• No, _________________________________________________

• No,__________________________________________________

Observe: h. Do they have any friend in this country?

I myself did the work We ourselves organized the party • Yes, ________________________________________________

I did the work myself We organized the party ourselves • No, _________________________________________________
I did the work by myself We organized the party by ourselves
• No, _________________________________________________

i. Are there any supermarkets in that town?

You yourself made the dress You yourselves solved the problem
• Yes, ________________________________________________
You made the dress yourself You solved the problem yourselves

• No, _________________________________________________
You made the dress by yourself You solved the problem by yourselves
• No, _________________________________________________

He himself painted the house They themselves made the house

He painted the house himself They made the house themselves
He painted the house by himself They made the house by themselves

She herself has done the exercise

She has done the exercise herself
She has done the exercise by herself

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2. Change to questions:

a. They will eat something. _______________________________________ REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS

b. You have met somebody today. __________________________________

c. She wrote some letters yesterday. ________________________________

Observe these images:
d. They went somewhere last night. _________________________________

e. She will buy something there. ____________________________________

3. Answer:

a. Do you drink any coffee in the morning?

b. Did the teacher write anything on the blackboard last class?

c. Will your friends go some where at the end of the class?

__________________________________________________________________________________ The girl herself does her homework The woman plays golf by herself
d. Do you know anybody in Puerto Rico?

__________________________________________________________________________________ Personal pronouns Reflexive pronouns

e. Are you going to spend your weekend any where?

f. Did you hear some music on the radio? I MYSELF BY MYSELF
__________________________________________________________________________________ YOU YOURSELF BY YOURSELF
g. Do you have to study anything tonight?

h. Have you visited anybody?

Note:Doing a thing for oneself is to make it without help

The forms “Myself”, “Yourself”, etc are use for emphasis.

The forms “By myself”, “By yourself”, etc, are use idiomatically to give the meaning of “alone”.

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