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Laxmi Institute of Management, Sarigam

Internal Examination

Subject: Strategic Human Resource Management

MBA Semester IV DATE: 27th March, 2017

Time: 9:00 to 12:00 TOTAL MARKS: 70

Subject code: 2840302

Instructions: The question paper carries five questions with their (A) & (B) options. Attempt
all questions and it carries equal marks: You have to follow sequence of options in a

(Q.1) (A) Multiple Choice (06)

(1) The following is (are) concerned with developing a pool of candidates in line with the
human resources plan

(a) Development
(b) Training
(c) Recruitment
(d) All of the above

(2) The three important components in aligning business strategy with HR practice:

(a) Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational Capabilities

(b) Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational Capabilities
(c) Business Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational structure
(d) Marketing Strategy, Human Resource Practices, Organisational structure

(3) In Strategic Human Resource Management, HR Strategies are generally aligned


(a) Business Strategy (b) Marketing Strategy (c) Finance Strategy (d) Economic Strategy

(4) Strategic human resource management involves:

(a) planning, foresight and analytical decision making

(b) setting employment standards and policies
(c) linking human resources with strategic objectives to improve performance
(d) all of the above
(5) What measures are typically involved in the rationalising of businesses?

(a) Downsizing and Layering (b) Expanding and Layering (c) Downsizing and Delayering
(d) Expanding and Delayering

(6) Which of the following is closely associated with strategic human resource

(a) Efficient utilization of human resources

(b) Attracting the best human resources
(c) Providing the best potential training
(d) all of the above

(Q.1) (B) Short Answer: (04)

(1)Define SHRM. How does conventional HR planning differ from strategic HR planning?

(2) A line manager is one of the most important HR manager. Cite reasons.

(3) What is meant by strategic use of Human Resource?

(4) Define the term job analysis, job description and job specification.

(Q.1) (C) Are people always an organizations most valuable asset? Why or why not? (04)

(Q.2) (A) Human resource based competitive advantage could be built from employee skills
and expertise, organizational culture and Human Resource System. Among these three
methods, which one is tough challenger & hardest to duplicate? (07)

(Q.2) (B) Describe the Indian perspective on SHRM. How is it difficult from the western
view of SHRM ? (07)


(Q.2) (A) What is the difference between macro perspectives and micro perspectives of
human resource planning? What objectives does each serve? (07)

(Q.2) (B) Explain the process of formulation of Market Driven Strategy. Identify the
challenges associated with corporate strategies and business strategies. (07)
(Q.3) (A) What do you understand by the term diversity? What initiatives can a firm adopt
to attract and retain a diverse workforce? Enumerate the reasons that firms adopt diversity
initiatives. Do you think diversity is a double-edged sword? Why? (07)

(Q.3) (B) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally versus externally.
While complete outsourcing of the job of strategic selection is not desirable yet selective
involvement of outside experts are extremely used in selection of key executives. Explain


(Q.3) (A) Discuss how the internet has changed the way companies recruit. Enumerate the
advantages and disadvantages of e-recruitment. Why do firms today hire for culture fit?
How structured interview increases the validity as a selection device? (07)

(Q.3) (B) How recruitment strategy of a company following a market driven strategy differ
from resource driven strategy? How an organizational delayering process could force a
company to change its policy of recruitment? (07)

(Q.4) (A) Should organizations view human resources from an investment perspective?
Discuss the factors that determine the extent to which an organization is investment oriented
in its management of human resources. (07)

(Q.4) (B) Describe the business strategy classification proposed by porter. What types of HR
practices are likely to be adopted by organizations for each of the three generic business
strategies proposed in this classification? (07)


(Q.4) (A) Identify the micro and macro parts of HR Services for each of the 11 services.
Under a condition of high employee turnover, why the effects of micro part of HR services
becomes minimal? (07)

(Q.4) (B) What is basic difference between a conventional selection and a strategic selection?
Why structured interview is considered the most important for strategic selection and how it
increaser the validity of interview. (07)
(Q.5) Case Study: (14)

Selecting a regional manager for Rajasthan Tiles


(1) Can you make a decision on the choice of regional manager from the information
given here? Justify your choice.
(2) Why did it use head-hunter for getting the candidate pool? Why did it not use open
newspaper advertisement?


(Q.5) Case Study: (14)

Recruitment plan for Oil Tanker International Ltd.


(Q.1) What was the companys business strategy and how this strategy was affecting its HR

(Q.2) what instruments should be used for selection and why?

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