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1) yoga should be made compulsory subject in schools ,colleges and

university. express your view for of against statement

Yoga literally means "addition" and it refers to the coming together of

the physical, mental and spiritual parts of the body, and is thus believed
to increase concentration, decrease bodily pains and provide mental
peace to the humans. The practice has ancient roots in India and is now
popularly recognized in the entire world as an art of living. The United
Nations General assembly, passing the India's proposal, has declared
summer solstice, June 21 as the International Yoga Day. This has been a
great achievement for India as this will promote our culture in the
entire world. But while trying to promote the practice, the BJP
government seems to overplay it.
Haryana had recently made Yoga compulsory for all the school children
and now there are talks that the government might make it compulsory
in the entire nation. Yoga is a peaceful art and only those who really
want to do it can perform it with peace. Making it mandatory will do no
good. Rather it will diminish the sacred identity this art carries with it.
The idea should definitely be promoted but forcing the people to
perform it for 10 or 20 minutes will be just a waste of time for the
reluctant people. Also, the way the government is promoting this not go
along with core ideology of Yoga. It is not something which should be
promoted by doing so much of propaganda. Rather, the idea should be
slowly allowed to sink in the minds of all the people. Only when the
people realize its true value, they will connect with it, not by making it
compulsory for the children or for the employees. The more
appropriate way to promote it will be to start opening new yoga centers
or integrating yoga with various sports clubs in the country. The
government should make arrangements to provide more facilities and
trainers to promote the practice.

Yoga Essay 4 (250 words)

Yoga was originated in India during ancient time by the yogis. Yoga
word is originated from the Sanskrit language and has two meanings,
one is union and another one is discipline. Practicing yoga teaches us
about the body and mind discipline by uniting or connecting both body
and mind. It is a spiritual practice used to meditate in the early morning
to balance body and mind as well as remains close to the nature. It was
practiced earlier by the people of religions like Hindu, Buddha and Jain.
It is amazing type of exercise which makes life better by controlling the
body and mind. Yoga is a science of living healthy life forever. It is like
a medicine which treats various diseases gradually by regularizing the
functioning of body organs.
Actually yoga is a practice of controlled body part movements and
control of breathe. It enhances the inner and outer body and mind
strength by connecting both to the nature. It is not a physical practice
only as it makes a human able to get control over mental, emotional, and
spiritual thoughts. It can be practiced by the people at any age during
childhood, teenage, adult or old age. It needs only safe, slow and
controlled movements of body with controlled breathing. In order to
make worldwide people aware of the yoga and its benefits, an
international level event (called International Day of Yoga or World
Yoga Day) has been declared to celebrate it annually.
Yoga Essay 5 (300 words)
Yoga is a most important and precious gift given by the nature from
ancient time to get connected throughout the life with nature. It is the
practice of uniting the mind and body in order to achieve the perfect
harmony between both. It helps a person to get higher level of
consciousness by getting control over the body in all aspects like
physically, mentally, socially and intellectually. Yoga is promoted to get
practiced daily in the schools and colleges for the betterment of the
students as well as increasing their concentration level towards study. It
is a systematic effort done by the people to attain the perfection by
getting control over all different nature elements exist in the body.
It needs very safe and regular practice to get benefited all the asanas of
yoga. Yoga is practiced to bring spiritual progress in the body and mind
for self-development by controlling the inner energy. The inhaling and
exhaling of the oxygen during yoga is the main thing. Practicing yoga in
daily life regularly prevents from various diseases as well as cures fatal
disease including cancer, diabetes, high or low blood pressure, heart
ailments, kidney disorders, liver disorders, gynaecological problems and
variety of mental problems.
Now-a-days, it is very necessary to practice yoga again to make lives of
people better. Daily yoga practice provides inner and outer body
strength. It helps in strengthening the body immunity system thus
prevents from various diseases and cures different disease. It acts as an
alternative system of medicine if practiced continuously. It also reduces
the side effects of many heavy medicines taken on daily basis. The very
good time for practicing the yoga like pranayam and kapal bharti is the
early morning as it provides better environment to get control over body
and mind.
Yoga Essay 6 (400 words)
Yoga is very safe, easy and healthy way to get fit whole life without any
problems. It just needs regular practice in right way of body movements
and breathing. It regularizes the connection between three components
of our body such as body, mind and soul. It regularizes the functioning
of the all body organs and prevents the body and mind to get disturbed
because of some bad situations and unhealthy lifestyle. It helps in
maintaining the health, knowledge and inner peace. By providing a good
health it fulfils our physical needs, through knowledge it fulfils our
psychological needs and through inner peace is fulfils the spiritual need
thus it helps in maintaining the harmony among all.
Regular practice of the yoga in the morning provides outer and inner
relief by keeping away from the countless ailments at the physical and
mental level. Practicing postures or asanas strengthens the body and
mind as well as creates the feeling of well being. It sharpens the human
mind, improves intelligence and help in high level of concentration by
steadying the emotions and feelings. The feeling of well being creates
helping nature within us and thus enhances the social well being.
Improved concentration level helps in meditating and provides calming
effect and inner peace to the mind. Yoga is like a practical philosophy
which develops self-discipline and self awareness within us through
regular practice.
Yoga can be practiced by anyone as it is irrespective of age, religion, or
health circumstances. It improves the discipline and sense of power as
well as provides a chance to life healthy life without physical and mental
problems. To enhance its awareness about all benefits all over the world,
the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has suggested to the United
Nations General Assembly to declare the 21st of June as an International
Day of Yoga so that each and every may know about yoga and can been
benefited. Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition which was originated in
India and practiced regularly by the yogis to get fit and meditate. By
seeing the benefits of implementing the yoga in daily life, United
Nations General Assembly has declared the International Day of Yoga to
be celebrated every year on 21st of June.
We cannot count the benefits of yoga, we can understand it only a
miracle which has been gifted to the human fraternity by the God. It
maintains physical fitness, reduces stress, control on emotions, feelings,
controls negative thoughts, feeling of general well being, improves
mental clarity, enhances self-understanding, connects to the nature and
many more.

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