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Riyas. R. R Dr. Shilpa.V. Patil

PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology,
Pune, India Pune, India

Abstract In order to study the flexural behavior of structures materials include yielding of steel, crack growth in steel and
exposed to severe environmental condition as like in case of concrete, corrosion of metals, fiber breakage and matrix
marine structures in corrosive environment, a powerful debonding for composites [6].
nondestructive technique as a structural health monitoring tool
needed to be employed. Acoustic emission (AE) is one of the most Acoustic Emission testing is a powerful
powerful nondestructive technique widely used for damage nondestructive testing tool for examining the behavior of
assessment in variety of structures. AE technique has been widely materials deforming under stress. By definition, AE is the class
used for corrosion assessment of steel embedded in concrete as of phenomena whereby transient elastic waves are generated by
well as to study the behavior of RC beams under flexure. In real the rapid release of energy from a localized source or sources
life structures, especially in marine structures the structural within a material. Thus, the technique can be used to listen to
elements are subjected to external loading along with events that lead to failure of a material using sensors that act
simultaneous corrosion. The presence of corrosion affects the like the material scientists stethoscope. The acoustic emission
flexural behavior structural elements. Hence it is necessary to testing technique uses either operational or applied loads to
interpret and evaluate the failure mechanism of deteriorated simulate emissions from the material to be tested. A single test
concrete structures with rebar corrosion using suitable non- system may be used for many different measurement
destructive technique. Monitoring the failure or fracture process applications by making suitable frequency adjustments. In
with rebar corrosion by means of acoustic emission technique will order to interpret the results obtained from these tests, one
also be useful for deciding suitable maintenance scheme for should know the underlying physical process involving the
existing structures. propagation of the wave in test materials, techniques and
Thus if an emphasis will be given on classifying AE source by
equipment used in measurement, inherent material
differentiating between AE signals due to corrosion and signals
characteristics, and the possibility of background noises that
due to load related deformation, the application of AE for
monitoring in service structures will get broadened. Therefore may interfere in the acquisition of data [7].
the aim of the proposed study is to understand the flexural failure It is important to interpret and evaluate the fracture
behavior of RC beams along with simultaneous corrosion using mechanism of deteriorated concrete structures with rebar
AE technique in laboratory. corrosion. In real life corrosion of rebar is one of the serious
deterioration phenomena in concrete structures, affecting their
Keywords- RC element; Rebar; Corrosion; Flexural behavior;
safety. Past research works and specifications classify the
Acoustic emission technique.
deterioration processes due to corrosion as dormant stage,
initiation stage, accelerated stage and deterioration stage. For
I. INTRODUCTION maintenance scheme, it is important to identify the
deterioration process more specifically. Previous research on
This In order to study the flexural behavior of structures AE applications to corrosion of reinforced concrete aimed at
exposed to severe environmental condition like marine
evaluating the corrosion process of rebar, including cracking of
structures or any other structures in corrosion environment, a concrete and corrosion of rebar itself. However, there was few
powerful nondestructive method of structural health monitoring
investigation on AE activity of corroded RC members
tool have to be employed. Acoustic emission (AE) is one of the subjected to external loading. Hence the aim of present study is
most powerful nondestructive methods available on the market. to understand flexural failure behavior of RC beams along with
Structural health monitoring of a particular structure without
simultaneous corrosion.
direct contact upon it and without altering its structural
behavior make this method more special. The term acoustic
emission is commonly used to describe both a technique and II. AIM
the phenomenon upon which the technique is based. The AE To understand flexural failure behavior of RC beams along
monitoring technique uses one or more sensors to listen to a with simultaneous corrosion.
wide range of events that may take place inside a solid
material. Examples of AE events related to civil engineering
. To monitor corrosion activity of RC beam using AE
To monitor the flexural behavior of RC beam using
AE technique.
To understand flexural failure behavior of RC beams
along with simultaneous corrosion.
Characteristics of damage through comparison of
above test results


Acoustic emission (AE) in simple terms is defined as a
transient elastic wave generated as an outcome of a material
deformation [1]. The stress wave released propagates through Figure 4.1: Concept of AE technology [10]
the solid due to the energy release during the deformation The emitted transient elastic waves are typically short
process. Amount of energy released depends upon its size and pulses that depend on the dynamics of the source. From
rate of local deformation process [8].
submicroscopic dislocations to gross cracking, the energy and
Acoustic activity may be observed both in highly elastic as amplitude of the emissions change over a wide range.
well as brittle materials. The classical sources of acoustic
emissions are defect-related deformational processes such as B. Advantages of AE over other NDT.
crack nucleation/growth and plastic deformation. Its unique Measurements can be done in real time.
ability to passively record events at their moment of occurrence
is definitely the main reason for this technique to come in to the Use of multiple sensors can aid in finding the location
forefront of structural monitoring. This advantageous quality of defect.
permits monitoring during loading [5]. The technique can also
be characterized as dynamic and volumetric, since it is well Detailed analysis of signal will brought differentiation
adapted for remote monitoring of active defects on varied between genuine defects and noises.
structures [7]. AE technique can be used for local, global and
continuous monitoring.
A. Basis of Acoustic emission
AE technique is less geometric sensitive.
AE sensors consist of piezoelectric crystals which are
placed in casing for protection and attached using a simple
acoustic coupling. The sensors are highly sensitive, operating V. AE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE
in the kHz range, this sensitivity enables the detection of
A. Intensity signal analysis
cracks long before they are visible [3], [11]. The sensitivity of
AE sensors along with their wide ranges of operation makes Intensity signal analysis (ISA) is another technique for
AE an ideal candidate for assessment of in-service structures. evaluating the structural implications of damage identified
Sensors are available with a wide variety of sizes and different through analysis of AE signals and is used to maintain the
operation ranges. integrity of the structure. This technique involves an AE
Transient elastic waves emitted from the active source parameter known as signal strength. Mathematically, this is
defined as the integral of the rectified voltage signal over the
traveling through the solid and those elastic waves are duration of the AE waveform packet [2]. It is an essential
captured using piezoelectric sensors. These piezoelectric parameter in assessing the significance of AE data during the
sensors coverts mechanical wave into electric signals and gets damage process.
collected with a dedicated AE acquisition system, which is
shown in figure 4.1 below. Evaluation of ISA involves the use of two indices;
historical index (HI) and severity index (Sr). Historical index is
used to determine the change of signal strength rate throughout
the test. Particularly, it measures the slope change in
cumulative signal strength against time by comparing the signal
strength of all hits. The historical index is calculated using the
following expressions, equation (1) and (2).


Where HI: historical index, N: number of hits data, Soi: This method is evaluated from the AE signal strength data
signal Strength of the ith hit, K: empirically derived constant which is collected by AE win software. Normally the ISA
based on the test material. method is based on the channel basis, however in this research
the data was collected from the critical area of the beams under
Severity index (Sr) is defined as the average signal strength test.
among the largest numerical value of signals. This is calculated
as using the following equation [9]. The severity and maximum historical index are plotted on
the intensity chart as presented in Fig. 5.1. The chart is divided
into intensity zones which indicate the structural significance of
(2) the emission. The description of zones are presented in Table 1.

Where Sr: severity index, J: empirically derived constant
based on material, Som: signal strength of the mth hit where the Tests were carried out on reinforced concrete (RC)
order of m is based on magnitude of the signal strength. beams of dimension 150x250x800mm and designed in
accordance with Indian standard (IS 456:2000) code for grade
For concrete, K and J values are related to N by the M35. The mix design used for M35 grade concrete was 1:
relations: K = 0, N 50; K = N -30, 51 N 200; K = 1.654: 2.870 with water cement ratio 0.58. The beams are
0.85N, 201 N 500; K = N 75, N 500; J = 0, N < 50; reinforced with two 16 mm diameter high yield strength steel
J = 50, N 50. bars of grade Fe 500 with 50 mm cover from the both sides as
well as from bottom.
Intensity The compressive strength of the cubes at 7 and 28 days of
Recommended action
levels age was found to be 25.6 MPa and 36 MPa respectively. Whole
Insignificant acoustic emission. experimental procedure is divided into four sets, each set
(No damage). comprises of three beams as shown in table 2 below. Three
Note for reference in future tests. Typically specimens were casted at each set. After demolding at the age
minor surface defects such as corrosion, pitting, of 1 day, specimens were cured for 7 days.
gouges or crack attachments.
(damage detected)
Notations Level of corrosion Number of beams
Defects require evaluation. Evaluation may be
based on further data analysis or complementary B Nil 3
C BL Low 3
nondestructive examination.
(minor damage) BM Moderate 3
Significant defect requires follow-up inspection. BS Severe 3
D It consider as major damage.
Major defect requires immediate shut-down and
E follow-up inspection. A. Accelerated corrosion set up
(severe damage) In order to provide relevant results within a realistic period of
time, corrosion process is being accelerated using an
electrolytic cell. The electrolyte used is 5% NaCl solution,
which represents marine environmental condition. The
reinforced bar is used as anode and mild steel mesh is used as
cathode. MS mesh is placed below the RCC beam and a wick
is sandwiched in between RCC beam and MS steel mesh,
which facilitates sufficient contact of electrolyte with the
specimen throughout the experiment. The external driven
voltage (10 V) is applied using a direct current (DC) power
supply. A PVC tank is used as the container for the
electrolysis cell setup, as it is neutral to redox reactions. To
prevent the corrosion of the protruded parts of rebar, exposed
portions were coated with an epoxy resin. Accelerated
corrosion process is controlled according to the level of
corrosion with help of half-cell potential reading taken
periodically throughout the experiment. Single AE sensor was
Figure 4.1: Example of intensity analysis chart [4] mounted on the top of the beam as shown in the figure 7.1
using a clamp mechanism. High performance grease is used as
the coupling agent in between sensor and aluminum sheet, and

aluminum sheet with RCC beam. Here aluminum sheet is act a monitored continuously as explained on above section VII.
receptor of AE hits from the RCC beam to the sensors. The Snapshots of AE output data collected from the both external
AE threshold was set to 45 dB, which is to eliminate pore loading experiments are shown below in figure 7.1 and 7.2.
water percolation noises and record only emissions due to
corrosion activity and cracking of concrete. Sensor was
calibrated before the test by employing lead breaking test (BS
EN 1339). The exact location of sensors and experimental set
up is shown in figure 7.1.

Figure 8.1: Snapshot of AE output data for beam with external loading.

Figure 7.1: Accelerated corrosion set up

B. External loading set up

All the beams were tested under three point loading to
examine the flexural behavior and level of damage using AE
technique as shown in figure 7.2. Tests were conducted on
universal testing machine having capacity of 1000 kN.
During the test the beams were simply supported with a Figure 8.2: Snapshot of AE output data for corroded beam with external
span of 600mm. Single point load is applied at the center of loading.
the beam at a loading rate of 2 kN per minute. Beam is loaded Plot between AE parameters Signal strength and amplitude
up to failure and entire test is being monitored continuously with respect to time for beam with no corrosion and beam with
with a dedicated AE acquisition system. Two sensors of type severe corrosion during external loading is showed in figure 8.3
R3 were mounted on the top of the beam as shown in the and 8.4 below.
figure 7.2 using a clamp mechanism with same procedure as
explained in 7.1. The experimental set up is shown in figure

Figure 8.3: Plot of AE activity with time for beam with no corrosion during
Figure 7.2: External loading set up external loading.

From the figure 8.3 it is clear that, for the beams with no
VIII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS corrosion, AE activity is only observed at after some period of
time. Once micro cracking starts on beam AE activity also
Here experiments are done on two beams, one directly
initiates and start increasing with increase in load.
subjected to external loading and the other subjected to
accelerated corrosion to the severe level of corrosion and then
subjected to external loading. On both cases AE activity is

AE technique is effective in identifying flexural as
well as corrosion behavior of RC specimens.


[1] Arrington. M., (1987),Acoustic emissions, Non-destructive testing of

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represents crack propagation.
Sudden increase in AE activity represents failure
of the specimen.

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