Reliability-Based Design Optimization of A Rubble Mound Breakwater in A Changing Climate

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Reliability-based design optimization of a rubble mound breakwater in a

changing climate
P. Galiatsatou & P. Prinos
Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Research, Department of Civil Engineering, A.U.Th

ABSTRACT: The study concentrates on a fictitious rubble mound breakwater used to protect the marina situ-
ated near the entrance of the port of Le Havre, in France. A maximum failure probability is assigned and the
structure should meet the requirements. Different failure modes and their relation to the overall failure of the
structure are represented in a fault tree. Failure of the water retaining structure happens when the water enters
the protected area uncontrolled. Both Ultimate Limit States (ULS) and Serviceability Limit States (SLS) are
considered under present climate conditions, as well as utilizing basic assumptions for the future marine con-
ditions in the study area. The set of acceptable geometries for the system is defined based on the probabilistic
constraint of the maximum failure probability and an economic optimization of the total lifetime costs,
namely the costs of construction and failure of the structure.

relation to overall failure of the structure should be

represented in a fault tree. Quantitative analysis
1 INTRODUCTION starts at the level of failure modes with the definition
of limit state functions and the probabilistic analysis
The fact that a large amount of the worlds popula- of all random input variables. From a quantification
tion and the majority of economic activity are as- of the probability of occurrence of each failure
sembled in coastal areas, combined with the general mode, the total failure probability of the structure
inception of a globally changing climate, increase can be defined. Reliability-based optimization based
exposure of coastal areas to flooding. Therefore, on minimizing the total cost function of the structure
there is a widespread need for a more reliable design can be performed, to find a cost-effective design
of marine and coastal structures able to withstand which also meets the probabilistic requirements.
the increased loading, while ensuring that manufac- Reliability-based optimal structural design has
turing and performance costs are kept low. During been applied by numerous authors in the past (Van
the last few years, probabilistic design approaches Dantzig 1956, Grigoriu et al. 1979, Stedinger 1997,
based on reliability and risk-based design concepts Moses 1998 and many others). Voortman (2003) de-
have been increasingly proposed and applied in the veloped a methodology that enables the use of quan-
fields of civil engineering and water defences, be- titative methods for the risk-based design of a large
cause of their ability to provide an explicit measure scale flood defence system. In his thesis, he used re-
of the safety level of the structured system under liability-based design as a tool in risk-based design
study. Reliability-based design optimization, imple- of flood defences. Buijs et al. (2003) described a test
mented in the present study, deals with obtaining op- application of a reliability method developed for
timal designs characterized by low costs and by a ring dykes in the Netherlands to the flood defence
low probability of failure. system in South Wales and provided recommenda-
Reliability-based design is defined as a design tions for the future development of reliability-based
approach where the probability of failure is used as a methods for flood management in the UK. Steenber-
measure of the performance of the coastal or marine gen et al. (2004) presented an overview of an ad-
structure. A maximum failure probability is defined vanced program called PC-ring for the reliability
and the structure should meet the requirements. In analysis of flood defence systems and described the
order to make a probabilistic optimization, the global data requirements for the application and the
mechanisms that lead to structural instability or los- setup of the model. Within the European Research
ing of a specific level of functionality should be con- Project FLOODsite (2004-2009,,
sidered. Therefore, different failure modes and their flood defence reliability analysis has been further
developed to support a range of decisions and adopt 2 ANALYSIS OF AVAILABLE DATA
different levels of complexity. The research in the
field of reliability analysis within the project, fo- In the present research reliability-based optimization
cused on developing techniques and incorporating is applied in the marine area of the north-western
present process knowledge on individual failure French city Le Havre, located on the English Chan-
modes as well as interactions between failure modes nel. The port of Le Havre is one of the largest in
on the feasibility, the preliminary and the detailed France. Le Havre marina, on which the present study
design level of complexity. Burcharth & Sorensen focuses, is on the northern side of the port and is ex-
(2005) presented results from numerical simulations posed to wave action and sea levels caused by high
performed with the objective of identifying optimum astronomical tide and storm surges. Hydraulic load-
design safety levels of conventional rubble mound ing conditions are available for the site of Le Havre,
and caisson breakwaters, corresponding to the low- by means of simulation data. Data of the marine cli-
est costs over the service life of the structures. Dai mate cover a period of 10000 years. These data in-
Viet et al. (2008) presented a probabilistic approach clude significant wave height, storm surge, tide and
for designing the breakwater system of the South of water level simulations. Each value of the simulated
Doson Naval Base in Vietnam, combining reliability datasets corresponds to the peak of each tide, i.e. one
analysis of the governing failure mechanisms with every 12-13 hours. The datasets available are sta-
an economic optimization process. Van Gelder et al. tionary and are used in the present work to represent
(2009) provided an outline of methods and tools for present climate conditions, ignoring the possible ef-
reliability analysis of flood defenses, as well as for fects of climate change on the marine climate.
flood risk analysis. They focused on the background Limit states used for breakwater design, are states
of probabilistic analyses, uncertainties and system beyond which the structures no longer satisfy the re-
analysis and presented an application of the method- quirements and can be distinguished in ULS (Ulti-
ologies at a study site of the European Research Pro- mate Limit States), FLS (Fatigue Limit States), PLS
ject FLOODsite, the German Bight. (Progressive collapse Limit States) and SLS (Ser-
The present study focuses on reliability-based op- viceability Limit States). In the present paper, only
timization of a rubble mound breakwater under pre- the ULS and the SLS of the studied breakwater sys-
sent conditions and in a changing climate, in the ma- tem are examined. The former is assumed to happen
rine area of the north-western French city Le Havre. under extreme marine conditions, while the latter is
Le Havre is situated on the English Channel and is a affected by the normal marine climate. Considering
famous port city with a high touristic development. the Ultimate Limit State of the studied structure, ex-
More specifically, the study will concentrate on a trapolation of the marine variables to high enough
fictitious rubble mound breakwater used to protect return periods has to be performed. Methods and
the marina situated near the port entrance. The stud- techniques of the well established univariate and
ied rubble mound breakwater is of a similar design multivariate Extreme Value Theory (EVT) can be
with the one present in the port of Deauville, situ- used for this purpose. Considering the Serviceability
ated on the opposite bank of the Seine estuary. In Limit State, normal wave height conditions are ana-
Section 2 of the present study, the load data used to lyzed, using a distribution type for short term predic-
perform reliability-based design optimization are tion.
presented and analysed. The governing loading vari- Extreme value methods are powerful statistical
ables of the studied structure are represented as ran- methods for drawing inference about the extremes of
dom variables and appropriate distribution functions a process, using only data on relatively extreme val-
are selected to represent uncertainties in their esti- ues of the process. The statistical methodology is
mates. Some important design quantities are then es- motivated by a well-established mathematical theory
timated using simple formulas, by means of a deter- (EVT), which relies on the assumption that the limit-
ministic design approach. In Section 3 the proposed ing models suggested by the asymptotic theory con-
probabilistic methodology is presented and imple- tinue to hold at finite but extreme levels (Coles,
mented. The main failure modes of the structure are 2001). Nevertheless, a crucial assumption in fitting
considered and appropriate limit state functions are distribution functions to data is that the data are in-
defined in accordance with the selected failure crite- dependent and identically distributed (iid). Univari-
rion. A maximally acceptable failure probability is ate analysis of significant wave height and storm
defined and reliability analysis is performed to de- surge level extremes is performed using the GEV
fine the space of acceptable geometries of the struc- (Generalized Extreme Value) distribution function
ture. Finally, the cost of all acceptable geometries for annual maxima. The GEV distribution function
within the solution space is estimated and an eco- is of the form:
nomical optimization is performed. Section 4 in- x-
cludes the principal conclusions of the study. G ( x ) = exp{ -[1 + ( )} + -1/ (1)

where > 0 and =(, , ) the vector of parameters, vector 3=(0.023, 0.677) of the Rayleigh distribution
namely the location (), scale () and shape () pa- function.
rameters, determined by the tail behavior of G. The Considering future climate conditions, because of
model of Equation 1 is fitted to annual maxima wave the fact that no data for the future marine conditions
heights and storm surges and the parameter vector are yet available at the site of interest, some general
for both variables is estimated by means of the L- estimations are used in the present study in a rather
moments estimation procedure. For wave heights, primitive way. From ONERC
the extreme tail is described by the parameter vector (, three
1=(4.19, 0.48, -0.078), while for extreme surges the estimates of sea level rise due to global warming in
respective parameter vector is 2=(0.69, 0.14, 2100 are available: an optimistic scenario of +40cm,
0.109). a pessimistic scenario of +60cm and an extreme sce-
Where the source of risk consists of more than nario of +1m. Based on the shortage of information
one variable, it is necessary to consider their com- available, the distribution function for sea level for
bined probability. Extreme offshore wave heights the future conditions is assumed similar to the one
are often strongly dependent on high sea levels. The used for present conditions, but with an increased
observed water level is the sum of a deterministic mean value based on the optimistic scenario of ON-
astronomical tidal component and a stochastic mete- ERC. For offshore wave conditions, CETMEF
orologically induced component, the surge. Depend- ( indicates
ence between surges and waves is expected, since an increase between 20 and 40cm of the offshore
both are related to local weather conditions (Hawkes wave heights along the French coast up to 2100, ac-
et al. 2002). Especially at extreme levels strong de- cording to emission scenario B1 and A2, respec-
pendence is likely, when meteorological systems tively. In the present study an increase of 30cm in
which generate extreme surges also cause strong on- the mean extreme wave height conditions is as-
shore winds from a direction having a long fetch. sumed. Therefore, the extreme tail of wave heights
Therefore, dependence between the variables of is described by the parameter vector 1=(4.49, 0.48,
wave height and storm surge should be calculated. It -0.078), retaining the scale and the shape parameters
should be emphasized that componentwise maxima of the present climate distribution function un-
do not necessarily correspond to maxima originating changed.
from the same storm. The complete pair of measures Le Havre marina accepts boats without any tidal
of extremal dependence and (Coles, 2001), is in- stress. Nowadays it offers around 1160 mooring
formative for both asymptotically independent and rings, a wedge launch and a bunkering station. Sev-
dependent variables. When used for bivariate ran- eral services such as electricity and water supplies
dom samples with identical marginal distributions, are available for the users. The fictitious rubble
both measures provide an estimate of the probability mound breakwater, with a length of approximately 1
of one variable (e.g. wave heights) being extreme, km, protects the marina against undesirable wave
provided that the other one (e.g. surge levels) is ex- and water level action. Before commencing with a
treme. However, from the pair of measures and reliability-based optimization of the defence, a de-
estimated from the bivariate dataset of annual terministic estimation of its main geometrical fea-
maxima, there is no strong evidence that extreme tures should be performed for illustrative purposes.
wave heights and storm surges in Le Havre are con- In a deterministic approach, input conditions are
sistent with asymptotic dependence. given by discrete values and the breakwaters ge-
The high design water level (without the storm ometry usually follows common design guidelines.
surge component) in front of the breakwater is de- The studied rubble mound breakwater is of a similar
scribed by means of a Normal distribution function design concept with the one present in the port of
with mean, 7, and variance 2= 0.25. The Nor- Deauville, situated on the opposite bank of the Seine
mal distribution function is also utilized to model estuary. The typical cross-section of the breakwater
wave steepness, s~ N(0.066, 0.0062) during extreme under study includes a core made of limestones, a
wave conditions. secondary armour layer made of quarry rock (rip-
Considering the Serviceability Limit State, nor- rap) a primary armour layer of concrete blocks and a
mal wave height conditions are analyzed. More spe- wave wall made of concrete. The slope of the sea
cifically, it is assumed that mean daily wave heights side primary armour layer is 1/2. The land side
follow a Rayleigh probability distribution function: slope of the breakwater is 2/3. The Hudson formula
is used to estimate the weight of the primary armour
- (x - ) 2 layer blocks (CEM, 2006):
F ( x ) = 1 - exp{ } (2)
c H 3
with parameter vector = (, ). L-moments estima- W = (3)

tion procedure is used to calculate the parameter K D ( c - 1) 3 cot a
where H = the characteristic wave height; c = the cludes a wave wall, which ends 2m above the crest
density of concrete blocks; w = the water density; berm. A typical cross-section of the breakwater stud-
KD = the stability coefficient; and a = the sea side ied in the present paper is presented in Figure 1.
slope angle. The characteristic wave height in this
case is defined as the return level corresponding to a
return period of 100 years, the reference period for
both the ULS and SLS functions. Equation 1 and the
estimated parameter vector 1 are therefore utilized
to estimate the 100-years significant wave height,
Hs100years 6.05m. Tetrapod blocks are selected for
the 2-layer primary armour layer, each one weight-
ing 21.5t (Equation 3). The secondary armour layer
is made of 2-layer quarry rocks weighting about one
tenth of the armour unit in the primary cover layer
Figure 1. Typical cross-section of the proposed breakwater
(CEM, 2006).
The thickness of the cover layer and underlayers
is estimated using the formula (CEM, 2006):
W 1/ 3
r = nk ( ) (4)
wa 3.1 Reliability analysis
where n = the number of elements in the thickness Reliability-based design is a design approach where
(typically n = 2); k = the layer coefficient (k = 1.04 the probability of failure is used as a measure of the
for Tetrapods and k = 1.00 for quarrystone); W = performance of the structure. A reliability analysis
the weight of the individual armour units; and wa = should start with a definition of the main function
the specific unit of the armour unit material. that is considered for the studied flood defence sys-
Crest width depends greatly on the degree of al- tem. In the present work, failure of the breakwater to
lowable overtopping. However, this dependency has fulfill its requirements, leads to an unwanted top
not been quantified into general design guidance. event of water entering the marina area uncon-
The general rule of thumb for overtopping condi- trolled. Therefore, a fault tree that gives a logical
tions is that minimum crest width should equal the succession of all events leading to this unwanted
combined widths of three armour units (n = 3) as de- top event can be constructed. This fault tree can
termined by the formula (CEM, 2006): contain both the Ultimate and the Serviceability
W 1/ 3 Limit State of the breakwater. In the first subtree,
B = nk ( ) (5) which refers to the ULS of the breakwater, the ob-
wa jective of the structure is the protection of the ma-
The selected crest elevation should be the lowest rina against flooding. Within this objective, the top
that provides the protection required. For crest ele- event of the subtree is the collapse of the breakwa-
vation the formula of Eurotop (2008) is used in the ter. In the second one, the top event is the exces-
present work: sive wave height within the protected basin, which
causes problems to the standard operations within
q Rc the marina. This corresponds to the SLS of the
= 0 . 2 C r exp( -2 . 6 ) (6)
gH s3 H s f breakwater. Both limit states can cause the down-
time of the marina, namely the stoppage of opera-
tions within the marina due to the malfunction of the
C r = 3 . 06 exp( -1 . 5 B / H mo ) (7) breakwater system.
The collapse of the breakwater belongs to the Ul-
where q = the overtopping discharge; Cr = the reduc-
timate Limit State (ULS). It is assumed in this study
tion factor due to the effect of armoured crest berm,
that operations within the marina are only active
defined as a function of the crest berm width (B) and
during normal weather conditions (Dai Viet et al.
the wave height (Hmo); f = the influence factor for
2008). Therefore, the ULS of the breakwater, caused
roughness and is set equal to 0.38; and Rc = the crest
by extreme marine conditions, can not cause direct
freeboard. The crest berm, B, used in the definition
damage to the protected area during the storm event.
of the reduction factor Cr is considered equal to the
However, the partial downtime of the marina is a
combined width of three armour units (Equation 5).
consequence of such a limit state, since the marina
The maximum tolerable overtopping discharge in
basin will then be unprotected for a defined period
the marina area is set equal to 0.005m3/s. The result-
of time. The rubble mound breakwater under study
ing deterministic crest freeboard is estimated Rc
consists of many parts, such as the armour layers,
6.2m using the 100-years significant wave height,
the concrete cap and the toe structure. Failure of
Hs100years 6.05m. The structure under study also in-
each one of them under extreme marine conditions ping. The reliability function considered for the
can cause malfunction of the whole breakwater sys- above mentioned failure mode is:
tem. Three main failure modes are considered here
as the main types of instability under extreme condi- Rc
Z = q t - 0 . 2 C r exp( -2 . 6 ) gH s3 (12)
tions of the marine climate, namely the instability of H s f
the primary armour layer, the excessive wave over-
topping and the erosion of the toe of the breakwater. where qt = the tolerable overtopping discharge,
The reliability function constructed for primary ar- which for the marina area is set equal to 0.005m3/s.
mour layer stability is based on the van der Meer Excessive wave height in the marina basin is con-
(1988) formula for two layer armoured non- sidered as a Serviceability Limit State (SLS) of the
overtopped slopes covered with Tetrapods: breakwater under study. The maximum tolerable
wave height in the marina basin during normal
Hs N od 0 .5 weather conditions is set at Ht = 0.5m. The wave
= f i ( 3 . 75 + 0 . 85 ) s om -0 .2 (8) height inside the marina basin is considered a com-
Dn N 0 .25
bination of wave refraction - diffraction via the en-
where Hs = the significant wave height in front of the trance of the marina and wave transmission through
breakwater; Dn = the length of cube with the same and overtopping the breakwater (Dai Viet et al.
volume as Tetrapods defined as Dn = V1/3 = (M/c)1/3, 2008). The reliability function constructed to repre-
where V, M and c represent the volume, the mass sent the SLS is:
and the density of blocks, respectively, fi = a coeffi- Z = H t - ( K dif + K trans ) H s (13)
cient denoting the difference in the slope angle of
the tested model and the real design; Nod = the num- The transmission coefficient, Ktrans, is substituted in
ber of units displaced out of the armour layer within Equation 13 by the formula used in The Rock Man-
a strip width of one cube length Dn; N = the number ual (CIRIA, CUR, CETMEF, 2007) Ktrans = 0.46-
of waves; som = the wave steepness; and = (c/w)-1 0.3Rc/Hs. The diffraction coefficient, Kdif, is ap-
where w = the water density. Apart from the prob- proximated using the methodology presented in
ability distribution functions of the loading variables Goda (2010), assuming an angle of wave crest with
of Equation 8, defined in Section 2, the number of respect to bottom contours where the wave enters
waves, N, is considered to follow a Normal distribu- shallow water equal to 30o. Its resulting estimate is
tion function with =3000 and = 200, while Nod = Kdif = 0.245.
0.5 to correspond to the no damage level in relation After defining the ULS and SLS reliability func-
to the Hudson formula stability coefficient (CEM, tions, as well as the probability distribution func-
2006). Therefore, the reliability function for primary tions of the input variables, level III reliability
amour stability is: methods are used to estimate the failure probabilities
N od 0 .5 corresponding to each failure mode. Level III meth-
Z = f i ( 3 . 75 + 0 . 85 ) s om - 0 .2 D n - H s (9) ods calculate the probability of failure, by consider-
N 0 .25 ing the probability density functions of all strength
The reliability function constructed for the ero- and load variables and therefore the reliability of an
sion of the toe of the structure is based on the fol- element is linked directly to the failure probability
lowing Burcharth et al. (1995) formula: (CUR, 2002). More specifically, Monte Carlo simu-
lation techniques are used to extract the failure prob-
Hs hb 0 .15 abilities. The number of simulations for each failure
= ( 0 .4 + 1 . 6 ) N odtoe (10)
D n50 D n50 mode is 10000, in order to estimate the failure prob-
ability with good confidence. The probability of fail-
used for the stability of the toe formed by two layers ure is approximated for each failure mode by Pf nf /
of parallelepiped concrete blocks. In Equation 10, n, where n = the total number of simulations; and nf
Dn50 = the equivalent cube length of median block, hb = the number of simulations for which Z <0. After
= the water depth at the toe defined as the sum of defining the failure probability for each individual
high design water level and storm surge, while Nodtoe failure mode, fault-tree analysis is utilized to extract
= 2 to allow some flattening out of the toe. The reli- the total failure probability of the structure.
ability function used for toe stability of the breakwa-
ter is:
3.2 Economic optimisation
hb 0 .15 The boundary conditions for breakwater design in-
Z = ( 0 .4 + 1 . 6 ) N odtoe D n50 - H s (11)
D n50 clude hydraulic boundary conditions (wave height,
water level, storm surge and tide), as well as geo-
For excessive wave overtopping, the formula of technical and geometrical conditions. Considering
Eurotop (2008) (Equation 6) is used in the present the stochastic variables of the marine climate, the
work to derive the reliability function for overtop- distribution functions derived earlier (Section 2) are
used for the variables entering the limit state func- where CULS and CSLS = damage costs and Pf,ULS and
tions. Boundary conditions of both present climate Pf,SLS = probabilities of failure in case of ULS and
and future climate conditions are used as input in the SLS, respectively; r = the interest rate; and M = the
present work. A fault tree is then constructed includ- reference period for ULS and SLS failure. The prob-
ing both an ULS and a SLS for the breakwater under ability of failure for the ULS, Pf,ULS, is expressed in
study. This fault tree comprises of all the possible an annual scale, while the probability of failure for
limit states of the studied structure (Section 3). A the SLS, Pf,SLS, is expressed in a daily scale. To es-
large number of possible alternative geometries can timate the ULS damage cost, CULS, the cost of re-
then be tested, according to their performance for pairing the breakwater is assumed to reach up to
the limit state functions. For each such geometry, a 20% of the initial construction cost, while economic
failure probability is defined using probabilistic and damage costs include loss of direct income from the
numerical methods (Section 3). To decide whether a operations of the marina, as well as loss of indirect
geometry is applicable in one structural concept, an income, caused by bad reputation and competitive
acceptable value of the failure probability should be marinas. To estimate direct economic damage it is
prescribed. The combination of the calculated failure assumed that when a collapse by an extreme storm
probabilities and the probability constraint define the occurs, the marina has to cut its capacity by half and
set of acceptable geometries as (Voortman, 2003): this can last for up to half a year. Serviceability
Limit State costs, CSLS, are estimated per day of
D = {z Pf (z) Pf , max } downtime of the operations in the marina basin.
Daily losses of direct and indirect income are also
where z = the vector of the design variables; and estimated for each such day. The reference time, M,
Pf,max = the maximum acceptable failure probability for the ULS and the SLS in the present work is set to
of the breakwater. In the present study, the design M = 100 years. The interest rate is considered 5%,
variables that differentiate between various alterna- for both the present as well as the future conditions.
tives are the weight of the primary armour layer The structure of the optimization process is pre-
blocks, W, and the freeboard height, Rc, while the sented in Figure 2.
maximum acceptable failure probability is Pf,max =
10-2 per year.
Equation 14 provides a large number of alterna-
tive geometries, which fulfill the probabilistic con-
straint. To select among these solutions, it would be
really useful to estimate the costs of every alterna-
tive geometry. Therefore, a geometry is selected
which satisfies the probabilistic constraint, while
minimizing the economic expenses. In the present
study only the costs of construction and the expected
costs of failure (Dai Viet et al. 2008) are taken into
account in the optimization process. The direct costs
of construction can be written as a function of the
design variables:
I cons = I ( z ) = L.( A p ( z ) I parmour ( z ) +
+ As armour ( z ) I sarmour ( z ) + Acore ( z ) I core ( z ))
Figure 2. Structure of the optimization process
where z = the vector of design variables; L = the
length of the structure; Aparmour, Asarmour, Acore = the
areas of the cross sections of the primary armour Before minimizing the total lifetime costs, a more
layer, the secondary armour layer and the core of the simple minimization is performed. The failure prob-
breakwater, respectively, while Iparmour, Isarmour, Icore ability is Pf = 10-2 per year and the space of accept-
= the respective costs by volume. able geometries is defined as:
The expected costs of failure are calculated for
the total lifetime of the breakwater, which in the pre- D = { z P f ( z ) = 10 and minIcons(z)} (16)
sent work is set to 100 years and represent economic
damage in case of failure, as well as costs of repair. Optimisation is performed in this case for the weight
The formula to extract the costs of failure is (Dai of the Tetrapod, or the equivalent length of cube
Viet et al. 2008): with the same volume as the Tetrapod, Dn, and the
freeboard height, Rc, by a minimization of the con-
CULS P f ,ULS ( z ) 365C SLS P f , SLS ( z ) struction cost of the breakwater (Equation 15). Re-
I failure = (1 + r ) i
(1 + r ) i
(16) sults of the optimization process for Dn and Rc, for
i =1
both present and future climate conditions are given the crest level of the breakwater is estimated about
in Figures 3-4. Points correspond to estimated costs 7.7% higher compared to the solution for the present
for selected pairs of design variables, while lines re- climate. Comparing the extracted results for present
sult from the fitting of polynomial functions to the climate data with those of the deterministic design of
estimated costs. Section 2, it can be noted that the latter overesti-
mates the Tetrapod weight up to almost 9%, while
underestimates crest height up to almost 5%.
When failure costs are also considered and the set
of acceptable geometries is defined by Equation 14,
where Pf ,max= 10-2 per year, results of the optimiza-
tion process with regard to the block equivalent cube
length Dn, and the crest height, Rc, for present and
future climate conditions are presented in Figures 5-
6, respectively.

Figure 3. Construction costs as a function of Dn and Rc for pre-

sent climate conditions

Figure 5. Total lifetime costs as a function of Dn and Rc for

present climate conditions

Figure 4. Construction costs as a function of Dn and Rc for fu-

ture climate conditions

The optimum solution is found at Dn = 2.08m and

Rc = 6.5m for present climate conditions and at Dn =
2.21m and Rc = 7m for future climate conditions.
The equivalent weights of the Tetrapod blocks are W
Figure 6. Total lifetime costs as a function of Dn and Rc for fu-
19.8 t and W 23.8 t, for present climate and fu- ture climate conditions
ture climate conditions, respectively. Tetrapod units
are heavier for future conditions up to 20%, while
The total cost optimization procedure results in Dn = estimated following a deterministic procedure. Com-
2.1m and Rc = 6.9m for present climate conditions parison between optimized geometries for present
and Dn = 2.26m and Rc = 7m for future conditions. and future climate conditions shows an increase of
The equivalent weights of the Tetrapod blocks are W the weight of Tetrapod blocks and of the crest height
20.4 t and W 25.4 t, for present climate and fu- up to 24.5% and 1.5%, respectively. When a con-
ture climate conditions, respectively. Tetrapod units stant failure probability Pf = 10-2 is used and only
are heavier for future conditions up to 24.5%, while the construction cost is minimized, Tetrapod units
the crest level of the breakwater is estimated only and crest level of the breakwater for future climate
1.5% higher compared to the solution for the present conditions are up to 20% and 7.7% higher, respec-
climate. Comparing the extracted results for present tively, compared to the estimates for present marine
climate data with those of the deterministic design of conditions. The deterministic approach, as in the
Section 2, it can be noted that reliability-based opti- case of total lifetime cost minimization, seems to
mization presents lighter Tetrapod blocks (up to overestimate the Tetrapod weight and to underesti-
5.5%), but higher crest heights (up to 11.5%). The mate the crest height.
main differences between design techniques are at- In a general design problem, not only the armour
tributed to the use of an economic optimization pro- unit weight and the crest level can be considered as
cedure. When deterministic methods are imple- design variables to be estimated by an optimization
mented, the structure is designed to satisfy the procedure. Other variables describing the geometry
hydraulic requirements, but the costs of protection of the structure and also alternative choices for the
can not be considered. Reliability-based optimiza- materials of the structure can be included in the pro-
tion helps in obtaining optimal designs characterized cedure. A final choice between alternatives can be
by low costs, which can withstand a combination of based on a comparison of the properties of the re-
different limit states. sulting optimal design within each structural con-
cept. Other failure mechanisms, such as geotechnical
instability and excessive settlement or other limit
4 CONCLUSIONS states, such as Fatigue Limit States, can also be in-
corporated in the analysis to improve the calcula-
In the present study reliability-based design for a tions and provide more accurate results.
breakwater structure in the marine area of the French
city Le Havre is implemented both for present and
future climate conditions. The breakwater system 5 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS
protects the marina of Le Havre against undesirable
wave and sea level action. A maximum failure prob- The support of the European Commission through
ability equal to 10-2 per year is defined and the struc- FP7.2009-1, Contract 244104 - THESEUS Innova-
ture should meet the requirements. In order to make tive technologies for safer European coasts in a
a probabilistic optimization, the mechanisms that changing climate, is gratefully acknowledged.
lead to structural instability or losing of a specific
level of functionality are considered. Therefore, dif-
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