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Math - Problem Solving : Lost Buttons \"Take Away\"

Teacher Name: Ms. urieta

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 100 80 70
Student was able to Student used Student mostly used Student didn\'t use
understand subtraction concept subtraction concept the subtraction
subtraction concept to find the differences to find the differences concept to find the
between two between two differences between
numbers numbers two numbers
stay on task Student stayed on Student stayed on Student did not stay
task & completed the task but did not on task and decided
assignment that was complete the to not complete the
assign assignment assignment

Knowledge gain Student understands Student understands Student shows very

the the limited understanding
subtraction\"takeawa subtraction\"takeawa on how to use the
y\" concept to solve y\" concept but still subtraction\"takeawa
the problem has difficulty to solve y\" concept to solve
working in partners Student was actively the problem
Student was engage in the problem
Student was reminded
engaged with partner the activity but having to stay engaged and
to understand the difficulty work with their
activity understanding the partner
activity with partner
solution Student answer was Student answer was Student answer was
correct because they incorrect by a incorrect because
understood the subtraction mistake they don\'t
subtraction concept of but understands how understand the
two numbers to use the subtraction subtraction concept of
concept two numbers
Date Created: Jun 27, 2017 12:12 am (CDT)

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