February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II/11-12/MT/Eco-II Time: 1 Hours Max. Marks: 60 Answer All The Questions

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February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II/11-12/MT/Eco-II

TIME: 1 HOURS Economics-II Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. Inflation occurs when the volume of money actively bidding for goods and services increases faster than
the available supply of goods. Who has given this definition?

Write two more definitions of inflation and explain in detail, different types of inflations.
What are the main ideas of Classical Theory of Employment? Give a brief sketch of Keynesian Theory
of Employment and explain in detail with diagram, the Principle of Effective Demand.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. The GDP in the year 2010-11 was Rs. 58460 crores at current prices. The index number of the base year
(2000-01) was 100 and for the current year it was 185 Calculate the GDP at constant price.
3. Explain the expenditure method of calculation of GDP.
4. Place a formula and calculate the value of Multiplier (K), if the marginal propensity to consume is 7/8.
5. Make a difference between deflation and disinflation.
6. Give any four causes of inflation.

(Section C)

(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be-

i. Stagflation is a situation which is accompanied by:

(a) Rise in prices, rise in employment (b) Rise in prices, fall in employment
(b) Fall in prices, rise in employment (d) Fall in prices, fall in employment.
ii. GDP includes goods and services produced within the territory.
iii. GDP at factor cost = GDP at market price .
iv. When continuous rise in demand causes inflation, it is known as:
(a) Cost push inflation (b) Demand pull inflation
(c) creeping inflation (d) Open inflation
v. In a situation of deflation, the value of money.. .
vi. Reflation is a situation which is known by rise in price.
vii. Give a classic example (year and country) of hyper inflation.. .
viii. Under the Product Method, GDP at current prices can be calculated as total product multiplied
by.. .
ix. In Pigous view, income earned from abroad is part of National Income. (True/False)
x. One of the causes of inflation is natural calamities. (True/False)
February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II/11-12/MT/Eng-II
TIME: 1 HOURS English-II Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. To be, or not to be, - that is the question:-
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them?
(i) Paraphrase the literary piece of art above.
(ii) Is it a prose piece or poetry? Justify on the basis of reader-response theory.
(iii) What are study skills? How do they differ from linguistic skills? Do they help you in anyway to make
possible interpretation(s) of the lines given above?
(iv) What is Deconstructive Reading of a Text?
Distinguish between the different types of negative sentences, indicating both their semantic and structural features.
Give examples to illustrate your answer.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. The thought processes behind the communication are extremely important. Study these behavioural stands in the
expressions given below and answer the questions that follow:
Im OK - Youre OK
Im OK Youre not OK
Im not OK - Youre OK
Im not OK - Youre not OK
(i) How is assertiveness linked to communication?
(ii) Why is assertiveness imperative if one aims at becoming an effective communicator?

3. Comment in brief two-parody lawyers speech & legitimacy of suicide with reference to the grave-digger scene in
Shakespeares Hamlet.
4. Raising too many queries regarding the question paper in the examination hall by the interactant reveal a certain
strategic subtext. State the subtext to improve upon talk tactics.
Distinguish between the following:
5. Minutes and Memo
6. A Position Paper and A Term Paper
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be-
State True/False:
i. Ophelias death case from the view point of grave-diggers comes as a dramatic relief in Shakespeares Hamlet.
ii. Play within Play for the discovery of truth is called intertextuality.
iii. Inability to establish credibility in the communication process leads to frequent interruptions.
iv. Errors in language, grammar, or visual representation of facts take away correctness.
v. The excitement and enthusiasm in the voice get reflected in the high pitch adopted by the speaker.
Give Meaning:
vi. Business gaze.
vii. Equal handshake.
viii. Stuttering eye.
ix. Stammering eye.
x. Tragic flaw.

February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II/11-12/MT/Hist-II
TIME: 1 HOURS History-II Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. What were the socio-economic causes that led to the rising of 1857? What was its nature?
With the start of the Swadeshi movement at the turn of the century, the Swadeshi movement took a major
leap forward. Comment

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. The Subsidiary Alliance.
3. The Sanyasi Rebellion.
4. The Safety Valve Theory.
5. Features of the Tribal Revolts during the British period
6. HSRA and its objectives.

(Section C)

(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be-

i. What was the Golden Firman?

ii. What does Absentee Sovereignty in the context of the British rule in India connote?
iii. What was the Drain of Wealth theory?
iv. The chief Army reform affected by the Queens Proclamation of 1858 was. .
v. What was the chief reason for the Rising of Diwan Velu Thampi?
vi. movement was the most serious, sustained and well-organised challenge to the British
supremacy in the nineteenth century.
vii. was an active Corps of Volunteers during the Swadeshi movement.
viii. What was the objective for establishing the India House?
ix. ..was the most significant anti-imperialist movement of the Indians overseas.
x. B.G. Tilak brought out the famous newspaper. .

February, 2012 LLB/SEM-II/11-12/MT/LoL
TIME: 1 HOURS Language of Law Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. Plain English is prose carefully written in a way that best serves the readers. The main goal is
to convey ideas with the great possible clarity. Discuss this statement in the light of
definition, characteristics and criticism of plain language?
Write an essay on the composition and functions of the Commission constituted under article
344 of the Constitution of India?
(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. What is ambiguity? Define ambiguities of law. Explain with the help of relevant examples.
3. Write a note on language of Supreme Court and High Courts?
4. Define accessory and its related concepts with the help of relevant example?
5. Discuss the concepts of mistake of fact and mistake of law?
6. What do you understand by the terms Socialist and Secular added by the 42nd Amendment
Act, 1976 in the Preamble to the Constitution?

(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Explain the following maxims and terms.
i. in pari-delicto.
ii. cordiam non judice.
iii. causa-sine qua non.
iv. autrefois convict.
v. actio-non datur non-damnificato.
vi. bona-vacantia.
vii. locus-standi.
viii. Full blood relation.
ix. Compensatory costs.
x. Consolidation of statutes.

February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II/11-12/MT/LoC-I
TIME: 1 HOURS Law of Contract I Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. A firm was engaged in the manufacture of Vanaspati Ghee. It diversified its activities with a view to taking
benefits announced by the State of Karnataka in 2000; namely, cash subsidy and interest free loan for
promoting industrial expansion in backward areas. It was accordingly awarded a sum of Rs. 10,00,000 as
cash subsidy out of which Rs. 2,00,000 remained to be paid. By a subsequent decision in 2002 the
government reserved the edible oil industry including manufacture of Vanaspati Ghee for the cooperative
sector with the result that the above benefits were no longer available to the industrial units like the firm.
The firm sought the benefits originally promised by the government through writ petition. Argue on behalf
of the firm and decide the citing the Supreme Court cases.
What is the role of public policy in Government Contracts? Explain in detail with the help of the case law.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. A tradesman advertised goods at a specified price. X entered the tradesmans shop and persisted in
demanding the goods at that price. The tradesman refused to deliver them and at last told X to leave the
shop. Is the tradesman bound to sell the goods at the specified price? Why?
3. Distinguish an auction with reserve from an auction without reserve.
4. A offers his land to B for a certain price, saying that B may signify his acceptance by eating his breakfast
or by hanging out his flag on August 15th.If B shows that he had no intent to accept, and that he ate his
breakfast merely because he was hungry or hung out his flag because it was his patriotic custom, will
contract be formed between A and B? Why?
5. X wished to sell some properties and he engaged an agent to find him a purchaser. He promised to pay
the agent a commission of Rs. 5,000 on the completion of the sale if he found a purchaser for at least Rs.
2,00,000. The agent found a purchaser willing to complete the sale but the defendants changed their minds
and eventually disposed of the properties by a method which did not involve their sale. Can the agent
claim commission? Why?
6. What are the essential ingredients of a government contract? Explain in brief with the help of Supreme
Court judgments the consequences of non compliance of these ingredients.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be
i. You send by post to me an offer requiring an immediate reply. Unknown to you, I am absent on a
months holiday or in hospital for a sudden operation or called away for the day on business owing
to any of these causes, I do not open your letter at the time which would be considered normal. Is
the offer still open? Why?
ii. What principle was laid down in Dunlop v. Selfridge (1915) AC 847.
iii. When will contract be formed in a standing offer? Cite the name of one case.
iv. What reasons were furnished by our Law Commission in its 13th Report to apply S.65 of the Indian
Contract Act to minors agreement?
v. When can a minor enforce a contract through his guardian? Write one judgment.
vi. How to decide whether a company is competent to enter into a particular contract or not?
vii. When can a compromise of doubtful claims be enforced?
viii. Can a creditor, who forbore to sue, enforce a debtors promise to furnish security?
ix. What does the doctrine of fundamental breach speak of?
x. When should the highest bidder be knocked down property in an auction sale? Why?

February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II/11-12/MT/Pol.Sc.-II
TIME: 1 HOURS Political Science-II Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)

1. Critically evaluate the Hubs and the Spokes Model of International Relations.
America is a dependant colossus. Comment.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. Dtente
3. Meaning and symptoms of Cold War
4. Policy of Containment
5. End of History debate
6. The clash of civilizations

(Section C)

(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be-

i. Who wrote the book The rise and fall of great empires?
ii. Who are theatre Peers?
iii. What is the full form of SEATO?
iv. In which year was NATO set up?
v. Clinton doctrine states that US should intervene only when vital American interests are
involved. (True/False)
vi. According to New York Times, who is the worlds second superpower?
vii. What is the meaning of Glasnost and Perestroika?
viii. What is the full form of C4ISR?
ix. Who is the author of the book Making sense of Chindia?
x. Name the year in which Joseph Nye wrote the book, The paradox of American Power-Why
the worlds superpower cannot go alone.

February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II/11-12/MT/Psycho-II
TIME: 1 HOURS Psychology-II Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. Psychological disorders are the product of multiple interacting causal factors, elucidate.

Battered Woman Syndrome is an important psychological construct to help courts in the cases of domestic
violence, comment.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. Point out gender differences in the symptoms of conduct disorder.
3. How psychological dysfunction may indicate the presence of psychopathology?
4. Describe three major phases of reaction of body to sustained and excessive stress.
5. Mention the events for which compensation for traumatic symptoms can be sought through legal channels.
6. Throw light on the shattered basic assumptions of life among individuals suffering from Rape Trauma

(Section C)

(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be-

i. Sufficient cause is a condition which may increase the probability of occurrence of a disorder.
ii. Cultural norms set the standards for normal and abnormal behaviour. (True/False)
iii. The terms anxiety, fear and panic can be used interchangeably.
iv. The fusion of thought and action is not found in obsessive compulsive disorder. (True/False)
v. In enmeshed families individuals are not able to enjoy personal. .
vi. Things should turn out as I want them to be is an example of. .
vii. Dyscalculia signifies deficiency in. .
viii. The onset of symptoms in delayed PTSD occurs at least after. of experienced trauma.

Define the following:

ix. Co-morbidity.
x. Cyber- bullying.

February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II(A)/11-12/MT/SBL
TIME: 1 HOURS Study of Basics of Legislation Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. Write all the contents of a legislation and importance of any four.
What is the meaning of means, includes and shall mean in Definition Clause? Discuss with the help
of relevant Case Law.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. In present day practice, what are four legislative areas where a Preamble is used?
3. Role of doctrine of Pith and Substance.
4. Differentiate between Preamble and Long title.
5. Role of Saving Clause in interpretation of legislation.
6. Doctrine of repugnancy.

(Section C)

(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be-

i. Name the two jurists who are not in favour of using Preamble in the legislation.
ii. Which section of General Clauses Act, 1897, lays down that an Act or regulation may be cited by
reference to the title or short title conferred thereon?
iii. What do you mean by Executive legislation?
iv. What is the difference between Illustration and Explanation?
v. Give one example of any provision in which you find proviso.
vi. According to In Re Barubari Union, AIR 1960 SC 845, Preamblepart of Constitution.
(is/is not)
vii. Raghvendra Singh v Puspendra Singh, AIR 1955 HP 19 is the case related to.. .
viii. What is the purpose of Objects and Reason Clause?
ix. Write any one difference between proviso and exception.
x. Preamble of legislation can be amended. (True/False)

February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II(B)/11-12/MT/SBL
TIME: 1 HOURS Study of Basics of Legislation Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. Discuss the rationale of jurisprudential theories (especially the sociological and historical school)
relating to the legislative production of law.
Administrative rule-making involves the consideration of delegated legislation in accordance with the
different purposes for which it is made to serve. In the light of the statement, explain the purpose
based classification.
(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
2. Re-statement.
3. Salmonds classification of Legislation.
4. Ascetic Principle of Legislation.
What is/ are
5. Rules (any four) for drafting a Definition Clause in Legislation
6. The purpose of inserting a proviso in legislation.

(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be-
Name the doctrine:
i. You cannot do indirectly what you cannot do directly.
ii. That challenges the validity of the acts of a legislature.
State True/False:
iii. Illustration also serves the same purpose as that of the explanation.
iv. The marginal notes may be considered as an aid to construction.
v. Rule making authority cannot delegate its power unless the power of delegation is contained in the
enabling act.
vi. The doctrine of Separation of Powers is implicit in the American Constitution.
Fill in the blanks:
vii. According to Durkheim, two types of societal cohesion are... .
viii. Auguste Comte method of study of law is called .. .
Tick mark the correct option:
ix. How is delegated legislation controlled?
a) Parliamentary scrutiny and judicial review.
b) Judicial review.
c) Intervention by the Ombudsman.
d) There is no control over delegated legislation
x. Which of the following is not a type of delegated legislation?
a) Code of Practice.
b) Regulations.
c) Rules.
d) Statutory Instruments.

February, 2012 LLB/ SEM-II/11-12/MT/Socio-II
TIME: 1 HOURS Sociology-II Max. Marks: 60
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(Section A)
(Answer in approximately 300 words)
(1 x 20)
1. Indian villages exhibit a great deal of diversity. Critically comment on the statement with examples.


Write in detail the status of Panchayatiraj System in post- independent India. Comment on the structure
of the first tier of this system.

(Section B)
(Answer in approximately 50 words)
(5 x 4)
Write short notes on the following:

2. Hindu Jajmani System.

3. Women and Caste System
4. Sanskritization and Westernization
5. Hindu Social Order and Purusharthas
6. Universalization and Parochialization

(Section C)

(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be-

i. The number of villages in India is more than six lakhs. (True/ False)
ii. Village Rampura was studied by. .
iii. Nayar caste group is matrilineal. (True/ False)
iv. S.C. Dube advocates for multiple tradition model of culture. (True/ False)
v. W.H.Wiser is associated with:
a) caste system b) jajmani system c) panchayatiraj system d) none
vi. Which of the following feature is not related to Dominant Caste:
a) numerical predominance b) high ritual status
c) control over economic power d) participation in government jobs
vii. Kaka Kalelkar Committee is associated with. .
viii. The book Behind Mud Walls is written by.. .
ix. Caste is a closed class. (True/ False)
x. Name the state with maximum numbers of villages in India.


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