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Western Grammar School - 2017

Business Studies Preliminary Course

Assessment Task 3 Business Planning Group Presentation

Task type: Presenting a Business Plan

Weighting: 30%
Date of issue: Term 1, Week 9
Due date: To be presented in class during Term 2, Week 8

Outcomes to be assessed:
P3 describes the factors contributing to the success or failure of small to medium enterprises
P6 analyses the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders
P8 evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations
P9 communicates business information and issues in appropriate formats

Using the scenario below you are to form a group and present a business plan for a small-medium
enterprise (SME) in the form of a group powerpoint presentation (2 students per group). Your
presentation should be between 5 and 10 minutes long and should include the relevant headings
listed in the scaffold below. You may refer to your class notes and other resources.

Scenario: You are the successful owner of a small-medium enterprise that wishes to expand its
operations internationally. You are presenting at a conference for young entrepreneurs who are
seeking support from financial investors who are also in attendance at the conference.
You are competing with other SMEs and must show the investors why they should invest in your
business over others. You are encouraged to show innovation and creativity in your presentation,
whilst simultaneously displaying knowledge of business terms and ideas.

Scaffold: You will need to cover the relevant details under each heading:
Business name Legal structure
Vision Business goals
Situational analysis Operations
Marketing Finance
Human Resources Forecasting
Benefits for the investor

Assessment criteria You will be assessed on how well you:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of business structures, influences, functions and
Analyse the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders
Communicate in a coherent and well-organised manner using information relevant to the

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Names: ____________________________________
Marking guidelines Business Plan presentation

Criteria Mark
Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of business structures, 25 30
influences, functions and processes
Thoroughly analyses the responsibilities of business to internal and external
Clearly communicates in a coherent and well-organised manner using information
relevant to the scenario
Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of business structures, 19 24
influences, functions and processes
Analyses in detail the responsibilities of business to internal and external
Communicates in a coherent and well-organised manner using information relevant
to the scenario
Demonstrates knowledge and some understanding of business structures, 13 18
influences, functions and processes
Explains the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders
Communicates some information relevant to the scenario
Demonstrates basic understanding of at least some business structures, influences, 7 12
functions and processes
Presents some explanation of the responsibilities of business to internal and external
May provide information relevant to the scenario
Demonstrates limited understanding of business 16
May present some basic explanation of the responsibilities of business to internal
and external stakeholders that may be relevant to the scenario

Teacher Comments
Things your group did well Areas of improvement

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