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The Case for the UFO

Author M. K. Jessup
Isbn 9781479151431
File size 0.8MB
Year 1957
Pages 166
Language English
File format PDF

Category Astronomy

Book Description:


The INFAMOUS Annotated Version of The Case for UFOs by Morris Jessup. In 1957, Morris
Jessup was approached by two mysterious Naval officers who informed Jessup that a man, who
called himself Carlos Allende, had extensively annotated Jessups seminal book "The Case for
the UFO" with a bizarre commentary involving time travel, electromagnetic forces, even the
teleportation of a battleship. The story, already a little strange, was made even more peculiar
when he discovered that the Office of Naval Research took things much mucher further, even
going the trouble of re-printing this annotated version for limited distribution within the Office of
Naval Research. They even used multi-colored inks to simulate the pens used in the handwritten
notes. This book printed by the Varo Manufacturing Company of Garland, Texas is now
known as the infamous Varo Edition.

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