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gE SOLVED PAPER 2016 Directions (1-10): In the following questions, some parts of thesentences have errors and some arecorrect Find out which part of a sentence has an error and blacken the circle corresponding to the appropriate options. Ifa sentence is free {from error, blacken the circle corresponding to “No Error” in theanswer Sheet. 4. Inthe valley of Kadisha (a)/ where the mighty river flow, ()/twolittlestreamsmet.(6)/ Noerror(@) 2, The aeroplane (b)/ not only crashes (b)/ but also caught fire. ()/Noerror(a) 3 They not only came (a)/ late but also (b)/ go away early. (©)/Noerror(d) 4 Alqueryil(2/beanswered(b/ bythe chitinstractor 5 Had Mukesh work hard (a)/ he would have got a (b)/ distinction intheexam. (€)/ Noerror(d) 6. The beggar thanks (a)/ him a lot (b)/ for the help. (¢)/ No error(d) 7. The litte girl was playing (a)/ with her brother (b)/ over thelawn. (¢)/Noerror(d) 8. North-East India (a)/ has a beautiful places (b)/ to visit. (0 Noerror(a) 9. There were no furniture (a)/ in the flat (b)/ except for a couple ofbeds.()/Noerror(@) 40, Maintaining a healthy body and engaging (a)/ in activities according to. time-tables will give you (b)/ thefeeling that youhaveenough time todo everything. (c)/ Noerror(d) Directions (11-15): In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. ‘Choose the most appropriate alternative Out ofthe four and {ndiatitby blackening the appropriate circle inthe Ansver et. 44. Youwill com 2 {@) willyou (b) shouldn'tyou (©) arentyou (2) won'tyou 12, Admission was. ladies, (a) restricted by () restricted to (©) limitedby (d) limited of 413. The palace gardens.. to the public on Saturdays and Sundays. {@) isopen () areopen (©) isopening (d) isopened 14 I... .«you to be home by 8 o'clock. (@) accept (b) aspect (©) except (d) expect 15. Twoboy (a) deputed| n (0 give (@) decided Directions (16-20): In the following questions, out of the Jour alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the ‘meaning ofthe given word and markit inthe Answer Sheet. 16. BARGAIN (@) Bonus (b) Negotiate (©) Dispute (d) Surplus 17. ROBUST (a) Sturdy. (b) Heavy © Thin (d) Weak 18. SUBMISSIVE (2) Unyielding (b) Stubborn (©) Doeile (@) Obstinate 19. SUPPLE (2 (@) Round (b) Rigid (©) Flexible (@) Hard 20, AFFLUENT (@) Precious (b) Benevolent (©) Friendly (@) Wealthy Directions (21-25): in the following questions, choose the ‘word opposite in meaning tothe given word andmarkit inthe Answer Sheet. 21, AUTHENTIC (@) Daring (b) Enticing (©) Legitimate (@) Fictitious 22, CHOOSE (a) Want (b) Dislike (©) Desire (@ Reject 23, JUXTAPOSITION (a) Separation (®) Termination (©) Proximi (@) Remoteness 24, BOLD (a) Timid () Brave (©) Beautiful (a) Wealthy 25. HASTEN (a) Obstruct (b) Instruct (©), Slow (a) Lack Directions (26-30): In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase underlined. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and markitin the Answer Sheet. 26, After much contemplation the two rivals decided to bury thehatchetand workinunison. {a) getreconciled (©) hide theirseerets 27. Anaxetogrind (a) Nosense (©) Noproperty 28, Aburning problem (@) Anurgent, important problem (b) Adangerousproblem {© Aproblemonfire (@)_Aproblem thatis obvious ‘29, Mycolleaguemadehismarkasalawyeratan early age. (@) distinguished himself (b) createdavacaney (©) desiredtobe (2) secured good marks ‘30, Tamallearstolistento yourstories of chivalry. (a) suspicious (b) worried (©) eager (@) curious Directions (31~35): Inthe following questions, the first and the last parts of the sentence/passage are numbered 1 and 6 The rest of the sentence/passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentence/passage and find out which of the four combinations is correct and indicate it by blackening the appropriatecirelein the Answer Sheet. (b) gotheirown way (@) defeattheirenemies (b) Noworktodo (@) Personalendtoserve 31. 1. Housingfacilities P. tokeepup Q. withtheincreasing R. influxof S.. struggle population (a) SPOR ) RP: (©) RQPS Gere 32.1. Iwouldurgeyou P. andtakenofurther action Scanned by CamScanner : Q. sympatheticview R. totakeavery S. ofthematter 6. againsther. (@) RSQP (© ROSP 33.1, Accumulation P. aimof Q. isnot RL thesole S. ofwealth 6. humanlife. (a) sQRP (©) QRsP 34.1. Alarge P. beenfelledby Q. numberofsandalvwood R. anotorious S$. treeshave 6. gangster. (@) SPOR (©) RQPS 35-1. Mr. Hawking PL canwrite Q. atthe University of Cambridge R. onhiscomputer 8. whoteaches 6. usingacheeksensor. (a) SPOR (©) PRSQ Directions (36~45): Inthe following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out ofthe alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice and mark youranswerin the Answer Sheet. 36. Wemust reduce pollution in bigcities. (a) Pollution will bereduced by usin big ii (b) Pollution must be reduced by usin big (€) Pollution shouldbereducedby usinbigeities. (@) Pollution would be reduced by usin bigeities, 37. Theinvigilator wasreadingout theinstruetions. (2) Theinstructionshad been read outby the invgilator. (b) Theinstructions had been read by the invigiator. (©). Theinstructionswerereadby the invigilator, structions were being read out by the invigilator. 38. Youneedtoclean yourshoes properly. (a) Yourshoesareneeded byyou tociean properly. (b) Your shoesneedtobecleaned properly (©) Yourshoesareneeded toclean properly. (@)_ Youare needed toclean your shoes properly. 39. Heteachesus English. (a). Englishwillbetaughttousbyhim. (b) Wewere taught English by him, (c) Englishistaughttousbyhim (a) Wearetaught English by him, 40. Mymother has cooked dinner forme. (a). Mydinnerwas cooked by my mother. (b) Mother cooked my dinner forme. (c) Dinner wascooked by my mother. (@)_Dinnerhasbeen cooked forme by my mother. 44. Bodylanguage is used by all ood communicators. (a) Good communicatorsuse the body languages. (b)_ Good communicators were using body language. (©) Allgood communicators use body language. (@) Allgood communicators areusingbodylanguage. ovation toMaradona, (b) SPRQ (a) RPSQ (b) PRQS (@) RSPQ (b) RPSQ (@) QSPR (b) SQPR (a) RSQP. crowd. (b) Maradona gaveastanding ovation to the crowd, (©) Maradona was given astanding ovation by the, (@) Maradona is being given a standing ovation by ty crowd. 43. Peopleavoid crowded buses. (a) Peopleavoid the buses that are crowded. (b) Crowded buses have been avoided by people. (©) Peopleareavoided by crowded buses. (@) Crowded busesareavoided by people. ‘44. Fourlanguages were studied by him at school. (a) Fourlanguageshestudied at school. (b) Hestudied fourlanguagesatschool. (©) Atschool, hestudied fourlanguages. (4) Hehad studied fourlanguages atschool. 4. Wedonotadvisehim these days. {a) Hewill notbeadvised these daysby us. (b) Hehasnotbeenadvised these days by us. (©) Heisnotadvised these days by us. (@)_ Hewasnot advised these daysby us. Directions (46-35): In the following questions, a partofite sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives tote underlined part which may improve the sentence. Choose tt correct alternative. In case no improvement is required, ‘choose “No Improvement” option. Mark your answer in tie Answer Sheet. 46. Her workagreatimprovementshowed last year. (a) showed agreat improvement (b) improvementagreatshowed (©) agreatshowedimprovement (@)_ Noimprovement 47- Willyoumevisitand comein the hospital? (a) ‘comeand visit me (b) visitmeandcome (©) comeand me visit (@)_Noimprovement (a) Maradona had been given a standing ovation by: 48. Yourhairneedscuttingbadly. (@) Badlyyourhairneeds cutting (b) Yourhairneedscutting real bad (©) Yourhairbadlyneedscutting (@_Noimprovement 49. Ifonlyhecan swim! (a) would 0 (b) could (6) will (a) Noimprovement 550. Strict laws were passed so that this cruel custom wa® more (a) eradicated (b) wipedoft (©) doneaway with (@)_Noimprovement ‘51. Pleaseexaminemyhomework. (a) see (b) check (c) investigate (@) Noimprovement 52. Thesheriffarrested the hoodlums for th the (a) tossing (b) cracking (©) _ breaking (a) Noimprovemeat '53- Totellyouthetruth, Iamnot there lastnight. (a) is (b) was. © were (€)_Noimprovement 54. They spent many deallyhours just siting inthe So (@) ideallyhour @) idlehours (© idlyhours (a) Noimprovemet 85- There are many communicable diseases and alm6 ‘communicable diseases could be prevented. (@) communicabledisease ean (&) communicable diseases should (©) communicable diseasescan (2) Noimprovement at Directions (56-65): In the following questions. a5eM ts has been given in Direct/Indivect, Out of the four alter™™™ —_d Scanned by CamScanner Fr suet the one which best expresses the same sot Shfect Direct and mark your answer in the se het sours gig “The Barthgoesroundthe Sun.” 3 Tete gchersadthe Earth went round theSun, () Mhelfehersaidthe Earth goes round the Sun, (6) Tet eshersadthat he Earth goes round heSun, co) The ebersaidthat the Farthwent round theSun, rn stam not coming tomorrow.” hyd hewacoming thenext day Bea urease coming ene. © Rpvsailthathewascomingtomorow, ( Rahasaithateiscomingthe next day Be Alteplayers must reportintime.” esd hall the payers musttoreportintime, ) Hesadthaalltheplayershad toreportintime. © lesaidthataltheplayershad reportedintime, (9 Hesidthatalltheplayers must be reported ntime. spp davghter said toome, “Tam thinking of geting ted” iy daughter told me that she was thinking of getting rmaried. (4) My daughter told me that she wil be thinking of ingmaried. (o) hivdaughterthinks of getting married. (9) Ay daughter told me that she is thinking of getting married. fo. isunde said, "Tam always punctual.” (@) Hisunce sid thathe was always punctual. (0) Hisunclesaid that I wasalvays punctual (0) Hisunclesaid thathe isalways punctual (@) Hisunclsaid that fam always punctual. (4. "Waitoutside,"the receptionisttold me. (a) Thereceptionistasked metowaitoutside. (0) Thereceptionist told to me wait outside (©) Thereceptionistasked me wait outside, (@) Thereceptionisttold mewait outside. (a. The examiner said, "Candidates at the exam hall were eras.” (a) The examiner said that candidates at the exam hall tadbeennervous. (© The examiner said that candidates at the exam hall havebeen nervous. (©) The examiner said that candidates were nervous at theexam hall (The examiner said that candidates at the exam hall vasnervous. 2 64, Ruma aid tothe passer-by, “Whereis theticket counter?” (0) Rama asked the passer-by if there was a ticket counter. () Rama asked the passer-by where was the ticket counter. 0 ama asked the passer-by where the ticket counter as, 6, 2 Rimaaskedthepasser-by where the ticket counters "iid tothe shopkeeper, “How muchdo you want me pavforthisdres?™ J 2 asked he shopkeeper how Be wanted her to forthat dress. © ask the shopkeeper if he wanted er ts ress. (9 Ragin asked the shopkeeper how much he wants her w pee forthat dress atin asked the shopkeeper how much he wanted 5 tig tay forthat dress. © tasked “Where have you lost the new pen? him wherehe haslostthenew pen Nene ss (b) Lasked himwherehe hadlostthe new pen. (©) Laskhimwherehad he lostthenew pen. (@)_ Lasked him wheredid he ose thenew pen. h Directions (66-85): Jn the following questions, i” Mit {following two passages some of the words have been left out ‘Read the passages carefully and choose the correct answer {0 each questionout ofthe our alternativesandfilinthe blanks. Passage ~1 To every foreign...(66)...ndia has something to.~.(67)-~ Those fascinated with our past can feast thelr eyes, of the... (68)..offormerly princely states —thecarefully restored palates, forts and antique collections. Those taken in by our...(69)...will ind a number of...(70)...waiting to have fresh recruits, preferably from the...(71)..West. Here one can buy...(72).uthat the best traditional craftsmanship can produce, ..(7)..t00 can take their pick for India has warm Water. (7)ny Vast open spaces, snowy mountain peaks and uxurious tropical...(75)- 66, (a) person (b) man (©) human (@) tourist 67. (a) offer (b) take (©) give (@) see 68, (a) ruins (b) monuments (©) remains (a) leftovers 69, (a) culture (6) spirituality (@) traditions 70. (a) godmen (b) leaders: (6) teachers (@) gurus 71. (a) affluent (b) intelligent (c) prominent {@) lenient 72. (a) articles (b) things (©) handicrafts @ gifts 73- (a) Naturelovers (b) Wildifeenthusiasts {e) Mountaineers (@) Divers 74. (a) seas (b) beaches (@) sands (@) rivers 75. (a) forests () shrubs (©) bushes (@) trees Passage - II ‘There...(76)..a large colony of monkeys in Bareilly jail. One day a baby monkey...(77) come down near our rooms and he~-(78)_~.not get up on the wall again. Some prisoners and warders...(79)...hold of him and tied a bit of strin...(80). his neck The parents ofthe litle one saw all this...(81)...the top of the high wall, and their anger...(82)... . Suddenly the father, a huge monkey, jumped down, and charged almost right.(83)..thecrowd which was around the baby monkey. It, twas.a brave thing todo, for the men. .(84)...many in number. But the monkey's courage won and the crowd of men fled, terrified, Ieaving their sticks behind them. The little monkey was taken backt0its...(85).~ 76. (a) are (b) happens: (c) was (d) is 77. (a) happening (©) happen (c) happens (@) happened 78. (a) could (b) would (c) can (@) will 79. (a) catch (b) caught (@) wascaught (@) catching 80.(0) 3 @) over (6) around (@ on 81. (a) form ©) from 8 over a above ‘82. (a) grew (b) growing (o) brew @) bol 8s. (a) upon (6) under © into @ in Scanned by CamScanner 84. (a) were (b) be (©) was. @) is 85. (a) tree (b) cave (©), mother (@) brother Directions (86~100): In the following questions, you have three brief passages with 5 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and mark it by blackening theappropriate circle inthe Answer Sheet. Passage - 1 Clouds are an essential part of the weather conditions which exist around us. Warm air rises upwards in the atmosphere carrying with it dust and moisture from evaporated surface ‘water. Athigher altitudes the airis cooler and the vapour in the ‘warm air reachesits dew point’ where it changeseither to small particles of ice or into water, thus forming clouds. Since cloud formation takes place at different heights and temperatures, clouds are of different types. ‘There are basically three main types of douds. Up toabout 1-5km from the ground we generally see the first type called the ‘stratus’ cloud; on occasions itis the grey stratus clouds which bearlight rain. In colder areas the water in these clouds freezes, thus resulting in snowfall. Slowly rising warm air produces these clouds. Above these and up to about 4-5 km lie the ‘eumulus' clouds; the Muffy shapes area result of quickly rising warm air. Above the cumulus clouds, at an altitude of about 14 ‘km, float the ‘cirrus’ types of clouds. Cirrus clouds are wispy clouds formed at such a high altitude that they contain onl erystals. Lying between these three main types of clouds are other types like the ‘stratocumulus,, ‘altocumulus’,‘eirrocumulus', ‘altostratus'and ‘cumulonimbuis'clouds. 86. What docirrusclouds contain? (@) Water (b) Particles ofice (©) Lightrain (@) Toecrystals ‘87. Whatarethe three maintypesofclouds? (@) Cirrus, altostratus, cirrocumnulus (b) Cumulus,cirrus,aitocumulus (©) Stratocumulus, stratus,cumulonimbus (@) Stratus, cumulus, cirrus 88. Howare stratus clouds produced? (a) Byquickly ising cold air (b) Byslowlyrisingeoldair (©) Byslowlyrisingwarmair (@)_ By quickly rising warm air 89. Whatdoes quickly rising warm air produce? (a) Cumulusclouds (b) Altocumulus clouds (©) Stratusclouds (@) Altostratuselouds 90. Why aretthere different typesof clouds? (a) Because the atmosphere carries with it dust and moisture from evaporated surface water (b) Because cloud formation takes place in different heightsand temperatures (©) Because they are the essential part of the weather conditions (@) Because warmairrises upwardsin the atmosphere Passage ~ 11 Sariska National Park is a wildlife sanctuary, located at a distance of 107 km from Jaipur. The park possesses historical monuments and temples, which depict the legacy of the Maharajas of Alwar. The park is bigger than Ranthambore but has a similar topography. Though this sanctuary doesn’t have ‘many tigers yet, many wild animals dwell on the grounds of park. Apart from other carnivores and herbivores, you can also trace Rhesus Monkeys, which can usually be seen playing tricks upon each other around the Tad Vriksh (palm tree). The park also shelters many different species of birds including Bush oo2i4/SS.CENGLISH = __ omisscEncs == a Quails, Sand Grouses, Tree Pies, Golden Backed. Woodpeas crested Serpent Eagles and Great Indian Horned Owls, ang overs would definitely love this place, asiit will offer them gt of the best scenes to remember. The best place to spot wil at the waterholes where animals come to satisfy thei qi You can trace hundreds of birdsat the Kalighati Waterholeyt Nilgai can be spotted at Salupka Waterhole. ot. IntheSariska National Park, thereare (a) bothcarnivoresand herbivores (a) nocarnivores or herbivores (©) onlycarnivores (@)_ onlyherbivores ‘92. Animals cometo satisfy their thirstata (a) deep-well (b) bore-well (©) waterhole (@) borehole ‘93. TheSand Grouseisaspecies of {a) plants (b) trees (animals @ birds (94. Sariska National Parkisnot far from (a) Raipur (b) Mewar (© Jaipur (@) Jodhpur ‘95. Thepark possesses (a) monumentsand ramparts (b) monumentsand forts (©) templesand ramparts (@) monumentsandtemples Passage ~ IL Using modern computer technology, scientists have restr partofa fossil ofa raredinosaur that lived more than gomilia Years ago during the Cretaceous Period in what is net Mongolia, The focus of the study was the skull of Brlikosauns andrewsi, a 10-13 foot herbivorous dinosaur call Therizinosaur. Using a digital model of the fossil, the test virtually disassembled the skull of Erlikosaurus into & individual elements. They, then digitally filled in any bred and cracks in the bones, duplicated missing clements 2 removed deformation by applying. retro-deformatit techniques, digitally reversing the steps of deformation. Int final step, the reconstructed elements were re-assembled approach not only allowed the restoration of the complete of Erlikosaurus but also the study of its individual elemes “With modern computer technology such as CT scanning digital visualization, we now have powerful tools at isposal with which we can get a step closer to restore animals to their life-like condition” said author Step Lautenschlager from the University of Bristolin Britain. 96. Thesciemtists focussed on the study of (a) thetailofthedinosaur () theskullofthedinosaur (©) thelegofthedinosaur (@) thebonesof the dinosaur 97. Theteamapplied (a) deformation techniques (b) retro-formation techniques (©) formation techniques (@) retro-deformation techniques 98. Themainintention of Stephan Lautenschlager "2 (2) restoration of fossilized animals life @) tostudy dinosaurs (6) thedevelopment of powerful tools @) theprojection ofcomputer technology ‘99. Therizinosaurateonly (2) bothmeatandplants —(b) fruits (©, meat G@ plants aur 100. The restoration of a part ofthe fossil of the dinos™ possibleby aprocess of a) disassembling (©) assembling (b) formation (@) destruction ll Scanned by CamScanner © 2709 30 4 + 2 O 3 @) me @ of) 2 @ 23. @) 24. i 3 © 3% @) 34. (@) HO 2 © 4 O 44 & fo 2 O 3% 54 0 g@ 6 @ 63 (© 64. (a) fa 2@ 3 @ 7m @ Ko s@ 83 @ 84 @ 9% © 9% @) 94. (©) flow FIT flowed Frm wafer are past 21 crashes (V°)& FFT W crashed (V*)@ Afr aT past} wt 0 50H went RHP aT past #8 tue Singular) Fe queries (plural) SAT work Fart W worked Bt (past conditional)! 2@- Rule 20(2)of VERB hanks # FF thanked hm ART aT A past A Ae ware over FU on Bh inet aaa aa em 9. were & Fa SC was Fiat BHT TAT Subject (furniture) singular 10, tables Rae table BT eA Teh Tee a HAT 12, restricted to® Ferg SmPfENe, restricted by mr afer Mecsas) 4 THF explanations’ fey Word Meaning, 1 eee = os Note (26-30) :¢4 FH @ explanations? fy Idiom/Phrase — () 8.) 9. (@) 30. ) 46. Subject (Her work) + Verb (showed) 48. badlyneededaqa aftr aera #1 49. Ifonly Carr!) ++ past modal 50. eradicate WE 4 FCT, nomore%A, wipe off Ws ax FEAT, doaway with ret eT 54. ideal sree, idle ene / Far ara a 58. OTH mustreport™t had toreport 68, remains SRN, ruins At, monument #E, leftover cal 70. 3 godman wetayel awa ¥ xeon Pear wat #, ach adie 8 watts sit ¥ waar awa ¥ fret g recruits frre mar ®; affluent West 79. Catch hold of fs 3-1 ‘82. Options (c) 3#¢ (d) present ® & wrafis area ¥ past verb ql 99. fe ae we herbivorous, options (b) ste (4) AAT ae "Word - Meaning * Kenin/Negotnte et ore ET Tob / Sturdy rar a arartt & ara wat TAT Docile felding, z, ot anh qe wet Stubborn / Obstinate fe Seple ater Soe ug ereroent Se a safes Fictitious ara Enticing te, Legitimate au, Jumtapoiton SY ore cee Proximity ae Termination wae Masten eet ror Reconcile $e scr ieee Fre a ¥ sae iS.S.CENGLISH|) i093) ) Scanned by CamScanner SOLVED PAPER 2016 Direetions (1-10): In the following questions, some par the sentences have errorsand some are correct Find out which art of a sentence has an error and blacken the circle corresponding to the appropriate options. Ifa sentence isfree from error, blacken the cirele corresponding to “No Error” in the Answer Sheet. 1. want to exchange (a)/ my Maruti (b)/ froma Santro. (c)/ Noerror(d) 2. ‘There were extensive (a)/ lawn in front (b)/ of the bungalow. (c)/ Noerror(d) 3 Wise men follow nobel (a)/ ideas whereas fools (b)/ disregard them. e)/Noerror(@) 4 The navel officers (a)/ successfully fought the pirates (b)/ who had looted and plundered for many years. (e)/ No error(d) 5+ Heacted not (a)/ as per my advice (b)/ but somebody else. (©)/Noerror(d) 6. Thechairsin the(a)/ room are in a(by/ state disarray. (€)/ Noerror(d) 7- Ashoka the Great was (a)/ regarded one of the greatest ‘emperors (b)/ the world has ever produced. (c)/ No error @), 8. Will youplease (a)/ give me little milk (b)/ for my cat? (c)/ Noerror(d) 9+ Thelight bus (2) of thehall ()/needtobe changed. (0)/ ‘oerror(d) 10. A recent survey indicates (a)/ that the number of drug addicts (b)/ grew day by day. (c)/Noerror(d) Directions (11—15): In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the most appropriate alternative out of the four and indicat it by blackening the appropriate circle inthe Answer eet. 11. Donot look, son women, (up (b) down (e) right @ left 12. 1. _-himon this point. (a) agreeto (b) agreeing with (©) agreed with (@) admittedto ag. Thestrange inthrough the window lastnight. (a) creeps (b) creep (©) crept (@) creeping 14 The nononnvondiving here since 200 (2) arestill ) © are (@) willbe 45, Thespecialis.......--Youwant to meet isavailable only on Thursdays. (a) which (b) whom (0), whose (a) who Directions (16-20): In the following questions, out of the ‘four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the ‘meaning ofthe given wordand mark itin the Answer Sheet. 16. HESITATE (a) Resolve (b) Determine © Pause (a) Settle CONSCIOUSNESS (@) Vision (b) Understanding (©). Nothingness (@) Awareness 18, CALIBRE : (a) Career (b) Capacity (©) Calmness (@) Crowd 094) ¢/5.5.C. ENGLISH STENOGRAP! —— 19. PERSUADE > (ayDeter (b) Hinder (©) Coax (a) Restrain 20. WANDER (a) Race () Wrestle (©). Gallop (@) Roam Directions (21-25): In the following questions, choos wordopposite in meaning tothe given wordand markitng AnswerSheet. 21. VIRTUE, (a) Fool (b) View (©) Untrue (@) Defeat 22. EVASIVE ihe (a) Catego: indefinite (o)_ Explicit (d) Unclear 23. RELENTLESS (a) Gentle (b) Sensitive (©) Yielding (@) Kind 24, HOSTILITY (a) Enmity (b) Friendship (©) Partnership (@) Relationship 25, ASSENT (a) Separation (b) Confusion (©), Dissent (@) Self-interest Directions (26-30): In the following questions, for alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase underlined Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning the Idiom/Phrase and mark itin the Answer Sheet. 26. Theteacher was taken abackby the student’sremark (a) annoy (b) surprised (© hurt (@) pleased 27. The lawyer insisted on having the contract in black aud white. () inwriting (b) orally (© figuratively (2) obliquely 28. Ourparentsallowedustowatch films once ina bluem0a (a) everywhere () rarely (6). secretly (4d) forever 29. Holdvourtongue, my ad! 111 deal with you later. (a) Stickoutthetongue -(b) Besilent (©) Coolthetongue (2) Gargle 30. Ifyouread his letter between the lines, you will find thttht asnofaithinhiseallagve shone (a) strainyoureyes () readinsecret (6) findout the inner meaning ied adamant ter ont rections (31~35): In te following questions, thefis! tent pro enema os We rest of the sentence/passage is split into four parts harmed P,Q, Rand S. These fous parieare ner given inthe Proper order. Read the sentence/passage and find out Xe 9f the four combinations is correct and indicate it 8 blackening the appropriate circle in the Answer Sheet. ‘34.1. Mygrandmotherwasan old woman. P. Butthat washardtobelicve, 2 pesnecven hada husband, ty: 'coplesaid that shehadoncebeen youngandp! 8. Shea been ike this forthe ‘wea years ha own her. 6. She often told us of the games she used to play" child, (a) SRQP (b) QPSR (ec) RSPQ @ Sees Scanned by CamScanner Problems, a (@ Drinking problems caused the gradual ruinofhislife 4 small epitaph hadbeenlaid out by them in hismemory. @} Tevlaidoutasmall epitaph. QQ) Therhadiatd outa small epitaph in his memory. {(Q, Thevwerelayingout in his memory, asmall epitaph. thes ‘ey lay out asmall epitaph in his memory. + Thenurseis giving food to the sick boy. (2) Thesickboyisgiven food by the nurse (0) Thesickboy gets food from the nurse. (©) Thesickboyisbeing given food by the nurse. (€) Foodisgiventothesiekboy by the nurse. 44- Our parents have taught us to behave properly. (@) We have been taught to behave properly by our parents. (©) We were taught how not to behave properly by our parents. (6) Ourparents taught us howto behave properly. (@) Our parents have been teaching us how to behave propery 45. Why did your father refuse such an honourable ob? (@) Why was such an honourable job denied by your father? {&) Why does your father refased such an honourable job? (¢) Whyissuchan honourablejob refused by your father? (@) Why was such an honourable job refused by your father? Directions (46-35): Inthe following questions, apartofthe sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is required, choase “No Improvement” option. Mark your answer in the “Ansiver Sheet. 446. Heisentiledtoa reward forhonesty. (aptted () entitleto (©) entitled {@)_Noimprovement 47. Thesightchosen forthe school buildings good. (a)site () eyesight (side (@ Noimprovement 48. Themattermustbe considered inevery point of view. (a) fromevery () atevery (© onevery __(@) Noimprovement 449. The poor villagers have waited inthe bitter cold for more thantwo hours now. {@) hasbeen waiting (0) hadwaited (©) havebecnwaltng (2) Noimprovement - You mustaecustom yourself with new ideas 50. pecnstomned wih (b) accustom to { aeeustomyourselfto—_(@) Noimprovement 51. Willyoulendmefewrupeesinthishourofneed? ) porrewmeatewropees (6) lend meany rupees ( [endmeatewrupees (4) Noimprovement ge. Secarwithaburstgrehaled swith {@) stopped quick (stopped astly {© joltedtoahalt (@ Noimproverent a. Man)inedentsofhelast month seem unimportant when viewed in peroetion. {@) prospective ©) perceptive 2 Peseta eminneuinmnenet ths jostled theirwayin thecroved, toe () through (@) Noimprovement (Ghat is wrong wit the argument i that even if the two 55 remises are true, then en {@)_theconclusion willbe true NN SSITENGLISH)p "005 SS Scanned by CamScanner (b) theconelusionis false (©) theconclusionsaren't necessarily true (@)_ Noimprovement Directions (56-65): In the following questions, a sentence hhas been given in Direct/Indirect. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet. 56. Isaidtohim,“Youare wrong,” (a) Itoldhimhow wrong hewas. (b) Itold him that hewas wrong. (©) Isaidthathewas wrong. (@) Itoldhimthat heiswrong, 57. Hesaidtome, Youarelate.” (@) Hesaidtomethat youwerelate. (b) Hesaidtome that I waslate, (©) HetoldmethatIwaslate. (@) Hetoldmethatyouwerelate. 58. Theteacher said, “Be quiet and listen tomy words.” (3) The teacher said to stop talking and listen to her wor (b) The students were told be quiet and listen to her words. (€) The teacher asked the students to be quiet and listen, toherwords. (4) ‘The teacher shouted students listen tomy words and re quiet. ‘59. Hesaid that thebook was very interesting. (a) Hesaid, “This bookiswery interesting.” (b) Hesaid,“Thisbookhas been very interesting,” (©) Hesaid, “Thisbookhad been very interesting.” (@)_Hesaid, “This book would be very interes 60. Shesaid tohim, “Ihave boughtanew ear.” (@) Shetold him that she would buya newar. (b) Shetold him thata new ear has been boughtby her. (©) Shetoldhimthatshe had boughta new car. (2) Shetold him that she has bought anew car. 61. “Ilovechocolate,” said Angela (a) Angelinesaid that sheloves chocolate. (b) Angelinesaid that she loved chocolate. (©) Angelinesaid sheloveschocolate. (@) Angelinesayssheloved chocolate. 62. “Doyou know that man,” Raviasked his friend. (a) Raviasked his friend he knew ornot that man (b) Raviaskhisfriendifheknowsthatman, (©). Raviaskedhisfriend whether he knew that man, (@)_ Raviasked his friend whetherhe knows that man. 63. asked him whetherhehad not promised tocome. (a) asked him, "Did youcome? You promise." (b) Isaid tohim, “Did you not promiseto come?” (©) Isaidtohim, *Doyounot promise to come?* (@) Isaid,“DidTaskyou,not to come?" 64. Rabul said, “What have you been searching for all these hours?” (@) Rahul asked me what I was searching for all these days, (&) Rahul asked me what I had been searching forall thosehours. ; (©) Rahul asked what I have been searching for all those hours. 7 (@) Rahul said that what you had been searching for all thesehours. he 65. Hesaid to thechildren, “Come to thepark with me: (a) He invited thechildrentocometo the park with me. (b) Heinvited thechildrentocome tothe parkwith him. (c) Tinvitedthe childrentocometothepark withme. (d) Tinvited the children tocometothe park with us. ose! ¢/5.S.C. ENGLISH = rections (66-85): In the following questions, in Out, lowing two passages some of the words have been le ean pueiges carefully and choose the correcta x each question outofthefouralternativesandfilin the Bln Passage ~ I How olds the Earth? This ia... (66)...t0 which we may have the exact...(67)-... Man has...(68)...about the age fs Barth since...(69)..times, and there were all kinds of mye and...(70)..that seemed to have the answer, When it ya proven thatthe Earth,..(72)...round the Sun, (72). kev where to begin. To find the...(73)..of the Earth yee necessary to...(74).how thesolar system Was...(75).. 66. (a) point (b) question (6) debate (d) fact 67. (a) reason () logic (6) answer (@) deduction 68. (a) wondered (b) marvelled (c) thought (d) asked 69. (a) antiquated (b) bygone (c) olden (@) ancient 70. (a) tale (b) legends (©) fables (d) story 71. (a) circled (b) rotated (c) moved (d) revolved 72. (a) scientists (b) scholars (c) academicians (d) students 78: (a) years () age (6) date (@) oldness 74. (a) tell (b) narrate (©) recount (@) explain 75- (a) born (b) originated (©) formed (@) begun Passage ~ 11 One thing we can dois...(76)... good book. Another isto look at a new...(77)...conducted by William Mercer, one of the world's largest Human Resources consultancies. Mercer decided to...(78)...some of the world's great cities. They produced their results by giving... (79)...for...(80)...criteria ‘These included political, economic and social environment, healtheare, educational provision, recreation and transport...(81).... $0, which are the best cities to live in, and which should we....(82)...? In...(B3)..u.first_ place wett Vancouver, Berne, Vienna and Zurich, while Sydney, Genev®, Auckland and Copenhagen came in second. Swiss cities...(B4)...three ofthe top ten places, making it single most successful country ofall those...(85)... 76. (a) look (b) read (©) obtain (d) retrieve 77. (a) survey (b) research (©) consultation (d) advice 78. (proclaim () deciae 7 Sale (8) re a) signs ©) spots 2 ts (@) places 0. (2) various ) tangin (© assorted {@) differen 81. (@) wa (®) reasons (©) facilities (@) versions 82. (a) escape (b) deny (©) repre @) avoid 83. (a) joint (b) dual (©) United {@) together 84. (a) occupied (b) controlled é 8 besoin a vacated 5. (3) ere mm (0) experimented (@) established Directions (86-100): In the following questions, you hav Scanned by CamScanner a three brief passages with 5 questions following each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best ‘answer fo each question out of the four alternatives and mark it by blackening the appropriate circle in the ‘Answer Sheet. Passage -1 ‘he London Eyeis a giant Ferris wheel situated on the banks of he River Thames in London, England, The entire structure is. {gg metres (443 ft tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 netres(394 ft). it is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the most >opular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited Jy over 3-5 million people annually. When erected in 1999 it ‘asthe tallest Ferris wheel in the world, untilsurpassed first by the 160 metres (520 ft) Star of Nanchang in 2006 and then the 165 metres (541 ft) Singapore Flyer in 2008. Supported by an ‘frame on one side only, unlike the taller Nanchang and ‘Singapore wheels, the Eye is described by its operators as “the work's tallest cantilevered observation wheel”, It provides the highest public viewing point, and isthe 20° tallest structure, in London. ‘The London Eye, or Millennium Wheel, was offically called the British Airways London Eye and then the Merlin Entertainments London Eye. Since 2011, its official name isthe EDF Energy London Eye following a three-year sponsorship deal, The London Eye adjoins the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the River Thames between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Bridge, in the London Borough of Lambeth. The site is adjacent to that ofthe former Domeof Discovery, which was built for the Festival ofBritainin 1951. 86. Thetallest Ferris wheel in the worldis (@) StarofNanchang (b) SingaporeFlyer (0 Domeof Discovery (@) London Bye 87, The London Eyeis situated on the banks of (2) WestminsterBridge —(b) Hungerford Bridge (© TheThames (@) London Borough 88, Which ofthe following does not mean the sameas'entire'? (a) Complete (b) Total © Partial (@) Whole 89, The highest viewing pointis provided by | (@) Westminster Bridge (b) Hungerford Bridge (©) DomeofDiscovery (@) Millennium Wheel ‘90. The structure built for the Festival of Britain in 1951 was (2) Millennium Wheel (b) London Eye (©) DomeotDiseovery (@) JubileeGardens Passage—I Notall that glitters is gold. Not all that is white is milk. Not all people who wear saffron clothes are sages. These old-age ‘sayings hold true even now, especially the last one. We see alot of people wearing saffron clothes, but not all of them are sanyasisin the true sense of the word. A sanyast is one who Buideshisfollowersonthe right path. Recently, ! attended the inaugural function of a home for destitute women in Mysore, In most cases, the women were tes because they were either harassed by their eae ~ tortured by drunken husbands. Owing to their socio-economi ‘conditions, even the parents of the vietims were unable to take -minand carfortheirhaplesschildren.Therohadalsobeen instances when young girls, lured by romance, had run a from their homes anu had been deserted by their loves after the .0n. These girls usually did not dare return to their ote but faire ha ‘The saying that “success has many fathers, but failure has ‘Hones true indeed. We get to see only the distressed women ‘nd their children, while the main cause of their problems yoursmahboob. remains hidden in the background. So the vietims cannot be blamed altogether. Often it is circumstances that force them {nto such drudgery. These women and girls need to be psychologically strong and determined to face difficulties with courageand goonwith theirlives. as 91. Theopening sentence *Notall that glittersis gold” means (a) all metals that shine must necessarily be as good as old. (b) onemustnot be deceived by appearances. () only goldhasthat unmistakableshine. (@) glitteristhetruequality of truth. a ‘92. Wearing saffron clothes does not make one a sanyasi, is another way ofsaying (a) saffron must onlybe worn by trueascetics. (b) saffron is not the favourite colour ofthe sanyasis. () saffron must bechangedtosome other colour. (@)_anybody who wearssaffronisasanyasi. 93. Owing to their socio-economic conditions, even the parents ofthe victims were unabletohelpthem because (a) theywere financially self-sufficient. (b) society considered them tobe backward. (©) theirsocial and economic situation did notallow them todoso, @ theycould afford tobut werereluctant. 194. Successhas many fathers but failure has none means (@) success has only fathers but nomothers. (b) failurehas many mothersbut nofathers. (©) suecesscomesnaturally tomennot women. (@) noone ownsuptofailure. ‘95. The main reason for the main cause of their problems remaininghiddenis (a) nobody hasbotheredtofind out thereal cause. (b) people are waiting for ittocome outin the open. (©) people don’t want to be bothered with others’ problems. (@) nobody has tried toexposeit. Passage ~ IIL ‘The heart is one of the most vital components of the human body. The heart of the human body has the continuous job to Keep ‘oxygen-rich blood flowing through the body. All the body's cells need a constant supply of oxygen, particularly in the brain. The brain cells live only fourto five minutes after the ‘oxygen is cut off and death comes to the entire body. Heart disease can result from damage to the heart muscles, the valves, or the pacemaker. Ifthe musele is damaged the heart is unable topump properly. Ifthe valves are damaged, blood cannot flow normally. Dr. John Gibbon of U.S.A. developed a machine in 1953 that could take over temporarily from the heart. Surgeons, hhad the chance to repair or replace a defective heart. Many patients have had plastic valves inserted in their hearts when their hearts were faulty. Many people are now being kept alive with tiny battery operated pacemakers. 96. Ifthe supply of oxygenis cutoff, the brain cells survive (a) 4tosminutes (b) 9tox0minutes (©) forssminutes (@) foranhour 97. Theheartsendsoxygen-richblood (a) tothebrainonly (b) tothekidneys only (©) totheentirebody (@) tothelungsonly. 98. Dr.John Gibbon of US.A.developed an artificial heartin (a) 1955 (b) 1953 (©) 1960 (@) 1950 99. Heart diseases oceurfrom (a) damagetotheheart muscles (b) Coronium (©), Pericardium (@hearteells 100. Allthe body's cells needa constant supply of (a) Nitrogen (b) Hydrogen (©) Helium (@) Oxygen TS.S.CENGLISH)} i097) ee Scanned by CamScanner 6. (0 7 0) » 0) 9% ) a9, 4 16. (0) 37, @) 18. @) 19. ©) ap, 26. (0) 27. (a) . (b) 29. (b) 30, 36.) 37 @ 38. O39. 0) 40. 46. @ 47 @ «48. @ 49. © 50, 56. 0) 57 © 58 © 59. @) 60g 66.) 67. (© 68. (2) 69. (A) 70, 76.) 7) 78.) 7%. © Bo, 86. (b) 87. (©) BB. () «89. (A) 90, 96. (2) 97. © 98. () 99. (@) 100, 4 © 2@ 3s@ #£@ 5 © ®% 2 © 3 © 4 0) 5 © i. (b) 2a (c) ag. (c) age (b) 5. (0) 34 @) 32) 335 O34 @ 35 4 @) 42, ) 43. © aa. @ 45. (A). 51) 52. @) 53 (©) 54.) 55 (b) 61. () 62. (0) 63. (b) 64. (b) 65.) A © 7% @ 73. b) 74% @ 75. @) 8. ©) 82. 83. @) 84. @) 85.) or) 92. @) 93. ©) 94. @ 95. @) 4. from® ®t forth! 2. were & EI WE was an EAM APH EAA Subject awn) singular’ 3. TA spelling®- noble 4. TE spelling#- naval s eee x else's PHM- my advice somebody else's advice 6. state F WE of HeT- in a state of disarray SA- aT feta 7. regarded’ are asain 8. little (arora) @ eat We alittle (ate) fem 9. of FUT intr 10. grew? PHF I has been growing BHT APR TET present at 11, lookdownon/upon tt Frame 3 tert 42. agree with someoneon something 4g. creepat V'/Vcreptétar at Hesitate ‘rafter Resolve a Preact ‘Consciousness ater, TAT Calibre al Persuade dt ee, Coax Deter watenita aT Hinder sun fa Restrain Freezer are ‘Wander RR-SWCHT, Roam Gallop wt wa we eiaciee eH a eT a HT leit ae anil pie, en te Relentless sania esiing nem at Note (16-25) :#4 9Fit % explanations ® FAY Word Meaniy aa Note (26-30): TH # explanations ® fe Idiom/Phrae ea entitle toPirah ara & fe oiirger Frat sitePAY, sight re accustom oneselftofrét ara & SFgR4 sabi aly Mass (2 twas oa ©) shally ° sharly {3 boily ‘Seen cscs 0 ) pall (@) red ©) split (@) instant () penetrated in ones @ reel rection (46-50): A passage is given with 5 Quester, Jallrsing i Read the passage carefully and choose the ie sercocr to ach questo out othe fouraternaives and click theburtonearresponding tt Titerature and history ae twin sisters, inseparable. 10. 0he days ofour own grandfathers, and for many generations OTe them, tne basis of education was the Greekand Roman classic for the educated, and the Bible forall Inthe classical authors sdinthe Bibl, history andliteraturewere closely intervolved SENS tt creumstance which made the kd form of ‘Citeation so stimulating tothe thought and imagination of 00" Sheestors To read the eassesl authors and to read the Bible Tox once tic history and the literature of the Hee [rentest races ofthe ancient worl. No doubt the elasies and rc ible were read ina manner we now consider uncritical Dut they were read aocording to the best tenets of the time and Tera peat humanistic education, Today te study both of Haake sa ofthe Bible ae dwindled tosmall proportions. What ha taken thelr place? To some exten the vacuum has deae lca bys more correct knowledge of biston and a wider ‘izgrofliterature ut fear that the greater part fit has beet filledup with rabbish, fo. Which of the following statements best reflects the Lnderyingtoneof thepassege? (3 Licesiureand history aremutually exclusive. {B) Literature ad history are complementary 10 each ober 0) The say of iterarre fs meaningless wont any Srowiedgeothiston. (@ Litertureandhistoryareinseparabyinkedtogetner intheclasesand the Bible ‘az. Theauthor ofthe above passage says that inthe past the Dass of cation for all peopl, irrespective of thelr {etletoal ale, was, () GredkandRomanclassis () Thesible {G)_Aeorectinowledge ofhistry {3 Avnerrangeofiterstare “48, She autor of the sbove passage says that the classics and Dr Bible were ready hisancesors (2) metodeallyandveh discretion Satan reste reatemphsicom hei iteraryvalves (8 Sabre mien bt ine heir ‘45. Acconing tothe autor oftheabove ar ae ea be mady ol hed ofthe Ba (a) “sereedd in cratngintrest inhi 2) iiftnetassothumenchation ©) badagradualdectineinourtime (G) Beenrcjuvenated inthe conten of moder education so-so se th he err ne vacuamcreatedbylackotintcrstin he classes {hebibebasbeen ed upby ecassiceand {ay aiehersenseothisory {G) aviderrangeofteraire ( wortlesideas {(@) tnewpilosophy ofite A SSS CENGUGH|) mom Scanned by CamScanner tH 21. 31. an. 44. 45. 16. a7 18. 19- © 2@ ss @ 40 5 ® © 2@ 3% © 4 @ 5 © b) 22. @) 23. © =. os. @ 32 © 33 @ 34. @ 35. &) @ 42 © 4% © 44 ©) 45. @) _ Explanations” agree with someone on something Frat afer & Prat 3% ara Bat + Conscientious sre am ay Earratt e rr a ae aT + Sweep under the rug Rr afer ache ar wy a ear is ® Tart are Brn FART a verb a Subject (cars) plurai®i 7 Sedition/Treason Tae, Libel Prat F Ree STFA Weg tate SH aT TET = eT mat ook fae queer EH RA mA Special Words arta Irrelevant S77, Lethal WIRE, Extrancous wt Prat or arr arecayeh fea a FY, GermanedT, Fae . 2a Rulez ofconjunetion covered # Fart had covered FFM! Conjunction 7% ‘wehare BF by the timer ga FF wet Ren By thetime + Past Indefinite + Past Perfect OF Lew sar @ raise vat ay who S ae start verbis/has™f singular form Prat 2 A eat aH anh fre era F YEH AY Special Words area Abscission at tara arre3 2 ofr for + period oftime Bl IH all aE other awa ® cele are at at comparative # RA % positive degree 41 Superlative % others eter aA Far 8 2et- Rulergof Adjective with afinetooth combarga aural} Barkingup theverong tree er Fen era Me@ tart 1 1ePM 20. an 22, 24. ). FAT F explanation fT One Word Substitutionea y. have & PIF W has EW FAs AGT Subject (mud) % 20 & OM 9 @ wey © 37 © 18 © 9. @ 294 © 7 2 @ 2% @ gf © 37 ®) 38 © 39. @) 40, © 47 8 @ 4. © 50.4 35849 Pre Plummet Staveofftey 32 eT Oseillate a eT Noxious titre, Lethal "eT Perspicacious singular?) - FITTS explanation fay One Word Substitution? . Hedonist at Freer Zar zwar ®; Ascetica=arét Bigot ae ea ze Pet ara . Zealous Prat Sa & IPF ITAA (passionate), Stingy FB, Arrogant See + FATE F explanation’ FAY One Word Substitution? charlatansre@, Dupe tirana + Gooner Mean lend balloon ater Oe 3 ST BEE, ‘aT - Imperious/ Domineering gat GR at aTaT . Digressive » bereft offre tar a afer, : Comeuppance >. Disconsoate ST ea TEE Fae ream (she 8 Fes) Pre go + Turn blood cold ster =e ST }. Fora split second ait 8 & fare . Passage agi areT ta 49. hasdwindled (aon #) filled up with rubbish (sarery etait & wa Rom) Scanned by CamScanner Po me ai eae sel ate rs 28 Seance button corresponding ot. Incase no eterna hep washighlyinformative i oar oem Om BM the ilntig quaion rt ofthe fir st onthe word whch Caer or ev ordandetck the buttoncorresponding oi un00s (legate (B) Authentic (6 sterious (@) Dangerous teeion (3): In the following question, out ofthe four Mute, coase the word which best expresies the ‘etiguTthegten wordand click the button corresponding ot nspEMONTUM (6) Fader (8) Chaos (9 Grity (@) Panic ‘etn (4): In the following question, out of the four trates, choose the word which best expresses the ‘ig fthegiven word andelick the Button corresponding ‘MqSSrTUDES U0 supe () Mutbiny tae (3 Mistortone Sktin nthe flowing question, for alternatives empheldon/Phrase Chose the aerate ohh ‘Spm themconing ofthe aiom/ Phrase and lik he ‘km corrsponding tit. wnt (Ree 2) Uastenty to Rag (@) Poraied rin): he sere pent rs bed h@rrepriate word(s), Four alternatives are suggest Eglin. For the question, choose the correst andl the butoncorresponding ti ‘etewesend aly led around ne peonie wera (peeve ighoutthe. away. — 2) Reales {em the fsing guest oof Ie Far Sey Sone ie ond auch best ree Ne UP ¥athegiven wordand lick the button corresponding () Chamber (2) Excement lo (8: Ou of he our aternatos chant eon a usted forthe given words/sentenee ‘ond ee (Disc SSSR OM Out oy he four termarves, cose ‘Sing had for tegen wordroentem= © ond etton corres toit. “nage te -" sc (© Paliaton {@) Reduction hr nm pany ay for meinen ear tes caer ens “ACRIMONY oe a nt wy senate re underlined. Fourahernaivesargioerto the underined part aha See eras Se oar cers rhe ete rameter Sassen Riera a renee cementation Boones a Teen ey make Prt cn, BER niente, eter meee Seeger rg sare teach Fe eneeenarsereae Sera area tas em etree miner 8 cacti i eecea a ae a ee ao oo one a el 21 cae sien ht ae ey eee tar Bol cry hart a eee ic hecanateece freee () Ramble {@) Dede iD asian ate (9, talitere @ tlletam ST wonder ith ot gfUNh lon Diccionaris. Civose ie corres opt word and as at cerrcondnato i mine 6) Paoine 1 aye aouig atts ot of thf Diet Aor hh apps ning Sera ee atonoreroningt, NES ee {3 Bone ) tegen G8) Uhdetanding SS CENGLSH)p BO c= SE Scanned by CamScanner Direetion (18): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to theunderlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding toit.n case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement”. pair ofslippersis cheapnowadays. (@) si (b) slippersare (©) Noimprovement (@) arecheap Direction (19): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to theundertined part, which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding toit. Incase no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to ‘No improvement”, Let'sgofora alk, dowe? (@) aren'twe (b) shallwe (©). don'twe (@)_Noimprovement Direction (20): The sentence given with blanks isto befilled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested Jor the question. For the question, choose the correct ‘lternativeandelick the button corresponding oit. Tam... (9) escaping i (€)_ prospecting (@) proceeding Direction (21): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding toit. (a) Migetimate (b) Megitemate (©) Megitimate (A) legitimate Direction (22): in the following question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning ofthe Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding tot. Allagog (a) Unexpected (b) Dispute (©) Expectant (@) Deceive Direction (23): In the following question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which Best exposes the meaning ofthe dom Phrase end cick the iulencoraendag te Gitorthegab (a) Hloquent (©) Decptire (3) Embarrassing Direstion (2s): Four words are given outaf whichenly one word i spelt orrecty. Choose the correctly spelt word and Clck thebutoncorresponing tole (a) Conscertars (commen (©) Computed mc aun Sa aig Se or fie Sentence may have am geror Find out which pare ofthe eutee raver cnd clk the button correponding tt, Ifthe sentence is free from error, click the “No error” option. ‘Shake hiekandwhentcardivedandwnenhelet (a) Ishakehishand (b) whenhearrived (c)_ andwhenheleft (d) Noerror Direction (26): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one Dinsetion (20) ued Joe te given Wordi/enteoet on Teen button corresponding tod (b) Puzzling angen appearance @ Bare ©) Rastic ©), Geriatric (€) Deerepit irdShion (27): Four words are given, outofuick only one Pind pel correctly. Choose the correcty spelt word and “ik thebuttoncorresponding tit. (a) Guerrilla (b) Guarrilla (c) Guerila (@) Georrilla 106 4/5.5.C: ENGLISH Se rection (28): The sentence given with blanks isto be lg with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggest, for the question. For the question, choose the cont, ‘alternative and lickthe button corresponding toit ‘Theministerhas beet tothe victims, (a) selfish (b) liberal (©) generous (@) rich rection (29): In the following question, one part of te sentence may have an error. Find out which part of te sentence hasan error and click the button corresponding tai, Ifthesentenceisfree fromerror, click the “No error” option. ‘Theyoung child singeda very sweet song for the audience, (@) Theyoungehild (b) singed (©), averysweetsong (@) fortheaudience Direction (30): In the following question, out of the for alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning ty the given word and click the button corresponding toit IGNITE (a) Light (b) Rekindle (©), Extinguish (@) Genuine Direction (31): In the following question, out of the four ‘alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning ofthe given word andlick the button corresponding twit. INADVERTENT (a) Insignificant (b) Careless (©) Unintentional @) Difficult Direction (32): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding toit. Lively orhigh-spirited (a) Depression (b) Grave (©), Vivacious (@) Discouraged Direction (33): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and clickthe button corresponding tot. (a) Muesli (b) Meustie (©), Meusli (A) Meusti Direction (34): In the following question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click he button corresponding toit. Inharness (@) Inoffice (b) Toholdon (©) Gripping (@)_Insilence Direction (35): The sentence given with blanks isto be filled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggest for the question. For the question, choose the corre! “alternativeand lick the button corresponding to ‘The members could not arrive at a. sanding theissue. (a) judgement (b) action (© poliey (€) consensus Direction (36); The sentence given with blanks isto be filed with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggest! for the question. For the question, choose the correct alternativeand click the button corresponding ait. The mission of this institution 18 to. youn minds toexploretheirability. (2) catalyse () cackie (©) circulate (d) combat Direction (37): In the following question, out of the OW ‘alternatives, choose the word which best expresses! ‘meaning of the given word and elick the button correspond" toit. PANOPLY (a) Splendid display (b) Panelist Scanned by CamScanner =, ti (@) Panis a mir (Geng ss omein fr atrteestomeiom | (3, Secs @ Sic 0 ee en wots nd |“ 0 ral a rinebuttoncorresponding t01t Direction (46-50): A passage is given with 5 questions ‘Notcleat {following it. Read the passage ‘carefully and choose i a @) ante ‘2 oom ‘answer to each question out of the ud click (3 Samy era stan crrespondig ; OB neti Li pa te |" Bognor ma sentence may have an ‘error. Find out which part of the Saturday Evening Post, George ‘Lorimer did much ‘of the Pet etndckeebnewrepetagind. | rene ites Sears our of scien heetitcrt en | Mata fe yt coe Seen erFetetiys | wy sey yg ae pour bar wie tin wa | Mee dee wh ee wert nga et reputed doctor en Le ed aly ter rom a would be w Siem ne dyer es ected my eM 1 ee hsineetedin mo dona" yyy, 8) Heth meamgctone, | Eacientneat at waten nok (ema ny sheep aeons pa Sean qustan ny mind st aaa ae oft | toe mma een vin ote ey tS fat of oe | tne 1A thee] Se so Eto cmt. | gagermeceveonrmenen tear mencehesan cr cpmerrorcckthe-Noeror option. | Bad et etener hearse set | 46 La re esate Caees offer {Gy they were tesoictdones {B ereeshould const {8} when hey peared tobe bad {0 Note (2 pen ween wt 1 Nantoden needs advices about careers {G) hentheyemeunslicted {@) tecarersofter. 7. Lerner nap edorbeese ee a age ign wih 5 curio | GE ey Dnt (a) Peon ority end chose tet |) Mason arsine story wtot reading Bling A cain cut ofthe Jouretermaies nd ick Seba coesponding (ey ticouldfindtheworthofa stor wihalite effort {8 Rewespromptinwrtinglters «as. Stobayarteahiyleterbecause G) betston wasted Soop lotion She, tke all 5 (3) erst wosreeted unread Fn maganes wah pouting women (4) 1 ey was eectedattnugaitwasgod. Sate ow ohn we itt te {8 tinction eas "ur olternatives am 41 () miserable (&) marelloos (rude (0) exelent (@) nique (@ foamy 2.) wall {) benefit {@) becanseheenjoyed reading 4-0) pert 8 toy {Serratia 6) perdi, Sfordeetopubish them {© oss Bier {0 autytfind fault with them a0 sity {G) fnceertorevewtberm Boosie) Sos © 7 @ @ 30) 40. © Ko ao sO wo 3 © @ 9.) 2 @ @ mo 3a «© 2) @ 2. ©) 3 © HO BO wo Mo gr) 8. ©) 99. 0) 4. © oO Bo. FO a0) 4 ©) 50. om SSS SS CENSTTET 107 Scanned by CamScanner 1. SC deliver a tart TE delivered Ban ae Ha BM 2. Spurious, wrt 3+ Pandemonium tit-7, STATIN (chaos), Pander ET, GratfyAgS eM, Paniowet . “se 4+ Vicissitudessrare- ar, aca (Mutability) 5+ Fitsandstartsafrata, irregular 6. Laughawayiaant qe, Caresf 7. Furore’ (8-9): 584 & explanations ¥ Fre One Word Substitution zai 40. Acrimony resi gan FP awe eA noun #, TT ‘aéter Ter pleasantness ean 41. at Alotofat Lotsof 42, Dogeat dogiirampar competitionsner A FRAT 43. than® PHA W oP preferto 4g. Meander frat 32x74 F HAA, Determine Pruffes FET, Ramble 24a relax 8 & fee, Deputize st & wer T ‘Arar, Deduce Pram Freer 45. GFR as CH conjunction 6H gee Par oar t cate gah are CH TATE SHIT (A); FEF like preposition > 2770 option (c) aft 21 3AMC option (a) one FIT ge Lamar meter at ae sta Bat 16, Pantomimenicata Tey 47. Imbecile/Dunce xh voers FRAT plural # # rar # (shoes # Wen); verb -paifr carer Subject (Apair) singular?) shall we" @ra #1 18. singular 19. Let’s®T question tags! : (Explanations | 20, proceedonleaveg£t WHAT 2. Illegitimate, 22. Allagog a TIE 23, Giftofthegabatae et wat (Eloquence) 2a, Conscientious are a a Ft FATT, Contac Corrugated, Consent ag. shake 4 shook eT HPT Past Tense 26, EATET words’ FI OneWord Substitution 2a 28, Gonerousar4 24 4 Te, Liberal 9° PURI A sere 29, singed RI sangetl 30. Ignite Mer aN Fa, Extinguish Her Gar EAT 31. Inadvertent3FRF% (Unintentional) 32. Vivacious/Lively a /Seme & ST 34, Inharness bt / rm # ers eT 235. artiveataconsensus teat 36. catalyort vafrar er eve, cackle er eH 137. Panoply WHER 4 38. Obscureti 39. Being that'® F441 Becausest Asm! f0.4FF advice CH uncountable noun ® TeA eH pnd ater gi. oY ATETH Pree asked indisbelie (sere Te") gas eisfwasno use + (OCH TE TL ATE) 43, glossy WERK Ca Sed ATTA I print rar gam, bla Sar ST 44. designer cloth @sP at oc teed & fre Re et ever wera ocd arene Scanned by CamScanner SOLVED PAPER 2016 don (0: Te sentence give with blanks tobe ile Diecton (aari): Fou dermis ae supped A ‘suggested 1 Sin Fort ction, che te erect J ef ck he button corresponding ot rc the chief secretary, was uneeremoniousy atte pay ‘in Se pedicle sone dnatrus 1) cmsetaecdaneapected 6) hve eds snon 2): Inthe follwing question, ou of the our a ie word Uh bes epee te efi gen wordand lick the button carresponing defeat in general * peuucenenT (0) Peel ©) Noiey (6 Hoste @) Cautious ict {In the following Question, one part of the Pat men haven errom. Find out which part ofthe ‘meharnerrorand ck the but corresponding fatamnelfreefrmervrcckthe No errer-option. entuy onc athe mon versa wrtr eer ied wast ‘hocdespowt {0 Besbryoneofthemost {) eeralewrtereverived {6 wasaschoal dropout {8 Notror bien (): Out ofthe four alternatives, chose the ane {hh Babette forthe given word/setences and ‘Snetatoncorespondingtoie ‘Owholtespeone Oy Mats 0) Maoist a Min TE ASfterotos ar gin to theundertined pat TXEN til improve the sentence, Choose the correc ‘tae ond the butomcorresponding tot fren Seretenet nec ck bution corresponding oN inprmement Wevatedinsshous ‘9 in ©) Ge doing {3 Roimgroveent Ditton Cl: he flowing question, tof he Our neha aero epost mean Sencar ed etn arepeeng ‘GanpestiNe Poe Sure lo) Weakthy (@) Destitute Direction (7): Four words are given, out af which only one Sisto recy Goose ‘Re eareocty spelt word and ihr crrepondng ot aay MEN Gy weary C) Hare 3 Haare, cco (Te sentence given wth blanks ob ie ‘a ‘smgested ‘lt approprae word), Four alernaivs fy th gucston. For the. question the correct rand ck bao corresponding ton corr ete at North Koren teened x deespctalporraya of Ue country an pet eespectl porraral iia teerate Fate eer e () confessed, bat (@) acknowledged ‘Direction (30: Jn the following question, one part ofthe Iemenee may have an error Find out which part of the terre hse eror anki butloncrrrpending i [ihesenteneisrefromerrrclick the ‘Noerror"aption Siptrthe sfoag wah bis ends, have fone f0 wach & ‘mevicatthenesres neha {@) sttheneaestinema al, (6) Mybrother alongs fiends, {@) havegonetowatehamovie (a) Roemer Direction (41: A sentence/a part of the sentence Drive, Aouralterativerare gion the undefined part UhER will Improve. the sentence. choose the correct “tterntive one he button corresponding tot faease no Improvements needed eek the button corresponding to "No whomgworkIwentouttoplay Gy Theworkwas finshed (0) Hemoworkeamplted {2} Hivingeomplted homework {G Noimpronement ircctiom (a): The sentence gen with Blanks isto be filed lik appropriate word) Four alternatives are suggested Joe ine eston. For the question, choose the correct ‘veteran ik the button corresponding to “The King pans to move the kingdom away, from = Mimestie energy consumption, « change ‘ailiow he Sadist rennnnncllexports inthe seartacome Wy"eaeegam, decease (b) wastfubincrease (G, tnmecesary minimize(4) substantial, moderate Direction Ga} A enfeneea part of the sentence Dhdertned.Fuittmarvesaregloen othe underlined part XUMh wil improve the sentence. Choose the correct ‘ternatioe an tk th buton corresponding oi fnease no {provement needed clk theburton corresponding "NO Ttisa normal part of rowth and development fora you Sigueyaheece oof & fom Om Noimprovement Direction (14): Four wordsare given, out of whi only one Massel correctly. Choo the correctly spel toord ond ‘ekthe ttoncoresponding ot (incon (©) Liason © Laison {@ aoa Direction (9) the llowing question, four alternatives le poen forthe Iiom/Phrase Choose the lernatice hich istepreser he meaning ofthe Idom/ Phrase and cick the ton coresporin ti ‘Many of ushave seen the dog wh fall beans ouside theniogbat afer stepping across the threshold ofthe rng, ‘wakes thistetaremadeolead, SSTSECENSTSTp 100 Scanned by CamScanner (a) successful (b) popular (©) lacksenergy (A) energetic Direction (16): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and lick the button corresponding tot. ‘Aperson of great learningin several languages (a) Polyearp (b) Polyglot (©), Polychrome (@ Polymath Direction (17): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part, which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct ‘alternative and lick the button corresponding tot. Incase no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement’ 1t'stime they went home, (a) 40 (b) hadgone (©), gone (@) Noimprovement Direction (18): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding toi. (a) Challange (0) Chalenge (©), Challenge (@) Chalange Direction (19): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an errorand click the button corresponding toi. Ifthe sentenceis free from error,elick the "No error” option. The teachers, who I worked with, were very insensitive towards children'sneeds. (a) Theteachers, whoIworked with (b) were veryinsensitive (©) towardschildren’s needs (@) Nokrror Direetion (20): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word and.tick the button corresponding tot BASHFUL (@) shy (b) Extroverted (©), Courageous (@)_Broadminded Direction (21): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to thegivenwordandctick the button corresponding toit. PLIABLE (a) Rigid (b) Friendly (©). Flexible (@) Applicable Direction (22): The sentence given with blanks is to befilled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding toit, He is. ich, Yet Besnun bout high taxes. (a) obscenely, whines () veryiscareless (©), newly, isealm (@) not, worries Direction (23): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the ‘meaning of the given word and click the button corresponding toit. ‘ALTRUISTIC (a) Hostile (b) Outdated (©), Selfish (@) Philanthropic Direction (24): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding toit, ‘Aperson who loves empty spaces (a) Nelomania (b) Kleptomania (©), Kosmomania (@)_Megalomania Direction (25): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one e110" q(SS5.GENGLISH yoursmahboob. = a which can be substituted for the given words/sentenees clickthe button corresponding ot ‘To sendsomeone backtohisorher own country (a) Extirpate (b). Repatriate (©), Expropriate (@) Exile Direetion (26): In the following question, four alterna are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and ek button corresponding toit. “The team captain was at sixes and sevens regarding winning strategy. (a) careless (b) confident (0) confused (@)_ courageous Direction (27): A sentence/a part of the sentence j underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlinedpey which will improve the sentence. Choose the coma ‘alternative and elick the button corresponding toit. Incase improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to" improvement”. Shetoldmeshehasaheadache. = (@) had (b) ishaving (©), willhave (@)_Noimprovement Direction (28): In the following question, one part of te sentence may have an error. Find out which part of te sentence has an error and click the button corresponding ot Ifthe sentenceis free fromerror, click the “No error” option. ‘Thescissors, which are on thetable, belongsto Radha. (a) Thescissors, which (b} areonthetable (©), belongsto Radha. () NoError Direction (29): In the following question, one part oft sentence may have an error. Find out which part of tt sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to Ifthe sentence is free from error, click the “No.error"option Eachofthegirlsinmy classsing well. (a) Eachofthegiris (b) sing wel. (©) inmyclass (@) Nokrror Direction (30): Four words are given, out of which only ore word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word ont elick the Button corresponding to it. (a) Discotheque (b) Discoteque (©), Discothaque (@)_Discothequea Direction (31): in each of the questions, four alternativ! are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and cick button corresponding toit. Toplaysecond fiddle (a) Tobe happy, cheerfulandhealthy (b) Toreduceimportanceofone'ssenior (©) Tosupporttheroleand view of another perso | (d) Todobackseat driving Direction (32): In the following question, out of the alternatives, choose the word which best expresses 1 meaning ofthegiven word and click the button correspon" PRECURSOR (a) Forerunner () Prerequisite (0) Prerogative (@) Vibrations Direction (33): In each of the questions, four alternat, ‘are given forthe Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative ty, best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and cli ‘button corresponding toit. Toputone'shandtotheplough (a) Totakeupagricultural farming (b) Totakeupadifficulttask (©) Togetentangledinto unnecessary things (@) Takeinterestin technical work alt Direction (34): Out of the four alternatives, choose TT y Scanned by CamScanner | rl = can be substituted for the given words/sentences a ih Sputton corresponding toit sentences and clit pilosophy of short, meaningful saying (@) Plagiarism () Aphorism {@) Daltonism (@) Jingoism rection (35): In the following question, out of the four Pitmatives, choose the word which best aan ie ofthe given word and click the button corresponding meaning tot. DEBONAIR (@) Bed-ridden () Candia (©, Elegant (a) Thrifty pireetion (36): In the following question, out of the four tternatives, choose the word which is opposite in oni to thegivenwordand click te button corresponding toit. "TREPIDATION (@) Fearlessness (©), Death (@) Adroitness Direction (37): In each of the questions, four alternatives are given forthe Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning ofthe Idiom/Phrase and click the baitoncorresponding tot Tosetone'sfaceagainst (@) Tooppose with determination (©) Tojudgeby appearance (6) Togetoutof difficulty (@) Tolookatonesteadily Direction (38): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to thegivenwordand cick the button corresponding tot CONSUMMATE (@) Sloggish (b) Imperfect (©) Melancholy (@) Dull Direction (39): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and clickthe button corresponding toit. {@) Conckoctor (b) Conquoctor (©) Concoctor (@) Concocter Direction (40): In the following question, out of the four ‘alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to thegivenword and click the buttoncorresponding toit. (b) Slowness FECUND (3) Underweight (b) Infidel (©) Infertile (@) Uneritical Direction (41-45): A passage is given with 5 questions Jallowing it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best ‘nsuer fo each question out ofthe four alternatives and lick thebuttoncorresponding toit. Tiyou go horse-riding, you may notice that horses..(41)-~ horseshoes on their hooves. These U-shaped shoes, which are made f hard metal, are very important to the horses. If horses ‘onct have these shoes, their hooves will...(42)...0ut quickly ‘nhard and...(43)...roads. Hence, horses travelling on rough toads..(gq)..t0 become....(4g).-often. Without shoes, botsescarrying heavy loads also become injured easily. 46 (a) wear (b) put (9 keep (a) have 42. (3) take () keep ______ _ (©) fall (@) wear 43. (a) soft () brittle (€) tough (@) durable 44. (@) fall (b) like (©) tend a happens 45. (a) slow lame (©) limp (d) hobble Direction (46-50): A passage is given with § questions {following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best ‘answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding tot. {As the tortoise tucks its feet and head inside the shell and will not come out even though you may break the shell into pieces, even so the character of the man who has control over his motives and organs, is unchangeably established. He controls his own inner forces, and nothing can draw them out against his will. By tis continuous reflex of good thoughts and g00d impressions moving over the surface of the mind, the tendency to do good becomes strong, and in consequence, we areabletocontroltheIndriyasorsense organs. 46. The author uses the phrase “inner forces” in this passage. ‘Which of the following would be its most correct meaning inthecontext? (a) Emotional disturbancesin man {(b) Strength ofthe internal organs (@)_ Forces produced by ense organs (@) _Reflectionofthe intellect 47. Which of the following statements would illustrate the metaphorin the passage? (a) Manisslow-moving andslow-witted. (b) Aman of character refusesto be influenced by outside ‘compulsionsagainst his will. (©) Manconfines himselftoalifeofisolation. (@_Mancannothavea good character or strong will 48. Which of the following statements may be assumed to reflect the central theme ofthe passage? (a) Good thoughts lead to the control ofthe sense organs. (b) Controlofthe senseorgansleadsto good thoughts. (© Character, though established, may be disturbed by outside forces. (a) No man ean achieve success in destroying the inner forces. 49. Which ofthe following statements would be most correct explaining the metaphorical meaning of ‘break the shell intopieces” (a) Destruction ofthe human body (b) Breaking ofthe physical environmentofman (©) Attemptto destroy man's character (@) Inflictingphysical and mental agony.on man 50. Thepassageconsistsoftwolong sentences and ashortone. ‘Thepurpose ofthis style could be to suggest that (2) it is impossible for man to attain perfection of character. () the attainment of perfect characteris the result of a Jong process of mental discipline. (6c) thewholelife process s clumsy. (2) there is a lot of confusion in our understanding of sense organs, character ete Lo Rew ae Tal Os & 1) ase : 14. (@) 35. (@) =O BO Bo 2 @ sO 3 32, @ 33. @) 34) 85. © HO 2 @ 2 O 4 0 4 © 6 @) 7 @) 9 @ 10. ©) 16. ) 17. @) 3 2 @ 26. (27. @) 29. (0) 30. (a) 36. (@) 37. @) 39. © 40. (6) 46. © 47. ) 49. @ 50. 0) Scanned by CamScanner pent se wecremonius SET «aT HO a. me 8 eee eT, dase a _ eee nae weet cc Ferrata ga 8, Foie EF ss % outer er e EH, confess HE He FHT Saar * sinensis ee beter 112, 3H domestic consumption wt Watt FHA at export uae {3 Rabon toe to era er ond sn # tines 15 ale wot 20, Rosh eae Re Pee eee pe eee ew See Teenie, in ——planations ag. Arist Pilanthropicr@rT @ explanation® Fe Special Words¥ Nanhy 24: SF coleaton FE One Word Substint| ease Fe Nroendacens Re 27. FT past APL 28, belongs (singulae)# BHF belong (param 29, sing FT sings i, re eee fT ae support ‘a. Freeusor/ Forerunner a (fn) ed ha wr 34. FHEETA explanation® AY One Word Substitute 35. Debonat/ Elegant 1%, aH a OT 36. Tepidation A ar a TTT 37. Rawr 38. Consummate= Perfect 29. Concoctr fate area ra 4 Fendt, nfl 4 wearshoes 442 wearour— M2 Rea eT 43: hard 7 oF tough Pha # ac hard etd Sort eae we oer; brine or er gt | 44 3 ontin Dhppenter ve ow ee 45 brome 903 ae mA active atm Options Scanned by CamScanner - SOLVED PAPER 2016 tion (1): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one Dit can be substituted forthe given words/sentences and Uekthe bution corresponding toit. ‘Enigmatic person (@) Unique () Unstable (©), Unstable (@)_Unknowable pirection (2): In the following question, out of the four Biernatives, choose the word which best expresses the ‘rearing ofthegiven word and click the buttoncorresponding toi. NAP. (@) Nape (b) Sneeze (6), Siesta (@) Snore Direction (3): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the ‘sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. Ihesentenceis free from error, click the “No error” option. ‘The moon are full and thestars are out. (@) Themoonarefull (b) andthestars (©) areout. (@) Noerror Direction (4): In the following question, four alternatives aregiven for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which ‘best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the tutoncorresponding toit ‘Steal someone's thunder (a) Takecredit for something someone else did (©) Poorery (©) Auselessattempt (@) Everything Direction (5): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given tothe underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct sternativeand lick the button corresponding tit. Incase no ‘improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”, Myuncleand mentorare helping me. (a) mentoris (b) mentorshave (©) mentors were vel), Noimprovement Direction (6): Four words are given, out of which only one anys ‘correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and ultoncorresponding oi. (3) Plebeain " ) Plebeian (© Plibein (@) Plebien 1 ‘ction (7): Four words are given, out of which only one ERE spel correctly. Choose ‘fhe correctly spelt word and the button corresponding toit. on ( Supercitious (b) Supracillius Ding’), SuPereillius (a) Superecilious | sene’tion (8): In the following question, one part g ue sentence 2aU have an error. Find out which port Moir Thess ‘hasan error and click the button corresponding 101". entenceisfree from error, click the ‘Noerror“option. {yhusband was work, sol went shopping. 8 Myhusband (b)_ was work Twentshopping. @) Noe fur alen (9): In the following question, out a rneatttives, choose the word which best expresses the hg6ftheaivenword and lick te button corresponding en “mms srs ll el TE S.S.C-ENGLISH -CENGLISH|p 1 SaaS SSS C. P, O. (PT) toit. LETHARGIC (@) Inactive (b) Elated (©) Thrilled (@) Jounce Direction (10): The sentence given with blanks is to be filled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested {for the question. For the question, choose the correct ‘alternative andelickthe button corresponding toil ‘The burglar was. ‘when he broke into the house and found himself surrounded by police officers. (a) flabbergasted (b) unimpressed (©), bored (@) unruffled Direction (11): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding toit. (a) Psychophant (b) Psychophent (©), Sycophant (a) Syeophunt Direction (12): [n the following question, four alternatives are given forthe Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the buttoncorresponding toit. Square peginaround hole (a) Understanding (b) Misfit (©), Competent (@) Mostfit Direction (43): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to theunderlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and elick the button corresponding to it. Incase no improvements needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement’. ‘Youcan't avoid notifying the building while travelling. (a) avoidtolook (b) avoid tonoticing (©), avoidnoticing (@) NoImprovement Direction (44): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it the sentenceis free fromerror, click the “No error" option. Tdlikeabikein commutingto work. (a) T'alike () abil (©, incommutingtowork. (4) Noerror Direction (13): In the following question, four alternatives dare given forthe Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the buttoncorresponding toit. Redtape (a) Official procedurescausing delay (b) Label red for something dangerous (6) Tobecleared very fast (€) Aprocedurefor close scrutiny Direction (16): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. Ifthe sentenceis free from error, click the ‘Noerror"option. ‘Tam taking a book with me so that I'l have something to readonthetrain, (a) Tamtaking abook (b) 1ihavesomething (©) onthetrain. (@ Noerror Direction (17): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and clickthe button corresponding toit. (a) Quintessence () Quinteesence (©), Quentiscence (@)_Quintissense Direction (18): In the following question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which Scanned by CamScanner best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding toit. Tocatone'sown words (a) Tooffer bribe with sweetwords (b) Tolistencarefully (©) Toremainsilent (@), Tobeforcedtoretractone’sownstatement Direction (19) dre given for the inthe llng question, fur alternatives smvphrase Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning ofthe Idiom/Phrase and click the buttoncorresponding toi Between thehornsofadiemma (a) difficult situation/ehoice (b) Achallengingsituation (c) Anunknown problem (@) Acombativesituation Direction (20): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to thegivenwordand elk the button corresponding toit. ‘QUERULOUS (@) Strange @) Uncomplaining (©) Answerable (@) Stranger Direction (21): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word whichis opposite in meaning to thegivenword and lick the button corresponding tot. INNOCUOUS (a) Pemicious (b) Fine (©) Strong (@) Hygienic Direction (22): In the following question, out of the four aerate, howe the word lich best epee he ‘meaning othe given wordandclck the button corresponding Laconte (a) Lengthy Concis (© Sian Comatose Direction (23): Out ofthe four alternatives, choose the. lhc canbe substituted forthe given words/sentences end click the button corresponding tit. Anindirectreference (@) Innuendo (b) Remarks -_(€), Suggestion (a) Aside Direction (24): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding tot. Wthesentenceis ree from error, click the “No error"option. prefer apples morethan oranges. (a) [preter (b)_applesmorethan (©) oranges (@)_Noerror Direction (25): The sentence given with blanks isto be filled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested Jor the question. For the question, choose the correct alternative and click the buttoncorresponding toit. Appropriate manners are from society's. of behaviour. ) sp (a) system style a (@) shrewd (©, canons h Direction (26): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word and lick the button corresponding to: Overt ; (a) Inexplicable (b) Ambiguous ©) Concealed aregie ett onlyone Direetion (27): Four words are given, out of which only thord fs spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and lick the button corresponding tit. (a) Ligionaire (©) Legionaair (b) Legionnaire (@) Legeonnair ovanq|S.5.CENGLISH Direction (28): The sentence given with blanks jas Jor the question. For the question, choose 8h aiernativeandctickthebutton corresponding et (a) dog face (8) dagicg” Pe | (©) dogging (@) dogeea: | underlined, Four alternatives are given to the wade i, which wili improve the sentence, Chesae" improvement is needed, click the button correspond improvement” nag with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives oy Twashappy toreceive my fathers Direction (29): A sentence/a part Of they alternative and click the button correspondigto ny Many pilgrim were hurt during the festival is pevaleen (b) was | (©) have (@) hasbeen Direction (30): In the following question, o | cits aa loa ti oc ‘meaning of the given word and el mn corresp ‘meaning ofthe given word and lick the butt nay ourraczous | @) Loud (b) Noisy (©) Naughty (@) Shocking Direction (31): Out of the four alternatives, chose te ‘which can be substituted for the given words/renteng oy élick the button corresponding toit, — cermpetishaads @) Islet () Archipelago ©, Reet @ aa Direction (32): Out ofthe four alternatives, choose thee ‘hich can be substituted for the given words/sentencssl click the button corresponding to1 Sudden involuntary museularcontraction (@) Sprain (b) Spam | (6) Spam (@) Span Direction (33): In the folowing question, one part sf sentence may have an error. Find out which port ‘sentence has an error and click the button corresponding Afthe sentences free from error, click the “Noerror" option. | The fire in the apartment building effected over? | families (a) Thefirein (b) theapartment building. (©) effected over 20 far (a) Noerror Direction (34): The sentence given with blanks istobe fs with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are 8 Sor the question. For the question, choose the coors alternativeandlck the buttoncorrespondingtoit. I appreciate my neighbour's....... asf explained the reason for selling her house. Cy candid, (b) candour (e) care (@)_ capacity | Direction (35): The sentence given with blanks 1064 with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are sw5t%4 Jor the question. For the question, choose the alternative and click the button corresponding t0'it sminds see newanglesto everyday hime (b) Creative | ot S. (@) Dull (©) Difficult rection (36): In the following questian, out of ‘alternatives, choose the word which is opposite i mea thegiven word and click the button corresponding! @) Realistic ‘QUIESCENT (@) Active (b) Rough (©, Quaint (@) Queer Direction (37): In the following question, ou! | tof el | Scanned by CamScanner er jues choose the word which s opposite in meaning Sete mone tegrisiONARY () Fatsghted () Regular (5, Peagmatist (a) Piety allan (38): A sentence/a part of the sentence is Die ed Four alternative are given tothe underlined part adel nprove the sentence. Choose the correct si goeanelck the button corresponding tot. Imease no ater seeded cick the Button corresponding to "No prover = renty Kilometres area good distance ar, (@) were () are is (@) Noimprovement sintion (39) Out ofthe fur alternatives, choose the one ‘can be substituted for the given words/sentences and ‘fotthebuton corresponding toi. id or phrase that contains all the letters of another ‘Awo word ‘Circumlocution (b) Instagram (9, Euphemism (@) Anagram pirection (40): A sentence/a part of the sentence is {nderined. Four alternatives are given to theunderlined part hich will improve the sentence. Choose the correct siernative and click the button corresponding to it. Incase no ‘aprovement is needed, click the button corresponding to"No improvement’ ‘Many forests are facing the danger tobe destroyed, (@) ofbeing (b) tohavebeen (0, tobeing (a) Noimprovement Direction (41-45): A passage és given with 5 questions {alining it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best ‘rauerto each question out of the four alternatives and click ‘hebutton corresponding toi Getting good results in_your studies comes from deeloping good study habits, The best...(4i) study is a tenforable room with good lighting. The best chair for studying, should be....(42)....which you would be snail... (43). but not so comfortable that you may fall ‘seep on it after a while! Before you study, look for a quiet ‘eironment with no...(44).. «you find your home too noisy frstudying, try the library or eommmunity cente..(45)~ yoursmahboob.wo rdpress.com___ 43. (a) at (b) on © in (@) with 44 (a) distractions (b) intrusion (©) lacuna (a) diversion. 45. (a) place (b) table prensa (a) despite uestions rection (46-30): A passage is given with 5 ques Jalosing teas the passage carefully and choose the bes ‘answer fo each question out ofthe four alternatives and click thebutton corresponding toit. ‘One ofthe most serious problems confronting our country is that ofa fast growing population. In fact, itis atthe root of ‘many other problems. At the moment, thanks to planning, we ave able to produce food and cloth sufficient fr our people and even in some excess. Butifthe population continues to grow at this ate, it will not be long before the surplus turns intoa bare minimum and even a deficit. The position in regard to accommodation seven now far from satisfactoryin spite of our efforts 146, “Ttisattheroot of manyother problems” means that (@) itisfoundalongwith many other problems. (b) itiscaused bymany other problems. (©) itgivesrisetomanyother problems. (@) itisburied undermany other problems. 147. The present satisfactory position in regard to food and clothisdueto (a) thefact thatthe population hasbeen controlled (b) ourgoodluck (©). good rainfall (@) oureconomicplanning 48. Ifthe population of India continues toincreaseatthis rate, thesituation inregard to food and cloth (@) islikely toremainthesame () islikely tobecomeless satisfactory (©) islikely oimprove (@) islikely tovaryupand down 49. Thesituation in respect of accommodation (a) isless than satisfactory (b) isquitesatistactory (©) isimproving rapidly (@) istheresultoftotal neglect 50, AtpresentIndianshave {a)_ more provision for cloth than accommodation, 44 (a) way (b) strategy i (© point (@) place (b)_moreprovision for accommodation than cloth. 42.(0) built (b) one (©) abundance ofcloth and accommodation (0 crafted (@) arranged (@) scarcity ofcloth andaccommodation =o Answers -@ 20 3 goose @ 6H 7@ 8 4 @) 10. @ 0 Oe ee Oe a ee 8 a. I a0. ® SG) te ee ae eer) Ma a7 a) 25) 0) a0) % 0) 32, 0) 33, © 34 ©) 35 36. (a2) 37 () 38. () 39 (@) go. (a) © ae Wan Oe 44 @) AOL MeO are @ 48. ©) 49. (@) 50. (a) Ta SS.CENGLISH)) tts Scanned by CamScanner ’ Explanations ° Enigmatic ars afters er . Nap/Siesta St & at waa, Sneeze HAT, Snore wie Sc, Napen’a Ga ares TaRH eis a vET explanation’ fee Idiom/Phrase 2A ear at mer er yf BL Plebeianararer sre4t Supercilious 8 ea ge aa aT rtf wasworking™ wasatwork@t ant ). Lethargic sera, Blated aga aftr ar, Thrilled dena, JouncesarAT . flabbergasted staf, unruffled dar + Sycophant TART + FATA F explanation’ Fg ldiom/Phrase®@i = avoid +v* + in commuting Sart W to commute BM- I would like + tov" + FATEH explanations fay ldiom/Phrase%@i + Quintessence CHET AAR TTT ‘SAT F explanation’ fy [diom/Phrase®@ )- ITT explanation’ FA Idiom/Phrase RR - Querulous rer ee ean Frere ae aT = Innocuoustarcte, Pemicious IFT - Laconie ws et BE, Substantial AE WH, Comatose i (| SSC ENGLISH Da aa 2g. FATES explanation fg One Word Substit 24. morethan® P41 to®M- preferto 25. Canon tara / Pret 26. Overt GGA, Inexplicable fara why 8 fr: ‘GF, Manifest®Z, Ambiguous se : ‘27. Legionnaire 4 24 1 aT ze 28. dog-eared WeT- Fact 29. Many a+ noun (singular) + verb (singular) ‘30. Outrageous ue stare er ara 31. TIFT explanation® fFg One Word Substitutions 32. FATE F explanations fer One Word Substitutions 33- effected PIF F affected erm 34. Candour®146r & GANT (noun), Candid 39 aay, (adjective) 35- Quiescent 1a / Fifa, Quaint/Queer seat 36. Visionary®eTara, Pragmatist ae, Piety Wey 39. FI TFT F explanation FE One Word Substitution’ 40. danger+of+V* (q2-43): then Barre teen sit comfortable ey; sitinte chair 4. distraction TTTAT FATE, intrusion YaRS, aus HT, diversion TET 45. HR ETTT 50. ee ea Sn fata ee ae a era a tony ——— Scanned by CamScanner SOLVED PAPER 2016 « getion (1): In the following question, out of the four Direction (cose the word which best exposes he aterago/thegiven word and lick the button corresponding fit ERATE Ei rangle (b) Alleviate (©, Infuriate (@)_Appease pireetion (2): In the following question, one part of the Fatenee may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding toi. te sentences free from error, click the “No error" option. “fhe lawyer deduced from the existing evidences that the accused vasinvolved in the heinous crime. (@) inthebeinouserime (b) deduced from the (0, sccusedwasinvolved —(@) Noerror Direction (3): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the ining ofthe given word and click the button corresponding tit PRECARIOUS (a) Perilous (b) Salubrious (©), Innocuous (@) Inoffer Direction (4): In the following question, out of the four tllenatves, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to thegiven wordand click the button corresponding toit. PENURIOUS (a) Desttute (b) Impoverished (©), lmpecunious (@) Opulent Direction (5): In the following question, out of the four alematives, choose the word which best expresses the Imaningofthe given word and click the button corresponding it ACHIEVE (2) Accomplish (b) Destroy (0) Abdicate @) Bifureate Dieetion (6): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one Ahi con be substituted for the given words/sentences and thebuston corresponding toit. Person whothinksheisillall the time {2 Hopochondiae (b) Neophyte ©) Manine (@) Misanthrope simetio" (7): In the following question, one part of the fenton MY have an error. Find out which part of the Thien an error and click the button corresponding toi. Tutenceis free from error, click the “Noerror”option. % tavcllers were pacified when to hear that the plane landed on the runway much before the official {Bouncerent, () ltdedontherunvay tu e pacified when (b) muchbeforethe (a) Noerror (8): A sentence/a part of the sentence is ‘Four alternatives aregiven tothe underlined part tint improve the sentence. Choose the correct inpropemecn click the button corresponding toit. Incase no cement heeded, click the button corresponding to “No = - Autnig, SPO8S ensure her that she does not fll while a ensures oa her (b) ensuresherthat (d) Noimprovement "" (9): Inthe following question, one part of the — 7 Cc. P. O. (PT) i he sentence may have an error. Find out which part of Sentence has anerroranleick he button corresponding tot ‘the sentence isfre fromerror,clickthe “Noerror’ option. SincemymotherwasangrysoIdid notuttera word. (@) wasangryso (b) utteraword. (6), Sincemy mother (@) Noeror ed Direction (10): The sentence given with blanks isto be fled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggest for the question. For the question, choose the correct alternativeandclick the button corresponding toit. ‘The mother looked. ~vas her child began to walk much before the month prescribed by the doctors. (2) astonishingly (b) predictably (©), irately (a) menacingly Direction (11): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence hasan error and click the button corresponding tot. Ifthe sentence isfree from error, clickthe *Noerror” option. Neither the chips, which were cheaper, nor the pizza interested thekid. (@) Noerror (&) werecheaper (©) northepizza (@) thechipswhich Direction (12): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word whieh is opposite in meaning to the given word andclick the button corresponding toit. ‘APPARITION (@) Realness (b) Perceptible (©) Mlusion (@) Undetectable Direction (19): In the following question, out of the four ‘alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the ‘meaning ofthe given word and lick the button corresponding tit "TACITURN (a) Reticent () Gregarious (©) Communicative (@) Garrulous Direction (14): In the following question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding toit. Goingagainst thegeain (a) Doingthings differently from what you usually do (b) Doingthingsagainst the wishes of your close relations (©) Doingthingswhich youneverheard of __(@) Doing things which no oneelsehas ever donetill now Direction (15): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses. the meaning of the given word and click the butt toit. foncorresponding ‘ACQUIESCENT (a) Tractable (0) Insurgent (©), Obstreperous (@) Recalttrant Direction (16): In the following question, fou r alte it are given forthe Idiom/Phrase Choose theaherrgen es best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phi ai button corresponding to it. * wv Phrase and cick the Pullarabbitoutofahat (a) Tolet something hay (@) Tolet something happen and youhavenocontrolover 0b) Todosomething unexpected (©) Tobesomeoneworth having bi (d) Tomakea special effort irection (17): A senten underlined. Four alternatit petal which will improve the Sentence. Choose ¢} Scanned by CamScanner alternative and click the button corresponding toit. Incase no improvement is needed, cick the button corresponding to "No improvement ‘As much as I tried to reduce my weight, I ended up nowhere, }) endeduptosomewhere (b) endedinlessweight (©) endedinlesserweight (qd) Noimprovement Direction (18): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding toit. Incase no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”, It is a myth that drinking within limits helps to improves thehealth, (a) Noimprovement (b) helpimproves (©), helpsimproving (@) helpsimprove Direction (19): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding toit. ‘place where coins aremade (a) Mint (b) Factory (©), Connery (@) Monetary Direction (20): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding toit. Ifthesentenceis free fromerror clickthe“Noerror" option. She exercised discretion in investigating whether her husband eloped with hisex-gilfiend. {a) discretionin (b) investigating whether (©) elopedwith (@) Noerror Direetion (21): Four words are given, out of which only one ‘word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and lick the button corresponding toit (a) Flaterred (©) Voilations (©), Cutlery (@) Detainees Direction (22): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding tot. (a) Combersome (b) Cumbersome (©), Combbersom (@) Coombersome Direetion (23): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which s opposite in meaning to the given word andclick the button corresponding to it. ‘ACCENTUATE (@) Disparage () Enunciate (©) Aggrandize (@) Exacerbate Direction (24): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the buttoncorresponding toit. (a) Promiscuous (b) Promisseuous (©), Promiscous (@)_Promiscuuous Direction (25): The sentence given with blanks isto be filled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the correct alternativeandelick te button corresponding to it Rahul was surprised to see a.. smile on Tarun'sface, (a) ugly (b) symbolic (©) opaque (@)_ genuine Direction (26): The sentence given with blanks is tobe/illed with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the correct ‘alternative and lickthe button corresponding tot. ‘She was so. vin her manner that he was ae (55. ENGLISH = eos a ae mesmerised by her. ; S (@) deferential (B) disputations (©), impertinent (@) insolent Direction (27): Out of the four alternatives, choose thy, which can be substituted for the given words/sentence ot clic the button corresponding tot. ‘Theact of showing disrespect towards sacred thir (a) Congregation (b) Etymology (©), Panjandrum (@) Blasphemy Direction (28): In the following question, four alterna ‘are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and clicky button corresponding toit. Letthechips fall where they may (@) Letyoursacrificesinlifebe known toeveryone (b) Let the difficult situations in life come to an en regardless ofthe results (©) Letthe joys flifetake precedence over your sorror (@) Let something happen without bothering about be consequences Direction (29): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences ant click the buttoncorresponding tott. “Artof designing or writing on wax. (a) Cartography (b) Cerography (6), Psephology’ (@) Etymology rection (30): Four words are given, out of which onlyow word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word ad click the button corresponding tot. (a) Sattalite (b) Satelite (6) Satallite (@) Satalight Direction (31): The sentence given with blanks is tobe fil! with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the corre ‘alternativeand click the button corresponding (oit.. He had wonderful gifts of. . and spoke tothe birds. (a) uptight (b) folly (©) insight (@) dullness Direetion (32): In the following question, four alternatixs are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative whith best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click te button corresponding toit, Wholebagoftricks (a) Make use of the best resources from the ones that at available () Make use of all the possibilities or techniques ” achievesomething (©) Make use of all opportunities that cross your path ._(d) Makeuse ofall tricks towin the hearts of people Direction (33): A sentence/a part of the sentence underlined, Four alternatives are given tothe underlined pa which will improve the sentence. Choose the corre! alternative and elick the button corresponding to it. Incase"? improvement is needed, click the button corresponding (0 N° improvement”. oss haired to work under the landlord resulted (2 digit (6) distaste (2) resentment (4), annoyance Direction (34): The sentence given with blanks fs tobe file, with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggest, Jor the question. For the question, choose the co” alternative and click the button corresponding toit. He completed all projects on time except for two o! ‘whichhe foundtoo difficitto. (a) embrace her 6)" comprehend Scanned by CamScanner er wledge (@ ais {o, acknow —S (9 auggg): Ott ofthe four alternatives, choose th a re nding to set ult COP? cli sie ‘of an incorrect word in place of the one which is Uri pronunciation Sy" spoonerism (b) Malapropism o oe (@) Corpsing pirestion (36): In the following question, out of the four Dieares choose the word whichis opposite in meaning to aumenwordand click the button corresponding tit ‘DEBAUCHED (a) Dssipated (©) Depraved (0) Honourable (@) Unrestrained pirection (37): Four words are given, out of which only one pangs spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and ‘kthe button corresponding tot. (a) Dosile (b) Docile (0, Dusile (@) Dosiel pireetion (38): In the following question, four alternatives tregiven forthe Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which sreapresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and elick the buttoncorresponding tit. ‘Turnablind eye (a) Totakeonataskthatis way too big (0) Toworklateinto the night (0) Topresentacounterargument (@) Toignoresituation,factsor reality Direction (39): In the following question, out of the four aitenatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning t0 thegiven word andeliek the button corresponding toi DEVOUT (a) Pious (b) Pure (6) Treacherous (@) Ardent Direction (40): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part hich will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and lick the button corresponding to it. Incase no inprovement is needed, elick the button corresponding to"No ‘nprovement” ‘Thecelebration was abandoned due to heavy rains. (b) postponed (2) adjourned (0) inoperative (@) Noimprovement Direction (41-45): A passage is given with 5 questions Lollawing it, Read the passage carefully and choose the best ‘rsuer to each question out of the four alternatives and click tebutoncorresponding tit k Plants in the deserts are partict ct environment. One well-known desert plant is the cactus. ‘many desert plants, this plant has very... (42).../leaves. AS s..(49).-most of their water through their leaves, the salarly...(41) to the dry and yoursmahboob.wordpress. im. small leaves of the cactus help to cut...(44)...¥ater ‘evaporation. ‘There are other desert plants that do not have Teavesat...(43).- 41. (a) condi (b) amenable (6) suitable (a) adapted 442. (a) thiek (b) tiny (@) thorny (a) fluffy 43. @) lose (b) gather (6) evaporate (@) take 44 (a) off (b) out (©) down (@) up 45, (@) all (b) best (©), most (a), times Direction (46-0): A passage is given with § questions following it. Read the passage carefully and ch ‘answer to each question out ofthe four alternatives: the button corresponding toit. ‘Our voyage was very prosperous, but I shall not trouble the reader with a journal of it. The captain called in at one or two ports and sent in his long-boat for provisions and fresh water, But never went out ofthe ship till we came into the Downs, which was on the 3rd day of June, 1706, about nine months after my escape. I offered to leave my goods in security for payment of my freight, but the captain protested he would not receive one farthing, We took kind leave of each other, and I made him promisethat he would come tosee meat my housein Redriff. [hired a house and a guide for five shillings which T borrowed fromthe captain. ‘46. When the writer uses the word “prosperous” to describe thevoyage, hemeansthat (b) itmadehim healthy. (a) itmadehimrich. (©) itwasverypleasant. (@) itwasuneventful. 47. Onthe voyage, the author (@) lefttheshipatintervals joase the best ‘and click (b) was not able toleave the ship becauseit did not stop tall (@)_neverlefttheship till theycameintothe Downs 48. In thecontext of the passage, the word “provisions” means (@) mainly food (b) mainly security (©) money (@)_ mainly ammunition 4g. Forthe paymentoftheauthor’s freight, thecaptain (a) kepthisgoodsassecurity {(b) refused toacceptany money (©) protestedagainst being paidonly afarthing (@) accepted asum of money 50. From the passage, it is clear that the captain's attitude to theauthorwas (a) oneofhostility (b) one ofindifference (©) oneofextremefriendlinessandkindness (@) oneof disgust and irritation 7 Answers - Z : -@ 8 @ 6M 7O &O 9% @ 4. @ eae ae aw ae tea ON te AD Pa 20: me aaa Oe a Ge Queeew esa Qe iN @. asi a y oe 37 : 39. (40. 32.) ga. © 3 46. © 47 @) 48. @) 49. @) a 3 “0 2 a © 4 0 4) : =a 5'S.CENGLISH|) "119 Scanned by CamScanner (Explanations — Exasperate/Infuriate Ara &e 21, Tranquilise/Appease ‘WT TET, AlleviateyeT TH aA 3. Precarious/Perilous @ACT, Salubrious aMaI, FA, Innocuous Bieter 4+ Penurious/Destitute/Impoverish/Impecunious ™&, Opulentarga 5+ Abdicatevart 27, Bifurcateftnfard ar 6. FU IETS explanation’ fe One Word Substitution? 7. Wet whens Sehr srareTE BL 8. ensure®#T Subject shoes’? FafAe AE plural form Wan 9. Fe som Te era 2 410. astonishingly sme 2, irately ara %, menacingly eae as 412. Apparition fe ¥ wT, Perceptible (aH 7 ATT) &H adjective safes Apparition noun 13. Reticent/Taciturn #4 @a¥ et, Garrulous ET siftre ‘ata aT, Gregarious arta 14. "TIFF explanation’ fay Idiom/Pharase®@ 415. Acquiescent/Tractable ft ae SY Sart % Ay aT, 16. 17 38. 19. 24. 22. 23. Obstreperous/Recalitrant i Pergo area aera aauE4 F explanation Fig Idiom/Pharase ®t end up nowhere aerret ®t help # are atere WHE verb ant # Ata to V"aT in Var VE fad oF form aera ‘s'7ET F explanation’ FAR One Word Substitution®@l Httere, Violations, Cutlery Cumbersome®tf@a, “Accentuate PAH aa F Heat We vie Var, Aggrandize Fora ara @ weet AY ae BH, Disparage oFTT eT, xacerbate We 3 Bat, Enunciate FEE AT a Yigg or 24. Promiscuous #ea8t 25. Options (a)3i (¢) % a4 anereM Zé. deferential ame @ MG, disputatious Reap, impertinent/insolent $e, 27, Fa 744 # explanation’ fe One Word Substitution ey 28, 28.974 F explanation fay Idiom/Phrase@@ 29, ea 104 3 explanation’ FA One Word Substitution’ 1. insight Tater 7H, uptight TATE, folly*eta 32. GETS explanation Fe Idiom/Phrasezeit $33. resentment Fd exer FR se rer ry, distaste/hatred/disgust JT, annoyance tits 34. comprehend Frat art & gfe at are WAT, discem arte € % aA TAT, embrace HVAT, acknowledge feet are oft eer a eR TT 35. $4781 F explanation fry One Word Substitution®@ 36. Debauched 84 UI, Honourable BUTTE, Dissipated freqra 8, Depraved FAT 37. Docile-t 38. SET51 2 explanation’ fA Idiom/Phrase®@t 39. Devout wafit va vfs, Ardent Irané, Treacherous ata 48. adapted tof HAA & SKIT, conducive toner, amenable tome % saure ge eared 43. Option (c) #8 BR a fou F ae ea va ear Be evaporated 445. atallfteege st (=f) Scanned by CamScanner SOLVED PAPER 2016 tion (1): Four words are given, out of which only one ‘spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and ope button corresponding tot (a) Valetudeinarian (b) Valeutidinarian {o) Valetudinarian _(@) Valetudenarian sirection (2): Four words are given, out of which only one linyis spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and fekthe button corresponding tot. (a) Obnoxious (b) Obnoxcious (9, Obnaoxious (a) Obnoxous sirection (3): In the following question, out of the four ‘hternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to egiven word andelick the button corresponding toit. ‘CONSCIENTIOUS {@) Iniquitous (b) Nefarious (©), Reprobate (a) Careless Direction (4): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and tdek he buttoncorresponding toit. ‘Aninscription written in the memory of adeceased person (a) Paean (b) Neophyte (9, Mercenary @ Epitaph Direction (5): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. Incase no improvernent is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”. ‘The CEO madeit very clear in the annual meeting that the only criteria to promote an employee would be his performance and nothing else. @) solecrteria (b) solecriterion (©) onlycriterion (a) Noimprovement Direction (6): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined, Four alternatives are given tothe underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct sitenative and click the button corresponding toit.In ease no improvements needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement” She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged, (a) returnthecomputerafter (b) returneda computer after (© returnacomputerthen a(@), Noimprovement Direction (7): In the following question, out of the four tematives, choose the word which best expresses the Taaning ofthe given word and cick the button corresponding FEASIBLE, a Frepesterous inl), Breadul Rtsction (8): In the following question, one part of the semen? May have an error. Find out which part of th Tien’ hasan error and elick the button corresponding (0 The fehtenceisfree from error, click the “No errar"option. ‘Breen trees have a characteristic of remaining green (Oethou the ear, nonetheless of theprevailingseasom. (2 Prevsitingseason. {(b) nonethelessof Frese vEhouttheyear ——_(d)_ Noerror ion (9): Out of the four alternatives, choose Seu css! 0 (b) Attainable (@) Hassle the one ___yoursmahboob.wor dpress.com_ which can be substituted forthe given words/sentences and clickthe button corresponding tot ‘Theart ofpaper folding (@) Origami (©) Dichotomy | Direction (10): In the following question, four alternatives (b) Trichotomy (a) Plenipotentiary e. Choose the alternative which are given forthe Idiom/Phrast z pe Ving the ldfom/Phrase and click the best expresses the meaning of button corresponding toi. Backto the wall (a) Inadifficultoraserious situation . (b) Ina difficult relationship which will not continue for Jong (©) Inan easy situation where you know all the tricks to crackit ; (@) In the midale of a calculation problem which is too easy tosolve Direetion (11): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence hasan error and click the button corresponding t0 it. Ifthe sentence is free fromerror, click the “No error” option. ‘Though the political party won by majority in the preceding elections, it failed to form a successful governmentat the centre. (a) Thoughthe (b) atthecentre. (©) theprecedingelections _(@) Noerror Direction (12): The sentence given with blanks isto be filed with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested Jor the question. For the question, choose the correct alternative andclick the button corresponding toit ‘After bidding farewell to her old colleagues, she left the place. which baffled everyone. (a) hastily (b) easily (©) eventually (@) obediently Direction (13): The sentence given with blanks isto be filled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the correct ‘alternative andclick the button corresponding toit. Carmen must be quite a woman to inspire such 2 sweftom Katie. (a) motif (b) admiration (©) knowledge (@)_peciury Direction (14): The sentence given with blanks isto be filled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the correct ‘lternativeand click the button corresponding toit. His colleague suggested him to discuss all his with the human resource department, ‘whetheron a personal oraprofessional front. . (a) injustices (b) protestations pin a he towing ees rection (15): In the following question, four alternatives Dice a fe fr ctr expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and cli button corresponding tot. irirane ra i Makealongstory short (a) Tobepreciseand avoid givingthedetails (b) Todescribeevents briefly (©). Todisclose the sequeneeofevents (2), Topivedetale explanations Direction (16): In the following question, four alternat tre geno the diam / Phrase, Choe te chert eek best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the SS S.CENGLISH |p ora» —————SSesr Scanned by CamScanner = button corresponding tot. Onceinabluemoon (a) Ancvent thatneverhappens (b)_Aneventthatisvery special (©) Anevent thathappensinfrequently (@), Anevent thatisvery unfortunate Direction (47): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence hasan errorand click the button corresponding toit. Ifthe sentence sfree from error, click the “Noerror" option. ‘An effective secondary research requires data to be collected from discreet sources like journals, magazines and other published material. (a) requiresdatatobe (b) discreet sources (©) effective secondary research (@), Noerror Direction (18): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding toit. (a) Voyeuristic (b) Veterinerian (©), Trouvuer @ Vuadeville Direction (19): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which ean be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding toit. Alabourerinvolvedinloadingand unloading ships (a) Somnamblist () Sinophobe (6), Stevedore (2) Septuagenarian Direction (20): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding toit. ‘Theart of stuffingand mounting theskinof animals forthe purpose of study or simply for display (a) Hegemony (b) Taxidermy (©) Anemone (4) Plebeian Direction (a1): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are givento the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct ‘alternative and elick the button corresponding tit. Incase no improvement is needed, cick the button corresponding to"No improvement”. ‘When she was younger, she believed in fairytales. (a) shebelievesin fairytales (b) shebelieveinafairy tale (©). shebelievein fairytale (a), Noimprovement Direction (22): in the following question, out of the four ‘alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word andelick the buttoncorresponding tit. DECORUM (a) Protocol (b) Vulgarity (©), Audacity (@) Debasement Direction (23): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct “alternative andlick the button corresponding toit. Incase no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement’. Pethe customer the representative and informed him that none of the holiday packages falls within hisbudget. (a) complainedto (©), complained (2) Noimprovement Direction (24): In the following question, one part of the Sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the Sentence has an error and clk the button corresponding tot (b) complaintto 122 4|/5.5.C-ENGLISH =a i a Ifthesentenceis ree fromerror,click the “No error"optign Despite the limited budget, the chief minister manage improve the infrastructure of the state, much beyong ‘expectations of the general public. (a) improvetheinfrastructure (b) Despitethelimited (©) managedtoimprove (@)_ Noerror . Direction (25): The sentence given with blanks is to be| with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggesty for the question. For the question, choose the co ‘alternative and click the buttoncorresponding ot. Photos of my favourite childhood actors bring on pur ofourefforts. (a) accuracy (b) nostalgia (©) reality (@) futurist Direction (26): In the following question, out of the foy alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning thegiven word andelick the button corresponding tot. ‘MAUDLIN. (a) Punctilious (©), Pragmatic Direction (27) (b) Befuddled (@) Saccharine ): In the following question, out of the fer alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning thegiven word and click the button corresponding toit. FANTASY (2) lusion (© Reality (b) Vision (@) Dreamy ): In the following question, one part of te sentence may have an error. Find out which part of te sentence has an error and click the button corresponding toi. Ifthe sentenceisfreefrom error, click tho*No error” option. fatigued relationship with her husband persuaded herto consult a marriage counsellor in order to save ber marrage, (a) fatigued () persuaded (© consult (@) Noerror Direction (29): Out of the four alternatives, choose the om which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it. Aphaceforgrains (0) ‘Granary 0) Gregarious (©). Hearse (@) Mortuary Direction (30): In the following question, out of the fo" alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning ® the ven word and click the button corresponcling tot OPAQUE = wm (@) Dark () Indefinite (©) Nebutous (@) Transparent Direction (33): In the following question, out of the out alternatives, choose the word which best expresses meaning ofthe given word and lick the button correspori™? Havoc (a) Carnage (b) Collocation (©) Tranquillity (@) Inertia Direction (32): A sentence/a part of the sentence 5 underlined. Pour alternativesaccgheen the underineP : which will improve the sentence. Choose the ©" sernative antics the baton corespow toe 8 improvement isnceded click the button correspondit9 improvement” 3H “i fet second marae and ii does not wok she wil break complete @) willbreakout (© wilbrake (b) willbebroke (@) Noimprow m OF ll Scanned by CamScanner igay Four urasarpios, out afhchonone sain 9) ey Chote te creel pen te teamrrepondingto i ey 0) Monaey Oa pay so ec the fling gros Cy ter accion a ihe ord whch soperctn eee, sie andekthe ttn corresponding tot Seyieme CONTRADICT (@) Abserate () Traverse (0, Befte (@ Agree Sat Sn he fio ties race Diese tara Chsons the aerator ek Ce i machng ote dim eeeeer ae ‘Seerpogt | “tice Bere pens vies shin mld oat oy Rirstnstion 0 Staves oman neg velo Tcceens th Ds tbat Sere mela Rar owae ot cnteet Beige fore gest Gee Le et tetas manele eel aed Poloae ats ‘Soprano (a) resume 0) scala (0, eralate (@) eet sn itn Er ahr Sse a oma erates aE nse 2 Schnopetonontee Boe, nr Sees saree te EA ne pay et ef Moweear oa ® Chase {9 Gieshint (0) Reviveol endship See tee ets tle ae meg ae fatigue vaaened () Causing fate Ack Siege ere dae rely nd cae inet dja the best ‘ond ok ed We have dreams practically everynight. Some of these reams areremenbered 4) Ober dams owes ae forgotten as soon as we wake Up (42) -t0-(43)--S0m ope bee, eu reams are wt (44) fom beyond. g)-do they tel us anything aout our fate. tstead, Sika you eam of al night 1 probably elated f0 your experiences durngthe ds” 48 @) vaguely () obsous © vvly (4) fnistinely 42. @) Opposition () Contrast (Compared (4) Contrary 43.) that () what © opinion @ ie 44.) messages (@) connected ©) intertwined (@) related 45-(@) aswell () But ©, Nether {8 Selon Direction (46-50): A passage i given with § questions folowing ts Rea the passage carefully and choose the best “answer to cach question out ofthe jour alternatives ond hick ‘Mebuton corresponding ott ‘Weshallgoom tothe cd we shall ightin France; we hall fiat om the seas and oceans; we shall fight with growing sensidence and sreagt in the ar; we shall defend ou sland ‘atever the cost maybe; we shall ight on the beaches: we ‘hall pt on the nding grounds: wo shal fightin the elds fd in the set; we sl fight io the Bills. We shall never Surrender and even i his island of large part of i were fujupated and starving, then our enplve beyond the seas ‘woul canyon the srg, uni the New World steps forth t0 {ereseueandthe liberation ofthe Od 146. On the basis of the passage which of the following sSatementsmaybessidtobe correct? (@) The speaker s encouraging his men or he conquest tbrnee, () Thespeakerisaggresiveand mania war- monger. (0) Theapenter isnt steed withthe conquest ofthe (@) The speaker isa patriot urging the defence of his motherland 47-ThespeeriaUnepasagewansto goon ighting because (fo beiseravinglonege, () heisinastatefterdexpi {© heexpects ely omer quarters {G) hetstheleaderotasuiide quad. 48. Which ofthe following pls ofthe phrase helps best to ‘rngouthe intention oftherpeaker (@) “aontotheend”: "shall never sorrender* (0) “gromingconidence”-sbjopatedand staring” {6} “Rbjgae and rig” ght on te anding (4 Frahtin beste subogntedand starving” «49: The psig consis of rept patterns naa a5 tocabuan, Theefecofthelcwtaan AM {a} reveslstheapentersdefectsin giingaspecch (8) prodicestbeimpresionofbad poet {@) foveythespeabersheiplesstuatins {G)eilrcesthe speakers inentn 150, Whatdoestheypesheraltinatlyh? (a) ‘Thatteinadingaemy getedeeated {) Thathismaterond stented {© Thataneworderavesandrecuestheoldorder {3 Noneotiese sc SSCENGLISA|) has Scanned by CamScanner / @ €£€@ sO 6 @ 70 8H 9% @ 10 ® 4 @ 6 @ 16 © 17 &) 18 @ 19. © 20. gy @ 24 @ a5. @ 26. 27 © 28. 29. (@) 30. @ ©) 34. @) 35. @ 36. © 37 &) 38 @ 39. @) 40. a © 44 @ 4 © 46 @ 47 © 48 @ 49. > 50. _ Explanations 4 Valetudinarian oh are eaear a dere ee Rian eat | 20. FITTS explanations fe One Word Substitution ea 22, Decorum maar, Vulgarity 9AM, Protocol fOeTaR & z 2. Obnoxious gr fram, AudacityS¢eT, Debasement 797, FTAT 3+ Conscientious 7 wrt Fat farrare ed ata, | 2g. eee past Al Maudlin/Saecharine 4G sf sentimental, Pragmati Iniquitous sarap, Nefarious gT, Reprobate FTC TE | 26. safe mer, Punctilious 3774 BH A AH careful, Befuddled confused 27, Fantasy 29, FTF F explanation’ FAY One Word Substitution ei 2 @ az. (a) 2. @ 22 31. (a) 32. (d) 2. (d). BE8Se 4. Y4TFF explanation Fg One Word Substitution za 5+ Criterion yrrae 81 areTe F options (b) SHC (c) Bar wet E eq solewarer adie 81 6. RT past 21 30. Opaques zA, Nebulous ea TE EE AEH 7. Feasible F@ are ¥ ara wr wF, Dreadful ware, | 31+ Havoe/Carnagewer fT, Tranquility MA, Inertia AE Preposterous terra 232. break ra 30 “eran a9 8 ge sar” ear BL 33. Monastery" 8. nonetheless FW regardless IM regardless of=in spiteof | Contradict Rr are a Fah ete arom, Abnegate FAT 9. $001 F explanation FAC One Word Substitution ®t Bar, Refute HA, Traverse WA CA, FRAT EAT 10. T4747 F explanation’ FA ldiom/Phrase%@ 35. 484 explanation’ FAY Idiom Phrase 37. TUTET explanation’ Fe Idiom/Phrase ®t 12, baffled = confused 1g, motifata Fae, perjury aera a Hs ae 38. Pinnacle Ie, grievance Ra aT ere Fer ET area, tyranny | yo, Browbeat/Bully HU /toRT arse 40. Tepid FT 45. TUTE F explanation’ fe Idiom/Phrase®A 42. Contrary to/Incontrastto® Frater 46, £4 TTF explanations Fry Idiom/Phrase®@t 45. Neither % WT aa 3 Rule of Inversion (Rule 3 of 47. discreet (=He¥=I) PUA diserete (see ~ 371) BT! ADVERB) reer gare 1a. Voveuristic GA A Pra Porat A ante AY WaT, | 47, Bet even fthis island ora large pat evan CY Vercrinarian arate Beez, Trowvere Aa ar TAT onthestruggle" AP, Vaudeville ea eC a AIA aH TET 49. AR-AT weal... ETTERN speaker Gea a weft ination Fg One Word Substitution = cart 19, TIT expla Scanned by CamScanner SOLVED PAPER 2016 aa jon (1): Four words are given, out of which only one "espe correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and mtebutton corresponding toit (@) Locious (b) Luscious (0, Lise fo (@) Sees ireation (2): In the following question, out of the four Directs choose the word which is opposite meaning to tefinenword and click he buttoncorresponding tot. WHOLLY (@) Exclusively (b) Absolutely (0, Partially _ (@) Unconditionally pirection (3): In the following question, out of the four ckeratives, choose the word which best expresses. the sreaning ofthe given word and click the button corresponding it. ° SexrINEL (@) Professor (b) Custodian (©, Principal (a) Sibling Direction (4): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one ufich can be substituted for the given words/sentences and clckthe button corresponding tot. ‘Something that is full and clearly expressed (a) Explicit (b) Implicit (0, Intricate (a) Vague Direction (5): In the following question, four alternatives aregiven for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which bes expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the bhatoncorresponding toit. Pound the Pavement (0) Huntforajobon thestreets () Takeawalkonthestreets (9 Smashthestreets (@) Danceonthestreets Direction (6): A sentence/a part of the sentence is \aderined Four alternatives are given to the undertined part ubich will improve the sentence. Choose the correct erative and click the button corresponding toit. Incase no iagrovementis needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement”, TheCEO made it very elearin the annual meeting that the ia to promote an employee would be his performance and nothing else. (2) solecrteria (© onlyerterion gt” (7): Four words are given, out of which only one tucysPelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and the button corresponding toit. ) Guerrilla (b) Dependense snl), Aecordonce (a) Maliscious aienstio” (8): In the following question, out of the four liege tes: choose the word which is opposite in meaning to x Uptordand click the button corresponding tot. ‘UDIMENTARY (B) solecriterion (@) Noimprovement a Fundamental (b) Advanced Vaeetion ant (a) Secondary alent (9): In the following question, out of the four rates, choose the word which best expresses the toi" Fthe given word and click the button corresponding NL to) pemareate (b) Tame ster (@) Fraud ee _ yoursmahboob.wordpress.com__ ¢. P. 0.(PT) i i the four Direction (10): In the following question, out of the, lernuties choose the word which i opposite in meaning £0 thegiven word and lick the button corresponding tot. ‘OBSOLETE (@) Modem () Contemporary (©) Uptodate (d) Outofdate he Direction (11): In the following question, one part of sentence may have an laren Find out which part of ie sentence has an error and lick the button corresponding toi Ifthe sentence is free fromerror, click the ‘No error” option. Tewas very unfortunate of him to have lost the battle. {a) Ttwas (b) veryunfortunate (©) himtohave (@) Noerror Direction (12): Out ofthe four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding tot. ‘Thestudyofhumans,pastand present (@) Primatology () Humanism (©), Anthropology (a) Omithology Direction (13): In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding tot. Ifthe entenceis free fromerror, click the “Noerror” option. You have received more than you bargained at. (a) Youhave (b) morethan (©) youbargainedat. (@) Noerror Direction (14): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and lick the button corresponding toit. Incase no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”. I’sagreat movie. Youmight goand seeit. You'll really like it, (a) should go (©) couldgo (©), wouldgo (@)_ Noimprovement Direction (15): The sentence given with blanks is to be filled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the correct ‘alternative andlick the button corresponding toit. ‘The courtierswore. stoking before his trial for execution. (@) fidelity (b) observance (©) conformity (@) devotion Direction ( The sentence given with blanks is to | for the question. For the question, choose the correct alternative andelick the button corresponding toit. ‘The strategies laid down by the new. management are. --the overall culture of the organization, (a) ameliorating ) civilizing " (©) enlightening (@) edifying Direction (17): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which 's opposite in meaning tc ‘the given word and click the buttoncorresponding toit, 9° ‘SUSTAIN (a) Harm () Detai vedas a ettoang aan rection (18): Inthe following question, jour i gre given forthe diom/ Phrase, Choose te cheran estos expresses the meaning of the di lelick best expresses the meaning ofthe Idiom Phrase and cick ig Tosticktoone'sguns (@) Tobe faithfulto yourparents LS.S.CENGLISH)) 128) —SSSSSENCERR|p ora) Scanned by CamScanner > yoursmahboob. (b) Tobe faithful toone's self (©) Tobefaithfultoacause (@)_ Tobe faithfulto friend Direction (19): The sentence given with blanks isto be filled with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding toit. Kiran looked at Esha, astonished by her words. (@) callous (b) oscillating (c)_ panoramic (@) impervious Direction (20): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word and click the button corresponding toit. ‘OBSTINATE, (@) Stubborn (b) Docile (0) Lavish (@) Mordant Direction (21): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement’. The customer complains to the representative and informed him that none of the holiday packages falls within hisbudget. Options: (a) complained to (6), complained (@)_ Noimprovement Direction (22): The sentence given with blanks isto be filed with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for the question. For the question, choose the correct ‘alternative and click the button corresponding toit. (b) complaintto Sheshould let go ofthe... ‘ofthe past. (@) fantasies (b) hurdles (©), sorrows (@) phase Direction (23): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and elick:the button corresponding toit. One who has an over exaggerated feeling of being important (a) Narcissist (b) Egoistie (©), Machiavellian (a) Pessimist Direction (24): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correetly spelt word and click the button corresponding tit. (a) Bourguoise () Bourgeois (©) Bourgioes (2) Bourgious Direction (25): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding toit. Ifthe sentence sfreefromerror, clickthe No error” option. Talwayshada fancy towards bigluxuriouscars. (a) hada () fancy (©), towardsbig (a) Noerror Direction (26): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses. the ‘meaning of the given word and click the button corresponding (@) Different (©) Parallel Direction (27): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding toit. Thestudy of election, (b) Identical (@) Unfit || SSICENGLISH: (a) Arachnology (b) Philately (©), Philanthropy (d)_Psephology Direction (28): In the following question, one part of , sentence may have an error. Find out which part of i, sentence has anerrorand click the button corresponding toi, Ifthe sentence is free from error,click the “No error” option Sheldon isanintelligentboy, he thinks quick. (a) thinks (b) quick © is (@), Noerror Direction (29): The sentence given with blanks is tobe illeg with appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested ‘for the question. For the question, choose the correc ‘alternative and click the button corresponding toit. ‘You should hav saonaWwith Mme before reaching my office. , (a) anticipated (b) coordinated (©) reconciled (@) interacted Direction (30): In the following question, four alternatives ‘are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding toit. Whole nineyards (@) Longelothing (b) Tilllast minute (©) Countinglength (@) Everything Direction (31): A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding toi. Incase no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to "No improvement’. Even though she was disliked by her in-laws at the beginning of her marriage, she did manage to win the hearts. (2) winover their (b) winoverthere (©) winthemovertheir (@) Noimprovement Direction (32): In the following question, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative whic best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding toit. Tobiteone'slips (a) Togetangry (&) Toshutup int), Tobleed (@) Tofeel shameful Direction (33): A sentence/a part of the sentence i underlined. Four alternatives are given to the underlined part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. Incase improvement is needed, click the button corresponding "NO improvement”. ‘This is her second marriage and if it does mot work this time shewill breakeompletely. @) willbreakout () willbebroke __(c)_willbrake (@) Noimprovement Direction (34): Out of the four alternatives, choose the ont which can be substituted for the given words/sentences 4” dlickthebutoncorresponding tole sen Something havea rot (a) Perishable ishabl pin yen oe rection (35): In the following question, out of the four Ateratoe chose the cond ui ee a cata is opposite in meaning © thegiven wordand click the button corresponding tot. (@) Gra a) Gravity (b) Jocularity (©) Bounce (@) Frivolity Direction (36): Fourwords are given, out of which onion word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word SlicktheButoncorrespondingtaits eee Pee ‘corresponding to it. Ts At Scanned by CamScanner | — 2 mica (b) Domiciliary liens (@) Domicitiarry © ee each ofthe questions, four altematives the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which fScsthe meaning ofthe Idiom/Phrase and click the cn Tocatchatarter {} tocatcha dangerous person Todealwithaperson whois morethanone'smatch ( qotrpa wanted criminal with greater difficulty (i) Toliecarefully and cautiously snchan (38): 1 the following questions, one part ofthe Dreie nay have an error. Find out which part of the sz fasenerrorand click the button corresponding tit hese sfreefromerror click the Noerror"option. “tus machine looks good but is very badly designed and doesn't work good. {a) and doesnt workgood (0) butisverybadly designed (0) NoError (@) Thismachinelooks good Direction (39): In the following question, out of the four ccamatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning ofthe given word and click the button corresponding bit ‘VicaRious (2) Ambitious (b) Experienced personally (0) Nostalgic (@) Vindictive Direction (40): Four words are given, out of which only one xerdis spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and cldkthe button corresponding toit. (a) Fuduciary (b) Fudiciary (0) Fiduciarry (@) Fiduciary birection (41-45): A passage is given with 5 questions Jilouing it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best Swuer fo each question out of the four alternatives and click tietuton corresponding toit. ‘chard Cayton Hanwick’'s..(41) life ends when fi liter passes...(a)..and_ his mother marries Mr. Kone. His step father is strict and imposes...(43)...rules ‘hin. Richard feels abused like a...(44)-in his own home. hing his mother and sister will be...(45)...sithout his [tlspesfacearound, he runsaway from home. Unfortunately, {thet and sister are heart-broken, When they Pass away, ‘tardinhertsthe houseand theestate. $1) cond (b) happy 2. {°) Prosperous (@) disconsolate #1) aay (b) out © of an” (a) for, riet (b) lenient _yo (©) suppressive (@) pliant 44. (a) step-son (b) freeman (©) prisoner (@) alien 45. (a) sadder (b) alone (©) relieved (@)_ happier Direction (46-50): A passage is given with 5 questions {following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best “answer to each question out ofthe four alternatives and cle the button corresponding tit ‘Young ‘eekure after peace know that only equal rate shown to all the peoples of the earth and not just to a few of them, can leadtothe healing ofthe wounds that tear them apa and soit isessential never to humiliate the members of a nation ‘whose leaders have committed inhuman acts. Essential also is boundless concern for so many men and women who today, as exiles or immigrants, live on foreign sol. If every home was ‘open to somebody of foreign origin, the racial problem woul bepartally solved. 46. For the reconciliation and unityitis essential {(@) to have no discrimination in the trust shown to the peoplesoftheearth (@) tohaveyoungseckersafterpeace (©) tohaveconfidence in atleasta few of the peoples (@) topunish the leaders who committedinhuman sins 47. To make the members of a nation responsible for the inhumanactsoftheirleadersis (a) unimportant (b) understandable (©) unjust (a) undesirable 48. Boundless concern should beshown to (a) one'sowncountrymenalone (b) the people belonging toour friendly nations only (©) the foreignerswho just visit ourcountry (@) alltheesilesliving away from their native lands 49. Thetheme of the passageis (a) rigid nationalism alone can help peaceful co- existence (b) trusting all the peoples of the earth may lead to serious problems (©) being cautiousofothersisa must olivein peace (@) concern for everyone irrespective of the race or country 50. Which ofthe following statements is not true according to, thepassage? (a) Af national boundaries are open to foreigners, the racial problem can be completely solved. (©) People of one nation often suffer disgrace because theirleadershavebeen atrocious. (©) Often exiles or immigrants don't receive fair ‘treatment on foreign soils (@) Lasting peace is possible only when one and all is, treatedfainly. — {9 26 30 4 @ 5 @ 10 2O 30 4 @ & @ uf 2% © 23 @) 24 O25 og %@ 3 @ 34 @ 3 2@) a @ 44 © 4 © Suman 6, @) 7, @). 8.) 9) 10 6 @ 17% © 8 0) 19 @ 20 @ 26. @) 37. @) 28. 0) a9, @) 30. ) 36. (@) 37 0) 38. @) 39. ) go. 46. @ 47, © 48. @ 49. @ 50. @) ae a] SS SS.CENGUSH|) 127 Scanned by CamScanner / Explanation: arte, tear ‘Custodianterr + explanation’ Fre One Word Substitution ®t + explanation? fy Idiom/Phrase@@1 snce, Accordance, Malicious (1/84 & *) tary 8H, Fundamental He aT SSS, Tae a ATT F explanation® fete One Word Substitution®@1 19€ for Ga bargain for ret a a aT are For, Panter ste QUE HET, edify Ween fre Zar, enlighten a7 aaewet ¥ explanation fag Idiom/Phrase®@t ‘WT, impervious Peét tr a snake, ng RK-wu fae EIT, panoramic ZH ite/Stubborn farét, Docile*#, Lavish wafer rem, 23. 24. 25. 26, a7. 28, 30. 32. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 42. Mordantéteet FATE F explanation’ fA One Word Substitution dg, Bourgeois Torr #1 Bat had Fart F haves! Congruent@™4F ar ge B41 ¥TF explanation fery One Word Substitution quick? 247% quickly@m ‘FATT F explanation? fay Idiom/Phrase 2} a THF explanation fy Idiom/Phrase®@1 ‘Fa THF explanation fe One Word Substitutionta Levity rar # eae, Gravity Prat 3 ae, Joclaiy HAE, Frivolity TOT Domicillary rare & wafer 4954 explanation’ Ag Idiom/Phrase®@i 200d (adjective) FUT well (adverb) BRT Vicarious rat ot area a eae a ae aq oo Fiduciary Za #9 feet & aa # fixar—arert passaway?® IM, pass out ete BY SIT, pass off Hh “aT, pass for ard 9 ara aT Prepositions #1 ver tar Santer afar sit aaa: tar F Soerer feat - set weary at Yea ¥ sm ang # aiken ve afta 2 3.S.C. ENGLISH > GRAMMARBAsEO Fitens Fig K Sigh ——_ — Scanned by CamScanner SOLVED PAPER 2016 eee rections (1-20): The following sentence has four parts ise]? Rand S. Choose the part of sentence withthe eared marks your answer. Ifthe is no error, mark No er yas youranse. eff oolshly Rama threw/ (Q) some water on the electric Teter) (R) when iteatches fire and he got a shock (8) No err @P ©) Q OR . @s 2. (Nomethod of making other/ (Q) people agree to/ (R) sourview point saseffectiveas this method / (8) Noerror @P ©) Q OR @ 8 {P) The conference was/ (Q) attended/ (R) by more than onehundred delegates./(S)Noerror @P (b) Q (OR @ Ss 4. (P) [told him/ (Q) the story/ (R) in details to make him understand it fully,/ (S)No error @P b) Q OR @ s 5. (P)While Mahendra was away/ (Q) on along official tour/ (@) his office receive an important letter which was rmarked'Urgent’ /(S)Noerror @P ©) Q OR @ $s 6. (P) The report is candid in admitting/ (Q) that the investment by the Government/ (R) in health and family planninghave erodedconsiderably./(S)Noerror () P ) Q (OR (@ $ 1 (P)I did not ikehis/ (Q) comments on my paper/(R)but had no alternative as Thad agreed to keep quiet,/ (S) No error @P © Q OR @ $s 8. (P) We will pack not only/ (Q) the material properly/ (R) but will also deliver it to your valued customers, (S) No error @ P &) Q OR @s 9 (P) Sakshi wrote essay/ (Q) so well that/ (R) her teacher wasvery pleased with her./($)Noerror @ 0) @R @s 40, (P) Iwas pretty sure that/ (Q) he would support me/ (R) for changing the age-old and static structure of OUT Organization erro pation /(S)Noerror |G OR @ § ) and gave him 0s 1s Gura immensely {Jyh ved his Gua immense (Q) 203 Ey loyalty,/(R) yet hehave his own inde! OR ws (©) Mahatma Gandhi did not solve/ (Q) all the future prblems/ ®) fathead Solve problems of his own aBe-/ 'S)Noerror (@ p me a Ok @ 8 "i + (The old man/ (Q) told his sons/ (R) that there was . ‘ach hing ikeluck,/($) Noerr0r tem ¢. P.O. (MAINS) - @P ) Q OR a) § 14. (P) According to one survey/ (Q) only those forests which ‘were/ (R) not under village management succumbed from fires recently./(S)Noerror @P @) Q OR @ s 45. (P) The house/ (Q) is builtin an/ (R) attractive manner./ (S)Noerror @ Pe &) Q R (dd) S 36, (P)We have done everything/ (Q) that could be done/ (R) toavert the storm which is now coming on./(S)Noerror @P ©) Q OR @s 17. (P)Nocountry can long endure/ (Q) fits foundations/ (R) ‘were not laid deep in the material prosperity./(S)Noerror @P ) Q (R @s 18. (P) We now look forward for/ (Q) some great achievements/ (R) which to some extent can restore the country's prestige once again./(S)Noerror @P @) OR @s 19. (P) Our school is making/ (Q) every possible effort/ (R) to provide best facilities and personal attention for each child./(S)Noerror @P MQ ©R @s 20. (P) This laboratory of physicists is/ (Q) not only equipped with/ (R) all state-of-the-arts instruments but also with utstandingphysicists/(S) Noerror @P ©) Q ©R @s Directions (21-20): Complete the sentence using the most ‘appropriate word from theoptionsgiven. 21. Thaven'tseenyou. enn WEE (@) within (b) since (c) for (d) from 22. Once he has signed the agreement, he won't be able to (a) backup () backin () backit @) backout 2g. She, waa brief appearance at the end of the party (a) puton (b) putin (©) putacross (@)_putup 24, The passengers were afraid, but the capt ‘them that there was no danger. (a) promised (b) advised (©) assured (@) counselled 25. The battalion operating from the mountain was able to. threeenemy divisions. (@) (b) tiedown (©) tieon (2) tiewith rections (26-28): Choose the correct synonym of the ‘given wordfromthe options given below. 26. LASSITUDE (a) Sluggishness () Stagnation (©) Depression (4) Delicacy 27. DESICCATED (a) Dry () Drain © Clear (@) Fade 28. OBDURATE TSS.CENGLISH|p 129» Scanned by CamScanner © eae {Oananymertegee™ serena xe yon eat Be Sls ms 3) Talat. ore fo tit oe (begin Pes bins gegen bse Be apie ie 6 tmexe bien 5-44 Inthe flung weston, four ‘rs air tear er cies interns Chm oneot beeeethe eaing ‘Phelsoniaractsherotene Serene ops inhamate. {9 aoe (aah atve {0 setistnaie 0) de 36 stn tt pleco came tn fom ti “ry iceland agien i) epee ke £5 Steinetandetaion (9 arena {© strate 27S warn" wm My nd did ot tc my a aie (0 reer sponta 8 Saka onmiin ene (9 cquphtithdictyhands {9 ied > Brmitontter mayor = Perdana a rete @ Sancunnewste (0 wer-spendingmoney «ee Son Shh a cme ete (3 doves 6 teagan, Sey © Seen, coacetientet, 0 Shed te ay, einen fort ArT cashew the non yp EERO omy Drsentng Moe of his ea (a) shave, bs loser by (9 Spe ©) cheated = @ Rand S. These four para Gea portions ra four portions arte order. Rearrange it in theo Sen i elt, Proreateameaninglsentence. sequnee nore damagetothe cornea 45 0. canbecleared with reinfections Be meoebuttlthere i.e (©) Rgse © SOR (@) PROS otothelady 46 Reselfwithimpeccablemajestyand wisdom R wobsseondacted | 5. loagrestestentthecreditmust a ae (@) SQPR (©) SPOR (@) RSPQ a7. P American 2 oe | S$. working women FsaR (b) Pros (© sKOP (@) PSRQ | 48. P._ blessing, thereis Q facthatithasbeens great consolation R ifthisgovernmentis nota wholesome 8. nodervngthe {s) RSQP © onse {@ PRSQ (@) RPSQ 49-P aninicrctivetolto | Q._svalableviathe World Wide Web K awebsearchengineis S._helppeoplelocate information © rsa 3 oes | S 50.7 sinedatanclininghe O°" the pacar of socio-economic measures nm bern “ | th county has rsined the widens &, ttetemingmtions | 3 arse ay 51 F fthetoutcatorteprodas” 2 2 rcontirporton &, etal | ake aes 32. whenengagedopnnstheens yt 82 & Secon nbovachinefa Seman 8 icici © QPse & gsnr 53.7. beatae @ Pas @. wichiras E Eattehecommnctt Go Rag | 8 ones ©) sonr | 54 ratosistsanane (2 SPOR | £ etna ich maar DTeesn | ts) Rhmastecaarae mae Scanned by CamScanner i * —caamaivone QuEsmahboob. \ forastaethat (©) Legalised (@) Liable SRPQ (>) QPSR Anything written inaletterafteritissigned (SPOR (@) SQPR (2) Corrigendum (b) Manuscript (0 fasbeen stagnant (©) Postsript (@) Postion gf ee pdrinkmarket that 6, Those whopisthoug thigh permission isanattempt prosecuted. & futsmetz (3) Bypasers (8) Absconders §) OR () sRPQ (© Thoroughtfares (a) Trespassers ta) BOP {@ sorR 69. Thestoryofone'sownlife (0 ergedout ofits (@) Autobiography Bi atopy (©) Calligraphy (a), Bibliography ae sister's family fori . Chie Minister’ family for its electoral fortunes 70. Nations that donot trust each otherlook upon each other. . inthepestoneyear, the political party has . (@) Calml ) Hopefully §._patheticrelianceonthe ashe 8 Sane, (a) SQRP o RPSQ . Weareexpecting a good monsoonthisyear. (0 FOS (@) QSPR (@) Getting ‘b) Predicting gf, unsurpasse® power (©) Hoping (@) Visualising Q modernsociety 72. Onewho collects postagestamps Rit en (@) Philanthropist (b) Numismatist tos (b) SRPQ {© Phat aye of nn gasses of One ofthe time-tested ways of remembering a series of (9 sPRQ (@) PRSQ oe 7 7 sp-P. onthecover page (a) Recollection (b) Schematizing Q, andpublieity posters (©) Mnemonic (@) Ingenuity R. whowouldlookgood 74. Opposed togreat or sudden change 5. theyprefersomeone (a) Conservative (b) Revolutionary (a) SPQR (b) RPQS (©) Evolutionary (d) Static fo) PRSQ (@ SRPQ 75. Constantefforttoachieve something (o.P. adventure programmes {a) Patience () Vigour Q. adultprogrammes (©) Enthusiasm (@) Perseverance R_ morethan 76. Aperson who constantly thinks that he issick S. children watch (a) Hypochondriae (b) Misogynist (@) PsRQ ©) sQRP (0) Misanthrope (@) Hyperpituitary (©) PRSQ (a) SPQR Directions (77-96): In the following question, a sentence 64. P. sculpteditinto hhas been given in active/passive voice. Out of the four Q. theworld'sgreatest statue alternatives suggested, select the one that best expresses the R existedand same sentence in passive/active voice and mark your answer S. shetookwhat accordingly @) qnsP (b) QReS 7. Ieanhelpyou. (©) SPQ (@) SQRP (a) Youcouldbehelped by me (2. nocultured societyis possible withoutbooksno fresh ideasare possible R and without freshideas 4) Qrsp (b) PRSQ (9 RSQP (a) RSPQ "3.P. thelloorshould Q. becurtained to stopechoing Decarpeted S. andthewallsshould (@) PRSQ (b) PQSR {9 FsRQ (@) PSQR ‘would miss. ti 1e o. lms avery intresting gam a between two famous teams - ‘hesaid that those who would not accompany him () sorp (b) SRPQ Ding POR (@) QRPS Ahem ions (65-76): inthe following question, out ofthefour Sienpngs,O8e the one that can be substituted for the “ Surllpeservation and protest of wii isthe eed ofthebour. (3 Management (b) Embankment 66, {2 Emhancement (@) Conservation (jy Msibleaceordingtolaw 7 Bigible () Mlegitimate, (b) Youcanbehelpedbyme (©) Youcanbehelpby me (@) Youcouldbehelpbyme 78. Wlikehim. (a) Hewasliked by me (b) Heisbeingliked byme ingliked by me (@) Heislikedbyme 79. Teanteach Nalini, (a) Nalinicantaughtbyme (@) Nalinicanbetaughtbyme Bo. Shelooksafter the child. 2) Thechildarelookedafterby her (b) ‘Thechildwerelooked after byher (©) Thechildislookedafterbyher (@) Noneofthese 81. Sheiscallingme. (@) Iasbeing called byher (b) Lambeingcalled by her (©) Ihavebeencalled byher (a) Noneofthese 82, Hamlet was writtenby Shakespeare. (a) Shakespearehad written Hamlet (b) Shakespeare wrote Hamlet (©) Shakespeare writes Hamlet TS.S.CENGLISH}) ita ——— Scanned by CamScanner (@) Shakespearehas wrote Hamlet 83. Mahmud gavemeapen. (a) Iwasgivenapenby Mahmud (b) Tamgivenapenby Mahmud (©) Thadgivenapenby Mahmud (@) Apenisgiventomeby Mahmud 84. Thenewssurprised us. (a) Wearesurprised at the news (b) Weweresurprised by thenews (©) Wearesurprised by thenews (@) Weweresurprisedat thenews 85. (a) Iwasoften praised byher (b) Thavebeen often praised byher (c) Lamoften praisesby her praised byher 86. Whostole your pen? (a) Whowasstolen your pen? (b) Bywhomisyourpenstolen? (©) Bywhomwasyourpenstolen? (@)_Bywhomdid yourpensteal? 87. Didhe buy thathouse? (a) Isthathouseboughtbyhim? (b)_ Were that house bought by him? (©) Wasthat house bought by him? (@)_Arethathousebought by him? ‘88. Somebody has stolen hispurse. (2) His pursehasbeen stolen () Hispursehad beenstolen (©) Hispursehadbeenstealing (@) Hispursehavebeenstolen 89. Honeyismadeby bees. (a) Beesmadehoney (b) Beesare making honey (©) Beesmakehoney (@) Beesmakeshoney 90. Mr. Mukerjee teaches us English. (a) English was taught usby Mr. Mukerjee (b) Weiwere taught English by Mr. Mukerjee (©) Wehavetaught Englishby Mr. Mukerjee (@) Weare taught English by Mr. Mukerjee ‘91. Thewallshad notbeen decorated by us. (a) Wehasnot decorated the walls (b) Wehad not decorated the walls (@) Wehavenot been decorating the walls (a) Wehadnotbeen decorating the walls 92, Aretail store was inaugurated by Sanju. (a) Sanjuhad inaugurateda retail store (b) Sanju has inaugurated retail tore (©) Sanjuinauguratearetall store (@) Sanjuinaugurateda retail store ‘93. Youareteasing them (a) They were beingteased by you (b) They areteasingby you (©) Theyhavebeen teasing byyou {q) Theyarebeingteasedbyyou 94. Shehastaughthim. (@) Hehastaughtbyher (b) Hehad been taughtbyher (©) Hehasbeen taught byher (@)_ Hehasbeen teach by her ‘95- Jatindercan helpGurdeep. (a) Gurdeepcanbehelped by Jatinder (b) Gurdeep could be helped by Jatinder (©) Gurdeepcanbehelp by Jatinder (@), Gurdeep could behelpby Jatinder 96. This book contains pictures. (a) Pictures are contained by thisbook (SS. CENCUSH = (b) Pictures were contained in this book (€) Picturesare contained tothisbook (d) Picturesare contained in this book Directions (97-118): In the following question, a, sentence is given in quotes. Out of the four option’ S% follow, choose the correct option which may impryt sentence. In case no improvement is required, chat improvement" option and mark accordingly. bY 97. The “alarming report” of the building clap everyone spellbound. (a) alarmed report (b) reportingal (©) reportedalarm (A) Noimproveny | 98. However, great you maybe, you cannot “trifle ons feelings. = (a) trifleaiong (©) trifleupon | (©) triflewith (4) Noimprovement 99. My father “is suffering” from diabetes forthe past te, years. (a) issuffer (b) hasbeen sufeag (c) hassuffered (d) Noimprovement 100. Because of his ill health, the doctor has advised him. torefrain” fromsmoking (a) nottorefrained () toresortto | (©) torefrain (@) Noimprovemet | 101, They “feel very proudly” that their team had woot match. | (a) feelsvery proud (b) feltvery pride (©) feltveryproud (a) Noimprovenest 102. The tea estate is “in such a mess there” is no one io things right. G@) inamessthere (b) inasuchmessthatthere (c) insuchamessthat there (@) Noimprovement 103. am sure that he has recovered from his illness ‘an ‘willaccompany"usto the pienie spot. {@) andhewillcompany (b) andthathewillaccompany (6) buthewill accompany” (2) Noimprovemnent 104, Thetrain waslate*for" fifty minutes. (a) from (b) by n (©) around (@)_ Noimprovent 105. One day you will repent “on” what you have done- @) into (b) for a (c) about (d) Noimprovemé 106. The man sho has committed such a seriaus eri®™ “get the mostly severe” punishment. at (a) gotthemostlyseverely (>) getthemostsnt | (c)_havegotthe most severely (d) Noimprovem 107. The District Collector “gave up” the prizes ol! atthe end ofthe function, @) giveup () gaveaway | (©) gaveback (@)_Noimprovemt 108. L\vas shocked to learn that no one “was know" thefiles were kept. (2) wasknown () knew (©) hadbeenknown (@), hadbeeo aera 109. Themoment the manager cameto know ofthe action ois assistant, he order ined (a) orderimmediate dismissed him (b) orderedhis immediatedismissal (6) immediately order dismissal his (@) Noimprovernent ght 110. He confidently asked the crowd if they the! right andthe crowd shouted ‘that they id ad Scanned by CamScanner 5 athe (©) thattheybad ; ( areher tee sisters 1 nthe stats. 2 ese ellen ©) allot (9 calle (@ Soimprevement ut St ting br tn sheen eo ot (a conahing (&) consult (6 beenconsting {@), Noimprovement Directions (19-45) fa the flowing question a sentence ser giver i trccrindrect speech. Out of the four ‘Strains saps sft the ae tot Best expresses the fame setenee in tndirect/dinect speech and mark sont. ‘msi Honest athebestpotiey” (6) "Ramldthathonesty waste best pai 18) Ramsaidthathonestyns been he best oly ( Ramtoldthathonethasthebest policy (2) Ranta hat honesty isthe Dest poly ‘an Teac saidtothemagistate, Pardon methis time, 1 te acd avn the mst tpn Hn ©) ered the agate aren me at (@ Thebeated ordered the masrte par hn tartne = (Te tie beget mint aon Bi 2% Thebuaer ad, “Canyou tel mete way ttheralloy (The taveler asked the ite boy whether be coal el he the way tothe railway station. The litle boy ‘Thetrvler ene te Hite boy wheter Teal bd ® epliedthat height een cagared the ite boy whether Leo sae rereray ane rainy station. The ite Boy fepledthatheeoulé. 2a, Lsaidtohim, Lookat his pletur. (2) Trequestedhimtolookat this pietre () Tadkised int ook at thisictre (© tasked him tolookatthatpctre {@) Lordereabimtotookatthis picture 129. Isaidtobim, “When wilyoureturn? (@) tasked himmhen eal retur, {@) asked himafwhenhewouldreturn {G) Lashed when che would return. {G) asked him whenhewould return. sag, Shosaidthaterealy ied that fori. fa) “Sheredly ike his furitareshesaid (= Shehodeealykedhisfuritare.shesaid (G) steely ike ths fretareshesaid (8) “Thavereallyiked his firitare,”shesaid ng. TheteachersaiWhatistneratter?™ (Gy Tetencherasked what the matterwas (@) Thetencherasked what wasthe matter, (G) Theteocher asked what the matters badbeen {G} Thoteacheraskedywhat the matters 126, Hesndtohim-Donotgothere.” G) Heteldhintogothere {§) Hetclahimto not gothere (0, Hetoldhim ottogothere {G) Hefortadehim soto gothers say, Mesa brave Youbuvedonewel” Te itapplouded hissing hated done well (8) fheeksimedhimsaying athe has done wel {@) Heeadaimedssyinghum athe has done wel (G} Heapplaudedbim ying that had done el 128, SorhersptdtomeDoyou know wheresoursiteris?” Mothertper aked me ihe whethor 1 kee where my (@) other aked me whether I knew where my sister (9, Nether etter ser Lt varbormy eee Oe tne Ea coca Oe athe pane © Tete ecedueuae O eesenitcntoieaiuaneea ss eset ite EF elena gehen theses fete dh a en ti $y Big oedema SSCENCSH|poras> — | SSS SSCENCLISH|P NAD " Scanned by CamScanner he was ping to discus the fod stuatin in thelr (The speaker tld the gentlemen that he is going to © Qeuvitefodstuntonintbercoanty. (@) The speaker told the gntleren that Tras gong to {nef tinge 154, leitch "When our echo dose” =“ (a) asked him when hisschool closed. (}) ahedbim when bisscholwasclosed {© Lahedhimitwhenhis schol hed closed (@) lastedhinwheneecoalbadlsed. 235, Hesudtotime Tasureyoutametat a” (3) tensareahim hae warts au {0 HHeasareahinhathehave nota {@) Heasiredsimthatwasnottial (@) Heasuredtim hated ott 196. Hes -Royoe!Vounavedectedme (@) Held argue and said him ofhaving deceived tin (0) He alle hm a rogue and acased him of having desde (© Metal him arog and acu i of taving tecsbed hi (@) He'll hm rogue nt dsare hm of having ected ne 197. Yaidtatiaeritat mon, (Gat thn { lai8-tinowtho man {9 lasd-ttaewthtnan= @ tSe4 iit” 498, She shan tt hei sled rade ie Shed" rasepisoureader" (©) She announced, "We have sected Pradeep as our (© he tmpounced, “Let ob wet Padep a6 our (@) She declared, “Pradeep had been selected a8 out 139: Hettohin “hashed (2) “Heasked him forhiskind help. eee ss. Yevniion ata igang 8 ‘Youwarned himofthe corning dante Youtold meof the comi cn (} Sencar say Sena hem de {) Shesignr seen aun. (2) Shesaid that Satish adhe (A) Shesaid that Satish hac een 28: 14a, Hesid, "Yes, tomar fault ene {© Hconoactesaint, vex ti let er fimo Mamba eek « ‘thane a eat Co alr te bey be lon to caemttntehetng, 0 remcahorrtroney el (©) Theboy exclaimed with sorrow that my motherly died, (a) Theboyexclaimedthat his mother had died Directions (46-155): Inthe following passage theo Blanks, each ofwhich has been numbered. Choose theme tsord from the given options which Jite the fel ‘appropriately Each species has its special place or habitat. An, binds watcher ean look t..(047).forest, meadow, Me samp or field and..(148)..almost exactly. wha ta 9) ind there ag0.-bds are found al | world; others...(igij~.themselves. to certain te Bil Gea om” oe' count inlisinsercofwrmthande (ogy nc Inspr) thereat morcioearie | we ia 1) aiveeet | 47) Stn a 148) Ble {3 prope (9 sapet (3 pre 9) ) might aust (@) should 120. 2 Some (3 dor | 154 (a) involve a wg ame (8 keep” 3} some @ one | ao (8) ey } (©) summer } spring | oO Sant oes, fr 385. (a) when (A) seeds | tn 8 ser Blois eh SSS 269) Ine oa est sore fon as bon lat asa Snort oma ee Cas he sete of Bt rns of our age te eomeset bolt tion. This state ofp ttePOns threatening to =e ipncadttar go ree i ative) 8 care 8) alo al si inal (3)~slastnctons he rki6 dem gning Tongrange, 6% ‘coneed fy Probleme a0 ith those avoled 8 (@) provided Scanned by CamScanner e ») others: aa = (@) these (pat () position 15g terest (2) involvement fa) when ) for (oy where @ were “on (2) has (a) establishments (b) officers Mc) centres (@) strengths (0) secret (b) security (@) defence £2) nonsecret a wit 0 te (@) would 164. (a) hardly (b) never (© practically (@) must 165 2) launching ) installing (@ deployment (@)_ implementing fons (166-170): In the following passage there are We cake tat hoxton santeral Coe eee ford fom the given options which fits the Blank ately. ‘Reyer vas 1913, The Wright brothers had just.(166). tala an aeroplane which...(167).uflew high Tas dep bested. .068)...and was making my own._.(169).- wath Sisgmachines. 1 really...170) that litle machine Thad pied togetherand] decideditwastimetoproveitsmerits, 166. (a) suoceeded () failed {involved (@) engaged sty (a) hardly (b) really (©) highly (@) sincerely 168. (a) science (b) history (© ying (@) making 189. (2) judgements (b) experiments (©) tying (@) indulging 170. (8)iselieved () believed © relied ) (@) ied rections (171-175): Read the passage carefully and seth best anser tothe given question out of he four Js the past, man’s worst enemy was Nature. He lived ‘te the continual threat of famine and pestilence, 8 wet ‘met could bring death to the whole Nation and every te asa menace, Mountains stood like a barrier between $epleand sea waslessahighvvay than an impassable division. Nature, thought stil an enemy, is an enemy almost eauléely conquered. Modern agriculture assures us of an supply. Modern transportation has made the ofthe entire planet accessible to all its inhabitants. coasting and sanitation allow dense populations to ie tound without rskof pestilence, Tre, we arestillat tego the more violent natural convulsions. Against yall: food and hurricane man has, as ye, devised no mage taestion. At most times, Nature is no longer oa shehas ben subdued. (nssyetsucceeded in controling the uriesof () earhquakes (@) floods a ic (2) Allofthese (a e7tMedicinehashelped man \olivelongereverywherein the world liveahealthy life in hygienic conditions IN¢ in thickly populated areas without fear of fo emis me balance population with available resources (a) pacer transportsystemisablessingasit vane decrease the distance between towns and 9 — () hasbroughtcomforttoboth towns and villages (©) hasmadgalthevonmoditesqvalabletoeveryone (@) hasencouraged peopleto travel for pleasure 4374. Inaneienttimes, Manhad anapprehension of (a) epidemics (b) severe droughts (© floods (@ Allofthese 175. Which of the following statement best reflects the underlying convietionofthe passage? (2) Mancan dowonders. (b) Man's knowledgehas noend. (©) Man has been able to control Nature to a great extent. (@ Manhasbeenabletocontrol Nature completely. Directions (176-180): Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to the given question out of the four alternatives. ; Akbar had quareelled with Birbal over something Important and had asked him not to come to the palace gain. ‘Akbar started missing Birbal and wanted him back, but could not find out where he was. Akbar hit upon a plan. He sent a message to all the villages that wis had been selected to wed the royal will and so they had to bring the bride to the capital immediately ‘The headmen ofthe various villages were alarmed at the mpossibletask and came rushing tothe capital toapologise for their inability to move theit wes. One man, Khaji, however, came to discuss the details of the wedding. Khaji wanted to \know whether the marriage ceremony would be conducted in the traditional manner. Akbar assured him that all the formalities would be observed. Khaji was happy and assured Akbar that he would bring the bride to the gates of the city. Khaji added that according to the tradition, the bridegroom ‘was to meet the bride atthe village gates and take her into the city, Healso asked Akbar when the commitment date from the bridegroom wassothat they could set out with the bridal party. “Akbar was happy to hear allthis. He realized that such an inteligent iden could be thought out only by the fertile brain of Birbal and told Khaji that he did not want the well bt the man vwhogave himtheidea 176. Why did Akbar decide to performthe marriage? (2), Hewantedtoknowhow marriages are performed. (b) Hewanted to increase the water in his well. (©) He wanted to test the intelligence of the village Headmen, (@) Hewanted ofindout the whereaboutsofBirbal, 477. Why did Akbar say that he did not want the well which Khajiwas offering? (@) Akbar did not lke the demands which Khaji was making. (©) Akbar intention behind his plan to perform the marriage was fulfilled. i (c) There wasnot much waterin the well (@ Noneotthae 178, Which ofthe following is NOT true in the waa 8 ein the context of the (@) According to Akbar, man inhis kingdom (©) Khaji thought ofthe idea that the marr Si ube tht he argo wa (©) Akbarenjoyed Birbalseompany. i (4) TheKing’swellwastobe the bridegroom. 179. ree meet Akbar? “ ({)He wanted to know whether the marr wy fetrmesina radon anne TBE would be ) He wanted to know whether the bei cometovilagegatetoreenvetheter gw" could (© He wanted to know why Alar had thought ofthe Birbal was the most intelligent Scanned by CamScanner ‘marriage between wells (@) Te wanted to know when the marsage ceremony vwastobeheld, 180. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage? G)"Abbarneverquareled withotherson smallmatters {@) Akbar ordered al the vilage headmen to find oat aout Bthal (9 Every village headman did not react to AKbar's marfageinthesamevay (@ Khaji was to bring the bridegroom to the village fates Directions (181-185) : Read the passage corfily ond Choose the Best anszer the piven question out ofthe four terns Because gldfish canbe Kept easily in small ponds and aquariums they make good pets they must have proper care fai the right Und of place to lie, A two-inch ih requires 4 ‘nin of tro gallos of water coining etic eager {osupportife Someonygen will makes way intothe water of an aquarium fiom thealrthat touches the surface Plants in an qari slso help to furnish oxygen. Sails help to keep an suum ean. asap ofpantsandenl tener ian aqanriamdoesnothavetobe changed frequent. a lnkemay provetobe acute unstable abode for goldish. Tee important that glist should not be overfed, They ean be fed sch things as dried insects im addition to commercalyy prepared goldfish ood, but they sould never heed more thea {cea day Even then, they should note given more food than egnbccensmedinaboutine mimes. Thisensures polnged 188, Whichofthe fllowingstatementis TRUE? {@) Gold ehshocld be given fod only once a day. {b) Snatlsestop the oldishinanavqariam. (©) Plantsproviefood tothe sna {@) Goldfish comes above the surface of water to get onygen froma. 182, Watcrinan aquarium needstobechangedit (2) thereareplenty of nallsand planteinit. (0) thereisnosultcientoxygen init, (©) itisvery clean and contamufcientonygen, (8) itdovsnotcontaingofish fod and dried insets, 18, Whichofthe following statement sNOTIrue? G)' Snails make the aquarium clean by eating up polish (0) Fas atilons of water with sufficient oxygen is enough fortworinch fh. (@ Goldfsheanbemadegoodpets. (3) Phanteinan aquarium provide oxygentogolsh. sg. Which oF the following helps supply gold fish with ooeen? a) "Sais () Plants {8 Driedinseets eta 5. (har cimportanttoremembersehen eeling golds 185. Wat pay enould befed marethanoncea day Faeyr euld be fedat fveminuteinteras rae oul be fed with plantsand nao (9) They shouldbe fed only once aday. pireCivons (186-190): Read the possoge carefully and Direction anne fo tbe glen question out ofthe four citernatives. : ‘Same yearsago,1 had the privilege of mesting the world’s cidest an, At leek be aid he wats Roe eva bo dogmatic tstit that the promoters of cartoon strip hat special sed in Aioelievable oites, brought the old mam to Neve York from ‘eibtatieeClurmbla ts bave hime exarinedbyatesmcf Doctors tthe Cornell Medical Cente, He was an Indian, our fee four ase q/5.5.C: ENGLISH “y inches tall; he had an alligator-hide complexion = tDewingtohisight ubeteverhe was nese ema ta to another, He said he was 167, born the eon ‘American Constitution, When thenameaf Gene 2s was suggested to him to help him fix his genenes mtn, oming ality’ remembered the man well. But he resent to New York. He wanted to be left slene a business, which at that time was the business ote eich atend tmp ata 186; Gere Washingons ae war mene | (@) toteachhimabitothistory ©) tokmow whether he had any Washington (© tomakefunofhisadvancedage (@) todetermine hisage 487. The old ma did not like being brought to Nery (2) atthat time hewas busy looking fora sixth i () hedida'tliketavellingmach (6) hedidn'tlike New York sna, bepteterdto lf alone inks nai }. The oldman claimed that the Americans gave Constitution -. (@) betorehe wasborn () intheyearof George Washington'sbith {© sorenunesagn onehiundred and sity seven years 189. Thecaroon-stripereators got interested nhimbese (2) hewasacomicalereat, () theywantedtofesturchiminacartoonstrp. | {© a person surviving at that age, was od tnbelcwabie | (a) he had the tendency of swinging to his right. | 190. Theoli manvwas dogmatic about the factthat (@) hewas(ourfetfourinchestall (@) hewasthe world soldestiniagman. (©) hebelongedtoColumbia. i inal beadenallgeridecompleion, oy rections (191—195): Head the passage card hoe the best aster fo the given question out of 8 ahernatioes se Ones nan vod comer dinates water and was carried away by the sit cuest. HE treat danger of drowring. A dove, perched ons 2% Sav the ant’s danger and dropped aeafinto the water | limbed onto this and was earred to safety. Sometie this, aluntercepingsbrough the bushes, saw thed™e 5 and took a careful aim with his gun, He was about t0 fe) the ant, who was nearby crawied forward and bE ia Se fonthe ankle. The hunter missed his aim and the 10 the gum awakened the dove fom her sleep She sa and flew swiftly away to safety. Thus, the ant repaid the havingsavedhislifetn the foamingeurrentofthes 491. Theanteametothestreamte (a) fallintoit () todrinkfromit (0) lookattheswift current (8) carrybacksomewater 1g2. Thedavedroppedaleafintothewatert® (2) drowntheant hy saverhean (© heiptsett (@) perch 193, Thedove wasindangerbecause (there was abush nearby ©) ahunterwasabouttoshootit. | {) ithadfallnofthebranch. {G) ahunterwanted tocarefort Personal conte Scanned by CamScanner asiepatbe dove by Tange dove ow "ST our hundred years after Michelangelo's desth Ort Sal unraveling the mysteries of bis an. One a pee as thal is bed a hi os drawing Sf dillerent Trine eves sate out atthe sewer and “The seumd myster si aehitestral plan forthe dh "Stace Dalbettendthe dome toll ite the ade ey eleyate the ome she IS Rar to non agree onthe asmerThethi ‘Surge att was why edsstrmes Bune ii drawings tof he de Did he fee SSbjemant or ad he want pstenty 40 sce only his finished products? 196. Why id Michelangelo destroy so many drawings before hedied? () Nebody knows (b) They were uninpor {) Theywere only drafts (} Hetadchange the drawings 197. The word pense in the passage canbe best substiated withthe word 108. ThedomectS. Peter sBasi {ay bears porcanontotbeoneintbernode (3) wasdetredatertbemadelwasbuit {2} rmisnlqerethantheaneintherodel (G) fullmsthe planed tbermodel 99. ean be aleve ro the passage that the mest unas (0) happy (2) thought (2) omedromingscbachward. 200, runing eile passe, Michelangl {B) cheofthe preatarissinthe world {G) thermot fimo architect Rome Ansvwers cs (b) ©) . (b) © @ (bd ze rb) to) @) as © 8 o we) ta. Ga ® ous © o eo on (153. (0) @) 53 &) g a a AGS 2h ee ee ee es SS RR Ee Be ee EO ee ee ee 0) age 0) agg.) t9de (6) 195 © (a) Explanations cacy jinn. 1a tee See arom et ce ‘ra rn de in desfae® £ shoe erate er tt bcs ra 0 inet cuneate Serko char ae oy pk orl ee ms BA Hae 2 oF =e ad rata inet supp in doing something Be have RET ast Ae Maen a8 ther geht et Sinetron Ph has Meo AINE toPA” sccm osomething A a Agha pater SSSTENCUST|p 107 Scanned by CamScanner 17. were’ PW areehMl 18. ford BIR tof lookforwardto 19. fort =urt TX toFM- providesomethingtosomeone 20. not only 1 @4H equipped ar ami FA- Rule of CONJUNCTION 22. backout sea art a ae Bea 23. put in fart eat Fe E TH Mtara, put across AE aA frat sr aararT, putup fra erg ferg sega EAT 24. assured ears @t Seat aT 25. tie down frat ait atuenc ar tener ere, tie up Favst stat fat at ctvar Note (26-31) : 1 Wt F explanations # fay Word Meaning®a 32. Accommodate fart # fare Fart FFT 33, Supersedefingt a7 eat et 34. Immense@@r aftr Note (35-44) : #1 Tit F explanations fg Idiom/Phrase ai Note (65-76) : 1 TH F explanations & Fre One Word Substitution? 97. alarming sentir are ar, alarmed SEIT ‘98. trifle with Fat tar ar Ferrers AT x00. refrain froma G8 TT 101. 74 past##l 402. such + a/an-+noun-+that 05. repent for rat ara & Fe OAT 107, give away PARE TET 408. know 21 FEE continuous AF Ra 8 jo9.Verb (ordered) + determiner (his) + adjective Gmmediate) + noun (dismissal) 110. aH crowd FAC TCA they gare 414, any 28 offen Ray, cither= 2 Fe + 112. threw Fae TAF had thrown YA AP ag 3, GH conjunction FTH STATA EA 114. 317 [donothave tolerance Tam nottolerant 11g, neither are verbsingular@rM | 116. make®T Subject (the use) singular® Tafa 3 i safer 117 callin rE A HPA | 118. $+ better +V" Teese ate a tere St ae HT CH ee 9 Be segue ee tafe TERT FF expend, Fp et | 147. Blank space @1@ PH nouns singular form # ys option (a) 3% (c) 7674 #71 | 148. predict f= a tat & fare Fro, suggest ay ‘Sy a ferel mel “sera ween” aT on are 149.almost exactly or mustarae wets 451. confine to SF a Prat ear oH aT | 456. cause problem 160. Passiveverb@HR8G; Subject (research) singulartt 161, establishments #4 | 164. not 368 a a= HE | 165. designing & Frerar— aren = ae | 171. 994 & options Tet # BARE passage ae tT Borge gen a aa a Paar et ewe Te 175. notcompletely APA toa great extent (4 827) 177. Waa S aA Ta HT ATTA AT 178.2 eat ar idea 180.Khaji@ reaction 341 1 : ornthe sameyearasthe American Constitution” | 189."specialized inunbelievable oddities” 196.38 Ba a aie fae BT a Eo AE ae TT 197. PensiveSare Ca Fare Lassitude AGTH, STATA, Sluggishness ‘Stagnation safest Delicacy atenitaar, are Desiecated a FHT GT Fade Obdurate fréh stubborn contrary fart Callous: wet Profound et Superficial Fro obscure thet Garrulous 211 atfrar ataeray, Talkative ‘Taciturn wm det aa Enlightening a 2 wat Frugality Generosity yerer Thrit at Providence aa Degradation wa Deployment ar efit a et Pestilence Formidable fad PedPra area gra ® Underlying amrogr Conviction Paeerat Dogmatic fear, zt ‘Tormented apie e1 8 ge es dl Scanned by CamScanner

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