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10. 1. 12 13, 14, BRDS-100 Mock test questions M.DES Programme fou needs improvement. Draw the product in its present 1 daily ife that according to y aula ete bene v raw the improvements that can be done in the product and condition and high light the drawbacks in it, also draw ‘explain atleast 5 additions you want to see in that product. raw 20 quick ine drawings of things which have triangular shape. Draw / Render an Iron in 3D drawing, Use of perspectives is plus. ‘and also remain open and has a chance of catching You know mé it the tooth brushes after use remain wet, ie comtarainetlons oF ew toothbrush, air contaminations or insects. Try to solve this problem by designing 2 9 Small Kids in the school forget many things lke pencils, books, rubbers etc. Write your views about how would you solve this issue? Write how straws are made? Ifyou know there are straws which can bend with corrugations in the middle, write how can they be made? Design a bracelet for a 21 year old girl having multi fun \celet. Draw and explain the features with help of sketches. Indian railway tickets have advertises behing the Ean you give your thoughts on what brands should advertise there and why? Draw a cell phone, You have a wire, some metal si me screws - come out with a design using this material for a newspap stand, Try to use as minimum mat ossible and denote how much material, sizes, and any other salient points of your design too. There is a spherical tank which needs to be calibrated and sent to a big company. How would you calibrate this tank without really filing it with any liquid? You have some bamboo sticks and paper. Create a kite which can fly with it. Do not have the kite shape same as usual square shape. Ensure take care of all considerations like air flow, where you will tie the strings, any special techniques needs to fly it. Show it with pictures. “I want to eat" - you need to message this to someone only using hand movements. Draw some key hand sketch Communication is very imp here, drawing skills are secondary. Write approx. sizes for the following items in cm or inches. Yo i i . You can give ranj i a. Diameter of a 100 watt bulb Saag enna b, length, breadth, height of a camel comy i 5 Pass box which kids Length of a pencil i d. Height of a table «Height of atypical room f. Length of say a Maruti car

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