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Breil Adlie

Ouagadougou, 01 BP 783, Burkina Faso

Application for the position of Program Coordinator in Athens with Secours Islamique France

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am pleased to apply for the position of Project Coordinator based in Athens, as advertised
recently on the Secours Islamique France (SIF) website.

I am a qualified, dedicated and experienced international development worker, specialising in

project management. My most recent role has been the coordination of the EU-funded project
Plateforme Re-Sources, an international network for improvement of waste management in
developing countries, based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Throughout my career, I have planned, budgeted, implemented, evaluated and reported activities
of relief programs through strong operational strategy and partnership building (local authorities,
ministers, private partnerships). For the last 3 years, I have mostly been in charge of coordinating
multi-actor activities including project planning (budget, schedule and implementation), M&E,
production of reports (monthly and annual reports for the EU), team management, partnerships
development and representation activities. I was also involved in collecting and analysing data on
the impact and effectiveness of the programmes on communities, as well as ensuring compliance
with donors requirements in every aspect of our service delivery. I am therefore familiar with
proposal writing, budget management and strategy implementation. This experience, in addition to
my background in the field of international relations, has given me knowledge and perspective on
emergency projects, and an understanding of the importance of developing sustainable
community development programs. As a project coordinator for SIF, I will use this previous work
experiences to ensure the supervision of programs and will seek the best way to interact with the
stakeholders in order to develop a coordinated approach on SIF activities.

This position also requires strong political and analytical skills as well as excellent knowledge in
Project Cycle Management, which I have acquired with a Master of Arts (specializing in PCM) and
through different experiences with local NGOs in Cameroon, India and Senegal and international
donors. Fluent in English and French, I am also an excellent communicator, with an ability to work
among intercultural teams of people, and I remain calm and positive under pressure. These
qualities will help me coordinate the local staff and program teams and represent SIF in
coordination and/or donors meetings. Last, I am at ease with paperwork and numbers, which will
be a good base to support administrative and financial teams.

My life and career have been (and will be!) driven by a genuine interest in supporting vulnerable
populations. The nature of the SIF operations in Greece, which include relief and life protection,
seems both challenging and interesting. In addition, le Secours Islamique France has gained
extensive knowledge of the Mediterranean context, which indicates that it implements high quality
programs. This is crucial to me, which motivated me to join the SIF team in Athens.

My resume is attached and I look forward to being able to discuss my qualifications with you

Kind regards,

Adlie Breil

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