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Whitney Vasquez

EDU 201-1003


Philosophy of Education

I have always known teaching would be my calling. Choosing to become a teacher came

naturally, because I believe students should always have someone to look up to. During my in-

class observation experience I absorbed the importance of becoming an educator. Not only am

I the perfect candidate for a majority of students, I possess the ability to be knowledgeable and

influential. I am aware of the lack of minority teachers, as well as the hardships students face

when they derive from a lower class zoning area. Personally, I have been a student who has

faced these hardships, and once I complete my schooling and become a teacher I will be the

perfect person to face the issues head on.

Education should always relate to a students life and aspirations. Although a student

may not use science as an adult, if they should aspire to be a scientist, education should be

presented accordingly as to benefit students in the perfect way. Learning about acts and laws

throughout this class has implemented in me the ability to know the struggles that our school

systems have been faced with. Race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, economic class, and

bullying are a few of many issues that have been ruled upon. However, as a teacher I am sure I

will face these issues and having the knowledge of Educations past and present will allow me

to move forward.

It is my hope that I will be well versed in observance. I hope to build a curriculum for my

students based on their learning styles and interests. School should not be ran as a dictatorship.
There are rules in place to prevent negative things from happening. But, a students education

should not suffer. I will provide my students with the tools they need to become their

aspirations. Even at an elementary level, I believe students show curiosity and a willingness to

be more than what they are. Diversity will be addressed by creating a safe environment for all

who enter my classroom.

Being a teacher is far more than going to school for a Bachelors in education. Teachers

should always possess the ability to grow and adapt. I believe I have that ability. Each year will

present different obstacles, and teachers should be equipped to alter their abilities and

overcome those obstacles. I plan to complete my Associates Degree for Elementary Education

at CSN, and then transfer to UNLV to complete my Bachelors Degree. Upon completion of my

Associates I plan on becoming a substitute teacher as a way to decide which grade I would like

to teach.

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