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Brazil-DENEM .


First of all, we would like to welcome all the IFMSA students to

CLEV UFSCs exchanges! We assure that your experience here in
Florianpolis will be unforgettable, you will be delighted by the
academic opportunities, the hospitality of our people and by all
the fun you will have with us.

This handbook will give a basic overview of the exchange

experience in Florianpolis, the requirements to apply, the
specifications of the clerkship, information about food and
accommodation as well as how to make the best out of your time
with us.

For more information, please contact the LEOs, or CLEVs as we

say in portuguese - UFSC Exchange and Research Officer on

Required Documents

It is mandatory that you send the following documents with your Application Form by
uploading them on the Database:

a) Language Certificate (Portuguese, English or Spanish).

b) A copy of your passport.
c) A photo of yours (passport size).
d) Proof of University Enrolment.
e) Your Student Record (including the subjects passed).
f) A Motivation Letter for each Department youre applying to.

Furthermore, you must bring with you and hand us upon arrival the following documents:

Health Insurance
Vaccination Card

Obs: If you get a Student Visa you can be regularly enrolled in the University just like any
other student here. You can have lunch at UFSC paying just R$ 1,50, borrow books from
the university library, use the Universitys Hospital as a regular student and pay 50% off at
the cinema, theater, concerts, museums and many other places.

What to bring with you

1. Casual/formal clothes
2. White coat
3. Stethoscope
4. We have three pin sockets (like the UK) so please bring an adaptor with you if
5. Your Academic Quality Logbook- the Handbook!

The LEO- UFSC strive to get you to be hosted by a host student, who may or may not live
with family or other students. The host usually lives near the university, the place of
internship or where its not hard to catch a bus to your internship place, everything for
comfort and convenience of the exchange student.

Water, electricity, gas for cooking and sometimes internet access will be provided by the
host student. Be careful with abuses, and if possible, offer to help with the expenditures.

A place to stay for a short time before or after the month of the clerkship can be
provided, but its not guaranteed considering that its not your hosts responsibility.

If there are no host students with the availability in the time of the exchange, you may be
accommodated in hostels.

You will have a padrinho/ madrinha, who is going to take you out (at least twice a week)
to show the city and our way of life. You`ll also be picked up from the airport by your
padrinho/ madrinha and taken to the place you`ll will be staying. The padrinho/ madrinha
is going to show you the internship place once and teach you how to get there by
yourself. He/ she is also taking you back to the airport on your departure day.

One meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) a day is provided for bilateral clerkships, usually
from the Hospitals restaurants. Food for other meals must be bought by students at a
local supermarket or grocery store, at his/ her expense. There are several options of
restaurants near UFSC, from all you can eat places to fast food and buffet per kilo
restaurants. You may also find a great range of delivery places, which are a good choice
for eating home.

Overall, Florianpolis is a safe city, but some areas are more dangerous than others, so it
is still important that the incoming exercise extreme caution and follow these

Do not take buses alone late at night (after 8 pm); 3

Do not go out with a lot of cash;
Do not walk alone in places with little or no traffic of people, especially at night;
When you go out alone, ask your host or padrinho/ madrinha for information;
Do not go out with valuable objects that draw attention.
Do not walk around with your original documents. Take some copies with you,
because if they are lost, it will not be a big problem.

Florianpolis receives many tourists, and foreigners call much attention from bandits
that, for not knowing much of the city, are easy targets for robberies. The LEOs from UFSC
want your stay here to be as peaceful and pleasant as possible, so redouble your
attention even in apparently quiet places.

Other important remarks

The confirmation letter and flight details should be sent to the NEO/NORE with
your date and time of arrival and departure 4 weeks before your exchange starts,
or else you cannot be picked up from the airport upon arrival. Students need to

be able to speak and understand English, Portuguese or Spanish.

Students must attend hospital from Monday to Friday. If a student is going to
take a day off, he/she must inform the tutor beforehand. However, to receive
your certificate at the end of the exchange, he/she must have attended 75% of
the clerkship/research exchange.
Students will be assigned to a tutor for the exchange period, they cant change
the Department once the exchange has begun.
The NEO-NORE should be notified about cancellations at least 5 weeks before the
start of the exchange.
Friends or family may visit students in Brazil, but they cannot stay at the students
accommodation and it must not interfere on the students clerkship at hospital.
Accommodation given cannot be changed during the clerkship. The NEO-NORE
reserves the right to cancel any clerkship if it receives any complaints of
misconduct or unethical practice both in hospital as well as at the lodgings. The
students responsible for such acts are held liable for any damage incurred during
the clerkship.
DENEM or CLEV- UFSC is not liable for the loss or damage of any students
Students must fill in their IFMSA Evaluation Form before receiving their
For countries which Brazil or UFSC requires visa or student visa, the NEO must
inform us in advance: we need enough time to send all the required papers to
4 make an easier process. This is very important, because in some countries the
students didnt get the visa due the fact that they applied for it very close to the
day of their departure.
Students must have their SCOPE/ SCORE HANDBOOK and fill it in during the
clerkship. Students failing to fill in the handbook will not receive the exchange

Health System
Health is defined by the WHO as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-
being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is a fundamental human
right, and the attainment of the highest possible level of health is one of the most
important worldwide social goals, requiring for its achievement the engagement of many
other social and economic sectors in addition to the health sector.

SUS (Sistema nico de Sade / Unified Health System)

In the VIII National Health Conference (1986), many organizations, including health
workers and users, political representatives, universities students, among others,
proposed, discussed and defined a new way to assist health in Brazil.

The definition of health according to the VIII Health National Meeting: It is widely
accepted that health is the result of adequate conditions of nutrition, housing,
environment, income, working, transportation, employment, leisure, freedom, land and
an adequate health system. In 1988, our constitution defines Health Unified System as a
group of actions and health services offered by public institutions and complemented by
some private associated institutions.

Priciples of SUS:
1. Universality: Health is considered a right for every citizen and the Cities,
States and Federal governments are responsible for this guarantee.
2. Equality: Everyone has equal rights in the SUS. Health attention should be
adequate to each reality.
3. Integrality: The aims of health actions should involve prevention, promotion,
cure and rehabilitation of health. The Human Being must be understood as a
4. Social Control: Guarantee of social participation in the main discussions of the
Health System.
5. Regionalization: Division of health attention in primary, secondary and high
level care in accordance to population needs. 5
6. Decentralization: Responsibility to the different levels of the government
(municipal, regional and federal)
The city of Florianpolis follows the Brazilian pattern. There are private clinics and labs
spread over the city, but the student will focus his work on the public structures. The
scenario is divided into Primary Attention, which is composed by Health Centers focused
on basic diseases (simple cases), while more complicated cases are attended in the

For you, it is good to know that this system also includes yourself! The exchange student
that is studying in Florianpolis can also take advantages from it.

Hospital and city specifications

Florianpolis is the capital city of Santa Catarina state in the Southern region of Brazil. It is
composed of one main island, the Island of Santa Catarina, a continental part and the
surrounding small islands. The city is known for having a very high quality of life, being the

Brazilian capital city with the highest Human Development Index score.

Most of the population lives on the mainland and on the island's central and northern
parts. The southern half is less inhabited. Many small commercial fishermen populate the
island. The fishing boats, the lacemakers, the folklore, the cuisine and the colonial
architecture contribute to the growing tourism and attract resources that compensate
the lack of large industries. Villages immersed in tradition and history, such as Santo
Antnio de Lisboa and Ribeiro da Ilha still resist the advances of modernity and are
worth it a visit.

The maximum temperatures of the hottest month varies from 25 C (77 F) to 40 C (104
F) and the minimum temperatures are from 6 C (43 F) to 11 C (52 F).

In general, the week of an exchange student in the internships is like the routine of a
Brazilian student. Work hours are usually from Monday to Friday, from 08:20h till 17:10h,
although it can be more, or less, and sometimes there are night shifts and weekend shifts.
Incoming students need 75% attendance in order to receive the certificate.

There is usually a dress code at the hospitals. Students cannot wear shorts or sandals.
They may come dressed in shirts or T-shirts, trousers or jeans and closed shoes or
sneakers. Women cannot wear short skirts or low cut tops. The hospital may also ask you
to wear a lab coat in its facilities.

Please attend your ward rounds, even if you go out the night before and arrive home late.
If we receive any complaints from the consultants we may have to cancel your exchange.
English is the working language used during clerkship (unless the student speaks
Portuguese or Spanish), if your tutor happens to continuously speak in Portuguese please
draw his/her attention about this.
Medical Education
In Brazil, students are eligible to enter medical school after completion of High School. In
Santa Catarina (SC) there are a few medical schools through the state. Most of them are
private and require a tuition payment from the students, there is only one public school,
Univesidade Federal de Santa Catarina, which is fully maintained by the government. To
enroll in any of these universities is necessary to have a good performance on the
University Enrollment Exam, called Vestibular, and in the ENEM, the national exam
coordinated by the Ministry of Education, which can help you improve your performance
and get scholarships for the private schools. They are very hard to pass because of the
number of people trying to get in a Medicine course, people sometimes take years to
enter a Medical School.

All Brazilian medical schools have a six-year (12 semesters) curriculum, which comprises

necessarily two years (semesters 9, 10, 11 and 12) of clerkship rotations. In broad terms,
the curriculum of most Brazilian medical schools may be described as comprising:

Two years (semesters 1- 4) of studies of fundamentals in biomedical sciences and

introduction to patient-doctor communication. In some schools (e.g. Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina), the fundamental disciplines are combined into integrated
programs per system (e.g. cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous, respiratory, etc), but
in most schools each discipline is covered in a separate program.

Two years (semesters 5 8) of further education in patient-doctor communication,

clinical and surgical learning;

Two years (semesters 9 12) of clerkship rotations. It follows from this general
description, that after the 5th or 6th semester, depending on the specific medical school,
the students are prepared to examine/assess patients.

Social Program
Brazil is the fth biggest country in the world and with that comes the wide variety of
cultures, landscapes and social programs among its territory.

Santa Catarina is a southern state with many natural wonders and the states prime
nature is a standing invitation for a variety of outdoor activities adrenaline in
ecotourism and adventure sports is guaranteed (zip line, rafting, bungee jump,
tracking...). It was elected the best tourist destination in the past years. 7

Here you will be able to live different experiences such as:

The Festa do Pinho (Pine Festival), in Lages, which celebrates the Pine Forest and the
higher altitudes of the state, where you can enjoy the wonderful local cuisine and shows
with national artists;

Oktoberfest, in Blumenau, is the biggest one in the world outside Germany. Its a festival
with German roots that presents the best in music, dancing and homemade beer, that
attracts more than 600 thousand tourists to the State;

Joinville Dance Festival, where you can enjoy professional dance performances (ballet,
jazz and all kinds of dancing from all over the world).

There are also many other food festivals, trade shows, symposiums, cultural and sporting
events, shows, religious celebrations, agricultural exhibitions and other celebrations all
over the year.

Santa Catarina also has the largest amusement park in Latin America, Beto Carrero, with
rollercoasters, free fall towers, zoos and shows.

The capital, Florianpolis, is the state's heart, being a part of the amazing shore, its lakes,
dunes, waterfalls, cascades, valleys, rivers and the preserved forests of the Atlantic
Rainforests amaze tourists and locals. It is where you will be able to find all kinds of
people and the most various definitions of fun, from nightclubs internationally known as
some of the best in Brazil, to pubs and house parties, or just enjoy a sunny day in one of
the 42 beaches that surround the island. Numerous architectural areas like churches,
museums, memorials and monuments are appreciated by tourists as well. The beaches in
the city are known as some of the best in Brazil, where you can surf or just enjoy your

Surrounded by all the wonders and beauty that Santa Catarina offers it is almost
impossible to remain as a mere spectator everyone participates, everyone plays along.
Accept this invitation and come celebrate life in Santa Catarina, Brazil. We, from CLEV
UFSC, will be honored and really happy to have you here! Those who visit, become fans.


Daily expressions:
What time is it now? Que horas so? (Key-ora-SOUN)
8 How do I go to____? Como vou para____? (KOmoo-vow-PAra)
How much does it cost? Quanto custa isto? (KwANtoo-KOOstah)
Please Por favor (Po-fah-vOW)
Excuse-me Licena (Lee-SENsah)
Doctor Mdico (MEH-dee-koo)


City Cidade (see-DAH-dee)

Street Rua (HU-wa)
Beach Praia (PRA-ee-ah)
Bridge Ponte (pOnt-ee)
Downtown Centro da Cidade (SEN-troo dah see-DAH-dee)
House Casa (KAH-zaa)

Airport Aeroporto (ah-eh-row-POWr-to)
Bus Stop Parada de nibus (pah-RAH-daa)
Hospital Hospital (ohs-pee-TOUW)

Average cost of living in Brazil (varies from city to city):

Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant R$15.00
Combo Meal at McDonalds or Similar R$18.00
Milk (regular), (1 liter) R$2.50
Rice (white), (1kg) R$2.96
Eggs (12) R$4.11
Local Cheese (1kg) R$19.83
Apples (1kg) R$4.95
Potato (1kg) R$3.19
Water (1.5 liter bottle) R$2.27
Domestic Beer (0.5 liter bottle) R$3.48
One-way Ticket (Local Transport) R$2.75
Gasoline (1 liter) R$2.92 9
Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult R$110.00
1 Pair of Nike Shoes R$302.31

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