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Q-Which group of dangerous goods
is generally unders ood o !e he "os
ha ardous for"arine ranspor a ion$
A- Organic peroxides.
Q-Which of he follo%ing is a correc
s a e"en
A-The hazard posed by a
substance can arise from
a dangerous reaction of thesubstance
or article with other substances in the
surrounding en ironment.
Q-Which &ac'ing (roup is assigned o
su!s ances presen ing a lo% le)el
of danger$
A-!ac"ing #roup $$$.
Q-Which of hese is he *+ &ac'aging
,y"!ol$ Drag . drop he correc sy"!ol in o
he!o/ 1
Q-Wha is sal)age pac'aging$
A-%pecial pac"aging into
which damaged& defecti e&
lea"ing or non-conformingpac"ages
or dangerous goods that ha e spilled
or lea"ed are placed for thepurposes of
transport for reco ery or disposal.
Q-Wi hin he 2MD( Code he
er" 4"ar'ing4 refers o %hich of he
follo%ing $
A-$denti'cation of the substance
contained in a pac"age.
Q-Which of hese pac'ing la!els is used
o indica e a Marine &ollu an $
Q-Where do you nd he Dangerous
(oods 6is $
olume of the $*+# ,ode.
Q-Which of hese s a e"en de nes
a 4Marine &ollu an 4$
A-A substance which is sub ect to
the pro isions of Annex $$$ of
*A !O/.
Q-2f you disco)er a lea'ing
an' con ainer on he %ea her
dec' %hich of he follo%ingac ions should
you a'e$
A- eport it immediately to
the +uty O0cer.
Q-Which of hese sy"!ol "us appear
on pac'aging con aining
radioac i)e su!s ances$ Drag . drop he
correc sy"!ol in o he !o/ 1

Q-Which of he follo%ing sy"!ols %ould

you e/pec o nd on a her"al
an' con ainingli7uid of a high e"pera ure$
Drag and drop he correc sy"!ol in o he !o/ 1
Q-Which of hese la!els %ould !e
a ached o a pac'age con aining
e/plosi)es$ Drag.a"p8 drop he correc sy"!ol
in o he !o/ 1
Q-2n addi ion o he 2MD( Code %hich
o her Code ,hould !e referred o for
guidance onsecuri y "a ers$
A-The $nternational %hip and !ort
1acility %ecurity ($%!%) ,ode.
Q-Colu"n 9: of he Dangerous (oods 6is
sho%s he re7uire"en s for s o%age
andsegrega ion Who is segrega ion$
A-The way that +angerous #oods
are separated by location
on board.
Q-2f a "i/ ure is a!o)e i s *pper ;la""a!le
li"i ho% is he a "osphere descri!ed$
A - T o o r i c h .
Q-Which of he follo%ing is
ano her na"e for 4s"ell4
A - O d o u r .
Q-Class < (ases1 has hree di)isions
T%o of hese are 4;la""a!le4 and 4+on-
=a""a!le non- o/ic4 Which of he follo>
A T o x i c .
Q-Which %o of he follo%ing can he er"
4Cargo Transpor *ni 4 !e applied o$
A- oad transport tan".A -
! o r t a b l e t a n " s .
Q-Which %o of he follo%ing are
s andar es s perfor"ed on
represen a i)e sa"ples ofpac'agings$
A - + r o p t e s t . A -
% t a c " i n g t e s t .
Q-According o he Code %ha "us
road )ehicles !e ed %i h$
A-%uitable supports
and securing attachments which
pro ide a safe and stableplatform
during transportation.
Q-Wha is a "ul i-ele"en
gas con ainer$
A-A special arrangement of
cylinders and tubes with
a manifold& assembledwithin a
framewor" and 'tted with ser ice and
structural e2uipment.
Q-Wha is he rs par of
any "ar'ing on a pac'aging$
A-The 34 pac"aging symbol.
Q-Wha does he 2MD( Code re7uire
in er"s of he es ing of pac'aging$
A-All pac"agings must be of
a successfully tested design.
Q-According o he 2MD(
Code %ha are 4placards4$
A-/arge labels that are 'xed to
the outside surfaces of ,argo
Transport 3nits toindicate the hazards
associated with the substances
contained in the unit.
Q-According o he 2MD(
Code %ha are 4la!els4$
A-4otices that are 'xed
to the outside surfaces of
small pac"ages to indicatethe hazards
associated with the substances in the
Q-Where should placards !e loca ed on a
freigh con ainer con aining dangerous
One on each end and one on ea
ch side.
Q-The &roper ,hipping na"e and *+
+u"!er of a su!s ance "us !e lis ed on
h e Dangerous (oods ;or" This is so ha he
su!s ance>
A-%o that the *aster has
the necessary information to
hand if he has to reporta pollution
incident in ol ing this substance.
Q-2n %hich par of he dia"ond-shaped
shipping la!el for Dangerous (oods %ould
you nd he class and di)ision nu"!ers$
A - T h e l o w e r p a r t .
Q-Where dangerous goods ha)e !een
loaded in o a road )ehicle %ha is he
na"e of hefor" ha "us !e supplied !y
he person re>
5 ehicle !ac"ing ,erti'cate.
Q-Who is responsi!le for co"ple ing he
docu"en s rela ing o he shipping of
Dangerous(oods unless he Code speci cally
re7uires o her%ise1$
A - T h e % h i p p e r .
Q-When should
all placards orange panels
"ar's and signes !e re"o)ed fro"
a Cargo Transpor *ni $
A-As soon as the dangerous goods
or their residues are discharged.
Q-Wha does his sy"!ol
indica e$

A-The way in which a

pac"age should be stored.
Q-Which of he reasons lis ed !elo% is one
%hich ?us i es 4@n Dec' @nly4 s o%age
%i hin he re7uire"en s of he Code$
A-That there is a substantial
ris" of formation of explosi e gas m
ixtures&de elopment of highly toxic
apours or unobser ed corrosion of the
Q-Which of he follo%ing is a de ni ion
of he er" 4co"pa i!le good4$
A-Those which when
stowed together result in a
hazardous situation in thee ent of
spillage& lea"age or any other accident.
Q-Where can e"p y uncleaned
cylinders ha ha)e
pre)iously con ained gas of a o/icna ure !e
s o%ed$
A - O n l y o n d e c " .
Q-Ho% does he 2MD( Code re7uire
ha dru"s %ill !e s o%ed$
A - 3 p r i g h t .
Q-Which of he follo%ing %ould you
consul for guidance on he re gh ing
procedures ofollo% in he e)en of an inciden
in)ol)ing dangerous goods$
A - T h e 9 m % # u i d e .
Q-@n %hich of he follo%ing can guidance
!e found in he ,upple"en o he 2MD(
A-The safe use of pesticides
in ships.

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