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UNIT - 1

1. Define amplitude modulation. (Nov/Dec 2013)

2. Define angle modulation.

3. Define frequency and phase modulation.

4. Draw the waveforms of AM signal.

5. What is the required bandwidth of FM signal in terms of frequency deviation and in

terms of maximum amplitude of carrier? (Nov/Dec 2009)

6. For an AM DSBFC modulator with a carrier frequency of 100KHz and maximum

modulating signal frequency of 5KHz, determine the upper and lower sidebands and
bandwidth. (Nov/Dec 2010) (April/May 2010)

7. State Carsons rule of FM bandwidth. (Nov/Dec 2010)

8. Define bandwidth efficiency. (Nov/Dec 2012)

9. Distinguish between FM and PM. (Nov/Dec 2012)

10. Differentiate between narrowband FM and wideband FM. (Nov/Dec 2013)

11. Define modulation index for AM.

12. Define modulation index for FM.

13. What is the highest modulation index and percentage of modulation possible with a
conventional AM system without causing excessive distortion?

14. For 100% modulation, what is the relationship between the voltage amplitudes of
the sideband frequencies and the carrier?

15. What does AM-DSBSC stands for?

16. Describe the relationship between carrier power and sideband power in DSBFC
17. Draw the amplitude modulation waveforms with modulation index m = 1, m>1 and

18. Define image frequency.

19. Draw the FM and PM waveforms.

20. Compare FM with AM.

21. What are the sources of noise in communication systems?

22. Define the term white noise.

23. What is meant by thermal noise?

24. Differentiate between coherent and non-coherent detection in demodulating AM


25. What is meant by indirect FM generation?

26. Define sensitivity and selectivity of superheterodyne radio receiver.

27. Define fidelity.

28. What is the need for modulation? (Nov/Dec 2014)

29. Write the expression for the spectrum of single tone FM signal.

30. What are the disadvantages of DSB-FC? or what is the need for using SSB

1. Derive expression for AM wave. Define modulation index and express its value in
terms of maximum and minimum voltage values of signal. Draw the spectrum and
time domain signal of AM wave. (16 Marks) (Nov/Dec 2009) (Nov/Dec 2010)
(April/May 2011)
2. Write the evolution and description of SSB techniques in detail. (12 Marks)
3. Draw the block diagram of superheterodyne radio receiver and explain the
operation. What are the advantages of this receiver over TRF receiver? (12 Marks)
(Nov/Dec 2012)(Nov/Dec 2013)
4. Explain about the indirect method or Armstrong method of generating wideband
FM. (10 Marks)
5. Explain the method of FM demodulation in detail. (i) Balanced slope detector or
round- Travis detector (ii) Foster or Seeley discriminator (iii) Ratio detector (16
6. Explain the method of FM demodulation using PLL. (8 Marks)(Nov/Dec 2013)
7. Define FM and PM modulation. Write down their equations. Describe suitable
mechanism that can produce PM from FM modulator. (16 Marks) (Nov/Dec 2014)
(Nov/Dec 2009) (Nov/Dec 2010)(April/May 2010)(April/May 2011)
8. Obtain relationship between carrier and sideband power in an AM DSBFC wave and
explain how power distribution takes place in Am DSB FC system. (6 Marks)
(May/June 2014) (Nov/Dec 2010)

1. Draw the phasor diagram of QPSK. (Nov/Dec 2009)
2. Define information capacity and bandwidth. (Nov/Dec 2009)(Nov/Dec 2010)
3. What is the relation between bit rate and baud of a FSK system? (Nov/Dec 2010)
4. Draw the block diagram of BFSK transmitter.(Nov/Dec 2012)
5. What is the bandwidth needed to transmit 4KHz voice signal using AM?(Nov/Dec
6. What do you mean by FSK? (Nov/Dec 2013)
7. What is M-ary encoding? (Nov/Dec 2013)
8. Draw the ASK and FSK signals for the binary signal s(t) = 1011001. (April/May
2010) (April/May 2011)
9. What are the advantages of QPSK? (April/May 2010) (April/May 2011)
10. What do you mean by ASK?
11. What do you mean by PSK?
12. Define the term Nyquist bandwidth.
13. What is coherent demodulator? (May/June 2014)
14. What is bandwidth efficiency? (May/June 2014)
15. What is the difference between FSK and MSK? What are the advantages of MSK?
(Nov/Dec 2014)
1. Draw the block diagram of FSK receiver and explain the operation. Determine the (i)
peak frequency deviation (ii) minimum bandwidth (iii) Baud rate for FSK signal with
a mark frequency of 49KHz, space frequency of 51 KHz and input bit rate of 2Kbps.
(16 Marks) (Nov/Dec 2009)
2. Draw the block diagram of QPSK modulator and explain its operation. For QPSK
modulator, construct the truth table, phasor diagram and constellation diagram. (16
Marks) (Nov/Dec 2014) (Nov/Dec 2009)(Nov/Dec 2010)(Nov/Dec 2012)
(April/May 2011)
3. Explain the bandwidth consideration of QPSK system. (6 Marks)(Nov/Dec 2010)
4. With a neat schematic diagram, explain the balanced ring modulator of BPSK.
(8Marks)(Nov/Dec 2013)
5. What is known as Binary phase shift keying? Discuss in detail the BPSK transmitter
and receiver and also obtain the minimum double sided Nyquist bandwidth. (16
Marks)(Nov/Dec 2012)(April/May 2010)(April/May 2011)
6. Determine the bandwidth efficiency and compare it with other M-ary PSK schems.
(8 Marks)
7. With neat schematic diagram, explain the balanced ring modulator of BPSK. (16
8. Explain in detail about 8 QAM transmitter and receiver. (8 Marks)(Nov/Dec 2013)
(April/May 2010)
9. Write note on Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). (6 Marks)(April/May
10. Explain in detail about 8PSK transmitter and receiver. (16 Marks)

1. Define bit rate and baud rate.
2. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication?
3. What are the modes of transmission of data communication?
4. Draw the PWM and PPM waveforms.
5. What are the advantages of digital transmission?
6. Define companding.
7. What do you mean by non-linear encoding in PCM?
8. Define Nyquist sampling theorem.
9. For the signal m(t) = 3 cos 500t + 4 sin 1000t, determine Nyquist sampling rate.
10. What is meant by ASCII code?
11. Which error detection is simple and which one is more reliable?
12. Compare merits and demerits of error detection and error correction.
13. What is data terminal equipment? Give examples.
14. What is forward error correction?
15. Mention any two error control codes.
16. What are the types of data transmission?
17. Differentiate between error detection and error correction.
18. What is the need for error control coding?
1. Discuss UART transmitter and receiver in detail. Under what conditions,
asynchronous mode of data transfer is better?
2. Explain the difference between error detection and error correction. Determine the
BCS for the following data and CRC generating polynomials. Data G(x) =
x7+x5+x4+x2+x1+x0 CRC P(x) = x5+x4+x1+x0.
3. Draw the block diagram of PCM transmitter and explain the function of each block.
4. What are the types of sampling? Explain the operation of sample and hold circuit.
5. Describe the features and purposes of serial interfaces.
6. Describe the mechanical, electrical and functional characteristics of RS232 interface.
7. Explain how vertical, longitudinal and cyclic redundancy checking is used for
detecting occurrence of errors in data transmission.
8. Describe PCM transmitter and receiver with block diagram.
9. Define PWM and explain one method of generating PWM.
10. Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous modem used in data
11. Explain with block diagram how analog signal is transmitted through digital
transmission link using digital modulation technique.
12. What is quantizing error? Illustrate with example.
13. What are parallel interfaces? Describe in detail about centronics parallel interface.
14. Describe in detail about medium and high speed modem.
15. Describe the most common error techniques.
16. Discuss the function of data modem.
17. Briefly explain the three methods of error correction.
18. Explain standard organization for data communication.
19. What is companding? Explain analog companding process with the help of block
1. What is entropy?
2. State any two properties of entropy.
3. State channel coding theorem for discrete memoryless channel.
4. Define channel capacity.
5. What is prefix coding?
6. Define mutual information and state its properties.
7. Define bandwidth efficiency.
8. Define information rate.
9. A source is emitting symbols x1, x2, x3 with probabilities 0.6, 0.3 and 0.1 respectively.
What is the entropy of the source?
10. Name any two source coding techniques.
11. Write down formula for mutual information.
12. Differentiate lossy source coding from lossless source coding.
13. How does Shannon Fano coding differ from lossy source coding?
14. What are types of channel?
15. Find Hamming distance between the following codes C 1 = [1000111] and C2 =
16. State source coding theorem.
17. Differentiate between cyclic codes and convolutional codes.

1. What is entropy? Explain in detail.
2. What is source coding theorem? Explain with suitable examples.
3. Explain Shannon Fano coding and Huffman coding in detail with example.
4. Explain the term mutual information in a discrete memory less channel. State and
prove its properties.
5. Describe error control codes and its applications in detail.
6. Explain linear block codes in detail with an example.
7. Explain convolutional codes in detail with an example.
8. Compare linear block code with cyclic code.
9. A discrete memory less source has five symbols x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 with probabilities
0.4, 0.19, 0.16, 0.15, 0.15 respectively. (i) Construct Shannon Fano code for the
source and calculate code efficiency. (ii) Construct Huffman code for the source and
calculate code efficiency. Compare the two algorithms based on the result obtained.
1. What is AMPS?
2. Name the services offered by GSM.
3. What are the subsystems available in GSM system?
4. What is the need for pilot channel?
5. Why hexagon shape was selected for cell?
6. Differentiate between macrocell and microcell.
7. Define cell and cell cluster.
8. Write the frequency reuse concept.
9. Define dwell time.
10. What is meant by handoff? What are the methods used for handoff?
11. What is meant by multiple access?
12. What is the need for guard band in FDMA?
13. List the advantages of 2G over 1G.
14. Define geosynchronous satellite.
15. What is transponder?
16. Define Bluetooth.

1. Discuss about frequency reuse concept with diagram.
2. Explain about hand off technology with neat diagram.
3. Explain about channel assignment strategies.
4. Explain in detail about cellular concept.
5. Discuss about various types of multiple access techniques.
6. Explain the concept of CDMA with neat diagram.
7. Explain in detail about the satellite communication with neat diagram.
8. Explain the operation of Bluetooth with neat diagram.

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