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Physical/Biologic Development: Early

Essential Tenets of Adolescent Growth Adolescence

ADOLESCENCE and Development
Puberty is the biologic process in which a child
becomes an adult
Physical/Biologic Development
- includes appearance of secondary sexual
Cognitive/Moral Development characteristics and development of
LEONCIA NATIVIDAD-OLONAN, MD, FPPS Psychosocial Development reproductive capacity
DEPARTMENTS OF PEDIATRICS and PHARMACOLOGY - onset: 8-12 yrs old; 2 yrs earlier for girls
Physical/Biologic Development: Early Physical/Biologic Development: Early
Physical/Biologic Development: Early
Adolescence Adolescent Girls
For both sexes, growth acceleration begins but peak Development of underarm odor and faint genital hair
growth velocities are not reached until SMR 3-4 Appearance of breast buds first visible sign of
Pulsatile release of GnRH, LH & FSH during sleep puberty and hallmark of SMR 2 in girls; occurs
Boys typically peak 2-3 years later than girls and
Increase in gonadal androgen and estrogen between 8 to 12 years of age
continue their linear growth for 2-3 years after
girls have stopped Development of acne Enlargement of the ovaries, uterus, labia and clitoris
Asymmetric growth spurt begins distally with Elongation of the optic globe Thickening of the endometrium and vaginal mucosa
enlargement of the hands and feet, followed by Dental changes eruption of permanent molars
the arms and legs and finally by the trunk and Rapid enlargement of the larynx, pharynx and lungs
Pubertal growth accounts for 20-25% of final adult
Physical/Biologic Development: Middle Physical/Biologic Development: Middle
Physical/Biologic Development: Early Adolescence Adolescence
Adolescent Boys
Growth accelerates during middle adolescence
Average girl growth spurts peaks at 11.5 years Male : increase in lean body mass
Testicular enlargement the first visible sign of
puberty and hallmark of SMR 2; begins as early Average boy growth spurts peaks at 13.5 years widening of the shoulders
as 9.5 years old Doubling in heart size & lung vital capacity spermarche
Penile enlargement occurs during SMR 3 Increase in BP, blood volume & hematocrit penis lengthens & widens
Peak growth occurs when testicular volume reaches Physiologic changes in sleep patterns and Female : subcutaneous fat accumulates
9-10 cm3, during SMR 4 requirements widening of the hips
Enlargement of seminiferous tubules, epididymis, Acne & body odor appearance of clear vaginal discharge
seminal vesicles and prostate
menarche (begins 2 21/2 years after
Gynecomastia occurs in 40-65% of pubertal boys thelarche); usually during SMR 3 4;
during SMR 2-3
after the peak height velocity has been
attained; onset is determined by genetics,
adiposity, chronic illness and competitive
Physical/Biologic Development: Late
Final stages of breast, penile & pubic hair
development occur at 17-18 yrs of age in 95%

of late teens
Growth of facial & chest hair
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