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To study the Earths magnetic field using

a tangent galvanometer


This is to certify the project of Disha Kashyap, XII D,

Sanskriti School, roll number: To study the
Earths magnetic field using a tangent galvanometer in the
academic year 2017-18, has been done under my guidance.

Signature of Student:
Signature of Teacher:

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for my physics

teacher, Mrs. Nidhi Kalucha for guidance and constant
encouragement. I would also like to thank Mr. Joseph for
being patient with helping me complete my project.

S.No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 2-7
Sources of Earths Magnetic field 3
Tangent Galvanometer 5-6
2. Experiment 7-10
To study the Earths magnetic field using a 5
tangent gavanometer
3. Bibliography 11

A moving charge or current sets up or creates a magnetic field around it.

The magnetic field thus created by any magnetic material/magnet exerts a force on a
moving charge or current in the region surrounding it.
Earth's magnetic field is the region in space surrounding it , where moving charges (ions)
or current experiences a force.

The Earth's magnetic field is described by seven parameters. These are declination (D),
inclination (I), horizontal intensity (H), vertical intensity (Z), total intensity (F) and the
north (X) and east (Y) components of the horizontal intensity. By convention, declination is
considered positive when measured east of north, inclination and vertical intensity positive
down, X positive north, and Y positive east. The magnetic field observed on Earth is
constantly changing.

The geomagnetic field measured at any point on the Earth's surface is a combination of
several magnetic fields generated by various sources. These fields are superimposed on
and interact with each other.


The Earth behaves like a giant bar magnet. Theories about the reason of Earths magnetism
have come up through the centuries but there is still no consensus as to what the exact
cause is.
Certain theories regarding the source of Earths magnetism:
1. In 1600, William Gibert suggested in his book De Magnete that the Earth behaves as a
bar magnet and its magnetism is due to the presence of a large magnetic material at its
center, which could be a permanent magnet. However, the core of the earth is so hot that a
permanent magnet cannot exist there, hence, this theory was rejected.
2. Professor Blackett suggested that the Earths magnetism is due to the rotation of the
earth about its own axis. Cosmic rays cause the iodization of gases in the earths
atmosphere and as the earth rotates, strong electric currents are set up due to the
movement of the charged ions. These currents may be the source of earths magnetism.
3. At the very center of the earth lies the very hot and molten core. The core of the earth is
comprised of large deposits of ferromagnetic materials like iron, nickel etc. The
temperature of the core is extremely high, reaching almost that of the sun. The circulating
irons in the highly conducting liquid region of the earths core, which itself is constantly in
motion, form current loops and hence, produce a magnetic field. This is known as the
dynamo effect.

The magnitude of the magnetic field at the Earth's surface ranges from 25 to 65 microteslas
(0.25 to 0.6 in gauss). The intensity of the field is often measured in gauss (G), but is
generally reported innanoteslas (nT), with 1 G = 100,000 nT. A nanotesla is also referred to
as a gamma ().The tesla is the SI unit of the Magnetic field, B. The field ranges between
approximately 25,000 and 65,000 nT (0.250.65 G).

The North and South magnetic poles of Earth wander, but sufficiently slowly for ordinary
compasses to remain useful for navigation. However, at irregular intervals averaging
several hundred thousand years, the Earth's field reverses and the North and South
Magnetic Poles relatively, almost abruptly switch places. These reversals of the
geomagnetic poles leave a record in rocks that are of value to paleomagnetists in
calculating geomagnetic fields in the past. Such information in turn is helpful in studying
the motions of continents and ocean floors in the process of plate tectonics.

The magnetosphere is the region above the ionosphere and extends several tens of
thousands of kilometers into space. It is the region, where the motion of the charged

particles is affected by the planets magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field serves to deflect
most of the solar wind, whose charged particles would otherwise strip away the ozone
layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Auroras are a spectacular sign that our planet is electrically connected to the Sun. These
light shows are a result of the interaction of energy from the Sun and electrically charged
particles trapped in Earths magnetic field.

The formation of the aurora in the night sky begins with a solar flare. A solar flare occurs
when the magnetic energy build-up of the sun is suddenly released in the form of solar
winds. These winds carry charged particles and rays of virtually the entire electromagnetic
spectrum, which interact with the electrons of atoms present in Earths upper atmosphere,
and manage to penetrate the magnetosphere. These charged particles transfer their energy
to the oxygen and nitrogen molecules.
As a result of this newly infused energy, the electrons of the molecules of the gases get
excited. As the gases return to their normal state, they release bursts of energy in the form
of light, they emit photons. When a large number of such collisions occur, a visible aurora is


A tangent galvanometer is an instrument used for the measurement of electric current.

It works by using a compass needle to compare a magnetic field generated by the unknown
current to the magnetic field of the Earth. It gets its name from its operating principle, the
tangent law of magnetism.
The tangent law of magnetism states when a magnet is suspended under the combined
action of two uniform magnetic fields of intensity is B & H acting at 90 to each other
(perpendicular), the magnet comes to rest making an angle with the direction of H, such
It was first described by Claude Pouillet in 1837.
A tangent galvanometer consists of a coil of insulated copper wire wound on a circular non-
magnetic frame. The frame is mounted vertically on a horizontal base provided with
leveling screws. The coil can be rotated on a vertical axis passing through its centre.
A compass box is mounted horizontally at the centre of a circular scale. It consists of a
powerful magnetic needle pivoted at the centre of the coil. The magnetic needle is free to
rotate in the horizontal plane. The circular scale is divided into four quadrants. Each
quadrant is graduated from 0 to 90. A long thin aluminium pointer is attached to the
needle at its centre and at right angle to it. To avoid errors due to parallax, a plane mirror is
mounted below the compass needle.
While performing experiments, the instrument is first rotated until the magnetic field of the
Earth, indicated by the compass needle, is parallel with the plane of the coil. After which,
the unknown current is applied to the coil. This results in the creation of a second magnetic
field on the axis of the coil which lies perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field.
The compass needle responds to the vector sum of the two fields, and deflects to an angle
equal to the tangent of the ratio of the two fields.

A tangent galvanometer can also be used to measure the magnitude of the horizontal
component of the geomagnetic field. When used for this purpose, a low-voltage power
source, such as a battery, is connected in series with a rheostat, the galvanometer, and
The galvanometer is first aligned so that the coil is parallel to the geomagnetic field, whose
direction is indicated by the compass when there is no current through the coils, that is, no
other magnetic field is generated to counteract the Earths magnetic field. The battery is
then connected and the rheostat is adjusted until the compass needle deflects 45 degrees
from the geomagnetic field, indicating that the magnitude of the magnetic field at the center
of the coil is the same as that of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field (From
tangent law, B=Htan).
This field strength can be calculated from the current as measured by the ammeter, the
number of turns of the coil, and the radius of the coils.

Circuit Diagram

When a bar magnet is suspended in two magnetic fields B and Bh, it comes to rest making
an angle with the direction of Bh.

From Figure B = Bh tan. This is known as tangent law of magnetism.

If is the deflection of the needle, then according to tangent law,

B = Bh tan. (1)

Let I be the current passing through the coil of radius a with n turns, then the magnetic field
generated by the current carrying coil is,

B = 0nI/2r(2) (r is the radius of the coil)

Equating (1) and (2), we get,

Bh tan = 0nI/2a

2aBh/0n = I/tan(3)

The left hand side of equation (3) is a constant and is called the reduction factor K of the
given tangent galvanometer.

K = I/tan..(4)

Now from the equation (3) & (4), the horizontal intensity of Earths magnetic field Bh is,

Bh = 0nK/2r

1. Tangent Galvanometer can be used to measure the magnitude of the horizontal
component of the geomagnetic field
2. The tangent law of magnetism can be used to compare galvanometer constants


Aim: To study the Earths magnetic field using a tangent galvanometer

Apparatus: Tangent galvanometer, battery (0-6V), rheo stat (20), spirit level, reversing
key, ordinary key, ammeter (range 0 to 3A), connecting wires, metre scale etc.

A tangent galvanometer consists of a circular frame of a non-magnetic material on which 3
coils having 2, 50 and 500 turns of fine insulated copper wire are wound. Ends of each coil
are connected to screws at the horizontal turn table in which the frame is mounted
vertically. A circular compass box of non-magnetic material is held at the center of the
circular frame. This box has a small magnetic needle pivoted at its center with a long thin
aluminium pointer fixed at 90 to the needle, with both being free to move on the
horizontal circular scale graduated in degrees and divided into four quadrants of 0 to 90
each. A small plane mirror is fixed at the base of the pointer to remove error due to parallax
in reading the position of the pointer on the scale. The turntable is provided with three
leveling screws.

When a current of 1A is passed through the coil, a magnetic field is produced at the center
and along the direction perpendicular to the plane of the coil given by,

B= (0/4).(2NI/r)
where r is the radius of the coil and N is the number of turns in it

Since the plane of the coil is in the magnetic meridian, the horizontal component of Earths
magnetic field, H acts in the plane of the coil. It means, B & H are perpendicular to each
other. Thus, the magnetic needle of the compass box is under the combined effect of the
two perpendicular magnetic field B & H. The needle gets deflected and comes to rest
making an angle () with the direction of H. This angle is red from the end of the aluminium

According to the tangent law,


or (0/4).(2NI/r)=tan..(1)

I=(2rH/ 02N).tan(2)

From (1),
From (2),

where K=2rH/ 0N, is a constant known as the reduction factor of a tangent galvanometer.

Therefore, the reduction factor of a tangent galvanometer is defined as the current in

amperes which when passed through a tangent galvanometer produces a deflection of 45.

Tangent Law
When a magnet is suspended under the combined action of two uniform magnetic fields of
intensity is B & H acting at 90 to each other, the magnet comes to rest making an angle
with the direction of H, such that
Therefore, the magnetic field is given by,


Circuit Diagram:

1. Draw a neat circuit diagram and make sure the connections are in accordance with the
diagram, connecting the positive terminal of the ammeter to the higher potential terminal
of the battery and using 50 turns in the coil of the tangent galvanometer.
2. Note the least count and the zero error of the ammeter.
3. Measure the inner and outer diameter of the coil of the tangent galvanometer three times
with a meter scale.
4. Using the spirit level, level the base and the compass box of the tangent galavanometer
by adjusting the levelling screws.
5. Now rotate the coils of the tangent galvanometer about its vertical axis, till the magnetic
needle, its image in the plane mirror fixed at the base of the compass box and the foil, all
three live in the same vertical plane. In this setting, the ends of the aluminium wire should
read 0-0 if this is not so, rotate the box without disturbing the position of the coil till at

least one of the ends of the pointer stands at the 0-mark.
6. Switch on the current through the galvanometer by closing the key. Read both ends of
the pointer after gently trapping the compass box. Use the reverse key, reverse the
direction of the current through the coil and again read the values of deflection shown by
the two ends of the pointer on the scale. When the mean values of the reflections shown by
the pointer in the two cases differ by more than 1, then turn slightly the vertical coil until
the two values agree. This will set the plane of the coil exactly in the magnetic meridian.
Now, mark the positions of the leveling schools on the working table with a piece of chalk.
7. Bring the deflection in the galvanometer reading around 45 by adjusting the rheo stat
suitably and in no case should the deflection be outside the range of 30 to 60
8. Record the reading of the ammeter and the deflection of the compass needle shown by
the two ends of the aluminium pointer on the scale.
9. Now reverse the current through the tangent galvanometer by turning the reversing key
and record the values of current and deflection of the compass needle.
10. Record your observations.

Range of Ammeter=
Least Count of Ammeter=
Zero error of Ammeter=
Number of turns used=


S. No. Inner diameter(d1) Outer diameter(d2) Mean diameter d=(d1 + d2)/2 Mean radius (d/2)




Deflection in Tangent Galvanometer

S.No Reading (A) Mean K =I/tan

1 2 3 4
Direct Current Direct Current Reverse Current Reverse Current


Calculations :
From observation table ,

Mean K =


For different values of current I, deflections are noted and values are calculated. Knowing
K, n and r the value of horizontal intensity B can be calculated.

Experiment in tangent galvanometer gives the reduction factor of galvanometer and
horizontal intensity, B of Earths magnetic field.

1.The current supply wires have to be wound in a small helix, like a pig's tail, otherwise the
field due to the wire will affect the compass needle and an incorrect reading will be
2. All the magnetic materials and current carrying wire should be taken far away from the
3. The magnetic needle should swing freely in the horizontal plane leveling and other
setting for this purpose should be done carefully.
4. Make sure the socket connections are neat and tidy and plugs are not lose.




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