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Conditions of Qualification

1. The service of an officer does not qualify for pension unless it conforms to the following
three conditions:
(a) The service must be under Government.
(b) The employment must be substantive and permanent.
(c) The service must be paid by Government. ( C.S.R - 361 )
2. (a) Compensation Pension( C.S.R - 426 )
If an officer is selected for discharge owing to the abolition of a permanent
post, he shall, unless he is appointed to another post the condition of which are
deemed by the authority competent to discharge him to be at least equal to those of
his own, have the option.
(b) Invalid Pension (C.S.R-441)
An Invalid pension is awarded, on his retirement from the public service, to
an officer who by bodily or mental infirmity is permanently incapacitated for the
public service, or for the particular branch of it to which he belongs.
(c) Superannuation Pension(C.S.R-458)
A superannuation pension is granted to an officer in superior service
entitled or compelled, by rule, to retire at a particular age.
(d) Retiring Pension ( C.S.R-465 )
A retiring pension is granted to an officer who is permitted to retire after
completing qualifying superior service for thirty years or such less time as may for
any special class of officers be prescribed.
(e) Family Pension ( NPR )
A family pension may be granted to the family of a Government servant in
the event of death after he has completed ten years, qualifying service.
3. Pensionary benefits for the wound and other extraordinary pension are as follows:
(a) Injury pension ( BEPR-11 )
act of a person who inflicts an injury by assaulting or resisting him in the
discharge of his duties or in order to deter or prevent him from performing his
duties or if he contracts a disease as a result of attending in the course of his
official duty. Family pension is not allowed after the death of the pensioner.
(b) Extraordinary family pension ( BEPR-12 )
If a Government is killed or dies of injury due to the act of a person who
inflicts an injury by assaulting or resisting him in the discharge of his duties in
order to deter or prevent him from performing (or) due to the disease contracted as
a result of attending in the course of his official duty, extraordinary family pension
shall be made to the widow, husband and children of a government servant.

(c) Children pension ( BFPR-12 )

If a Government dies owing to the incidents mentioned above, family
pension shall be made to the children of a Government servant. In the case of a
minor son until he attains the age of 18 and in the case of an unmarried daughter
until she attains the age of 21.
Calculation of pension and Gratuity
4. Calculation of pension and Gratuity for a Government servant who retires from the service
are as follows;
(a) Net service of (1) years to (4)years Gratuity = last pay net service
(b) Net service of(5) years to(9)years Gratuity = last pay net service 1 2

(c) Net service of ( 10 ) years above

Monthly pension last pay Net service

last pay Net service


5. After the death of a Government servant following benefits are granted as follows;
(a) Net service of ( 1 )year to ( 4 ) years
Gratuity =Last pay Net service
(b) Net service of ( 5 )years to ( 9 )years
Gratuity= Last pay12
(c) Net service of ( 10 )years and above for husband / wife

last pay Net service 

Family pension

for other persons

last pay Net service 

Family pension

Gratuity last pay 12


last pay Net service


Note: ( The Pensioners may have the chance to choose the maximum amount for gratuity )

6. Extraordinary pension and family pension are calculated according to the services rendered,
by the rates mentioned in the schedules. The schedules of injury Gratuity, pension and family
pension are revised in accordance with notification order 208/2012. of Ministry of Finance and
Condonation of interruptions
7. Upon such conditions as it may think fit in each case to impose the authority competent to
fill the appointment held by officer at the time condonation is applied for, were he to vacate
that appointment may condone all interruptions in his service. (C.S.R - 422 )
Condonation of Deficiencies
8. Upon any conditions which it may think fit to impose the authority competent to sanction
the pension of an officer may condone a deficiency of six months in his qualifying service(please
see also paragraph 169 of the Burma supplement to the civil service regulations. (C.S.R - 423 &
B.S to CSR 169 )
Nominations for the Family pension
9. Nominations for the family pension in agreement with new pension rules 5 ( 5 ) ( a ) are as
5(5)(a) (1) Wife/husband of deceased Government servant
(2) Failing widow or husband, as the case may be, to an unmarried
child who is either under the age of ( 18 ) years or is receiving full
time instruction at any University, College , school or other
educational establishment.
(3) Failing ( 1 )and ( 2 ) to an unmarried or widowed daughter
(4) These failing ,to an unmarried and fatherless grand child who is
either under the age of ( 18 ) years or is receiving full time
instruction at any University, College, School or other educational
10. In the event of no pension becoming payable under 5 ( 5 ) ( a ),the following relatives may
be granted according to the new pension rules 5( 5 ) ( b ).
5( 5 ) ( b ) (1) A parent
(2) Failing a parent, to a brother or sister who is either under the age of
( 18 ) years or is receiving full time instruction at any
University, College , School or other educational establishment
(3) Failing ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , to an unmarried or widowed sister.
(4) These following, to any other brother or sister

Compassionate allowance
11. No pension may be granted to an officer dismissed ( or ) removed from service for
misconduct, insolvency ( or ) inefficiency , but to officer so dismissed or removed
compassionate allowances may be granted when they are deserving of special consideration ,
provided that the allowance granted to any officer shall not exceed two-third , of the pension
which would have been admissible to him if he had retired on medical certificate . Family pension
may not be admissible after the death of compassionate pensioner .Compassionate allowance may
not be allowed if the net service of a pensioner is less than 10 years . [ C.S.R 353 & NPR 8(2) ]
Pensionary benefits of a pensioner granted by the Government
12. Following benefits can be enjoyed by the pensioner:
(a) No pension , granted or continued by Government on political consideration,
on account of past services or present infirmities or as a compassionate
allowance , and no money due , or to become due , on account of any such pension
or allowance, shall be liable to seizure , attachment or sequestration by process
of any Court at the instance of creditor , for any demand against the pensioner or
satisfaction of a decree or order of any such Court .[ C.S.R - 943(5) ]
(b) A retired officer is not amendable to punishment under any of the rules now in
existence for the discipline of Government servants. ( B.S to C.S.R - 209 )
( c) Pension is payable at treasury or bank at the pensioners option. ( C.S.R - 933 )
(d) If a pension payable remains undrawn for more than one year , the pension ceases
to be payable. If the pensioner afterwards appears, the disbursing officer may
renew his payments with the previous sanction of the authority by whom the
pension was sanctioned. (C.S.R - 956,957 )
(e) On the death of a pensioner, payment of any arrears actually due may be made to
his heirs, provided that they apply within one year of his death. ( C.S.R - 959 &
960 )
(f) Future good conduct is an implied condition of every grant of a pension. The
Government to themselves the right of withholding or withdrawing a pension or
any part of it, if the pensioner be convicted of serious crime or be guilty of grave
misconduct. ( C.S.R 351 & B.S to C.S.R - 43 )

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