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CHAPTER 11 (Biotechnology: Principles and Processes)

(1 Mark)

1. What does H ind and III refer to in the enzyme Hind III?

2. Some enzymes are considered as molecular scissors. in genetic engenrring. What is the name assigned to such enzymes?

3. Restriction enzymes should not have more than one site of action in the cloning site of a vector. Comment.

4. What does competent refer to in competent cells used in transformation experiments?

5. Besides better aeration and mixing properties, what other advantages do stirred tank bioreactors have over shake flasks?

(2, 3Marks)

6. Describe briefly the followings:

(a) Origin of replication

(b) Bioreactors

(c) Downstream processing

7. . Explain briefly

(a) PCR

(b) Restriction enzymes and DNA

(c) Chitinase

8. Distinguish between

(a) Plasmid DNA and Chromosomal DNA

(b) RNA and DNA

(c) Exonuclease and Endonuclease

9. What modification is done on the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens to convert it into a cloning vector?

10. A plasmid without a selectable marker was chosen as vector for cloning a gene. How does this affect the experiment

11. What would happen when one grows a recombinant bacterium in a bioreactor but forget to add antibiotic to the medium in which

the recombinant is growing?


12. For selection of recombinants, insertional inactivation of antibiotic marker has been superceded by insertional inactivation of a

marker gene coding for a chormogenic substrate. Give reasons.

13. . Describe the role of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in transforming a plant cell.

14. A selectable marker is used in the section of recombinants on the basis of their ability to produce colour in presence of

chromogenic substrate.

(a) Mention the name of mechanism involved.

(b) Which enzyme is involved in production of colour?

(c) How is it advantageous over using antibiotic resistant gene as a selectable marker

15. Describe the process of DNA Recombination in detail with help of diagram.

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