CHAPTER 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

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CHAPTER 10 (Microbes in Human Welfare)


1. What is the medical use of cyclosporinA.

2. Name the pests that lady bird & dragon flies help to get rid off respectively?

3. What are interferons?

4. Name the first antibiotic manufactured & also name its source microorganism.
5. Name the organism used in the dough for making bread.
6. Why does Swiss cheese have big holes?

(2, 3, 5Marks)
7. Name the enzyme which is used as clot buster to remove blood clot from bloodvessels of patients.
8. What are statins? Where are they produced from? How are they useful to man?
9. What is VAM? How does it act as biofertiliser?
10. Why bottled fruit juices are appear clearer than home made ones?
11. What is Biogas? How is it produced & Name the microbes invaded in Biogasproduction.
12. Describe the procedure involved in Sewage treatment?
13. Mention the dual functions of LAB that are useful to man?
14. How do Biofertilisers enrich the fertility of soil? How does cyanobacteria acts asbiofertiliser?
15. What for Nucleopolyhydro viruses are being used now a days?
16. Why are cyanobacteria considered useful in paddy fields?
17. Name some traditional Indian foods made of wheat, rice and Bengal gram (or their products) which involve use of
18. Name any two species of fungus, which are used in the production of the antibiotics.
19. An antibiotic called .Wonder Drug. was used to treat the wounded soldiers of America during World War-II. Name the
drug and the scientist who discovered it
20. Name the plant whose sap is used in making .Toddy.. Mention the process involved in it.
21. Which Ministry of Govt. of India had initiated Ganga Action Plan and Yamuna Action Plan? What are the objectives of
these plans?
22. What is biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) test? At what stage of Sewage treatment this test is performed? BOD level
of three samples of water labelled as A, B and C are 30 mg/L, 10mg/L and 500 mg/L respectively. Which sample of
water is most polluted?



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