7928 Lets Go To The Cinema

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A: What are you doing this evening?

B: Nothing special. Why?

A: How about going to the cinema today?
B: Good idea! Whats on?
A: Theres an American blockbuster film on. They say its very good.
B: What sort of film is it?
A: Its an adventure film.
B: Is it dubbed?
A: No, it isnt. Its subtitled.
B: When is it on?
A: At 7 oclock.
B: Well, lets meet outside the cinema at 6.45. (quarter to seven)
A: OK, see you then!
B: See you!

Useful expressions How do you say them in your mother tongue?

What are you doing tonight?........................................................................................

What are your plans for tonight?................................................................................
Lets go to the...............................................................................................................
How about going to the?.............................................................................................
What about going to the?...........................................................................................
Why dont we go to the?.............................................................................................
Whats on?.........................................................................................................................
What sort / kind of ?..................................................................................................
dubbed film........................................... subtitled film........................................
adventure............................................... horror.....................................................
romantic comedy..................................
war film..................................................

Can you think of other types of films? Write them down.


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