ASME B31.3 Interpretations No. 15: General Information

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ASME B31.3
Replies to Technical Inquiries
April 1, 1996, Through March 31, 1997

General Information
It has been agreed to publish interpretations issued by the B31 Committee concerning B31.3 as part
ofthe update service to the Code. The interpretations have been assigned numbers in chronological order.
Each interpretation applies to the Edition or Addenda stated in the interpretation, or if none is stated,
to the Edition or Addenda in effect on the date of issuance of the interpretation. Subsequent revisions
to the Code may have superseded the reply. These interpretations are not part of the Code or its
Addenda. .
These replies are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical and
~. , ,j editorial cOrrections made for the'purpose of improved clarity. ,In some instances; a'Teviewof the
'd interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature. In these cases, a revised reply bearing
the original interpretation number with the suffix R is p r e s e n t e d . " ;
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional infor-
mation is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Fw:ther, persons aggrieved .
by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. As stated in the
Statement ofPolicy iIi the Code documentS;ASME does not ~'approve," "certify,";~.rate,'~;.()r~:endorse'~~~.:,:
any item,'Construction, .proprietary device, 9"
activity. . ~;,y:< ,:.,~);;~: .."~~>.:'~,':. ?:;:,~~'r-~~t~0>:}:':;:-y}f}:> ,:.'.: ''',
For detailed instructions onpreparation of technic31 inquiries 'to 'the B31 a;mmittee;~'refer t():'.-
Appendix Z.. .

Code Reference and Subject Indexes

Code Reference and Subject Indexes have been prepared to assist the user in locating interpretations
by location or by subject matter iIi the Code. They cover iIiterpretations issued from Volume. 1 up to
and iIicluding the present volume, and will be updated with, ~h volume.

.. ,' ..\ ... '
~ , """'-.


Subject Interpretation File No.

Fig. 328.S.2B Sketch (3), Socket Welding Flange . IS-08 B31-96-009

Hardness Testing : . IS-20 B31-96-039
Metallic Valves Lined with a Nonmetal . 15-26 B31-96-049
Para. 300.1.3, Scope; Exclusions : . IS-Q9 B31-96-01O
Para. 302.3.S, Limits of Calculated Stresses Due to Sustained Loads and Displacement Strains . 15-IS B31-96-o20
Para. 304.1, Pressure Design of Components; Straight Pipe ' . IS-1O B31-96-o11
Para. 304.1.1. Pressure Design of Components; Straight Pipe . IS-Q6 B31-96-OO7
Para. 304.2. Curved and Mitered Segments of Pipe .................................... IS-14 B31-96-018
Para. 304.3.3, Reinforcement of Welded Branch Connections . IS-oS B31-9S-052
Para. 319.3.I(b), Thermal Expansion Data . IS-24 B31-96-045
Para. 323.1.2. Unlisted Materials , '" . 15-04 B31-9S-048
Para. 323.2.2, Lower Temperature Limits, Listed Materials . 15-12 B31-96-oIS,
. Para. 323.2.2. Lower Temperature Limits, Listed Materials . IS-2S B31-96-047
Para. 323.4, Fluid Service Requirements for Materials ................................ IS-03 B31-9S-046
Para. 328.2.3, Performance Qualification by Others .................................... IS-19 B31-96-037
f Para. 331.1.3(b), Heat Treatment Requirements . IS-18 B31-96-o36
~ :;'".J_ ;; *'''''PanL" 332.4.2(a),Cold Bending and Forming ~' '.. :::..' .. : ...... :. : . .. IS-17-; B31-96-034
.'\..::.7 Para. 33S.1.1(c), Alignment; Flanged Joints ........................ ; ...... IS-07 B31-96-008
. Para. 341. Examination .'.;. :~ ... ;'; '.; '... 15-13 B31-96-017
Para. 342 and Para. 344.2, Examination ..................... : ................ IS-21 B31-9~1
Para. 34S.9.1(a), Examination of Welds _....... IS-02'B31-9S-045
Para. X302.2.3. Leak Test ................................... IS-22 B31-96-043
. Table A-I, Allowable Stresses ...................... IS-QI B31-9S-044
.-~ :~. '._,YY~_ ':~~'.:i:~.~t'Table. 323.2..2, .~i~um ,TCD1~tures Without, Im~t. Testing for Carbon Steel Mat~ ..
" I IS11 , . > , B31-96-014
.;,~r.:;i.{~:f~,~t~jS1Table323.2.2; Minimum Temperatures Without ImpaCt Testing for Carbon Steel Materials
;:::";.'~".;~;;;,~';';Table 323,J.I.lmpactTesting Requirements for Metals .: ::: .;~.;'...... : :.; . : ~

:~:~~':~'};~,g'~ . /;~.::; :~;~ .,.; .,;~" ,

'. , f


, ./ ' '"'' .,'.~,> ,.,. ,- ,:../ .._."., ..
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<, B31 ,3 Interpretations No.,.15. '., .... '

15-01. 15-02
b.". ;~~ ",',,:" "~," '-':I~,~~~.~t.... ;,,,.~'.'~':f'~~"~~";' ~" '1'J._,,,~.~,'~~~',,..:.::,,., ., ,.~;o;.,.:&.:~.,-,~~-~. L ':"";~';"-~.',~ "'~: .,col~
. ' "Interpretation:'15-O1,:, < , '. : : ' ':~~::'<." :~',::i:"'_' ,

," ,<. ..",,' ., ....,......':". ' . "'''{'''~~.'ITiIr,''';1'.:'''''''~':''''''':-,""":; ,~"'-."
~-,: . . ",.. ;\,~:: . . ~~p,..":,,,,,,.~t~."~:";;>:i~i''''

."Subject:;'~~~:;;~rAsMEB31.3c-199S:Addei1da;'Table A-kAllowable Stresses


:"',h .,
. .- .'...
::. "".' ,'~: '~';' Datt;Issued: ',~,:,May }l;.l ~?6:,~~r:;.::':':::::~;~:::7:"ZC,'':,~' "~:"
,'". ~""'. ~~

,C~ '~.,;o.~:,>1~~~!.A~.\':i~,C{"'/,;"',i.'''':loj>1:'';''~:;~~''I''.iJtr',;~ ...

...._~:,:1 ~:{';:'::~'';(~~(\~>~~ .~~~~~'t.~~i,:~~,:~."':'tU(':~"'

File: B31-95-044

QUeStion(I):'Are the materiat requirements of ASME SA-106 the same as ASTM A 106?

Reply (2): Yes. ,

Question (2): When doing an ASME B31.3 system stress evaluation, what allowable stresses are used
for ASTM A 106 or ASME SA-106?

Reply (2): Those listed in ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Table A-I for ASTM A 106.

Interpretation: 15-02

Subject: ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Para. 345.9.1(a), Examination of Welds

Date Issued: May 21, 1996

File: B31-95-Q45

", , ' ' ' t ;.~.',<,;<'t".'~"<"'>:"': Question: In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, is it permissible to perform magnetic
\.:,,) particle examination of a circumferential weld in lieu of radiogtaphy as specified in para. 345.9.1(a)1
. .. .,', . .'. '~'/-:'~ ~:;",~,.'.:>.' , . - ;.

Reply: No.

, " 1 < ~. .' ;_":,)P.::";:

''''',-:.,lo-.', .. ,::

,:, ..
.,' .... <. ' ~""'.~ .,~ .......,...."'.. ~ '," ,,;} ~- ..... i '.'--1,'; v",>. '-. "

15-03. 15-04

~ . ....; .. , ti-; .., .. ,/'r __ .''''.,~~'--:J,~ ~,,.:'-l "\,' . ~ . ~,.l;'-.~'~.7'.'.~, . -::~ .'." ~'j ...-- .. ,l:-'~ --'.,1'1. 1.'';'''';':-'. ".,.

. -, ,.,::~.: ~:, ~~':7~~:,~t:;'C"J'~"~ ~,,' ~. '~. . :'1 <~:'?"" .:..:. ~'; -::';; i7 '.:~' '~i,~"~",' !::~ ~-~t~' ~:~.-:,,:_ . ~~:.-'~- :'.:~~::~; :~(~:~~ ~~~;~~~~,;~;,~~.::;,:,~~~,'~_~.
:,,~,',~ '.. ~,,; .,;--~~.~ ~., ,~,;.: ',' ~'i~.~'~"~l.~~:'~t~~:<;I'-'~"~:r""'~~~:..- .l.:,. ..; ..

SUbject: >");:~,,t.~~;'(.::"\SldE, B31.3c-199S.Adden~p'ara. ~323.4, . Flwd Semce Requirements for,,,,,~....:i.."~" ,,-,~~ ".,.,. \.'
,;-_ ... .- ,-'l,' _~~,,"",,," Materials ~, ....""~.~ . ,, :~"':~,-.;t"",-.<,,,,.,_,~,.~''f::7lf\'' ~"~'i",.".~-::t~~N:'"t~,"~::".P"'-~:.,~~:,~:.~~ '~L~.V,\ ,~".,*" ~l~~"l~oC""'!',~,r,."" ..",,~:,~~1'
__ ~".~'."",' ~(,~': ~',"-.,'C.'-',

. "'f';<:';01,'"""'" ',~""".,!\.,,,, Date Issued: #~tt,Jvfay .21, ;1996~""')'i';~"'Ji~;JF"r;t....,,\\e''1~it>;{'~~~''''''Ji'l.'!'\'*''~1't,.,..~w<.~,,:,""' .... "'H;r;,.,' ,"':" ~7'''''~';:''''\'''''" . ,'.

File: B31-9S-046 \.~~ ' ..-~ .. : ..


Question (1): Does the ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda'permit the use of gray cast iron at tempera-
tures down to .:....150~ ,'" '

Reply (I): Yes, however, see para. 323.4.2(b) and F323.4(a).

Question (2): For temperatures below - 2<rF, are there any special toughness test requirements for
. gray cast iron? '

Reply (2): No.. See Table 323.2.2, Box B-1.

Question (3): For any temperatures below -20"F, are the allowable stresses at -20"F applicable?

Reply (3): Yes.

Interpretation: 15-04
.r .-'
.,~'- .

May21~ 1996
I ,"

Date Issued:

File: , B319S-048
(, . - -"";'." ":' ',' ....) '"';:~'~ "."_. ..."!-

Question (2):'CaJi API SL X6S pipe beqUaIifiedfor applications above operating temperatures of
lOO"F under para. 323.2.3 for Normal Fluid Service? " .



831.3 Interpretations No. 15 .~< .15-05.15-06. 15-07

" _ ... -- .. ,., . ,"". ','~
, ':'i':'':: 'W.,.if.,~,;,Or$-" '.' '~.',,";"',:.- ~ , ,"". ,. "...."._ .: .f. -, ......
-,..r~;,"t:-~~'_,.,....;~.,.": .'~ :.
Interpretation: 15-05

.Subjectt~' ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda,' Parae304.3.3, .Reinforcement /of Welded Branch ".;..,'".",....'., ~.j. . ,.

Connections ""," "' ., """'" ( ..

~... . ~ -. ',. .<:' :,~. "", '"''':-:'-'''-i;~''_:,:~.~ ;~~~~"?~~~-.~~,~~~~~r:.\'~:,~:~',. ~~.~,~,~".: ;;.~, ..
. ~.. .\, ". I ;...... ./

". Date Issued: ,"". May 21, 1996 ,,.. '. . ""'"'' "., ..:c .,,.,. .,;" ,."., . .'i';;,;..j.;: ""'~".'''':'' , . ,..,:, '-.,"' ..

File: B31-95-052 ,.
Question: In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, para. 304.3.3, is it permissible to
multiply the require<:!- area replacement in Eq. (6) by factor F from ASME Section VIII, Division I, 1995
Edition, Fig. UG-37? The nozzle is welded on a cylindrical header as per Fig. UW-16.1 sketch (a).

Reply: No, except as provided in para. 300(c)(3) considering the design conditions of para. 301 and
design criteria of para. 302.

Interpretation: 15-06

Subject: ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Para. 304.1.1, Pressure Design of Components;

Straight Pipe

Date Issued: May 21, 1996

File: B31-96-OO7

Question: In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, para. 304.1.1, shall the quality factor" '.'
E also include ligament efficienc~;, . ...

Reply: No; see para. 304.3 for the reinforcement of mult~p!e openings.

Subject: .~. ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Para. 335.1.1(c), Alignment; Flanged Joints' ' . ,
?".~~ ".~-: '.::,.,;':.-!~~>:;-<:~~ ,:-.;~.~;;~"~~(;~ ~ ......~"~ ,~:" :~lt~; *. '- ,: 'tI~~'~" ~::; ::-f-~~~:~'i\~~17~~~~t~~<~~~\.1 : ~~.~; J~ ~:~".i~:J;Y}:~:'0;:'~1~~~~' ~. .~.,;fiy;;~,,,';7/:-'1>i_~;"\~;,~~'
Date Issued: . ,May 21, 1996
.-'; .:.,.>.. ;.
File: ~"" .. '.... B31-96-OO8 ~'# "~"':".-; .-', ~.

Question: In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, para. 335.1.1(c), prior'to bolting up
a flanged joint,inay the flange faces be out of alignment from' the design plane by moreth8n V16in./ft .. ;:.::- ','
(0,5%),. provided the misalignment is considered in the design of the flanged' asseml>ly and attached
piping in accordance with para. 300(c)(3)?' " .
.,.:", ...

,- . No. .15
"':;" ,;,. '.~"'"

'::~~,~lnterpret8tion:'15"..o8 ", ,', '..' .~,,,, .. ,,. ~"~' .-~_"

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... ... ..:". . } ,~.~ ,:,. '*",i'~'" " . ~,C,. __ .' ,;;. . _",1".;" ~".':" .11\." ",,' . ~ ;'.': ~,'"r" .... ;.'. '.' ',., ';0, ~_..,.;.~,' .;>"t., " .-'-', ~' ~,' " , . .. ,<;.~ ...;...-.I\'''':;,~~i . '~U ;:"~;'i'f'''''~:''<ll~,r:"~~:::-~,,
;: .",',.,'~"
-~;".~Ubjf:ct:;;:',:';::::~',::,~~~B31.3c,,:1~9~,1\~denWl,.Fig. }28.~.2B Sketch (3)!:,~ket:We1ding ~nge':~;;;':~;;'~~;"'T':h,,!;;~f?; .-
~;-, '., .,~. ""I ,'ilf'I'.,ti<" "~:,"".~;1~-I:"- _~.- -,--.". ,.;,;, , '., /. ".,...., -:...,'.,.., ........ - . ' '!~.~';" ~ ~ .....,.'.~ ;-"~"""'.'~~f<If(."~,".'J
_ ,""". ';"'.",';' .~:"I" .,.~,-- ... .. ."':-'..... ~,..",""""_I';<o .... :J;t'".~f;".~'......'...":1'1'.. '-_t,',/f'

, ,.~., Date Issued::~~,I.May 21, 1996,~,,~.,,"',_ ..,, .",,, """~'" .'" !,,~H~'.....-"'i>!':'~f.:":'t"~'.;~:;~~~, .
"~ ,~'I";.;' .. .., ' ..: ..':1'. ":" '<-1:"_.; < ,,,;,~~,:,!l' ".'~ ,~.' .!~'. ""'~ "f,"':i;:;' ~/,,,-';,j~;,*:!;;.lr:i.~'~~,,..;..~r
...'"~:oo;'~ .<.,",,<~
:fl;/;.F;'..~: :',: .~. '".\f('~~,~,~.f:;,~';~: ~": ;,r,:j.Ji;3~~~.~;'''Prl.I:"'j!;:''liIr'.:-jJa'!;,;,t{;:.~~,~,;;;~\:,-j~~~,~.("~;,,",,,~;;v.j'-o; < ~'".~,~;,1:;~~!i';' '- t- ...A;... "~~~-"~.l;;t",f:.~_~~lllf.o~"t:~~,,,"~-~~t~S'-"~'#4-?~,~';,~"',~:;~
.""i~i '
File: B31-96-oo9

Question: In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, may the fillet weld shown in Fig.
328.5.2B Sketch (3) (socket welding flange) be repositioned to the inside of the pipe?

Reply: No, unless qualified under para. 304.7.

Interpretation: 15-09

Subject: ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Para. 300.1.3, Scope; Exclusions

Date Issued: May 21, 1996

File: B31-96..QI0

Question: Does ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda apply to internal fuel gas manifolds installed in a fired

Reply: No, see paras. 3oo.1.3(c) and (d).

~~ .
.~. ' I

. Interpretation: 15-1 0

Subject:.... "ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Para. 304.1, Pressure Design of-Components;-,. ,>~/,

,--.': .... '.', ..

Question:'Ma';'ihe i~~emal pressure design thickness ~ ~ comp~t~ iri"~~o~cbri~'~~h the p;~~~'c,;

sions of ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda,' paras; 304.1.1 and 304.1.2 when 'tis greater thari'orequal to"
D/6 and P/SE > 0.385? .,
.". '( . !-(,~'~.,~/~ :~;:Jitj,~~~~~:~'~'/L,. >:;;,j; ~':' ~~,'- .'. >, ' ~." ,- '.

" . ,'Reply: Yes. However, it is the responsibility of the designer to providethespecialConsideratioii,>j":,":'~::

required in para.304.1.2(b). Alternatively, as an option to the owner, the design maybe in accordance ,.
with Chapter IX. ' . ". "

.. ';," .

. 831.3 Interpretations No. 15 1511, .15-.12 .;.:,..,

'. .' .. ........
~ ~.. ~. '~. . .. , ....
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" . Interpretation: 15-11

,Subject: .',' .. ASME B31 :3~;' i 995Add~nda: Table 323.2.2, Min'imum Temperature Wi;h1ti~-d;':::.;~~~'i;~fi;::Ea' .
Impact Testing for Carbon Steel Materials
"'~'..J':;;";'. '\'~~ ~. ,:...~,:-........ .t.;;:.- ..-\; "'''I''~,''':~''''~:.~:;,~

May '21, 1996.~~ ..~;:;:'~--",~ > - ,h::;';:.'" "';.': '~~'. '.~-\.~-j~ >,;;,: ~''::~ "~'~"""~1'; .

File: B31-96-014

Question (1): Does the assigned curve in the second sentence of Box B-3, Table 323.2.2, ASME
B31.3c-1995 Adden~a refer to the curve assignment from Table A-I?

Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): If the material has been heat treated per Note (2) or (3), Fig. 323.2.2, is further heat
treatment or impact testing of the base metal required for use below the original assigned curve, but above
the reassigned curve?

Reply (2): No.

Interpretation: 15-12

Subject: ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Para. 323.2.2, Lower Temperature Limits, Listed

. Date Issued: May 21, 1996 ,'.' .,< .

File: ,', .' B31-96-015, B31-96-016

Question (1): In accordance with ASME B31.3c-199S Addenda, when making blind flanges of ..
carbon steel plate materials which have a Fig. 323.2.2 Curve assignment in Table A-I, is the thickness:;,':; <.,>..
, .' . of the finished blind considered the nominal thickness when using Fig. 323.2.2 to establish_tlie~eedJor'r;'~~"'~.:t~~::.'r\

. . .,,'~',:.;,".;Dn~~;;i~:~;'':;;,:~~~t:;;',c:~:):~;,;;t'~;~:~rf~~),';~~1!!~~:~~4~'~~;:
Question (2): For carbon steel materials with a letter designation in the Min. Temp. column ofTable
A-I, can flanges manufactured in accordance with ASME B16.5 be used at temPeratures down to -10F
without impact testing regardless of thickness?
. .

;Reply (2): No, the requirements of para. 323.2.2 apply:

.... ""' ..:

15-13,15-14 831.3 Interpretations No. 15
, ' .. ." '

, Intetp;etation~'15-~ 13
SUbj~;;;:'~'<;';~';2;ASME'B3C3c~1995 Addenda, Pa~. 341,.. Examination

Date Issued:"""May 21; 1996 .." ..~~.~.

",'" '::', , i'~~.i"- .~ ."...:..... ,~.. ;
; - ..
..,- '~.-:;\'[.

File: B31-96-017

Question: If a fabricated valve meets all the requirements of ASME B16'.34, does ASME B31.3c-
1995 Addenda require that nondestructive examination in'accordance with ASME B31.3 also be per-
formed on the valve? .

Reply: No, see also Interpretation 12-12.

Interpretation: 15-14

Subject: . ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Para. 304.2, Curved and Mitered Segments of Pipe

Date Issued: May 21, 1996

File: B31-96-018

Question (1): In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, para. 304.2.1, can the minimum
required thickness t m of a bend; after bending, be determined by taking in consideration of lower .
(pressure) stresses on the outside of a bend (and higher pressure stresses on the inside of the bend) than
..,-: ..' on a straight pipe with identical wall thickness? - IV"~'" . ;Jr'>~j.-.,;~,~, ......!;";_.:~t.~,,;'"~ .. ,,-:-,~:,-~ . ,

~.-/ ..... -
. Reply (l):No, except asprovided in para. 300(c)(3)~ .,

Question (2): In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, 'Chapter IX (High Pressure Pipit,g),
can the minimum required thickness tmof a bend, after bending, be determined by taking into considera-
. j , ' . '...., ,; ->,:c,._ tionlower~tresses onthe outside of a, bend (and higher stresses on the inside of the bend) than on a~~;.:, ,i,.:.,<,-'

. . '.~ '. ... "!il!~~~r~;
' . ,.. Reply (2):. No, except as provided in par~300(c)(3).. "<' .. ; ,;C,",../.,;" .......... ,.~.~~~<1.~.:t),.;;,.,:...";.: . ':~: .. , .. '~.~,' ,
"1...,;. ":_"'_'-"_'~"';'" _ ," . >-: r. o, , ." ,."--"\';,' 'j,"',. !,',' _"': .
";-.",\" -.-.,:... ~'. ,' ~... ~t,,;':'/"_1~~:~l,!~:~,:j:~~:::.r-:~tr~~Yf"'~:,%\~~ ;-'-~~f:.'::''~::i,,-;;>,;r;-;.:~~~~;?,~~; .-/.~~. ~<-::~:J:2:~~:.~t'!'s-::-~,';/::}> '';:~;:.-t' . :_: i:~;

',""fl/j .

. :--- f:'r,< . '.:',';

.... ', , ",,~ :,;. ," ;.".,__ .." __ .' "~-' ',' ,"" , "4 ' .,,'C' .r--;;,' .

,.831.3 .Interpretations No.).5 . ' 1 51 5. 15-16

'\- ::..' , .' . '.~,. t ~ ..
, ,~. '...,'. ,: ..",..Ii -.:, "

'ASME B31.3c~I~95 Addenda, Para. 302.3.5, Limits of Calculated Stresses due to

;-., .-,-'. Sustained Loads and Displacement Strains

File: B31-96-020

Question (1): What is the definition of sustaineti loadings as intended in ASME B31.3c-1995
Addenda, para. 302:3.5(c)?

Reply (1): The Code does not offer for sustained loadings other than in the referenced. paragraph.
Sustained loads do not typically include forces resulting from applied displacements such as restrained
thermal growth. See para. 319.2.3.

Question (2): When flanges are subjected to external forces and moments, is it permissible to
calculate the stresses in the flange due to these forces and moments using BPV Code, Section VIII,
Division 1, Appendix 2, and using the equivalent pressure calculated from these forces and moments?

Reply (2): The Code does not provide specific design formulas for the design of flange joints
subjected to applied external forces and moments except as provided in para. 300(c)(3). However,
external forces and moments shall be considered in design. See paras. 319.1.1 and 321.1.1.

Interpretation: 1516

Subject: ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Table 323.2.2, Minimum Temperature Without

Impact Testing for Carbon Steel Materials

Date Issued: May 21, 1996

'''File: '''''.''';;';'';'''.'' B31-96-021 ..:> . . . . . . . . . '.,' ',' c'.. ,.,. ".. """.,,.,.~ ..;-, '~"
,~> .' .,>,;;,;,:.:,;:~,~~. ~:t,~'( ,'. ,.' ." .:'<:} 'Y:~;'./\:,.l,:< .. ', >:" ."~:#i{(,.-f~'2';!';;;~.:;;;~:{{:.9i.':i:J:;;~,~~';";!:;~;;~;\:.%:.:,:.,,: ',"
'.('<. Question(I):DoeSth~ assigned curve"in the second sentence ~f Bo~ B-3': T~ble 323:'i.2, ASME'~:;.'i' .' ..
."..... B31.3c-1995
. -;'.-, -.,
Addenda refer to the .curve
--".',; '.' ..-:-.,.. , '.- ::', ".:' ;.,'.
"~')'.<';:' -' .,
assignment" from
....., .- .'.: ....::.
,) .": '-'::
'. ;'. ....

Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): If the material has been heat treated per Notes (2) or (3), Fig. 323.2.2, is further heat
treatment or impact testing of the base metal required for use below theoriginal assigned curve, but above
the reassigned curve? . >

Reply (2): No.

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..':.;""\-,, n ~< ....< '~~',;
.831.3 Interpretations No. 15
._::i,,'.,-~:~;:~~~,~,).-,~~.'~~'l' ", ~ ;--i.," <'~~,.;".~!"~;~.~",~~~:.:~~".--::~,.~ .. ",~,,,,;~ '.,.:,;J,..~':'''''~'''''' '."" .,,,...... ,
." ", ":',,::. '.' Interpretation: 1517 ,',
. . . , - " . ;......;":;;:.;~ .. :':) . J ." :
; ,_...... ,'~~~"l,~~ ...'. ..,':'tI.~,:":::~i.J',-.;'..l~,.<..:.' ..A!'l:~..~'.'''~i...''':.-~N ~.,..:~ . . "m;.o::...:..,' ,)'..
.~t. . ~, ,. .~ :'. ~"'''':':" ;; ,,,~,,,,:,~,:, ~. ,.;.-.'.;',,,: .; ::.~.. ,<,I . ~>. "".'".;",-;, '", ~~"">i'" :''''~.. . .. . ..... '. "':.'" I. J .....

19~Edition, Para: 332.4.2(a), Cold Bending and Fonning ~~::~:
~,,' ._~" .... :."",~." "4:~',~jif. ..,::~ "'-"-:!'-Ilo."'''',Vf'\''I'!,o'.~''~:o('I':lt,:-~''''',.;:r;.,:'.'~'~'' "':'i'.,~,~;.~._'.' .. r.. ,. ,', - .'~
c.- J';",~ . , :,.... .-' .. --';' "'~,'" ' 'Vo'C'," ':__ :'. '" '~t.""~', .. '''':'' . ,~T ' __~'" ,~ .." . . ..- ....."'.; """,' ~~ .'" -'

... '';''.'' ', ''''r,'' ::"

,.~~,;,.,:, .. ~,~~.:r:;!:Date Issued: ~::"""October 30, 1996 : ~- ,~ !'!.'., '. _0'., .'.'-, , .

I .<~'-4.,:~... i,oO!;.. :..;.'";'t";.::~rt~A:1~-l.,J;,ij-:.-~'

...... ';"!'" '1O.... ;'#,"'..~....~"l'..~.)".....' .. ,.',,~'," ., " ",'.'!.'" -

~,.,~'6"-:";<,__,.':~:(~~~.jt[,';.;:i11~:: .......~,:jo.rtJ\1\"t~GiL~'!-~~tt;l" .. ~~~1lJ.' ..~'.','~~.'.:'.~,','~.,.',"':, ..... -,;,,:;-;,;:,~<,<,tJ,

File: B31-96-034
. I
"""'.~ . " "
Question: In accordance with ASME B31.3-1990 Edition, para. 332.4.2(a), cold bending and
fonning, can the elongation value for SAI06 B reported in the Certified Material Test Report be
substituted for the s~ified basic minimum elongation in calculating the maximum fiber elongation?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: 1518

Subject: ASME B31.3c1993 Addenda, Para. 331.1.3(b), Heat Treatment Requirements

Date Issued: October 30, 1996

File: B31-96-036

Question (I): In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1993 Addenda, Table 331.1.1 and para. 331.1.3(b),
do socket welds and seal welds with P-No. 5 materials with a chromium content greater than 3% but
less than 10%, a carbon content less than 0.15%, and a weld throat thickness of 0.5 in. or less require
.",.,",,..;w,,',, ,..', postweld heat treatment if matching filler material is used? ,.' ", ... , ' ' , " " " ? ", ,",v" '. """.'.'"

Reply (I): Yes, unless applicable provisions of para.' 331. 1.3(b) are met~

Question (2): In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addend8.,-Table 331.1.1, and para. 331.1.3(b),
do Socket welds and seal welds with P-No. 5 materials with a chromium content greater than 3% but
,,;";;~:;""5'.'."""'''''' less thaillO%,a carbon content less than 0.15%, anda weld throat thicknessofO.5 in. odesS require";:': ...

Question (3): In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Table 331.1.1 and paras. 331.1.3(b)
and 331.1.7, if a non-air-hardenable filler is used, is the base metal HAZ required to be 241 maximum
Brinell hardness for P-No. 5 materials with chromium content greater than 3% but less than 1O%?

. Reply (3): Yes, unless the applicable provisions of para. 331.3(b) are met.

Question (4): In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Table 331.1.1 and para. 331.1.3(b),
""',~i'"'~;":F.;:"''';;' .. ,,~ do ther~uirementsof para. 331.1.3(b) override the requirements of Table 331.1.1 relating to base metal
\'.,' ''':'''>';''''~iii".;' . group and/or' ihe specified minimum tensile strength? '
: '. " ,_" <.' . . . __ '. , . \ ".': : ... ~.:1".. ~. ",',;- e', .:',:;-.........:. ....,..,..

Reply (4): No, unless the applicable provisions of para. 331.1.3(b) are met.

. ,'.' ;,;B31.3!nterpretations No. 15. .' , . _.__.:"., _. ,,>..' 1519.1520
~'"--'.:~~" ,-~f~.A~i.~.~'''~~~fi\~~-,,;:':::-~~,J)4~~;'_~~~.';~. )_~"~"-';:""~;';""""'.:;'i: ....'';.:~,.~..,,:,
. . .....:.:~"' . ':.: ':'-Interpretation: '15-19
. .. "'" ..,{,.' ' ........"..'."! .. - <,..,.-," . '~'.. ~

."H' r;.:: ~_:~t~.~l'~~.i~:t$rY4,1.:~::'-'\'~~~~~~~.;ft' . ~-r, ,,".~.~.?,~ ,..- . :,~~.~ . ~. "!":f"-;';~W'_: . " ", ,'~'-,,-, .. "~.' -,:" ,"~. -.-. '" .-~~ -'j.-' .".: ~"_"'r'~'~'" ~
-:' -'-;,.. .,.

" ,:, ....~.:;,,:.-,'"'~,.,.SubJect:,,~;:~;<~,<~/ASME B31.3-1996 EdItIon, Para..328.2.3,.Performance Quahficatlon by Others'"

,-., . - ,..'",' . -. ",' ".- ;,,.-'.;,4 ...:..; ... ;.C. '." ....
'.,.~ ,:"t.".::~,:; '.\,~, ....::tt~-,l: "J..:';. .t !,'$':'".:.... ;'<"'"-,.;~,' .......,.-' :.. . _ , ' . "'.'- ' .......

.-::.::"....: . ;:,i:,?:~11:P~t~1~su.~:~.~~~~, Qc!o'?er 30, .1996~'::~;'::':''':':~'~'' ~,:,::.._...

:,:'.1:. ,,. ::,;,,:;;;;~'-":":;';';f,:~:~"""'~l '~-(::~:,~\~:~."~~X*a,~~~J~~,.,..~~t-:";-.".)\ l~~!_,, \""":M~1f,.':.~_~~... "\~. ~",: >,I.~~ ~ '~\ .~,' . '';-' ':.~. . "'.-; .

File: B31-96-037

Question: In' accordance with ASME B31.3-1996 Edition, para. 328!2.3, is it acceptable for an
employer to accept a welder performance qualification previously conducted by an organization whose
. welder qualification program, with the exception of testing under the full supervision and control of the
manufacturer, contractor, assembler, or installer, complies fully with the provisions of ASME Section

Reply: No.

Interpretation: 1520

Subject: ASME B3L3-1993 Edition, Hardness Testing

Date Issued: October 30, 1996

File: B31-96-039

Question: Does ASME B31.3-1993 Edition require P-No. 1 carbon steel welds, hot bends, and
hot-formed Components locally heat treated to be hardness tested? . '>-0.'"

Reply: No.

-- .)

,f '.-.

/ .. :..' .' ;~.~l _;.... .;; ., ;"": '.' .-;... '.~. , . )...: ~........,'.'" r."", .'~1r'-':;1''':~.\>O ~~...:4."',::4/"":,.. ~.:'\.<,,,::~.,;~~ . . . .o>...':.... U:;.l.\.:U:;:O",; ~.~:,"'.... ;o':~;:.'4...... . ;. ',.~., .'; ,.: :.~.,;",,:.'j"(.;

," . ' SUbject:;l;:;\~T'tJiM~,:;e~1

.. 3a.;.t?~3.A:ddenda; Paras~.342and 344.2, Examination
......~, ' .
',--' ";' Date Issued:,";"'~.~October30,~1996';':.>;<'~",;"""",~,~:,,,,\,,f""""'~;'~-,,"-:':,-..... ,... '.~.:' ...:. ,- "''':
.' 'J: '"\-''' ,;",,#~-;-~;,i:~~:",\,:<oltt. . 't'd.l'~i.';;~;:"~''"1.":.';;'".. ~,.".",f9s."'-L .~. ,-.',.,-, . '~~. ",' "".',;' ."'.:' . '::\).. " .' . , .', ' ....
.;, '~.7',\;~~..::(.'.t;.<.,., ",'-:'. ,(,~ :~~,,~~~itjI~'f:~.I:~~.I~il~til:t~'i;;'!~ttl;';l;~,,;..~~,,:tii.~.;~'.,;, .. :,i.~1t'~"'''~r;:~~l:'t'''~;~:''l.,
# ':-':I~~.~ :-.,.~t\:4.'~"_:"'::i~~;~ .. '.~ ..,," ,,.,'" ""''~r"r,.':;: '. '0"

File: B31-96-041

Question (I): Does'ASME B31.3a-1993 Addenda,' paras: 342 and/or 344.2 require that personnel
performing visual examinations required by paras. 341.4 artd 344.7 be qualified and certified in accord-
ance with SNT-TC-IA, Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification and
Certification? .

Reply (1): No.

Question (2): Does ASME B31.3a-1993 Addenda, paras. 342 and/or 344.2 require that personnel
performing visual examinations required by paras. 341.4 and 344.7 be qualified and certified to AWS
QCI, Standard for Qualification and Certification of Welding Inspectors?

Reply (2): No.

Question (3): Does ASME B31.3a-1993 Addenda, paras. 342 and 344.2 permit that the visual
examinations required by paras. 341.4 and 344.7 be performed by personnel that (1) meet the physical
requirements of ASME BPV Code. Section V, Article 9, (2) are competent to perform visual examination
in accordance with the manufacturer's written procedures and (3) the employer certifies and makes
available reco~ds of the examiner which show dates and results of qualifications?
'~);''-" '.' ; '~-""'" ",,:,.'

d.'...... ,'~ 'I, ,:.1 "~~'.' .~.:. .'; .~;~~::....,:.;. ;:j1~:;;A:.t,,; ;....r:~i~. ~:$ . ~~~:,::,,:':::... " ._ _ ."<\;:":"~~;" .; .~ ,'...~~, <

Question (4): Does ASME B31.3a-1993 Addenda, paras. 342 and 344.2 permit that the visual
examinations required by paras. 341.4 and 344.7 be performed by personnel that (I) meet the physiCal
requirements of ASME BPV Code Section C, Article 9, (2) have training and experience commensurate
' ...;,,,,,,,,:"'.,.with
.. ,-\lIe.
the needs
''' ,,' "
~<'''~.:''_'':''''.'' l ,i.. " " ..", .'
,,'., ..,.,.. ,"-.. '
. . ,'., . . ' ..
by , ' paras. 341.4. and 344.7, (3) have demonstrated__ "",'
~ ):.~:'" .,~ '''''\~''.' ~. >" ",,", . ''','.. ,- " ,

- .. 1t..t.Ir~~,competence t?perf0nn thevisWl1 exan1inations using th~ employer'swritten procedures througbwritten~:-., . '. . '
,,'{\;, '.' "~{~~~;"~*8nd'p~caf~tiiig1ldiDuristered bYJhe emj,ioyer,and (4) the employer certifieS and makes available';~,>'.} "', ~'" ".-'
.....' ", .' ., .. ' . recordS of the eXaminer which show dates and results of qualification? .' .' . , .
:f'it,i.k~~~*~;;,;'if~t""i~i.'ff;;;!};~~~~~*&;\f;'''i~f:;:';~;;iJ.~i:.'.~''f4r{;~~t",~~~(JI~);;:''~;{<;f,~J.',I,i;;'?;X S+:1\;,.. !;it}\:~;:;t.~~$\;\~fi:.' ...,
Reply (4):.Yes. ;:,\",

...... J, .."; ...,-:

':.~ '

C. 'r .~:,' -"""" ... \,,!.,,,,...'<,,,,,!",;:if~~~,.~~~?'~*~~~t,:;'-:\~'t")~,}.,.).,,,~ I"~,' :'-': -
< ':j~';"::: ,;~~."l~: ...'rt:: ~::~~if<\,_~~'~'~I.i. ;i~~l:"(:.(:O:fi/~.: :'Z"'"-i '::;':':;~~i ,i~ci t.,;.'. -" \.,::,',:>.r,

~'~' " -",'..., _c.:'>",~ ~.,,, .,,, ..., .',..y;{' .... 'l*"". .. "1 ._-~':j.t.~"I, .... ~"'t,;tt:':.,;J?''!'_~._\ ~~~~~"'~-":!>""'~'~"1'\~-'~<':"." .

\,' -.,
t. ,.-.}r:' ~ ~.~~.:; ,.~at~. _~~sued~~~~;(~:r~~ <?c~~b~~"".~~~. !!~~;;.~~;:,~:i~:7tj:~~~~;:~':;~::t~:t:~;:~)~2;;f;:,:::::t_~/.~~::~-~~
: .
.1l.,,".!t'- ,.-."~':-";': ),p;.;("";1,l)!;~.'t;;!<';: ~;~~n.,)r~~,;:i.-t";:~,,l;),._"-~/;;"'~~,.~.':l-tf4'\; ..~~";l~:'~'f.~~\:"fltj~t;,'t~~jJ~~~W~.tJ:).t:~,":~j;,t,~;.~t~'i*;~;,f,~'t? {>('\.~ .,;..~.;r.t~~. 'i(,' ;'~'::~"_ ,..:~: ',\?; :<''': .'li' ,~.j,:'~;::"'ln~t-':-
File: B31-96-043

Question: In accordance with ASME B31.3-1996 Edition, para. X302.2.a. is a pneumatic leak check
of an expansion joint at a test pressure of 110% of the design pressure, in accordance with para. 345.5,
an acceptable test? /,. '".

Reply: No.

Interpretation: 15-23

Subject: ASME B31.3-1996 Edition, Table 323.3.1, Impact Testing Requirements for Metals

Date Issued: October 30, 1996

File: B31-96-044

Question: In accordance with ASME B31. 3-1996 Edition, when qualifying welding procedures
which require impact testing, is the thickness range qualified to T /2 to T + V. in. rather than the range
given in ASME Section IX, QW-403.1O?

Reply: Yes, provided the criteria and thickness limits specified in ASME Section IX, para. QW-
403.10 are not exceeded. See ASME B31.3, Table 323.3.1, box A-5.

'.. _,.,:~~.~j~:;.;.,:~;~:,;~:,lrt~~~;j!0g;';:i;!;~;;~,!~:,;',::J;~;~~~i~:'~ff~;S:It.\~~~:;:~;:,~r,~-~; "";" ': ".,'.,~ ,~, . ,{; .,,;,;~ ,',' ':., ;;:~:~~,:':: '",:::~_;;:, , . . 1;-

:~. ,' i. :; .":~~', :~ :~:,,,,. Subject; n.:;. >~;,.~ASME 1331.3-1996"Edition, ,Par~: 3i9~3:t(b), The~~ Expansion Data <' ; : . :

File: B31-96-045

Question (1): In accordance with ASME B31.3-1996 Edition, para. 319.3.1(b), must all thermal
conditions of a piping system be evaluated for reactions on equipment?

':"'<;~';:''';"'~::'':'''':''''';''':~~);:?!'Question(2):.D~ ASME B31.3 provide specific ~lowable piping load limits for end reactions on
".", ':;.~t,,;~;, ;~,"' ;;equipment? .:;'~,~:~:'.,:l:~.:";~~,~i~~'.~::;.:.:~~;;':",~"i;:~~:;:';:2!::;/:;~~~:/. ~~!t "..'.. :',;'.;'",.....;, . ",'''".', __
Reply (2): No.


-~---~~------_ ..~ - - - -
15-25. 15-26 .{' ...,.. ...".;.. ..... ,i,.;.,.;.,..".,.\ ,,,,, ..B31.3.lnterpretations No..-15

,. ~", .

-, :'SubjeCt;':';::'~~" ''''.:ASME B31:3c-1995Add~~&:P;;:32i2".'2.'ici~;'T~iri~~t~ie:ii;i~:"~is~ed ,,,'" .

r." "-"C' , " . Materials .., ~.'" "'~'"'>"'" ,.,.,;."... ",
_", . . . ~.._~~... ";""":",'~"''''''''':'' _.,... j. _.. ;,,- ... ~.~.' ._, .:"".,~ -',0 ". _"" . . ,,_>

l .}.. ,<It' <",:.pate' ISsued: _~:. -.. . October 30, 1996 ,:.-l,:,';.:--.: ,,~.";"'(~"'.!"';:"-~~''::'~'!''~'''':'-i,',-;'l;~!:'-:-::';::.;..o;;..:.:~'~,~-,,-:l,..tlit~:i~~;"1,;~,~~}{~~~in'.I;'~:';'~"'('~':";' .~,:,:>~:,,:,t';"""-~(:"':;~ ;;~. "",,; F~;!~'J,..~r:,~ ~~"",-~,\ ',,--.'

File: B31-96-047
'.' , .. " c .

Question: In accordance with ASME B31.3c-1995 Addenda, Para. 323.2.2 and Table 323.2.2. does
P-No. 1 carbon steel subject to metal temperaturesbetween -20"F and -SO"F with coincident pressure
in excess of 25% of the maximum allowable design pressure require impact testing?

Reply: Yes, except as provided in Note (5) of Table 323.2.2,

Interpretation: 15-26

Subject: ASME B31.3-1996 Edition. Metallic Valves Lined with a Nonmetal

Date Issued: October 30, 1996

File: B31-96-049

Question (1): Does ASME B31.3-1993 Edition prohibit the use of a metallic valve lined with a
nonmetal in Category M Fluid Service?
", .., ....... ".,.\ -~ ;'.

Reply (I): No. "

Question (2): Does ASME B31.3-1993 Edition address a sensitive leak test for a metallic valve lined
with a nonmetal? --


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