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Colleen S.

De la Rosa
Drug Study

Brand Name & Indication Mechanism of Dosage Adverse Reaction Nursing Consideration
Generic Name Action

Clopidogrel Reduction Inhibits platelet Acute coronary CNS: Assessment

(Plavix) of atheroscler aggregation by Depression, Dizziness, History: Allergy to clopidogrel, pregnancy,
syndrome: 300 mg PO
otic events blocking AD Fatigue, Headache. lactation, bleeding disorders, recent surgery,
loading dose, then 75 EENT:
(MI, stroke, Preceptors on hepatic impairment, peptic ulcer
mg/day PO with Epistaxis. Physical: Skin color, temperature, lesions;
vascular death platelets, aspirin, given at a dose Resp: orientation, reflexes, affect; P, BP, orthostatic
) in patients at preventing lumping Cough, Dyspnea.
from 75325 mg once BP, baseline ECG, peripheral perfusion; R,
risk for such of platelets. CV:
events daily. adventitious sounds
Chest Pain, Edema, Interventions
including Hypertension.
Provide small, frequent meals if GI upset
recent MI, GI:
occurs (not as common as with aspirin).
acute GI Bleeding, Abdominal
Pain, Diarrhea,
Provide comfort measures and arrange for
coronary analgesics if headache occurs.
syndrome Dyspepsia, Gastritis.
Derm: Teaching points
(unstable Take daily as prescribed. May be taken with
Pruritus, Purpura, Rash.
angina/non-Q- meals.
wave MI), Bleeding, Neutropenia, You may experience these side effects:
stroke, Thrombotic Dizziness, light-headedness (this may pass as
or peripheral Thrombocytopenic you adjust to the drug); headache (lie down
vascular disea Purpura. in a cool environment and rest; OTC
se Metab: preparations may help); nausea, gastric
Hypercholesterolemia. distress (eat frequent small meals); prolonged
MS: bleeding (alert doctors, dentists of this drug
Arthralgia, Back Pain. use).
Misc: Report skin rash, chest pain, fainting, severe
Fever, Hypersensitivity headache, abnormal bleeding.

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