EOT Supervision

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DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY MAY 3, 2017: 33 THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF WORKS, TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION FOR UPGRADING OF MPANDA-UVINZA-KANYANI ROAD (252 KM)TO BITUMEN STANDARD, LOT 5 : eee MAGUNGA-UVINZA SECTION (65.50 KM) TENDER NO. AE/001/2016-17/HQ/C/51 REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE SELECTION) “The Government ofthe United Republic of Tanzania has allocated funds in the Financial Year 2016/47 Towers the cost of Te eaig of Manda Uvinza-Kayanl Road (252 Km) to Bitumen Standard, Lot 5: Magunga ura ‘Section (65.50 Km). The teatan of proceeds ofthe funds wil be used to cove eligible payment under the Contract for Supervision ‘of the Works. The Perel project islocated in Kigoma and Katavi Regions in the South-West partof Tanzania. ‘The scope of the assignment includes but not limited to: 0 Carrying out design review for the whole project. (iy ‘Approval of Contractors working program and drawings Gin SPprevision oF the works contract to ensure thatthe works comply withthe approved design, drawings, Specifications, conditions of contract and sound engineering practice w) Hpectation ofthe Final Construction Report and As Bult Drawings of ll completed works. w Preparation of the Project Completion Report. wi Supervision of maintenance activities during the Defects Liability Period. ‘The estimated period of the assignments 36 months inclusive of the Defects Liability Period from the commencement, date 4 The Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS), an Executive Agency of the, Ministry of Works, Transport_and The Tanzania Netow invites elgiale Consultants fo express interest in providing the above mentioned ser¥ttes, Interested Comma a ree formation indicating thelr qualifications for performing the services, Such nformaen hy Consultants must PreM Gption ‘of assignments of similar nature ine fast 10 years, experience In mat conditions, i ero renproprite managerial andtechricalskls among staff related tothe assignment et For each completed arate the Consultant shall provide the name and address ofthe Client start andl completed dates name(s) of lead and ero fate frms, Cited projects with insufficient information shall nat be considered. Consultants may associate to enhance thelr qualifications. Foreign firms must associate with local firms fo esos eligible for Ceaanare nt ‘The ossocations must be in the form of Sub-Consultancy or Joint Venture ony Consultants must the assignment. The “ior execution of the project under Expressions of interest in case of associations, capacities of associated partners will be joined and examined. A Consuitant will be selected in accordance with the Public Procurement Public Procurement (Amendment) Act, 2016 andit'sPublic Procurement Regulations, 2013. Interested Consultants may obtaln further information at the address below during office hours from 08:00 = 1620 hours focal time, Mondays to Fridays inclusive, except on Public Holidays. Expressions of intrest in writing must be delivered to the address below on or before At ere local time on 1*June Coe ote aed: “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION, SUPERVISION Boe y DING OF MPANDA.UVINZA-KAYANI ROAD (252 KM) TO BITUMEN STANDARD, LOT 5: MAGUNGA-UVINZA SECTION (65.50 KM); TENDER NO. AE/001/2016-17/HQ/C/51- Expression of interest submitted in electronic or fax formincluding CDs wil not be accepted. The Secretary, TANROADS Headquarters Tender Board 4° Floor, Airtel House, {All Hassan Mwinyl/Kawawa Roads Junction, P.O, Box 11364, Dares Salaam 09970013, “Tel: + 255 22 2926001-6)Fax:'4255 22 2926011; E-mall: pmu@tanroads.gotz The Chief Executive ‘Tanzania National Roads Agency DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY MAY 3, 2017 13 THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF WORKS, TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION AISULTANCY SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION FOR UPGRADING OF " MPANDA-UVINZA-KANYANI ROAD (252 KM)TO BITUMEN STANDARD, LOT 5: “MAGUNGA-UVINZA SECTION (65.50 KM) Pan aa OMe eA eee REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (INTERNATIONAL eo a nih teen) ‘The Goverment of the United Republic of Tanzania has allocated funds in the Financial Year 2016/17 towards the cost of Uparading of Mpanda- Uvinza-Kayani Road (252 km) to Bitumen Standard, Lot 5: Magunga-Uvinza Section (65.50 Km). The portion of proceeds ofthe funds will be used to cover ellaible payment under the Contract for Supervision of the Works. The Foad project is located in Kigoma and Katavi Regions in the South-West partof Tanzania ‘The scope of the assignment includes but not limited to: @ Carrying out design review for the whole project. i) ‘Approval of Contractor's working program and drawings ii) Supervision of the works contract to ensure that the works comply with the approved design, drawings, Specifications, conditions of contract and sound engineering practice. (w) Preparation of the Final Construction Report and As Built Drawings of all completed works. w Preparation of the Project Completion Report. Ww) Supervision of maintenance activities during the Defects Liability Period, “The estimated period ofthe assignment is 36 months inclusive of the Defects Liability Period from the commencement date. 3. ‘The Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS), an Executive Agency of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Comnmunication, now invites eligible Consultants to express interest in providing the above mentioned services. Interested Consultants must provide information indicating their qualifications for performing the services. Such information may Tehade brochures’ description of assignments of similar nature inthe last 10 years, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate managerial andtechnical skills among staff related to the assignment, etc. For each completed Sroject, the Consultant shall provide the name and address of the Client, start and completed dates, name(s) of lead and Efsociate firms, cited projects with insufficient information shall not be considered Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. Foreign firms must associate with local rms to become eligible for he assignment. The associations must be in the form of Sub-Consultancy or Joint Venture only. Consultants. must SSnonsGate capacity for execution of the project under Expressions of interestin case of associations, capacities of ‘associated partners will be joined and examined. ‘A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Public Procurement Public Procurement (Amendment) Act, 2016 ~andit’sPublic Procurement Regulations, 2013, Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 08:00 - 16.30 hours local time, Mondays to Fridays inclusive, except on Public Holidays, Expressions of interest in witing must be delivered to the address below on or before 10:00 hours local time on 1 gum 20r7clearly marked: “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION SUPERWI=lONW 7On UPGRADING OF MPANDA-UVINZA-KAYANI ROAD (252 KM) TO BITUMEN STANDARD, LOT 5: MAGUNGA-UVINZA SECTION (65.50 KM); TENDER NO. AE/001/2016-17/HQ/C/51" Expression of interest submitted in electronic or fax formincluding CDs will net be accepted. ‘The Secretary, ‘TANROADS Headquarters Tender Board 4° Floor, Airtel House, ‘Ali Hassan Mwinyi/Kawawa Roads Jun P.O, Box 11364, Dares Salaam “Tel + 255 22 2626001-6;Fax: +255 22 2926011; E-mail: pmu@tanroads.gosz ‘The Chief Executive Tanzania National Roads Agency

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